Good evening owls and robofuckers,BACK TO WAIFU
JSA Storytime: Transformers
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>>114930780so I started Odyssey in the sense of "it works and I got past the first part of the tutorial and then drifted away", which is a good start for me
>>114930787And you picked the *correct* player character, yes?
YES. It's time for THAT ISSUE (after the current one).BTW the covers of these issues follow a theme.
>TAAO againYaay!
>>114930780Hello, Storyteller. >Till All Are OneYay! We're back to something at least more interesting.
I didn't think this quarantine stuff was getting to me too much but I really feel on the edge of fucking despair today.
>>114930811Tex, you think I'm not going to be the hottest Greek woman imaginable???
>>114930859>>114930851I was going to be good and go to sleep early and work out today and hahahaha fuck no to all of that
>>114930811Ah yes, Alexios, the choice of 67% of the playerbase?
>>114930883I feel insanely tired. Like tired down to the marrow. Pretty sure it's a mental fatigue thing. Little things just setting me off like fuck too, stuff I'd normally laugh at.
>>114930923Looks like I have infected you I have that since I was 6. Maybe I quoted you once or you me and that's how it happened.
>>114930883>>114930904hah, sometimes it's nice to be reminded of fandom's insular nature. the other day someone asked one of the Bioware writers "so why won't you make this sort of DLC I want" and got back, to their utter shock, "did you know that most players don't play ANY of the romances?"
>>114931026literally the chad button basher vs the virgin fandom geek. You forget even fringe nerds who read the codexes an stuff are the exception.
also this was inspired
>>114931084as one of those fringe nerds who enjoys it, absolutely. When I start wildly speculating about where the next game plot could go, I am trying to keep in mind shit like "Carryover is minimal, the game has to be sold to newbies, and that means the crit path cannot depend on having picked up a nuance two games ago, it's all got to be understandable as a new person plays." But the fun of watching the obsessed who can't regulate their's going to be so good>>114931106oh goooooood
>>114930904>67% of Assassins Creed players have no tasteShock. Gasp. >>114931026>most players don't play ANY of the romancesI wonder why that is. Maybe because character driven subplots don't often lead to tangible gameplay benefits? Like, dating Liara doesn't get you exclusive tactical data, shacking up with Tali doesn't give you enhanced repair bonuses, etc.
Hi thread! Doing my regular check in during work. Hope y’all are well. New comic Tuesday is gonna take awhile. Batman getting his oval back but it’s a flashlight is some monkey paw shit Long Live the Legion
>>114931026See but I think they should look at that and think, "clearly players are not engaging with these characters", and take away that either a) the romances need to be improved significantly, or b) they should be catering more to the niche that engages more with the role-playing part of their game, otherwise why not just make an action game?It's a symptom of having to make all games appeal to all people, and what killed Mass Effect.Not to say at all that fandom should be catered to, like, ever. But if the majority of players aren't engaging with huge parts of your games, maybe you should be catering more to the people that are.
>>114931026FUCK YES Combaticons again.>"so why won't you make this sort of DLC I want" and got back, to their utter shock, "did you know that most players don't play ANY of the romances?"Yeah it's really funny to study discrepancies between internet presence and actual percentage of people doing/following/liking a thing. Regarding ME it seems like 95% of the people were romancefags and most of them women playing female Shepard and romancing Garrus but in reality almost all casual gamers either never romanced anybody or did it with a human and didn't care much and certainly didn't play that DLC that contained all the romance related extra stuff and it's like that with a lot of things.Makes me actually wonder why certain subsub fanbases have this immense presense. If 90% like thing X why is the few that like Y that produce almost all the fanart and start the internet discussions? Is it because fetishes liek Y are so rare that these people latch onto it so hard since they have nothing else? Or is it that the type of people that are into stuff like Y are generally the autistic types that tend to live on the net rather than in real life and prefer escapism and fiction over typical normalfag hobbes? I talk too much.
>>114931166If you're the user dealing with horrific customer service I hope this shift is easier for you.>>114931165tbf I didn't romance anyone on my first ME playthrough and there are plenty of games with romance options where the romance options aren't what I'd want.
>>114931165The majority of people who play video games still just view them as toys to shootbang terrorists and aliens in.>>114931142I can very, VERY strongly relate to this, especially with Mass Effect. I'm STILL speculating on the future
>>114931172Naw, I think the lesson is "most people don't play the games for the romances, they play to play through the game", so make the romances for the part of the playerbase that engages with them BUT you can't make them as central as that part of the playerbase wants because they're hideously expensive flagging nightmares
>>114931006Sorry to hear it senpai. >>114931188OP is much more steeped in fandom than I am but she's talked before about how big name fans or memes can create a kind of orthodoxy.
>>114931241I tend to do at least one romance because they're extra content and I love content, but I'm also a completist etc. But I ship Hawke/celibacy in DA2 because everyone you can fuck is a trashfire or an asshole and not in the ways I like
>>114931285The Transformers: Autocracy Storytime:>>114919095I posted it, this miniserie was launched during the RID/MTMTE season 1. It has the Orion's transformation into Optimus Prime and the origin of Hot Rod / Rodimus!"The Decepticons have taken the city-state of Kaon. They now work to sow dissent across Cybertron via terrorist cells. Orion Pax leads a team in an effort to stop them, while confronting the true nature of what it means to be an Autobot."
>>114931241>>114931285The funny part of this is Starscream not wanting to be there but there's no way he'd let anyone else sit in his place.
>>114931084>>114931142Ugh. Speaking as a lore-fag, it is really frustrating to see people actively disparaging the very idea of background information. Sure, it's understandable that some people just want to play the game, but how can you not at least try to get invested in the story and setting when it's right there? Then again, the people I'm thinking of almost universally object to stopping and reading, which... okay, pal. Sorry, but seriously saying "But I don't wanna read!" makes you look like an idiot.
I listened to a Gerry Dugan X-men I nterview and remembered that Cable is doing ROM shit so someone needs to get storytimer the Marvel run to post so I can be caught up
>>114931285>>114931253Yeah, a BNF in a fandom can lay down interpretations other people follow, or attract people into a fandom, etc.>>114931188also that, for some people vidya is a hobby they like to get more creative with, and you find a community that's likeminded and ultimately end up thinking more people are like that then really in, in the grand commercial scheme of things. Ongoing player engagement needs those people, but it also needs the kinds of content, like new maps/missions/areas, that more casual players will do, not just "talk to your companions more and go on a date"
>>114931165>I wonder why that is. Maybe because character driven subplots don't often lead to tangible gameplay benefits?I think we underestimate casuals. People like us will only not choose a romance option if we have >>114931211 problem but casuals, as in, the very very big majority of people that play a game, barely even collect the items, overlook a shitton of stuff, don't talk to NPCs and just run through the game and never look back.It's the same with series and the reason for why complex stuff will rarely get popular. Most people watch movies and such while talking with friends or eating and they probably don't even stop the stream when they go to the kitchen or something. It's just that we only see the people that post about a series and if you do that it's already proof enough that you care more about it than 99% of the audience.
>>114931188>Or is it that the type of people that are into stuff like Y are generally the autistic types that tend to live on the net rather than in real life and prefer escapism and fiction over typical normalfag hobbes?I think it's probably this. Starscream fangirls are an excellent example actually, they make tides and tides and tides of fanart and fanfics and shit, yet when you actually look at demographics, Starscream is a far cry from the most popular character in the franchise, and most people who do like him like him as a vile piece of shit who constantly gets his comeuppance, rather than as a weird husbando/psudo-SI thing.Or hell, look at shit like Halo, if you just looked at the internet you'd assume anyone who likes Halo is a retarded kiddie who thinks Master Chief is literally invincible and will throw a tantrum if he ever looses, but that couldn't be further from the truth.> I talk too much.Don't worry about it user, putting stuff like this out there helps people think about things like this and create a better perspective for themselves.
>>114931335also, for newbies, there are good ways to feed them information and get them interested, and clumsy ways that work less well, and that's a real test of writing skill but also the multimedia "narrative design" thing
>>114931394>a vile piece of shit who constantly gets his comeuppance, rather than as a weird husbando/psudo-SI thingbold of you to assume these are separate
>>114931417>bold of you to assume these are separateWell, considering the lot who view him as the latter constantly whine about how any character who doesn't lay down and die for his benefit is 'abusive' towards him... yeah, I'm pretty sure they are largely separate.
>>114931395I have weird thoughts on that. I don't put much stock in pure mechanical grinding like we were talking about with FFT last thread, but inaccessibility can be a big part of design.
>>114931395I always find that making the lore into a series of collectables helps a lot. Metroid and Resident Evil do this, and nobody really seems to mind, because the lore is itself direct gameplay content. I think Ubisoft tries to do that, but they quite notoriously have way too many fucking collectables in their games.
>>114931565I hate collectables honestly. If you have them in your game I'm just gonna look up how to find them if it's important and ignore them if it's not. The moment I see 1/1000 collected I solemnly vow never to legitimize the work that went into that.
>>114930780Hey OP.
>>114930787Does it have the base/army building element of the PS3 era games? I haven't played one since Black Flag.
>>114931440>>114931474I'm interested in things like how you keep an RPG challenging without bulletsponge HP bullshit, and how you have an open world but gently nudge people away from overleveled death traps, etc.
>>114931565It helps when the lore isn't actively in conflict with what's shown on-screen. With Mass Effect, for example, the Codex says that ships are aligned vertically to their axis of thrust- i.e. they're skyscrapers with engines at the bottom- this is clever since it means that when the ships' engines are on you've got instant artifical gravity with no contrived bullshit technology nessicary... yet the actual game has every ship being a run-of-the-mill engines-at-the-back art major nothingburger. Even for a lore nerd like myself, it makes the Codex feel like a waste of time since nothing it's describing is actually in the game.
>>114931394Interesting that you said that. Because I now realize that most fan content is either weird side-characters, villains or deuterovillains unless a good guy is paired with one of these, then the good one also appears (with them). Especially for TF. I love to collect nice fanart so I do it here too but I barely have Optimus fanart, let alone other good guys save for Ratchet maybe who seems very popular because of Drift. In general what I see the most often are the villains including Megatron. Damn I noticed that before but never that directly. I feel that even psychos with not much screentime like Overlord have more than 60% of the rest of the cast and the Autobot I see the most often by far aside from Ratchet is Prowl.I remember how I barely knew anything about Naruto once and thought that Sasuke was the MC because he was everywhere on the net. Not actually a villain but he is the rival and seemed to be more conflicted. But yes that fits to the "autistic" thing. It makes sense that people that are not normal relate to characters that aren't either or are conflicted. Interesting.
>>114931652>gently nudge people away from overleveled death traps, etc.speaking of which, be sure to check the level scaling options in odyssey.I think default always has them level to you and above.
>>114931650no idea, this is literally the first AC I've played and I just got to "go find this guy at the vinyard"I didn't kill the mooks, Tex
>>114931650There's an up-gradable ship, but that's it.
>>114931652Oof yes, this is when she starts to turn hateable...on purpose,
>>114931417For some yeah, but for most of this fangirls, no.
>>114931667I really enjoy DA lore because every codex is from an in-universe POV, and sometimes they use that against players in really fucking funny ways. Like how they know much of the playerbase is predictably edgelord about the dominant religion, and you see it disproven in some cases, and then it turns out to be correct unexpectedly. I love that kind of "know your fans" meanness.
>>114931667>Even for a lore nerd like myself, it makes the Codex feel like a waste of time since nothing it's describing is actually in the game.The Elder Scrolls special. What if all the most interesting ideas in our game were in books you had to pick up and read?
>>114931754IRL people are incapable of holding nuanced positions on organized religion, it's a lot to ask of a fandom.
He OpI did work out today, but I also ate fried chicken. Holla Forums is pretty lame, lately, although the annotated silver-age story times have bern fun.
>>114931470I think I only ever witnessed this with Starscream. There are a ton of male and female fans who want to fuck dominant evil characters for fetish reasons but they are always straight forward as to why they love them and pretending they were innocent would be contradictory anyway since them man- or womanhandling the fan as the villains they are is the whole reason for why they fantasize about them.
>>114931652This page made me belt out a long, hardy laugh. >I'm interested in things like how you keep an RPG challenging without bulletsponge HP bullshit, and how you have an open world but gently nudge people away from overleveled death traps, etc.Same. It's easy enough to do with puzzles, but combat all too often comes down to pure numbers. Presumably you could emphasize weaknesses and tactical patterns, but you'd need to take care to keep it from devolving into "hit eye, instant win".
>>114931776I know, but it's funny when it's used to pull tricks on a fanbase by hiding shit in plain sight in the games
>>114931851Hi Op, what did you think of Autocracy?
>>114931800I really, REALLY wanna post Promethea but this place is just such garbage right nowI noticed at least one storytimer has just gone to /a/
>>114931851>>114931864I haven't read it
>>114931813Sassy-Soupey from Boruto's Dad is probably the closest comparison... and maybe Seperoth? I'm not into Final Fantasy but I always hear people talk about how Seperoth gets waved of his crimes by fans because he's pretty...Actually Anime Prettyboys in general seem like a good point of comparison, Starscream's just unique in that he's a giant robot.
>>114931877is that the cerebus guy?
>>114931879>>114931883there's definitely Sephiroth apologism out there, yeah
>>114931895Promethea is Alan Moore's comic about magick
>>114931652I played WoW back in the day and I was always amused at how usually the game kept the players in level-appropriate zones simply by not having big level gradients in zone boundaries, but then there's the Redridge Mountains (20-30) / Burning Steppes (50+) boundary which is just funny
>>114931921no, there's a storytimer who did all of cerebus a few months ago, and started again on the weekend. I think he was supposed to continue today but did not.
>>114931188I hate to say it, but it almost makes the goobergraters that harassed the ME3 writers right. They weren't, they were clearly assholes who shoulda maybe laughed at "easy plot only mode" and moved on.
>>114931923when I first got loose on the big map in Witcher 3 lemme tell you Geralt ran away REAL FUCKING FAST from some things :D :D :Dthat one level 45 hippogriff in Skellige is still trashing me
Cerebus is one of those comics I cannot reread ever.
>>114931944Yeah same guy AFAIKPosting Devilman right now
>>114931947the DA writer who got harassed for talking about plot mode was 1) correct, sometimes you want to replay for choices and not fuck with combat 2) wrote some really good parts and I'm pissed how she got treated
>>114931851>bottom panelSubtlety is for people who don't have toys to sell. >>114931879>the lone female Prime of 13>gets fridgedYeah, y'all can whine that I'm making a fuss of this, and I don't care. This? This is some bullshit.
>>114931957Oh yes, I definitely played the "how far can I run into Burning Steppes before dying" game
>>114931990>Yeah, y'all can whine that I'm making a fuss of this, and I don't care. This? This is some bullshit.Nah, that's a well-known thing people have bemoaned for years.Pic related.
>>114931979True. That's why Visual Novels have that fast-forward button too that skips all text up to the next part you either hadn't read or an option that branches the plot again. Otherwise nobody would read the other routes, it's just an useless waste of time. I replay a game if there is a whole different route to go through with different fights and so but rather not for extras that happen parallel to the gameplay and mainplot.
>>114932054I like it when RPGs do have replay value and different choices, and modes that help you not have to grind so hard. also the modern stuff of "choose your axes of difficulty"
>>114932054Yeah... look, I can't speak for anyone else, but I would have totally been down for a plot-only mode for Mass Effect, not because it was too hard or whatever, but because cover-based shooting is a crime against god and should be banished back the hell from whence it came.If people were begging for a story-only mode for something like DOOM, yeah, that'd be absurd, but show me even *one* person who played Mass Effect or Dragon Age for the gameplay, and I'll be shocked.
>>114932054The first Zero Escape game didn't have any fast-forward mechanism, and as the game requires you to play multiple branches it got pretty annoying to have to replay the intro bits every single time.Fortunately the second one introduced a tree mechanic that meant you could skip the bits you'd already played.
>>114931990>Subtlety is for people who don't have toys to sell.But they don't have toys afaik.
>>114932100They do, just bad ones that don't remotely capture their likeness.Someone somewhere thought that it was a good idea to have the toys for the Primes also be the attempt at a Pretenders revival. That someone was an idiot.
>>114931883>>114931901I don't get the love for Sephiroth. He's, well, kinda boring. He's just this power hungry mystery man who wants to destroy the world because he found out his mom is an eldritch abomination. Pardon if I don't find that terribly compelling. Hell, at least Crisis Core, of all things, had him act like, y'know, an actual character for a minute.
>>114932097there are people who obsess with soloing DAI on Nightmare, but hey, I'm not gonna kinkshame
>>114932139Dammit. I must admit I like the whole Prime shit I want nice toys. Funny enough idw'ish looking Sentinel has two.
>>114932155>there are people who obsess with soloing DAI on Nightmare, but hey, I'm not gonna kinkshameWatOkay, look, I'm something of a difficulty fag myself- it's impossible to be an XCOM fan without being okay with the game doing it's damndest to crush your balls in a vice at every oppertunity- but that just sounds dull.Then again, there are also people who like Gears of War somehow, so... I dunno, I just don't get enjoying that type of gameplay.
>>114932203It's a real grind until you get to Skyhold because you need specs unlocked, but some of the builds are batshit insane broken, especially Artificer.Vivienne as K-E can solo a dragon, set up right
>>114931652Based Elita
>>114932079>Starscream suffers under the weight of the crownI love this, and I really wish we had gotten this sooner. Like, you wanted to be in charge, bro. >>114932097Imma be real, I never really enjoyed the actual gameplay of Mass Effect. It was only ever fun to play after Andromeda revamped it. I signed up for the story and setting. ... And the waifus. Definitely the waifus.
>>114932143He seems to be popular because of Cloud and vice versa. Sometimes characters are popular as hell because of ships. Hell I remember that era when half of the internet was nothing but Sephiroth/Cloud, Guts/Griffith or Vegeta/Whoever. Shinji/Kaworu is another one of those examples.
>>114932202>Dammit. I must admit I like the whole Prime shit I want nice toys. Funny enough idw'ish looking Sentinel has two.Time Grandpa had a kickass toy from the 00s, but otherwise the best you're going to get is two or three Fallens that are all of the lame, not-always-on-fire designs.Third Parties however are perfectly willing to fill that void, for the price of your immortal soul and firstborn child (pic related).
>>114931565I am so glad you can at least get maps to the collectables in Ubi games. Fuck GTA style "consult a guide to find them all" collectables.
>>114932250shame there were zero waifus in andromeda
>>114932250>I love this, and I really wish we had gotten this sooner. Like, you wanted to be in charge, bro.Funny enough it make me like him a lot more and it's a brave decisition to not only make the ex-villain sidekick the ruler in a post-war world but even dive into the problems politics bring and how even a dream like "be a powerful ruler" is only nice in your fantasy but not in reality.I mean everybody that ever took a job because it sounded interesting or was what they were always dreaming about knows how much of a disappointment reality is.
>>114932308There was the Turian girl. The rest were of too poor quality to be mentioned...Also Peepee the racoon Asari fired bullets out of the grip of her gun while holding it backwards in one cutscene, and that is hilarious.
>>114932281Bless 3Ps, really. They make so much great stuff and are often the only option you have if you like a shitton of characters.
>>114932267Well that only makes less sense because Cloud is a fun character with a proper story arc and growth. I love that broody boy who pretends to hate fun because he's desperately trying to look cool. Sephiroth though? I can't really describe his personality beyond generic villainous smugness. Also he wants to fuck Cloud. Sorry, but that ain't enough for me. >>114932294True. Really, most open world games with collectables fuck it up. Unless exploration is the point of your open world game, just don't bother.
>>114931979>Starscream taken aback Cute
>>114932355Turian girl was good and it's bullshit she got sidelined everywhere but the game.
>>114932308>>114932355Man the choices were terrible imo. I am okay with both genders but the only ones I didn't actively disliked when I started the game were the Turian and the new alien species guy and the latter turned out to bore me and the Turian was the best I guess but too vanilla for my taste and everything else was well let's say not my taste.
>>114931979Oh man I start to like Starscream he will get a terrible end like everybody else I ever cared about won't he? Rhetorical question, let me live in delusions that at least the guys of this series here will have good ends including Onslaught.
>>114930780Late to the thread but I'll catch up!
>>114932308Eh. I did like some of the characters for the short time I played Andromeda. I've probably mentioned this before, but the game just wasn't doing for me for some reason. Love the premise, the gameplay was actually enjoyable for once, the cast had some likeable players... But I dunno, it's just missing that spark. >>114932351After reading ROM vs Transformers, I have concluded that this is what he fucking gets for bullying Stardrive.
>>114932472Don't ask these questions cause you have a 50/50 chance of an actual answer in spoiler text or a dumbass "Oh maybe maybe not but look out for the rubber donflap and boy isn't it funny how that one robot said "headmasters" 22 chapters ago" or something that will spoil it for you if you think about it for more than two seconds
>>114932351Yes, the final results may vary for some people but IDW did a lot of brave shit nobody will ever attempt again No really
>>114932491>but the game just wasn't doing for me for some reasonI am convinced there isn't a single Andromeda fan on this planet. Most ME fans I know didn't even finish that game and I am talking about the hyperfixiation type of fans. I was personally kinda hyped when that gay turian appeared because he had a connection with Saren and other trilogy dudes and had an interesting backstory but it was just a mission and then he was irrelevant and coincidentally or not the only male gay turian happened to have his bf killed and I wasn't a fan of this either especially because it didn't cause the emotional impact they expected a non-onscreen character to cause so the death wasn't really worth it.
>>114932540so how are you all?
>>114932225>GUILTYSpare me this mockery of justice!
>>114932571Yeah and it's sad. And also sad that such comics will always be an incredible small niche, the majority of TF fans don't even know they exist.
>>114932671Doing great! Only kinda bad call today was someone calling me two minutes before closing and then talking for 37 minutes but he was nice enough
>>114932701hah, WOW
>>114931883Lots of Catra apologists for the new She-Ra, too.
>>114932709If you want to look at things like that, most TF 'fans' for the past decade were brainlets in love with the Bay movies who would honestly say that Murder Prime was an improvement because they saw normal Optimus as 'a pussy' and somesuch.
>>114932723>>114932782that's like basic foe-yay shipping, too
>>114932671Doing alright. Kinda trying to figure out how much is too much in terms of protagonist resources. Not that I particularly care about dipshits whining about "MUH MARY SUE", but there is ultimately something to be said for limiting what the heroes can do for the sake of maintaining narrative tension. >>114932583>I am convinced there isn't a single Andromeda fan on this planet.If there are, I'd be interested in hearing why they like it.
>>114932709Well, a lot of people here know that the IDW comics existIt's just... you know... Retards...
>>114932782Yeah, that show's been in the 'avoid' zone for me since pretty much every identifiable person I have ever encountered who cared about that show was a huge asshole obsessed with that cat girl doing the nasty with the main character. And in my experience, that kind of thing tends to be a bad sign.
>>114932723>Killing Squirrel Girl bot
>>114931957Why didn't they simply dismantle Vigilem's t-cog?
>>114932815oh, the fandom is full of toxic morons, it's a show for children so of course it is
>>114932155I kinda stalled a bit of DAO becuase the gameplay is, frankly, very MMO for a single player game.
>>114932864my biggest problem with it these days is that some of the areas are real slogs, and the art direction is so BROWN
>>114932688Oh shit. Suddenly Airachnid. So she's originally from Prime, and Arcee's archenemy in that show. >>114932701>>114932723Hrm. Y'know she wasn't really any less evil in the show, to be honest.
>>114932862Yep! Here we go! Here's the part that everyone screencapped and complained about endlessly!I have to say though, the fact that this scene is set up like something out of a bad slashfic written by a 15 year old fujoshi *cannot* be unintentional. I remain convinced Scott was intentionally trying to lampoon that shit.
>>114932807Do Transformers boomer fans like Sentinel? Is he meant to be a self-insert for those that hate things that are new and different? I mean he especially hates romances and gays and fembots just as most of the IDW haters I saw. Really makes you think. I bet he would post those trans panels too.
>>114932671reading OG New Teen Titans. Shocked that Terry appeared by issue #8
>>114931026Most gamers either go for whoever has the best game play benefit or go all in to make a waifu with anime armor and 4K lactating nipples
>>114932815To be fair Adora and Catra are unbelievably gay for each other in the actual show itselfIt really is a cute show though and if they ever do a Wonder Woman or Amethyst cartoon I'd be happy to have the She-Ra crew make it
>>114932815I still haven't watched that despite everybody saying it's good. But I am not too much a fan of those drawing styles and it looks like princess stuff.
>>114932904See, Starscream's learned something about jerking a bot around, by now
>>114932815I do not know what you're talking about. Most of the threads on 4chan were good (taken from those that are to be noticed by the OP that is created by crazy fans of the original seire). And look, I don't like Catra.
>>114931335People love Metal Gear lore. It just has to be insane enough to enjoy.
>>114931026>>114932950Reminds me of how every person save for one gamer I met in real life that ever played games with WORDs like Layton or even RPGs tends to skip text altogether. Hell I think Layton has cool stories so I was happy coincidentally finding two people around the same time that played them and both only did it for the minigames and skipped everything else and I have seen this a lot even with JRPGs and don't get it.
>>114932701>>114932723I like this personality for her better than the Prime version to be honest
>>114932924They don’t care about him since he didn’t appear in the gen wun animated series. They don’t care about anything other than a small subset of Gen Wun. Also, not Japanese gen one, since japanimation is all hentai or Speed Racer
>>114932989I haven't really payed attention to it on doorchins (thus why I said 'every identifiable person'), but elsewhere? Yeah, everyone who gives a shit seems to be the kind of autistic fucktarded asshole who changes their avatar to whatever their new favorite ship is and then screams at you if you don't like the same things they do.
>>114932546Legit hate the hinting.
>>114933027At some point, games are just a problem to min-max and lore doesn’t give you anything.
>>114932989I NEVER know what people are talking about when they speak of toxic fanbases which is either fun because I am unbothered or sad because it shows how incapable I am to form any types of social contacts and don't know anybody anyway. But I always enjoy series and see everybody hating on the toxic fanbases and never know what happened.
>>114932671Disappointed by my supper--the delivery here is crap--but otherwise good.
Is there a mega for shattered glass?
>>114930810Is that Rattrap in the back?
>>114933013>>114933073it helps if like me you have decades of experience gawking fandom trainwrecks
>>114932883>my biggest problem with it these days is that some of the areas are real slogs, and the art direction is so BROWNCan we talk about this unacceptable shit for a second? Why. The Fuck. Was everyone so obsessed with gritty realism, that we all temporally forgot that real life has an extremely diverse color palette? It wasn't even just video games, this shit was everywhere in the mid aughts and early 2010s. What happened? >>114932902My only question is how they're supposed to kiss if one of them doesn't have a mouth.
>>114932815I just think the shows funny
>>114932671I was so tired after work I passed out for a 20 minute nap.Still hating myself for not doing enough to reduce my backlogs and the self loathing thereby caused..
>>114933073It’s worst when there are multiple continuities and everyone has their camp.
>>114933096Grimdark was really in, Cranky. My main annoyance with DA is that some of the lore in the latest short story book was heading too weird for my taste--that's TES shit, not DA
>>114933038>since he didn’t appear in the gen wun animated seriesOh damn I forgot. He is an old character but true, not in the cartoon. Damn. Would have enjoyed seeing people sympathizing for those reasons at least it would be fun to me imagining him instead of an user hater raging and typing on his keyboard when I argue with someone again.
>>114932862I've seen this page posted in every single IDW hate thread but I have never seen this page >>114932883 until now lolAnd I remember people being mad about ONSLAUGHT being gay so again more people mad who never read it
>>114933147No one posts stuff out of context on 4chan
>>114932924They say he's a Trump parody and they're done with it beyond that, to be honest
>>114933166This is great shit, my good owls
>>114933185Starscream does an excellent "devil on your shoulder".
>>114932815>>114932974I honestly recommend it. It's not Last Airbender good and it's not going to change your life, but it's an entertaining, character-driven study of the cycle of abuse and the ripple effect it has. Fair warning, though, the first 6-8 episodes are>go here>meet character>basic lessoncrap. Wouldn't've stuck with it without my fiancee asking me to. It picks up starting around the princess prom episode.Also for better or for worse it's a lot less gay than you'd think: all the successful ships involving main characters are straight.
>>114933047I mean that's basically every large fandom for anything that appeals strongly to girls age 16-21
>>114933091There's a G1 version of Steeljaw from RID15, in the second panel
>>114933091I would actually like to witness drama I like drama as long as I am not involved.>>114933097Well I semi-quoted because that's what the people call them. Or maybe it's like a plague and they are like that, not sure. I feel like the most toxic people, if I am allowed to use that myself for once, are those that call everything else toxic. It's the lovely "if you like this character/whatever you are the problem" people you totally want to be friends with because there is nothing I love more than thought police.
>>114933185why can't Starscream always be this good and yet hateable
>>114933208Which is weird because most of the vitrolic assholes I saw were dudes? I think anyway, it's hard to tell over the internet admittedly.
>>114933096They have mouths just mouth pieces. At least usually. Even Optimus and Sentinel have mouths. I liked that Optimus Spotlight that showed how much he needs his mouthpiece and Sentinel's mecha face looked nice but I cannot live with Soundwave with mouth so I pretend it doesn't exist.What I am wondering even more about is how Empuratas like Whirl drink. JRo once said Vos had an intake for a tube on his neck because he has no face, maybe it's like that.
>>114933185Yeah these are some good shitIt's too bad it can't be this good all the time but man is this good
>>114933276Probably a feeder tube, yeah.After all, they can't live in shame if they starve to death because they have no Energon intakes.
>>114933133>My main annoyance with DA is that some of the lore in the latest short story book was heading too weird for my taste--that's TES shit, not DAI am curious how a series like Dragon Age can get weird by its own standards. We talking low rent fanfic weird, or completely off the rails oh god what are the writers thinking weird?
>>114933166I would have never expected to love a violet/brown color scheme so much.
>>114933234>>114933185I remember a few threads back someone said Blastoff was wrong to accept this offer but really at the threat of possibly not having any conscious thought at all I doubt any one of us would pick differently
>>114932888>. Suddenly Airachnid. So she's originally from Prime, and Arcee's archenemy in that showAnd in the Japanese version she sexually harassed Jack in the Ara-ara style.
>>114933234Is this the same writer as the Optimus on Earth stuff
>>114933291Weird setting stuff with the Necropolis, wherein it's all non-Euclidian space and a lot of really Baroque extravaganza, which 1) yeah try to code/art direct that in a playable way 2) it's always been more of a 'grounded' setting than TES, where I expect shit from the Thirty-Six Lessons and the art style of Morrowind, you know?>>114933330no, this is Scott
>>114933067These people should probably just go into Pure Math.
>>114933176Because he is very orange? Otherwise it feels like reaching. He feels pretty different to me aside from being corrupt and conservative maybe but even that doesn't really fit to Trump because at least regarding his fundamentalism and conservativity Sentinel is genuine while Trump does everything for the sake of getting the easy votes and he doesn't seem to have any kind of ideology or rules or worldviews he sticks to aside from pretending to be smart and right.
>>114933355Are women just... BETTER at writing Starscream?
>>114933185Glad you like it, ST!
>>114933185I see Starscream is another one of those Satan-like bots. Satan as tempter I mean.
>>114933393>Otherwise it feels like reachingWelcome to 50% of all complaints about IDW
>>114933147>And I remember people being mad about ONSLAUGHT being gay so again more people mad who never read itOh please. Like I'm supposed to believe for a nanosecond that anyone gave a shit about the Combaticons before this. Swindle was the only one of these fucks to have an actual character before IDW randomly decided to make a story out of them. Fucking outrage tourists.
>>114933399yesone more????
>>114933431>Like I'm supposed to believe for a nanosecond that anyone gave a shit about the Combaticons before this.Nigger my go to example of how ridiculous this shit is is that suddenly people were coming out of the woodwork to pretend they EVER gave a shit about Rewind when he was the gay bot. Everyone will pretend they liked someone when their personality is now different. Everything must stay the same or else me brain hurt>>114933443Yes sweet JSA
>>114933431Hey post that page on /m/ and get ready for some replies you thought you would never see
>>114933443Yes please!
>>114933482>Poor little City Bot
>>114933487I'm scared, user
>>114933234Because he only thrives on one on one manipulation, and as King Shit, there's usually too much going on for him to really dig into a fucker's psyche.Also, Bumbleghost keeps Jeminy Cricketting him.
>>114933399Well it DOES make sense to be good at writing something you love. Hell even Roche was a fan of Overlord since he was 12 or so, I doubt anyone else can write him that well unless he gets interpreted completely different maybe. It's no coincidence that most good current writers of whatever series are fans of the old series. People tend to not be aware of stuff when they write a character that is just a plot device to them.
>>114933520Starscream, matchmaker extraordinaire!
>>114933355>Weird setting stuff with the Necropolis, wherein it's all non-Euclidian space and a lot of really Baroque extravaganzaHuh. Sounds a lot more Skarkism(
>>114933355>it's all non-Euclidian spaceThat means a whole lot less than HP Lovecraft made people think it did.Lovecraft reads like he just bought a thesaurus.
>>114933431>Like I'm supposed to believe for a nanosecond that anyone gave a shit about the Combaticons before this.I actually know someone who did and does. Remember, every Transformer is *someone's* favorite. Hell, I'm a good example, Astrotrain is a favorite of mine despite him being little more than a villanous bus driver who has been a major character all of... once over the course of the entire franchise?Or hell, look at the people who love Skywarp, Skywarp's character is that he's a goon who teleports and occasionally appears alongside Starscream and Thundercracker (who is a glorified extra most of the time himself) yet he's been a fan-favorite since the 80s.However, with that in mind, nobody who knew shit was making a fuss, though in the case of the aforementioned friend, he hates Blast Off now because of what he did here.
>>114933399Starscream DOES have a female mindset. Backbiting. Scheming. Gossipy. Vain. J/K
>>114933374Heh, robosexuality.
>>114933590I like Sky Lynx the most
>>114933399>are cunts just better at writing a cunt?
>>114933583>>114933572Yeah, it's just that I like pretty shit, but DA is, again, largely a more 'grounded' fantasy than TES, and the Necropolis was pushing at my "you fuckers can't actualize this in a game" senses, but we'll see.DA fandom keeps trying to pretend magic is fine, and i'm all "go fuck yourself, there's one setting here where magic is inherently problematic, go play in one where it's not if you want to just pew pew fireballs and rule the world both"
>>114933632omg that sadface
>>114933541What did they rename Prime Ratchet to?
>>114933653How much longer will OP be deprived of her Windwiafu
>>114933590Strange, because the only person I have ever seen who was a fan of the Combaticons loved their appearances and arcs in TAAO.
>>114933431This is so true for almost all IDW character hate. Most bots were fucking nobodies so the only thing they did is giving them personalities and most of those that already had some were changed nicely here, see Starscream right now. I mean he wasn't even changed but developed and became more complex. And dammit nobody gave a shit about Prowl 30 years ago and I prefer the old grumpy but reasonable Ratchet who turned into a cynic thanks to everything he saw and experienced in his life.
>>114933632Haha! Nice, she ain't dead!Yeah, Wizardfags gonna Wizardfag. An inherent power fantasy about how your big brain will let you punish the jocks and even the demons you need to conspire with to get it is always gonna attract people.
>>114933468>RewindOh right, forgot about that. People barely remember Blaster exists, never mind his cassettes. But the Combaticons are just... Like, even in universe Bruticus is straight up a bootleg Devastator that Starscream cobbled together to make a failed shot at Megatron. Again, fucking outrage tourists.
One thing I've been surprised by with New Teen Titans: Everybody really knows each others identities. Dick specifically, especially since I've read later stuff like the Grayson/Faeber Titans run, and he was a huge asshole to Jessie Quick over identities in that.
>>114933653>Fuck you and fuck her, I never even wanted a girlfriendStarscream, this is George Costanza grade.
Tigatron is here, Rattrap, I think I saw Airrazor as well...where the hell are Silverbolt and Blackarachnia?>better be off making wolfspider babies
>>114933487As said they are all written by Sentinel, even if they pretend they don't like or know him.
>>114933703Yeah, said friend is a total moralfag, so it's pretty predictable for him. Blast Off did something fucked up, therefore fuck him. Simple as that.
>>114933709>And dammit nobody gave a shit about Prowl 30 years ago You can't even imagine how many people will pretend G1 Prowl and G1 Ratchet had personalities that IDW """ruined"""They had like six sentences and sometimes frowned before dying in a movie
>>114933710>>114933715and for various reasons the game never lets the mage PC fuck up like you should be able to in the world, so it reinforces the high school tumblr POV of "but I'm oppressed so I'm Good", like a shitty X-Comic
>>114933745(A) Blackarachnia was Priestess Queen of Beast Planet.Unfortunately, I don't think we ever get Goodest Boy Silverbolt, or if we do, he's an enemy mook like Primal and T-Rex Megs.
>>114933791Now this is some good shit
>>114933791Also, this isn't anywhere as dense as MTMTE at its best, but it's not decompressed, and the feel as comics is quite good
>>114933590I suspect that a lot are headcanoners. Headcanon fans are often the most terrible fans because they spend up to decades to come up with explanations that were never given and see hints where there are none and make a story of this they repeat often enough to fully believe it and then the actual story or the next episode or next season comes and turns out it was just that, headcanons and nothing was meant to be and then they feel betrayed and get angry forever.I mean I somewhat understand it, everybody experienced that. You were in love with a series or character. You were hyped as hell after some point and had a great mindblowing guess as to what will happen next and then the reveal happens and it's some fucking lame shit.
>>114933767SO MANY ALT UNIVERSE RATCHETS!>the high school tumblr POV of "but I'm oppressed so I'm Good"Ah yes, the Social Media mantra.
>>114933826Witness, for instance, the Bierbaums
>>114933715>Yeah, Wizardfags gonna Wizardfag. An inherent power fantasy about how your big brain will let you punish the jocks and even the demons you need to conspire with to get it is always gonna attract people.And in their relentless persuit of that magic powerboner, they will ruin litterally everything.Seriously, God-Wizards are the bane of every TTRPG in existence, and a caster-supremacist getting in control is how games die (for a recent example, see Shadowrun, where an idiot lead designer with a magic boner decided it was a good idea to destroy all technology in north america for the sake of stroking his magic boner).
>>114933752Does he now hate every version of Blast Off, or solely IDW1?
>>114933791"Even the minicons have abandoned me."
>>114933632>DA fandom keeps trying to pretend magic is fine, and i'm all "go fuck yourself, there's one setting here where magic is inherently problematic, go play in one where it's not if you want to just pew pew fireballs and rule the world both"Dammit I hate this so fucking much and it happens so often.>have a weirdly rare preference regarding plot, conflicts you want to see or personality types>finally ONE series that has what you and other people who waited ages for it always wanted >casualfags hate that very aspect and want their generic trope they can get in 100000 other shows at any given time while you only have this one here
>>114933724That's what basically everyone since the 80's has failed to get about the Titans, they're essentially childhood/high school friends, they know each other better than they know themselves.Though I think Grayson did legitimately understand that and it was Bat editorial demanding Dick be more grimdark and paranoid, IIRC that was a demand also made upon PAD for Tim in Young Justice.
>>114933863I haven't questioned him thoroughly about it, but his view of the character did seem to be tainted by the idea of him being a creepy stalker asshole.
>>114933710Nicer than the Megatron version
>>114931800I think the only thread I've been in this week was the /shelf/ one, and that died
>>114933703>Strange, because the only person I have ever seen who was a fan of the Combaticons loved their appearances and arcs in TAAO.Maybe I shouldn't say this often but yeah it's true!
>>114933908the saving grace is that the worldbuilding as continually confirmed by the people who work on it is on my side, which means the people who want to handwave it get scenarios they hate every time new material comes out, lol
>>114933838That entire nonsense with Element Lad is unforgivable. At least we got Senator Kem out of 5YL.
>>114933949I've come around to really liking Windblade's facepaintI think it reminds me of that shit that's in all those 70s comics, you know, that weird full-extent eyeshadow like in Warlord?
>>114933985I completely forgot you didn't like it, or even if you mentioned it... Oh no... I'M GETTING OLD
>>114933863>>114933919He will hate the idw2 too since he literally had an own story in the Valentine's issue but with Cosmos as internet boifrendo this time.
>>114933912>that was a demand also made upon PAD for Tim in Young Justice Was that when he became "Mr Sarcastic"?I'm still mad that they canned YJ to make Johns Titans.
>>114933817>last panelPoor Windy. Why must she suffer? >>114933590At least you have SOMETHING to latch on to with Astrotrain, as he was always a bit of a dopey asshole. Villainous bus driver is at least something to work with. The Combaticons though? Come on now. I admit, I'm a Road Rage fan, but I ain't about to pitch a fit over her IDW version not being bipolar. This is just silly.
>>114933961Moralfags will moralfag.>>114933949You know, I really do enjoy mindbattle shit like this, it's cheesy as hell, but the way it lets artists just go completely crazy and disreguard all scale, realism, anatomy, and continuity save for where it helps convey the struggle is just endlessly fun to look at.
>>114933985Like Gamora or early Dazzler?
>>114934010I don't think he gave a shit since, you know, mindrapey shit isn't involved there.But honestly that whole section of that issue gave me more of a 'two loners befriending each other because they're too lonely to not' vibe than ghey sex.
>>114933791You know as much as I can't stand Starscream's personality his loneliness is very relatable. Maybe that's what attracts so many internet people. Even if he once gets a friend for once he will quickly be annoyed by them because he cannot handle social interactiong for long so at some point he will do something wrong again and the person goes away and he is alone again which is kind of what he wanted but also kind of what he didn't want. Kinda know that.
>>114934020>The Combaticons though? Come on now.They got more repaints than any other Combiner, so you get RID Anime fanboys stanning for them 'cuz they were Scourge's brute squad.
>>114934026I get him hating IDW1 BO for the shit he's pulling here--I hate IDW1 BO too, for that--but to carry that hate over to other versions that didn't/may not do that? Shit's stupid.
>>114933838I love how Windblade's design gets more weeby as she becomes more assertive. >>114933856This is part of why I prefer tech to magic. Sure, tech based abilities are susceptible to power creep as well, but it's easier to keep devices from going full blown power levels crap that ruins the game.
>>114934067Yeah, that stuff, I wish it had a name?
>>114934020>At least you have SOMETHING to latch on to with Astrotrain, as he was always a bit of a dopey asshole. Villainous bus driver is at least something to work with. The Combaticons though? Come on now.Shady hardass millitary mercenary men appeal to some people. And for some? They had their toys as kids and love them for that reason, that's the real reason why you'll always find someone who's a long-time fan of rando nobody characters like Squeezeplay (real character, has a toy), they got attached to them because they were their first Transformer/one of the only Transformers they had as a kid, and thus get excited when that character so much as gets to be background filler, but if that character gets dug up to be a villain- and especially if they die-, they'll often be upset because that's their childhood freindo there.
>>114934074Ah okay misunderstood then. I thought he hated him because of gayness etc.
>>114934147>"I'd masturbate, but I'd have gotten used to him watching"
>>114934147Starscream needs Rung in his life
>>114934219Rung: "why is the universe doing this to me?"
>>114934194Wondering that I never saw a single person ever pairing those two up, considering that I have seen the weirdest possible pairings out there and quite a lot of each of them.
>>114934233We've all made that Starscream face in the third panel before
>>114934251Mostly at work or in 4chin threads other than this one.
>>114934238>Picturing weird ghost porn where Starscream is shoving his robot dick into Bumblebees head as Bumblebee screams for him to stop
>>114934147Glam makeup, I guess maybe?>>114934120You only think that tech doesn't have that problem because you haven't endured enough transhumanist bullshit.
>>114934193Nah, he's actually probably the most left-wing person I know.He's just also the kind of person who has very face-value opinions on fictional characters. If they did something fucked up and awful, they're awful. No ifs, no buts, they're awful.Personally I think it's because he's got a long history of doing MMO RP-ing in SWTOR, and the Sith RPers in that are like Livejournal edgeyshit come back to life, and I think years of interacting with those shits burned away his tolerance for 'I do bad things but I'm not evil!' type stuff.
>>114934270Hot. Reminds me of the sleep paralysis mares I have whatever the fuck that actually is but "they" only sit on me.
>>114934159-sigh- I mean, I guess I feel that. I hate Metroid Other M, and one of the many, many, many reasons is because I have an emotional, partly nostalgic, attachment to the series. The difference however, is that Samus has an established personality that was changed for a game that is allegedly in continuity, thus creating a massive inconsistency. The Combaticons, barring Swindle, never really had a character to speak of. Also, I feel like I'm harping on this, and I don't want to risk shit getting ugly again. So I'll just say that GEEWUNERs need to acquire some chill.
>>114934330I'm with you. If Other M was an AU, I probably wouldn't LIKE that Samus but I definitely wouldn't be viscerally REPULSED by her.For me, Samus will always be the Amazon Han Solo she was in the Captain N comics.
>>114934285How come this artist knows when a nose works or not but every tom dick and larry draws Strongarm with a nose
>>114934330Not him but I get it. It's what I meant with the headcanons. Sure, if someone thinks up a personality of a toy he had when he was 5 okay, maybe then he does prefer that personality over the official one that comes later but in the end it's their problem and they shouldn't pretend it was writers fucking up so I agree with you.I mean I can imagine Tarn as whore and like that and that's okay but it's my fucking fantasy and my problem if it clashes with Roberts confirming he is an eternal virgin. And it's especially not the fault of the million fans he has that love their pure robot murder maiden. It's completely different from a person with actual character or confirmed personality trait that gets changed later in the same series for stupid reasons or no reasons at all.
>>114934395You know just where to cut the tape.Alright storyteller, I'll be back tomorrow.
>>114934404Tarn has never once fucked
>>114934285>>114934309Yeah, I have to agree with what was said earlier. IDW Airachnid is fun and I like her more than Prime version. >>114934281>You only think that tech doesn't have that problem because you haven't endured enough transhumanist bullshit.Fair enough. I just straight up prefer scifi in general, but I do tend to not be all that interested in transhumanism stuff.
>>114934285Damn finally. I feared he was a goner and everyone pretending anything else was lying. Hope he stays happy. I am happy Scott isn't the guy that does (reverse-)fakeouts and sudden kills. Probably the only thing I really didn't like about mtmte.
>>114934330>So I'll just say that GEEWUNERs need to acquire some chill.Most of them have it actually, most of 'em understand that G1 was a goofy 80s show meant to sell toys, it's just more than that to them. Sure, they'll be put out if a childhood freindo character of theirs gets killed off or cast in a way they can't bring themselves to like, but most of them won't go beyond beyond just being put out. What you see with the angry shitfittery is the remainder who never managed to handle things maturely- and the occasional one-time venting from the ones who do, which frequently form the basis for those arguments that outrage tourists constantly copy-paste. 'Starsaber wasn't used very well and I feel sad that a character I loved as a kid is portrayed as a cardboard cutout who tells people god hates them while he kills them' becomes 'THEY RUINED STARSABER! FUCK IDW AND ALL THEIR SJW BULLSHIT@#4!@!!!!'.The internet telephone game has never once been beneficial, and this is just another example of chineese whispers twisting and exaggerating things to extremes.
>>114934395Bee, you're supposed to be friend-shaped not cryptid-shaped!Thanks, ST! It was fun!
>>114934016the big sales difference ended up justifying it in Didio's eyes.Cancel the book with sidekicks, make a book with the cast of the upcoming cartoon. Who cares if one of them has been dead for a decade.Young Justice's last year of sales ranged from 28,855 - 24,168The Titans ranged from 25,240 - 22,240.Bendis' current YJ is already below that in one year.Johns' Teen Titans stayed above 65K for his entire 50 issues.
>>114934437But why? Does the Council take more than just the face away when they empurata someone? And did Megatron not have the money to give those things back?
>>114934281>You only think that tech doesn't have that problem because you haven't endured enough transhumanist bullshitPersonally I draw a line between them. Guy who wants a flintlock pistol, or to play a Rigger in Shadowrun? That's cool.Sperg over here screeching about how everyone is LUDDITES for not adopting technocracy, uploading themselves into the planetary megacomputer, and worshipping AI Super God? Yeah, that's something else entirely.Frequently I find that the second type and the casterfags are, if not litterally the same people, two sides of the same revenge-fantasy fueled powergamer coin.
>>114934395Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller. >... I hate you. >I know. I love these issues so far. Can Mairghread Scott just write more everything, please? >>114934367Seriously, fuck that game so much. >For me, Samus will always be the Amazon Han Solo she was in the Captain N comics.Taste. At least Valiant had respect for the character and were focused on making her cool and interesting. She was easily the best part of that book. Fucks sake.
>>114934295This isn't 100% related to what you said, but it reminded me of it when I read that comment
>>114934503At first he was a shy outcast, and then he was saving himself for Megatron.Megs has the resources to restore empurata bots, but Tarn got a ground-up rebuild instead to be a better killer, and Shockwave no longer cared about having a face.
>>114934562>I love these issues so far. Can Mairghread Scott just write more everything, please?Is she still doing stuff or did she retire to Twitter like James Roberts
>>114933399Scott and Kate Leth wrote the best episodes of Cyberverse Season 1 and the character development did take a backseat in Season 2 and 3 since they weren't involved, yes.
>>114934654>Is she still doing stuff or did she retire to Twitter like James RobertsI heard she stepped away from TF stuff, but I have no idea where she is now.I do hope she comes back, her writing style fit what I want out of Transformers nearly perfectly.
>>114934719Nah, there's an entire planet of beastformers, and one of their RELIGIONS is sexy spider robots.
>>114934654She wrote Wonder Woman Bloodlines which is why I had high hopes for that and then it ended up absolutely horrid, unfortunately
>>114934395Thanks OP.
>>114934367>For me, Samus will always be the Amazon Han Solo she was in the Captain N comics.Based Nintendo Comics System.Game Boy was a great series.
>>114934719Kinda, they're a race on a planet with other beast Transformers, so I'm sure there's at least 20>>114934676Tell her on Twitter you like her work and hope she comes back
transformers thread youre alright
>>114934832>Tell her on Twitter you like her work and hope she comes backBut user, I've forcibly kept my head under a rock and avoided mainstream social media sites since I was 12! Must I really set foot in that valley of death now?!Damn this world and it's insistence on moving forwards in incredibly stupid ways. I wanted robot arms, not selfies!
>>114934774>>114934832GOOD ENOUGH!
>>114934020>I admit, I'm a Road Rage fan, but I ain't about to pitch a fit over her IDW version not being bipolar. This is just silly.She's still a bodyguard tho. But seriously, her bio gives you plenty to work with, that's neat.
>>114934309Loving that sinister smile.