ITT: Shows with artificial fanbases
ITT: Shows with artificial fanbases
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>>114930676I've never met a person who's actually watched O.K. K.O.
>>114931443Don't lie. You don't meet people at all.
>>114930676Eva is shit
>>114931485I own a comic store. I can't stop meeting you people
>>114930676Yea the show about a retarded girl and swedish girl fighting angle monsters with a pussy in giant robots that are just monster bondage does has have a fake shill audience. Forever on Snowy hill I think it's called.
>>114931518I call bullshit
>>114931518You mean the same 5 neckbeard "regulars"?
>>114930676I actually like Hilda, it’s just an incredibly comfy show to drink some hot coco with.
>>114930676>le coomer fanbaseliterally every show that touches the internet is like this (especially older cn shit, bc nostalgia)not sure what you're trying to argue about the shows by saying the fanbase is "artificial"
>>114931564Among others! The key is to cater to kids, too. Only one of our regulars has a neckbeard, and it's covering acne on his neck that's much more unpleasant to look at.
>>114930676>>114931672The fact that people are more interested in discussing Evagelion instead of Twelve Forever in a Twelve Forever thread is very telling.
>>114931518Thanks to coronachan your pain will be over soon
>>114931518How're you holding up during the wu flu? Business closed temporarily or you still doing work somehow?
>>114931740We do games, too. A big enough chunk of our revenue comes from tabletop stuff, I think we'll pull through. Comic fans are lovely compared to Magic people.
>>114930676Unironically Steven UniverseSeriously, what’s the appeal?
>>114931807We were doing deliveries for a while, but there's not much to deliver anymore. Not much that people want, anyway. Now I'm just riding it out until it's all over. My landlord is cool; He's not being pushy
I can already see the answers for this thread from other anons.>any modern, notably, popular show
>>114931843Oh no, Steven Universe fans are rabid. They "love" it because they've turned it into a cornerstone for all of their political beliefs. To dislike the show would be to disinherit their views.
>>114931914>>114931972Thank you, I didn't hear you the first time.
>>114932004made a spelling mistake.sorry man
>>114931672Talking about cooming doesn't make it thisIt's that discussion is solely based on that aspect (namely character designs) without much discussion, care or interest in the actual showOP pic fits it perfectly
>>114930676Is this the biggest cope imaginable?It's like you can't even handle the fact that other people like something you dislike, so you simply pretend they don't exist
>>114933120burgers won't understand because they have no rail culture and the worst railroad infrastructure in the developed world
>>114931674>>114932900There used to be actual discussion about the show. The EVA stuff is the result of one or a couple of autists and inertia
>>114933259>>114931729Meant to link to that.
>>114933259Don't use that as an excuse for you're lack of imagination. There's rarely discussions about the show because nobody take about it it's that simple.
>>114933335If there was a user persistently talking about nonsense in a show's threads, it's bound to get shitty. No other quasi-general suffered that.
>>114933259Before EVA and Reggie with other girls it was just Reggie with Butt Witch
>>114931843Fags like it for some reason. I personally liked the first season when i was younger but i just got too weird man.
>>114933382Nah, you're bull shitting and none of you people don't take about anything other then cunny.
>>114933420>>114933455Not true, check the archives. I do not deny the coomery, but there was plenty of legitimate discussion.
>>114933535It did because y'all give up on the show and ran out of things to talk about that's why the threads been so dormant and you and other people use evafags all the blame as an excuse for thread going nowhere. And if y'all really wanted to do something about it then add some new content.
>>114933630I'm not saying there weren't any issues, but once the EVA stuff came along, the threads took on a steep decline.
>>114933652No, once y'all ran out of thing to talk about everyone give up on the show and now only talk about eva references, shitposting, cunny, and etc,
>>114933120Explain yourself. Depending on your answer, I may have to call you a faggot.
>>114933730The way I see it, the threads treading over most of the stuff that can be said for the show and given how bleak the future of the show seems, it was running on fumes but once the EVA stuff started to come over, it was the what tip a lot of people over the edge, which further worsen the condition, thus causing a cycle of perpetual decline.
>>114930676tangled.i refuse to believe the retardation on such a scale. surely its just one guy with hundreds of IPs roleplaying as his personal lesbian fan club
>>114933940It's probably the same ESL fag. He's one of the pollutants in those threads.
>>114933876Yes, but don't deny most people gave up on the show which means last content and big discussions about the show 24/7. Who knows Eva might save the show some day.>>114933940No, I'm from Texas >>114933954And you are paranoid
>>114933982Y'all's a real word dumb ass.
>>114933988>>114934013y'all has been tainted by twitter faggots imitating black people, it's more associated with that kind of shit than actual Southern accents now. People will look at your posts and basically toss them out the window if you use that word here.
>>114930676Steven Universe. It's already vanished.
>>114934036I hate niggers and southroids equally, so if people want to shit on it that's fine by me
>>114934036Bitch! I say it all the time it's the norm where I'm from and I'm not black.
>>114930676Define "artificial fanbase".
>>114934036But I use ya’ll because it’s easier for me to type out instead of “you are all” or something similar.
>>114934069I get that but it's just the way things are here, people are far more likely to assume you're some northern or west coast twitterfaggot imitating black speech patterns now than an actual Southerner
>>114934098Can't blame them I hate those fags too. I'm from southwest Texas, guess what race I am?
>>114930676Glitch Techs, full stop.
>>114934097Just type out "y'all're"
>>114934389>"y'all're"That's not a real word, user and people call me ESL for using y'all. I'm southern men I well not yield. Also guess what race I am?
>>114934439We say that because you lack basic grammar knowledge. We don't care who you are, so stop saying that.
>>114934473Not a real word and say it again I will not yield
>>114934439I'm going to guess hispanic, but you could just as easily be white.
>>114934128>>114934439Nobody cares about your race on an anonymous imageboard for cartoons, now you're just attentionwhoring
>>114934545Yeah, you got me I'm TexMex and quarter German from my dad side.
>>114934545That's the crazy thing even though I'm TexMex/Hispanic when I do any survey when they ask you for you're race I look for Hispanic but I see none other then White why is that? I mean I guess I'm half White but I'm brown too
>>114934183I like it. Come at me.
>>114934739Yeah, she doe's have a nice ass! show.
>>114933215And we don't ride on horseback anymore either. Try getting into the 21st Century, user. Passenger trains are for poors.
>>114934439>That's not a real wordYou'dn't've thought that had you grown up like I did.
>>114934897Then you should know how it feels