While I think I had been exposed to Huston’s run on the character before any other, this was the first Moon Knight run I ever started on the premiere issue and then finished to its completion. And to my joy it was written by Greg Hurwitz and penciled by Jerome Opena.They didn’t last the entire series but they did do the first five issues which I consider to easily be the stronger ones. I would have loved to have seen where they went with the series but I’m happy with what I got.
Moon Knight Storytime Pt. 2
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Yesterday's Moon Knight (Ellis)>>114909629Previous Osborn Stories>>114839223>>114859581>>114886267I went in with zero expectations and left a massive fan salivating for more.
I forgot how long ago it was when it premiered. Literally felt like yesterday.
It came from outer space.
Fuck yeah
Reinforced outer plating that can stop bullets and automated wrist launchers that fire moon shaped projectiles. Someone's been busy upgrading their armor.
I said it before and I'll say it again, this is a damn fine costume.
Mein Goblin
SOrry for the delay. Serious internet issues.
>Back to driving a cab.Don't think this is Marc. Also, Khonoshu getting flicked out the window will never get old.
Where the fuck is that window located? It looked like each side was just composed of rows of rooms. You'd literally have to hire an architect and say, I want this window to have some serious moon accents. That doesn't just happen by chance.Comic idea: Construction and Engineering company that builds locals and costumes for costume villains and heroes alike.
>>114931911>Comic idea: Construction and Engineering company that builds locals and costumes for costume villains and heroes alike.Meant to say locales, but the point still stands.
Gotta say, this issue ended on a hell of a cliffhanger.
While I consider Jenkins the defined Sentry writer, Hurwitz does a more than capable job conveying that he is a vulnerable yet incredibly powerful and most of all COMPETENT hero. Bendis on the other hand wrote a dissocative hero/villain combo with near limitless potential and the mental standing of a child (debating on whether ripping off someone's head is "good").
>>114930938>Entire run has MK duel wielding pistols >never fucking once in the whole run does he use them
I think it's neat that during this time Sentry was working for Osborn and had been used on occasion to bring in rogue heroes. Here, Sentry is basically encouraging Moonie to keep at it (but also know the moment he slips up he's fucked).
Nice page.
>>114932140Might have been a last minute censoring change. The wrist gauntlets could have originally been the pistols from the previous panel but that may have been a step too far.
>>114932206Awful. They both look like skinnyfat dweebs.
If someone could fill me in on who this guy is it would be super appreciated.
Hell of a way to make an entrance.
There is so much history in this page.
I got faith in you, Frenchie.
For some odd reason, I consider this to be one of the most unrealistic scenes in this arc. I refuse to believe that these mobsters wold just be cool with this fat sack of crap calling the shots. He's literally immobile. That "power" can't be backed up on its own. That's what made Kingpin terrifying. He was happy to call the shots and more than pleased to get into the ring and rumble.youtube.com
I want to say I'd poison that fat fuck, but then I remember I'd have to severely mess around with doses because the regular amount ain't gonna get the job done.
>>114932514God dammit it was right on the tip of my tongue. For some reason I kept coming back to Egghead but I knew that wasn't the case.
I love seeing The Hood like this. He actually felt like he deserved a seat within Osborn's Cabal. May not have been the most mature, but he was packing some serious mojo.
I wish I had picked up this series when I had the chance. I'll just have to settle with amazing scans.
>>114932740In hindsight I could always just buy some comixology issues but for some reason, that doesn't
>>114932740Doesn't feel "permanent". I love sharing comics with my friends and making fans out of them. I introduced a friend to Mark Millar with his Spider-Man series and he's been on the insane train since.
Fucking hell. Because this was my first real set of issues I had no idea why he was missing a face.
I love that at no point does Marlene ever seem like a Damsel in distress.
Marlene is mirin so hard Jake could burst into flames.
Opena would be amazing on a Spidey title.
I just looked this dude up...his actual name is Scarecrow.
>>114933323My man!This is unsettling.
>>114933138are lobotomized people good soldiers?
>>114933402Questionable. Depends on the degree of brain damage, but I REALLY want to say it wouldn't be worth the effort to convince them of your cause enough to actively work towards it.
Oh my god.
This is such a sweet moment. It means so much having read prior volumes.
Bendis.. more like Bent Over
>>114931023Isn't this run just a continuation of the previous one? He's still dealing with Osborn and all that.
Great choice OP. I bought this in singles as it came out. It gets kinda silly but Opeña art is always worth the price of admission. It was cool to see Marvel Scarecrow.
>>114933747So fucking jelly. I'm kicking myself for not buying them. I'm going to go back to looking. I just don't want to break the bank again.
I know another user consider's Moonie "too wide" but I think he looks fantastic, even as he's actively beating the shit out of goons/mental patients.
The more I'm exposed, the more I adore this costume. It's tacticool after a passing glass but easily one of the most "effecient" iterations after an issue or two. I thought it was covered from head to toe in armor but it was only after seeing that a very small part of Moon Knight is armored with external reinforced armor. I know the base layer is probably sig. effective, but he was far from Iron Man level (or even Dark Knight Level. - his looked more honored).
Weird question, but when you're reading comics do you prefer that the writer reference real locations "Roanoke, VA" or something fake like "Vulcan, VA"? Or would you say it's appropriate to have a mix of both? Love to hear thoughts. People say right what you know so that caused me to incorporates some places I visited. I've also gone nuts and made up cities in Iowa and Michigan. Just want to know what I can get away with.
>>114932060No joke, I honestly would buy a 6 issue mini with them together.
>>114933930My spellcheck dropped the fucking ball on those last couple posts lol.
>>114933945There are so many comics I would LOVE to buy copies of. It's shocking there aren't printing websites. Wherein they have a licence from Marvel or DC or Others and can "reprint" every issue in their catalog and send it to others. Doing this would kill the collector Market but expand significantly to the public sector. I'd pay well over a couple hundred darah if it mean to get hardcopies of my favorite titles.
>>114932716Honestly, The Hood bringing back villains from the dead left and right was one of the best parts of this time period. Kind of strange reading this and knowing that Jake and Bushman now text each other and have started a bowling team.
>>114933065>his brotherAh yes, the hatchet man. I get why they brought back Bushman, but I would have revived his brother too.
>>114933360He went from this to:>i sell crack and eat leftovers
>>114934351I love the post Born Punisher vague hints
Sorry for taking so long posting. I'm used to having a pass but I haven't quite figured out how to use the new payment system.
Hypothetical example, someone I know bought themselves a 8 inch round ice-cream cake that they've decided to split into eights. How many eights can one single individual eat before they pass the point of no return?
>>114930938Wtf i love you op
>>114934865Love you too random Holla Forumsomrade
Remove it!!!! REMOVE IT!!!
It was so easy to dismiss him early on. I'd be shittin in my pants even knowing it was just a projection.
>>114935042Well shit
Fucking hell this is not how I thought he'd end up.
I know it wasn't meant to last, but this is a beautiful progression in the Marc/Jake and Marlene relationship. It feels like a genuine mature relationship where she has been burned an insane number of times and is immune to most forms of bullshit. And then you have Mark, who's bullshit isn't self rightouts (like Daredevil in Netflix), it's just stupid.
And that is it for me. Sorry it took so long. I think I'll switch things up and try something new tomorrow. Sleep tight and stay safe everyone!!!!
>>114934993A little suggestive, there.