THE FLASH: "Success Is Assured">SEASON FINALE - Barry (Grant Gustin) considers a risky alliance with Joseph Carver (guest star Eric Nenninger) to save Iris (Candice Patton) from the Mirrorverse. Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) attempts to stop Sue (guest star Natalie Dreyfuss) from making a grave mistake that could destroy her life.LEGENDS OF TOMORROW: "Freaks and Greeks">SISTERHOOD – The Legends find themselves going back to college and form a sorority in order to try to retrieve an ancient artifact, the Chalice of Dionyus, that will help Charlie (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) operate the Loom of Fate. Proud to be back at his college, Nate (Nick Zano) falls under Dion’s spell, letting him know of Sara (Caity Lotz), Astra (Olivia Swann), Ava (Jes Macallan) and Charlie’s plan to get the cup. Meanwhile, on a father-daughter weekend, Mick (Dominic Purcell) takes Lita (guest star Mina Sundwall) on a college tour, but bails on her for an unexpected reason.Streams>Stream
>>114930437Stargirl starts next week right? We gonna do talkback on Tuesdays or just get it over with on Monday?
>>114930490LoT is sticking around, so I'll be creating the talkback for both at least until it ends.
>>114930541You are a more based person than I then OP
So Mirror Mommy is going to be the viliian for the first half of next season ?
patty patty patty
Why don't we get more villain team ups in Flash?
Between this and cyborg stripper heels for Starfire in Apokalips War, why are they all wearing heels
getting fleshy with iris
>>114930723First 3 episodes at least
>>114930791Going to need a screencap of that for...research
They really couldn't think of a better way to write Caitlin off besides sticking her on a couch for multiple episodes and THEN making her leave?
>Dearbon blackmail material right next to Al Gore's
>>114930437>THE FLASH: "Success Is Assured"I wish it were "Nudism Of Hot Women Is Assured"
>>114930819I really hope someone does a porn story with the improved Wonder woman,Starfire and Mera
>>114930828And it's hilariously pointless now, because her maternity leave will likely be over by the time they film again.
>>114930881I want to see her pregnancy photos.
>>114930918I want to see you at the bottom of a ravine filled with stalagmites.
What exactly id Joseph's plan? Let his wife rot and build himself a harem of international assassins?
>>114930955Hey Barneyfag, what's up?
>>114930541Well then, here's the LOT poster in case you lost it...
>>114930791Lazy designers are too used to giving women heels, no matter how impractical or nonsensical it is.
I get that he's the bad guy, but if a cop came to me and told me this shit, I'd be on HIGH alert and might even want that defense.
>>114930972Wouldn't you?
>>114930918>PregabakerMeme power used right or horribly wrong?
>>114931011And a Stargirl poster.
I really really don't like Sue. I think it's her personality of "lol I'm a snarky female that's smarter than you"
>>114930999That's rude. I just can't stand meme magic being misused on an innocent attractive actress.>>114931025The latter.
Bleh.I fell asleep and missed the first 10 minutes. What got Mr Mirror Mistress brought in to the cops?
>Light based powers vs Mirror powersThat's an interesting match up
>>114930828Hey shoulda written someone else onto that couch with her!Being back Draco maybe?
>>114931036>SportsmasterToo OP, pls nerf.
>>114931068He did nothing wrong.
Robbie Amell had a hard career
>>114930972Do you not want a bunch of hot light themed murdersluts?
>>114931036Why is Icicle in charge again?
>>114931036Hellcat and Dr Midnite have pretty weak costumes going off this...
>>114931141He's a cool guy.
>>114931158It's their dumpy faces making the costumes look worse.
Not even Barry's lab is safe from villains just waltzing in
>>114931158They will get there more accurate costumes after
>>114931036>i'm a motherfucking stargirl
>>114931259>who's gonna fuck you retarded
Does every scientist run their own labs in DC Universe?
>Mother will give you IrisIs Mirror Singh straight?>>114931230Midnite would instantly be better with opaque goggles.
The big finish to this season involved more Eobard possessing Nash, right?
>>114931287No. Lucius Fox worked for Bruce.And Jimmy Olson's sister is just a salary woman.
>>114931323We're there episode descriptions?
>Panic room with murder lasersThat sounds illegal.
You are really in no place to pass judgment on this kind of shit, Pariah
>Stealing Ray's shitHe really is a villain
Wait what was that the philosopher's stone
>What do you think Iris will say when you taraded another persons lifeGood job, he was a murderous supervillain?These characters do remember his death toll, right? Fuck, Iris killed a Barry to save Barry!
>>114931494sorceror's stone
It's a damn shame that Carter wasn't an anonymous goon.If Arrow taught us anything, it's that murdering mooks doesn't count.
Oh shit
Carver a man cucked of his harem
Dick Dastardly and Scooby Doo are in the same world?
Why is Blue Falcon in the new Scooby movie?
>You will never a Scoobie snack from Daphne's shoe
>>114931141He's not. Dragon King is.
>>114931577>>114931597His this whole movie just Hannah Barbarah trying to reignite there other franchises in a the guise of a Scooby Doo movie?
>>114931635I'll take it. The comics from last few years were okay
>>114931603You'd think they would have gone for Kobra, I doubt Ultra Humanite will be introduced, too many CG monkeys for a CW budget.
>>114931597Why is he Marky Mark? Why is Captain Caveman Tracy Morgan?Because they don't give a shit.
>>114931635Pretty much.
Woah what
Mirror blaster power
>Gay man is secretly a woman insideAll those outdated Trans stereotypes were right!
Real reason Carver didn't save his wife is because he has a fetish for meta women with light based powers
This could all be avoided if they would just talk things out over a game of trivial pursuit.
>>114931660HB actually hated the direction the comics were going and pulled the plug. Especially the Flinstones one.
Is this editing the best they can come up with because of the rona
What's the point of these fucking split screens if the fights aren't nearly dynamic enough to warrant it?
How the fuck did carver not understand that a screen can be a mirror?Also. Carver dying doesn't seem like such a bad thing.
Jesus Eva
well shit
How fucking strong is this glass it just went through his shoulderblade
Well that looks like it hurt
Wait, did Ralph pose like Jax from Mortal Kombat (Pre fight screen from 3rd one IIRC) when he was next to Sue?
Welp, that's that.
Eva is the hero Central City needs. BARRY HAS FAILED THIS CITY.
>The whole arc was a fucking shaggy dog story
>Janalle Monae in a TV showWell time to coom
Mirror Mommy asserting her dominance
Mirror Mistress did nothing wrong
>>114931857You have low standards.
Why would Eva frame Sue, of all people? It seems like an asspull just to give Barry and co. motivation to continue going after Eva.
Now shes just not Frost anymore?
>speed isn't what drives you, it's loveLove doesn't give you superpowers you worthless bitch.
>>114931980It does if you get a star Sapphire ring
>>114931980Captain Planet would disagree.
Guess she's goin to have that baby.
>end the season with Joe coming backAt least we end on a high note
>Alright here comes the superhero teamup>It's just Joe
>Reinforcements>Just JoeFuck, did all the Team Arrow actors move outta Vancouver that fast?
Iris is the new Mirror Mistress?
Well that's our Season. Iris is dead.
rest in peas irisarino
>>114931997Heart wasn't love, it was fucking telepathy!
>>114932022Anon let be real would really want any of the arrow cast to appear other then maybe Wild Dog or Ragman
>>114932047You forgot Goodnight.
>old gods need faithful followers for power
>MerlinBut that's just E1 Stargirl. We saw it. Ray got knighted.>>114932056Don't forget that Cisco's girlfriend, Singh, and possibly more are damned to eventual madness!
>>114932088History got fucked, even their own history
>Dionysus's ChaliceHe's also the god of madness, wonder how that will cause problems.
>lol dat cup was in my old schoolCome on LoT. That's too lazy.
listen to your Dragon dad Lita
>Charlie with normal hairThat's so much better.
>>114932101Can't think if anything possible.
>b or c plot is Mick taking his daughter to college
>>114932123>LegaciesKill them all, Mick. Kill them all
Okay, Mick's daughter really needs to get a cold gun and be the new brains of The Rogues.
Isn't that the faggot gang member from Riverdale
>>114932150>I was jus' boofin'
>>114932158Why is that good? It's fucking filler.
Bacchus manipulating the drunken party culture of frats is perfect.>>114932158Wholesome is fun.
>AT&T girl is making AT&T commercials againWhat happened to her Marvel gig?
att girl is back!
>>114932222Pilot was picked up then dropped because Freeform claimed they were too packed. Disney has the rights again but didn't send it to series yet.
Does LoT have the most fappable cast in all of television?
Mick no
Mick's gonna go back in time and make Neumann his bitch isn't he
Isn't Nate already in a frat?Why would he need to pledge, just find the local chapter.Mick is gonna burn down that rich kid's grandoa's building.
>>114932322More like he's gonna burn down the school
>>114932274No. That's probably Riverdale, honestly.
>paddleOh god I'm gonna coom
>Sorority is metaphor for HellWhat even
>>114932272>Freeform>Schedule packedThey know their schedule is public, right
>>114932272>too packedThey've only got six original shows currently airing. That's not
>our $15 paddle!
What a cheap ass sacred paddle.
>designated black girl fight
why dont they make their own sorority?
>>114932426Pretty sure that's where we're going with exile table
>>114932369>>114932381But that may be all they're currently able to afford to have in production. Remember the minute Swamp Thing lost its tax rebates DC Universe pulled it and ended the series because they were budgeted to get that rebate to pay for production.
Even fucking BET has their own streaming shit now?
>put fork in braThis fucking donut slut
>>114932272>>114932369>>114932381They've got more than enough room if they don't know what to air on primetime besides Shrek and
>Nate show my daughter college lifeMick you fool
Seriously, Sara is the best option for this task, even blind. She was literally a party girl
>>114932501Nate can lose Zari for all I care as long as he gets to bang Mick's daughter.
>>114932426You Called it!
>remember when Mick was just some dumb robber with a flamethrower on Flash>now he's a dad on a timeshipHow did we get from Point A to Point B?
>>114932426With blackjack and hookers?
Now which one of them will dress up like Darth Vader and rape Baccus' girlfriend?
They just use John's place as they please eh
>>114932532you skip to point J (marooned then get turned into Chronos) then go back to point A.5
God Kari is gonna make me nut
>>114932512Yeah, I'm sure a sorority would love a blind chick for diversity points.
That's what a Snart is?Captain Sneeze and Fart?
>What is a snart?A pretty chill guy.
>>114932557Now you know why Wentworth Miller had that sneer
Silvia Hines is my kind of girl
Sara sure walks around as if she can still see
>>114932455IIRC that was debunked. It ended up being a case where a new guy took over as head of the programming and started clearing house of his predecessor’s projects.Warner Bro. internal power structure is a known trainwreck.
>>114932586Well I'll be.
Is that Mon-El with the paddle to the ass
>Mick Jr's first robbery
Can a bunch of 30 year old women legal make a college sorority?
Partying require free will?
He's Dionysus
>>114932646You do need free will to be willing to take a carrot up your ass and eat a cum cookie
>>114932659>eat a cum cookieWhat?
>>114932665>he doesn't know
Oh man I am cringing like never before
>Delta Kai Sigma>AXECute.
>Nate dabbing
>I see how you all look at meAstra you did condemn John to death
Once they get the loom, can they send Astra to extra Hell?
>Rory Hall
>>114932601Yeah, Deadline covered the whole saga as it happened simply due to how weird it ended up being. It was unheard of to cancel a show before the first episode even aired (that was also exec produced by a major power player handling other parts of your franchise) and then said show received enthusiastic initial reviews and apparently strong initial viewership.I would love to know more about the behind the scenes drama.
>>114932322ha ha fuckin' called that shit from outside the room
>Rory HallKek.Lita is going to join the losers in AXE, right?
>Astra about to firebomb the fratBitch, we have Mick for fire based missions.
Aren't you a god too Charlie
>>114932586sounds like WCW during it's dying days (new guy wanted it dead so it can be sold off to the WWE despite others thinking it's still viable).
>only one way to get college kids to leave a party>throw a bigger partyor call the cops. or molotov. all viable ways.
>Nate is becoming more and more brotastic
Guess Charlie and Astra are going to have to fuck and suck every guy in that school till they worship them.
This iPhone commercial is fantastically annoying.
>>114932845Didn't WCW got sold to AOL which eventually became part of the WB umbrella or something like that?
>>114932853>losing ray made him to a godbroLet go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty, and become wind.
>>114932790>It was unheard of to cancel a show before the first episode even airedThat reminds me. Didn't Global Frequency get canceled because some over-jealous Ellis fan leaked the pre-visual pilot online and CW canceled it despite people loving the pilot even without effects?
>>114932455>Remember the minute Swamp Thing lost its tax rebates DC Universe pulled it and ended the series because they were budgeted to get that rebate to pay for production.On a related note, the CW is going to air Swamp Thing sometime over the
>>114932886No, WCW had been a Turner property since the 80s.
>>114932886Time Warner AOL acquired Turner Broadcasting and then realized they had to run WCW, which was a Ted Turner passion project. They left it to a wonderful fellow named Eric Bischoff who in turn let an increasingly power-drunk Hulk Hogan tell him how to run it.
You guys are in a magical house and you can't come up with anything more than a punch bowl?
>>114932886WCW was part of Time Warner but was lost during the merger with AOL
>this is where the magic happensOH NO BRO RAPE
>>114932965How many of cans of AXE bodyspraydid you spray on those dildos?
a Blind Sara challenging the god of wine to beer bong?That's just not fair to the god
>>114932934I imagine it will be heavily edited for CW purposes which is disappointing.
>Beer Pong with paddlesBuh?
>>114933036Everyone gets bored eventually
Nate is still drunk eh
We're only two weeks away from the gratuitous "we're trapped on TV" episode. Who wants to bet they're getting a Riverdale cameo
>>114933095I'm the user who was hoping for pregnancy photos earlier, thank you.
>>114933095I can't believe that user is now a spiritual father.
>let's all be immortal for a daythis will backfire well
Now you remember it's haram
>>114933163I want her to eat a big old plate of bacon.
Zari is going to die, isn't she?
>ZombiesOfficially hitting the bottom of the barrel.
Oh, I guess iZombie left their props behind.
Didn't they already do zombies?
>>114933205hey they play a riff of that song and I'm set
>>114933187To be replaced by a third, still more different Zari. She will be the Wells of Tomorrow.
>>114933217You can never have too little zombie episodes
>>114933217>>114933203They fought Confederate zombies! In an episode that taught us that slavery... was BAD.
>>114933228That's already Charlie
>>114932586>>114932601Same new guy also cancelled all original Cinemax content going forward
Anyone else get Wuya vibes from adult Astra?
>>114933217Yeah, the stupid Zombie Plantation episode back in season 2.
>>114933257I keep thinking of Gina Torres whenever I see her.
>>114933245Doing at least one episode about slavery is practically a requirement for any American made time travel show. Timeless did a very similar episode.
>>114933095Something something Danielle Pregnabanger
So will they rewrite next season a bit, or will it feel like a finale like 3 episodes in then feel like the start of a new season on like episode 4.
>>114934127That's going to be the question for a lot of shows. I assume they have completed scripts for the final three, so it depends on how much they want to condense those, if at all.
gee I wonder if Iris will make it out okay when the flash comes back
>>114932047Murderered by that bitch Eva McCullough who killed her Husband
Belated west coast time
>>114930437Only the middle link seems to work, OP.
>>114932110>lazyI think you mean amazing
>>114930881Holy based.
>>114934276I didn't know you could shitpost from the mirrorverse, Iris.
damn, I want to fuck blind Sara