ITT: Post funny comics. No political shit please

ITT: Post funny comics. No political shit please.

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post stonetoss


Attached: 5e73b9efcda62.image.jpg (1200x802, 174.92K)

Sorry but all I have saved are political comics

Attached: b8744816ac1377ff04675348d4c3f0ae--clowns-guns.jpg (600x722, 78.12K)

>>114933102Could superman cure it?

Attached: comicwrestling1.png (720x460, 41.21K)

>>114933117Batman would stop him because Joker would somehow be involved.


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Attached: 7581ce_5704137.jpg (1450x1700, 533.53K)

always remember

Attached: just friends.png (922x2213, 157.42K)


Attached: 8120a7_5704137.jpg (1925x750, 282.62K)

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Attached: garfield.jpg (500x148, 20.12K)

>>114933294love these

Attached: tumblr_l0iwd2E6zD1qz8z2ro1_500.png (500x146, 82.6K)

>>114933189>Suck your bros dick to get back on a bitchBased

>>114933327That's too real and I don't want it.

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Attached: 1589299873-20200512.png (684x864, 151.91K)

>>114933051The Best.

Attached: tumblr_nj9guminkX1rsus6so1_500.jpg (500x540, 98.68K)

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Attached: fjv2eyeyo5a41.jpg (635x562, 46.76K)

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this comic is the origin of this face

Attached: hasnogames.jpg (1024x877, 214.65K)

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Attached: 218.png (1050x1307, 441.11K)

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Attached: beabear.gif (900x300, 53.93K)

>>114933570Nobody tell skeleton harvester that they have skeletons inside them

you guys remember captcha comicsI miss these

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Attached: perhaps pizzas.jpg (878x408, 111.96K)


Attached: download.png (233x216, 7.81K)


Attached: crook things.jpg (500x460, 67.93K)

>>114933564One of my old favorites.

Attached: PBF-Rubbed.png (650x1118, 82.77K)


Attached: brown assistance.jpg (675x618, 65.55K)

>>114933564This is an lost artifact and art in it of itself. We need to preserve it for future generations to come.

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Attached: ansberry.png (500x500, 49.08K)


Attached: daingert.jpg (930x702, 131.5K)

>>114933761oh shit, this one was minetotally forgot about it

Attached: windelf.jpg (912x589, 141.91K)

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Attached: grimaceprotein.png (794x1361, 193.87K)

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Attached: party.jpg (750x4640, 912.43K)

Spider-Man And Spider

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Attached: shiiiii2.jpg (1056x872, 174.06K)

Attached: 107.jpg (449x721, 113.69K)

>>114933862are they gonna fuck or what

I miss these

Attached: 1583549651727.jpg (500x3714, 342.36K)

Attached: is this....png (752x768, 574.69K)

>>114933548glad I wasn't born a chunklet

Attached: 1574285302445.png (1280x722, 188.61K)

>>114933932did they change the way captchas work because we were having too much fun with the,?

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Attached: religion in a nutshell.jpg (900x608, 200.31K)

Attached: inglip 2.png (1000x1090, 290.87K)

>>114934004this one doesn't even make sense

Attached: C9EEE028-8074-43AF-A51A-E066633EC640.png (980x360, 56.27K)

Attached: who turgled.jpg (807x527, 53.2K)

>>114933736I wanna fuck shen's goth boipussy

>>114934057it's an age of empires joke

>>114934004I dont get it

>>114934057There's no joke, just "haha religion bad"

>>114933862I love the sweater and I love what he looks like at the end

>>114934059Is that edward?

>>114934057In fairness, the meme there is probably older than you are. Can't blame you then.

but OP, how could i possibly know right from wrong without political comics?

>>114934104>>114934092>>114934057>this many newfags in one threadjesus.

Attached: WOLOLOOOOO.jpg (600x600, 26.95K)

>>114933442This is absolutely ruined by the caption

>>114934160I never played age of empires, was more of a tiberiuim son kind of kid

Attached: 744BD8D5-7104-4B70-B1F9-187AF1202618.jpg (940x1529, 295.67K)

>>114934191I mean, i've never played AoE either but the structure isn't too hard to suss out. >2 blues>WOLOLO>1 blue 1 red>they fighthaha game mechanics. Really, the real faggot here is that shit ass filename.

>>114933621i miss captchas in generalfuck these stupid image captchas especially the ones that load slowly

>>114933621ah yes, the wily and elusive brocoin trade.

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>>114934253why did they change to images, it's so shit, half the time it says i'm wrong when I click on the right shit.

>>114933904whats the twist? hes still a loser since mars and space clearly dont exist

>>114934288Transacted by fistbumps.

>>114933117Not by himself, but he could set the superdoctors of Kandor on the case and get it resolved a lot more quickly.

>>114934325i remember people making 4chan image dump tools where you could prep lots of images to batch upload and it could get around text captcha by loading a lot of them at once and if you solve all of them the tool can post uninterrupted

>>114933117pretty simple reallyall he needs to do is take down all the 5g towers

>>114934325Happens rarely to me but it's bretty fucking dumb yeah."No, that's not a bike, it's a *sculpture* of a bike""Ok fine learn the wrong thing you idiot AI"

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>>114934195lol nice

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>>114933736haha bikecuck

Attached: 085.png (1239x2638, 1.62M)

Attached: 2009-06-05-beartato-wrongname.gif (700x871, 46.35K)

>>114933987It probably had something to do with the second word having no requirement, so you could just type anything, with most people here opting to type nigger.

Attached: plaswithoutthehair.jpg (1041x1600, 573.21K)

>>114934441so does she get the candy or not

Attached: 1984_Viral_Pathology.jpg (612x770, 138.6K)

>>114934457plastic man seems like a fucking nightmare

>>114934441Then why'd she say Trick or Treat? With her hands open? But no costume?

>>114934512He's the best.

Attached: plastic-man-points-out-why-superman-is-a-villain-3.jpg (995x1519, 1.19M)

>>114934292>Deathbudge guy makes $150 a month from patron>hasn't posted in over a yearHow.

>>114933116>Joker (2019) Directed by Todd Phillips

>>114933564Fuck it's been a while.

>>114934524If I could draw a recognizable ET, I'd do one of these for this.

Attached: ET.png (450x86, 19.49K)

>>114934457Jesus this art style is so fleshy. It makes plastic man seem so god damn scary.

>>114933932I miss these too, one of them made the cultists march for 50,000 miles and they succeeded.

>>114934575Assigned Male makes like 3k a month.

>>114934702I can understand shitty stuff getting money, I cant understand someone getting paid for twelve months straight when they could very possibly be dead the entire time.

>>114933676RIP Ahmaud Arbery

>>114934568That may be my favorite page in injustice

Attached: a point.jpg (607x635, 76.49K)

>>114934741Can you imagine someone sponsoring like 60 different artists and not actually paying attention to which ones update?

Attached: 2 separate comics.jpg (540x539, 124.27K)

>>114934509Prototype (2009)

Attached: animal guards.jpg (460x2380, 258.4K)

>>114934835I’m a man, and I can do BOTH....What use does a GF have for me?

>>114934923Bear your children, the REAL reason to get in a normal (read: heterosexual) relationship.

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>>114934512Nah, Plas is cool; its just part of the meta joke between him and Elongated Man. DC created E.M. because they didn't know who held the rights to Plastic Man. After E.M. was already established, they realized that THEY had bought the rights ages ago and could use him whenever. Since this now made E.M. kind of redundant, it became part of his character that he resents Plas for being the first "stretchy guy" and plays up how he's (generally) more serious that Plas is.

>>114933595Pickles is such a cute comic

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>>114935130does anyone have that Doug comic with the snuff film?

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>>114933186Fuck, the pun got me.

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>>114935197why would you ruin a perfectly good calvin and hobbes comic with blizzard shit

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Anyone here still remembers the edgy humor of ElectricRetard? Good times

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>>114935216Oh sorry.

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>>114933102Who is that woman supposed to be

Attached: fucking sea lions.png (720x563, 178.45K)

>>114933116Which is more based, this or Cow Tools?

so funny

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