You can marry her AND save the earth for roughly 5 yearsbut your best friend and the entire senate will stab you (each), while your duck general will fuck her after you die. Your nephew/adopted son will avenge you and defeat the duck but she will then kill herselfWould it be worth it?why does my waifu have to be a loony toon?
You can marry her AND save the earth for roughly 5 yearsbut your best friend and the entire senate will stab you (each)...
>>114929344>Your nephew/adopted son will avenge you and defeat the duck but she will then kill herselfit better be like oedipus for her to have a reason to kill herself
>>114929390Nah senpai the adopted nephew/son thing is a refferance to this dude call Gaius. He was a begrudging friend to Astrix and Obolix
>>114929344Beyond a shadow of a doubt worth it
>>114929344I'm confused: How would marrying this alien queen, end the threat of harm to earth, and how would this status quo turn around in a mere 5 years?
>>114929344what if I chose not to spare the earth? I just want some martian coochie
>>114929597oh after you marry her you become dictator of earth/Mars and it pisses off the senateGame stars after you have taken out the planet Gaul (save for one village on brittany)
>>114929344The day this bitch returns in a cameo or in a full short is going to be nuts day on Holla Forums
>>114929984There will be so much pornAnd she's got a lot already
>>114929344But aren't my kids with her going to get killed by my nephew either way?Fuck that, i'll just not be an idiot and listen to the gajillion signs telling me to not go to the senate grounds in the day the plot happens. I'll shut down the senate if i need to.
>>114930237Oh yeah there was a "little Caesar" wasn't thereDid Augustus kill him?
>>114930273His name was Ceasarion. He was sent to India by his mother, but a roman convinced him to get back and Augustus executed him and to prevent there being too many Ceasars
>>114929344why would you marry her when all the other martian girls are such qt's ? plus you dont get stabbed
>>114930318>Not just shutting down the senate and becoming emperor of mankind (and mars) absolute cringe
>>114930348thats just roman accelerationism
How tight is she? Then Ill think about it.
>>114930389Tight, but mind the teeth down there.
>>114930417That sounds absolutely unecessary, biologically speaking
>>114930386It's going to happy anyways, so you might as well do it yourself instead of leaving it to your nephew and letting him kill all your children.
>>114930467How else is she supposed to get at the sperm if she doesn't tear off your testicle pouch?
>>114930494That's an absolutely innefective way to do it, considering that it would mean you'd be losing it, so you either can't have kids anymore after that or you lose energy having to regenerate oneI mean, come on, biology has rules man. That kind of stuff isn't just random for every species.
>>114930550Hey man, don't argue with me, argue with evolution. I don't make the rules.
>>114930577Maybe she saves the sperm somewhere to use later like an angler fish. That's allowed.
>>114929984There was an unsubstantiated rumor a day or two ago saying she'd appear as a pinup poster on Marvin's ship in the upcoming shorts.
>>114930577And i'm saying, that makes literally no sense. It adds nothing, you'd be losing precious resources to make teeth where there's no need to. It's overcomplicated and painful for no reason, and thus makes no biological sense.She has tiddies, which means she's a mammalian. And she has a highly humanoid body too, which means i doubt that she'd be more similar to platypuses. Because of that, why would she have anything other than a normal, sex-based reproduction system, not some "tear off testicle pouch thing"It doesn't give anything, and it takes. Why would that happen?
>>114930662Anon, you are murdering a simple joke dead.
>>114930688We take our evolution lore very seriously on Holla Forums.
>>114930688well screw you too user, i'm tired of this "haha this extremely humanoid alien(basically just a human with a few small changes) has an very wacky and creepy reproduction system"If you're going to make an alien with an weird-ass reproduction system, don't do it with one that is a human in all but name and a few qualities.
>>114930662>She has tiddies, which means she's a mammalian.An alien cannot possibly be a "mammal." We classify a common ancestry of animals as "mammals.">And she has a highly humanoid body too, which means i doubt that she'd be more similar to platypuses. Earth biology is literally out the window. Things evolve because of external circumstances, which you cannot possibly account for on an alien world.>why would she have anything other than a normal, sex-based reproduction systemWho are you to base your entire knowledge of the fucking galaxy of possibilities purely on terrestrial life? I don't care if you took biology 101, your supposed laws mean SHIT.
>>114930756>"haha this extremely humanoid alien(basically just a human with a few small changes) has an very wacky and creepy reproduction system"Don't ever chime in to discuss aliens ever again.
>>114930756I sure hope this isn't actually a serious post, 'cause that's some major autism if so.
>>114930772>An alien cannot possibly be a mammal..Why?Tyr'Ahnee has titties and hair. >Earth biology is out the windowThat doesn't mean everything gets thrown out the randomizer. Stuff doesn't happen for no reason you retard. If she has breasts (Which she covers, further showing they're not just lumps of whatever the hell) and wide hips (which are necessary for birthing) then why the fuck would she not have the same reproductive systems?>Your supposed laws mean shitAre you fucking retarded mate? It doesn't fucking matter that they're aliens, they're too fucking similar to humans. That shit doesn't happen for no reason, it's not a fucking dice roll you understand this? This is not fucking Spore, where species develop like fucking play dough in the hands of a kid.
>>114930844It's a bad joke, user, and it makes no sense. It's just there as a "You thought this alien was a good waifu? Well think again, their reproductive system is nonsensical and painful particularly for you, for no apparent reason!"
>>114930891>..Why?Because she's not descended from the class known as "mammals." If she truly has milk sacs, she evolved them independently of mammals. Therefor NOT A MAMMAL.>Stuff doesn't happen for no reason you retard.Whatever works, continues. That's evolution. You dared call our reproduction "normal" like that means anything to exobiology. Don't act like you've accounted for all possible scenarios when you don't even have a grasp of the weird shit that happens here on earth like anglerfish and certain squids.>then why the fuck would she not have the same reproductive systems?Because superficial similarities might just be superficial? It's hilarious you consider yourself smart when this didn't even occur to you.>This is not fucking Spore, where species develop like fucking play dough in the hands of a kid.We don't even know all possible particles life can spawn from, like sulfur based lifeforms and you think you have a handle on the path life must take?user, seriously. Tap out. You are trying to sound smart because you're sick of a joke about alien genitals when you don't even know jack shit.
>>114929344Yes considering I am the Senate
>>114930891Because of the technicalities of evolution. Unless martians are a descendent of an early Earth mammal, they could only be accurately described as mammal-like. It's the same reason why despite looking so similar to humans, it would be inaccurate to literally call them human.
>>114931057To quickly illustrate the point, consider this very simple diagram of evolution. The branches in red, splitting off and diverging from what became modern reptiles, are mammals. Anything before that couldn't be classified as mammals even though they are part of the evolutionary history of mammals. Martians, as far as we know, don't share a common ancestor with anything on Earth at all. They couldn't even be described accurately as animals or even eukaryotic organisms.
>>114931044>Haha, you thought you had an argument? Well guess what, it doesn't matter that she fits all the criteria to be a mammal, it's all just a coincidence! Sure, she's a complete humanoid with a complete human body, sapience equal to that of a human and the ability to speak, but despite that, her biology must be completely different for no other reason than "Because i said so"!
>>114931237>it doesn't matter that she fits all the criteria to be a mammal, it's all just a coincidence!It would literally have to be. Unless you believe in convergent evolution. But there's not other sapience-approaching human-shaped animals here on Earth, so that seems unlikely.
>>114931237Even convergent evolution wouldn't account for everything. There are notable differences between martians and humans, the most evident being their vantablack skin. While I don't think that their reproductive system would have teeth or anything extreme, in the very least, they'd be unable to reproduce with humans.
>>114931057Well user, the thing is, why would they end up so much like humans? They have the same type of sapience as humans, they have the same ability to speak, and she herself has an highly humanoid body, having breasts (which she uses clothes/metal whatever bra to cover), wide hips, a hair much like that of humans...Basically, it's just too many similarities to humans to deny.
>>114931329Again, because what we refer to as mammals is based off of a branch off a common ancestor between mammals and reptiles. Martians, assuming they share no evolutionary history with anything on Earth, would not have resulted from that same branch off. Mammal-like would be a more accurate term, but not straight up mammal.
>>114931284That takes the discussion to a whole other side. There's too many similarities for such close planets to have such striking similarities for no reason. It's a chance of a googolplex in one. >>114931308Is a vantablack skin not the easiest to explain, though? They live on mars, and therefore their pigmentation would be fit to such. And while i can't say if they would be able to reproduce with humans, there doesn't appear to be many striking differences. And before you say it, they do have mouths. And noses, too, as seen in Tyr'Ahnee.
>>114931398You'd have an easier time reproducing with a flower than you would with the most human-like martian.
>>114931375Well, if some other planet develops a species that's a literally just a duck down to everything except the shape of the beak and their coloration, then it might as well be a duck.
>>114931329>If it looks, sounds and smells human, it must BE human!We call that specious reasoning. You are jumping to a conclusion without the necessary reasoning behind it.Martians, at least without the lore to back it up, evolved independently of humans. Your conclusion is ignoring the foundation of the arguments against you. Such as "They evolved on a completely different world, and there's any number of evolutionary traits they could contain but not be immediately evident.If you're going to argue>They're just human because the designers weren't creativeThat's a different can of worms. And also doesn't rule out bizarre tentacle genitalia because some writers would do that just for fun.
>>114931410Not really, because everything points towards them having the same reproduction systems as humans.I'm not saying it would happen, but it's far from a zero chance.
>>114931425Presumably, such a thing exists in the Star Wars galaxy when Han commented that they were "sitting ducks" one time. For colloquial means, sure, that would work fine, but from a scientific standpoint is would still be inaccurate. Though this does bring up an interesting scenario. What would happen if we found an alien creature that was structurally and functionally identical to something on Earth? Maybe we could give it a sort of Pokemon-esc name that utilizes real world words for real world things but is different enough that no one would get confused. Like Giraffarig or Squirtle.
>>114931503For the love of god, don't drop out of community college. At least stay until you learn about DNA.
>>114931503They would share no genetic common ancestor with us. We cannot reproduce with our closest evolutionary cousin, the chimpanzee, let alone something that might not even have DNA.
>>114931478Well, that's the thing, you're just going on the "But they COULD" way. Well, here's the thing, everything points towards the otherwise being true. Basically, the odds are overwhelmingly pointing towards martians being extremely similar to humans down to the biological, and since there is no input from the writers, there is no way to just say it would happen otherwise.
>>114931587>Well, that's the thing, you're just going on the "But they COULD" way. When my opposition is trying to say "Beyond a shadow of a doubt, THEY COULD NOT have crazy genitalia. That's all I need to do. You have a harder hill to defend than I do and that's nobody's fault but yours.
>>114931537>>114931552Here's the thing. We don't know about the origin of the martians, and we don't know why they turned out to be basically reskinned humans. Because of that, there's no telling what they damn DNA is like. The chimpanzee is still wildly different. In comparison, once again, go look at Tyr'Ahnee.I mean for fucks sake, there's a bigger chance of martians being literally humans which developed in the same way we did with a few exceptions than there are of them developing the body and mind of a human without actually having the biological.
>>114931638That's because, there is no reason for them to have crazy genitalia outside of an extremely unlikely "They look and act exactly like us (with a few TINY differences) but are actually completely different" scenario
>>114931644That comes off as special pleading. We do not know if they really are just reskined humans, but by virtue of them being martians, the most plausible assumption is that they don't share any history with humanity and are a separate species entirely. Until we know more about their history and get some sort of confirmation...>*blocks your path*
>>114931691How is that unlikely? That's the punchline of a million Futurama and other general science fiction jokes. And don't look now, but this is science fiction.
>>114931587>Well, that's the thing, you're just going on the "But they COULD" way.That is amazing hypocrisy.
>>114931717It is not the most plausible assumption due to the gigantic number of similarities.The point is, they are a hundred times more human-like than chimpanzee. They are sapient , they speak in the same way as humans, they have the same types of bodies as humans, etc, etc.It's the fact that they have so many similarities that makes it more likely.>>114931732We're discussing what's the most likely answer due to the lack of input from the show runners. Therefore, we can't just pass it off as a punchline.
>>114931758It's not, i'm saying "They have too many similarities to humans to be completely different biologically" while the others are saying "BUT THEY COULD BE!"
>>114931847I like that you've moved the goalposts away from "THEY CANNOT POSSIBLY BE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT UNDER THE SURFACE" into "WELL YOU CAN'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN"Like I wouldn't notice.
>>114931806As far as we know, a scenario in which two separate life forms on different planets evolve to look remarkably similar is allowed by evolution. Two completely different species, not sharing a common ancestor at all, is not.
>>114931896When did i? I've kept the same fucking point. "It is extremely unlikely that they are completely different under the surface"Get some reading comprehension, will ya
>>114931899There's a difference between "These two wildly different plants which grew on different sides of the planet look alike" and "This extremely humanoid race is pretty much just a human with a few changes in the appearance"
>>114931916And "likelihood" was explained to be outside your grasp quite thoroughly. Your entire point boils down to "IF IT LOOKS, TASTES, SMELLS, HUMAN, IT'S HUMAN IN EVERY MEASURABLE CAPACITY EVEN THE ONES WE HAVE NO INPUT FROM THE CREATORS ON." That's where you stand. The burden of proof has been on you and you can't even explain beyond>"W-well she LOOKS human!"
>>114931967The difference being that those plants would better be able to reproduce with each other than a human and martian would.
>>114931978Well, let's seeShe looks humans down to everything - she has hair, she has a nose, and she even has a mouth even if its not as easily noticeable with the art style and all. She is also from a sapient race which just so happens to have developed a race that is oddly similar with human ones. She even wears stuff like bras and other human-type clothing.She is also able to speak in the same way as a human (even if it isn't the same language, which i don't think it is but i don't remember) That's a lot of similarities, don't you think?>>114931993Well they're plants, but i don't know about the latter part. I mean, they have the same type of reproduction, look exactly the same, have the same level of sapience, even speaking and having cultures similar to human ones, so uh, i wouldn't call it as a non-zero chance.
>>114931967Will you quit flip-flopping behind "animator's intent" and "evolution?" Every time you get cornered you try to approach it from the other.Make your decision. Are you arguing:>"She must be human because it suits the purpose of the story,"or because:>"She evolved on a separate world and somehow that begot what is essentially a human and that is provably not coincidence?"I won't lie, you have an uphill struggle either way.
>>114929344Does she give me anal?
>>114932093>That's a lot of similarities, don't you think?Yes. Now prove they weren't coincidence and superficial in nature. I'll wait.
>>114932093> they have the same type of reproductionOh, it's a foregone conclusion now, huh?>look exactly the sameThat is such a bad argument. I'm not sure why you would even slip that in.>have the same level of sapienceOctopi have high intelligence. So do dolphins. How is that conclusive of anything?>even speaking and having cultures similar to human onesHow is culture, the art of wearing clothes , etc. indicative of anything? Let alone genetic compatibility?user, be honest. Are you arguing this hard as a means to an end because Tyr'Ahnee is your waifu and you want to be biologically compatible with her? What an annoying reason for putting people through this. She's fiction, just IMAGINE she is and stop trying to back it up with soft science.
>>114932093You're confusing structural similarities with genetic similarities. We've seen that different breeds of dogs can reproduce with each other even when they look so different. There's also cases where two different species, despite looking almost indistinguishable to the human eye, cannot reproduce with each other. While it is true that biology is more hazy than a hard, absolute 'different species cannot reproduce with each other', the genetic differences between humans and martians, assuming martians even have DNA and not an equivalent hereditary molecule, makes it unlikely beyond any reasonable doubt. Nothing in science is 100% let alone in speculative biology based on cartoon characters, but so far nothing in known biology points to reproduction between humans and martians possible.
>>114932112It's both, is it not? She fits the purpose of the story but evolutionally speaking it is extremely unlikely every similarity is just a coincidence.>>114932128It would be extremely unlikely for that to be true. And in a fictional situation where there is no input from the canon, that's an reasonable explanationTL;DR - It's too unlikely that it's all superficial and a coincidence.
>>114932282Which is why I said i don't know too much. Yes, all points towards them having the same reproduction system and being of the same overall type as humans, but I don't have a fucking DNA reading of them or their genetic history. But like I said, their similarities make it so it's a "possibly", rather than an "I doubt it"
>>114932371And the fact that they're a different species that evolved on a different world firmly cements it into "I doubt it" more so than "It's a possibility", which by the way, are not mutually exclusive.
>coomer threads are fun>history threads are fun>/sci/cucks are awful
>>114932298>It's both, is it not?It is not.If you argue "Animator's intent" you are burdened to prove it. That there is no functional difference because you have insight into the creator's whims. When things like Biology are left indiscreet because punchlines can involve that. And guess what, Duck Dodgers is a comedy.If you argue evolutionary, you need to establish HOW aliens could parallel humans, and the extent of that. To prove no functional difference exists below the surface. There are already visible differences between the two races.>unlikelyStop. You have no grasp on the odds of "likelihood" in this scenario, with a completely alien species, who to a superficial degree LOOK human. We've established their parallel evolution could only be coincidence. Well, the ones of use with brains have. Before you weigh the likelihood to me again, state WHY the odds are this way. I'm not going to allow you to sneak that one into the goal. You have no basis to say what is likely to me.
>>114932432We take our evolution lore very seriously on Holla Forums
Imagine trying to act smart in a looney tools threadYikes don't you faggots have a Ratch and Marty thread to tip in?
>>114932687I'm going to be scientifically accurate when talking about my waifu and you should be too!
>>114932442You have to understand that just because something is alien does not fucking mean it will be anything without rhyme or reason. Once again, evolution is not fucking spore where nothing matters and you can develop whatever the hell for no apparent reason other than "yes"
>>114932788We're going in circles again. You are misguided about evolution yourself. Evolution dictates: If it works, it keeps going." But we aren't starting with any form of life on Earth. So your ideas about sexual organ normalcy are out the window. You may hate jokes about "male pregnancy" for example, but that shit happens even here on Earth.
>>114932842And yet, they have so many similarities with humans, not just in the way they look but also the way they act.The point is, it's more likely that they're like humans than it is that they just look and act extremely similar to humans.
>>114933022"Similarities" is a bad arguing starting point because we've established they evolved entirely independently. "They are similar" is a conclusion reached by any path imaginable and you can't determine the depth of those similarities.>it's more likelyI'm fucking done. It's like arguing with Karl Pilkington. You just tune out logic and repeat yourself.
>>114933103No, listen, even the closest match to humans look nowhere close to us. None of them are sapient and none of them wear bras for their breasts which look exactly like a human's. The Martians are too similar, you understand? The chance of everything, like women like Tyr'ahnee having human-type boobs and wide, human type hips in a human type body being completely different coincidences is too small
>>114933275Statistical unlikelihoods are allowed by evolution. All you have shown that is that certain physical and mental characteristics are similar to humans, not that they share the same genital structure with us.
The Martian Queen seems like she’d make a very tender and passionate loverBut I think a serious relationship or marriage would be doomed She’s too neurotic
>>114933275You are arguing from a terrible standpoint that SIMILAR = SAME. They might not even be carbon based life forms. You cannot prove they are human in any capacity beyond general shape. That's all you have. And then you try to talk from a standpoint of "likelihood."
>>114933304Well, go look at her body. It sounds pretty unlikely to me that despite having all that stuff that her genitals are different.Unlikelihoods can happen, but they're unlikely and we're just theorizing
>>114933346>unlikelyThis is why I'm done with you. This is your fallback and you have nothing to base likelihood on. Go on, conduct a survey of exoplanet biology and tell me the outcome. The average. I'd love to know what actual statistics say about this. But you don't have such data points available, do you?
>>114933331>General shapeAh yes, the very general Exact match of the human body with small changes™ shape
>>114933414The men have spherical heads and possibly no mouths. Their skin is vanta black. Exact match my ass.
>>114933438Not all of them.
>>114933406No, I do not have biological data about non-existant aliens. Do you?
>themed after greeks >named after the roman camp of ares
>>114933471I don't need to. You made the claim their biology can't vary. You told me the odds being "unlikely." Now prove it.
>>114933438The Martians have mouths (normal mouths in the face, not weird ones) , they're just not commonly visible to the viewer, what with their vantablack skin and lack of red lips.
>>114933505The first part of her name, Tyr, is a norse deity commonly associated with Mars.
>>114933513It is, by mere logic, more likely that they, being an sapient lifeform much like humans, developed in the same way as humans (which some schools of theory say could be the only way for sapience to be achieved as far as i heard) than it is that they developed completely differently yet ended with the same type of body and behaviour.
>>114933523I don't believe you. I know about the one visual gag about Tyr'ahnee shooshing someone. If there's actual proof beyond that, I'd like to see it.
>>114933577I'm not going to fucking remember every moment of every episode of an old show, but I rather doubt that the male martians for some reason would have no mouth
>>114933575>being an sapient lifeform much like humansAn argument based on general shape and having a brain. Which could only happen with dicks and vaginas as we know them on Earth, evidently.>developed in the same way as humansProve it. Do better than "we look similar.">which some schools of theory say could be the only way for sapience to be achieved as far as i heardConvergent evolution, then? What a load. Why is all life not proceeding towards upright walking and more advanced brains capable of using tools then? Why haven't more branches of life started to resemble us? Your "schools" don't even know all the possible particles that can form cellular life.Just end this. Admit you can't prove shit and you are arguing from wishful thinking, not science.
>>114933689>I'm not going to fucking remember every moment of every episodeThen don't make claims you can't back up.
>>114933577She kisses Marvin in Of Course You Realize This Means War and Peace part 2. In Win Lose or Duck, she comments that no one was bidding on her toothbrush.
>>114933812>she comments that no one was bidding on her toothbrush.You are forgetting that a joke about vagina dentata sparked this argument.
>>114933310I'd tryAlso I can definitely do 5 years
>>114933728God, your argument is retarded. It's entirely composed by "nuh uh, it doesn't matter how unlikely it is because 'muh aliens' means anything life can be anything for no apparent reason"And here's the thing, I said I heard that there are theories like those. But even I can tell that not every race will just end up like humans because, guess what? Not every scenario meets the requirements. For fucks sake, stop acting like a pedantic motherfucker and claiming that the completely humanoid aliens are actually completely different because you think that "alien = biology hit the randomize button"
>>114933861>Website is mars.mars>Date is literally 24 1/2 centurySo not only is the official website of Mars an ebay clone, but they measure their dates in centuries rather than years, months, and days.
>>114933753Well I guess they don't have fucking mouths then, right?
This thread is so awful that if I ever go back in time I'm punching a tiktaalik in the fucking face for letting this happen.
>>114933898I didn't claim either way. I asked for proof, and then you said "I got nuthin." Don't get mad at me I called your bluff. Be like those other anons who did your legwork and actually go looking if you want to win an argument.
>>114933977Anon, It's called a logical progression. Tyr'ahnee has a mouth even if it doesn't appear visually to the viewer all the time, so it becomes logical to assume the same goes for the men.
>>114933866My argument was thoroughly explained by terms of evolution, which you failed to process and retreated into "SHE LOOKS THE SAME, MY WAY IS MOST LIKELY." You've even been completely defeated on the front of predictability because you have no way of proving such a likelihood. I fully expect you to say it 10 more times regardless though.>But even I can tell that not every race will just end up like humans because, guess what? Not every scenario meets the requirements. And yet you still argue a race WILL meet those requirements... on fucking Mars. They must end up precisely like humans on Mars because ... ____You are arguing from a weak position and keep undercutting yourself, even. I'm not being pedantic, you're arguing LEMON = LIME because LOOK SAME TO ME.
>>114934093>Explained by the terms of evolutionBy God, do you not GET IT? THE FACT THAT THEY ARE ALIENS DOES NOT FUCKING MEAN EVERYTHING GOES RANDOMLY DIFFERENT, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?>you're arguing LEMON = LIME because LOOK SAME TO ME.You must be mentally disabled if you think a lime and a lemon are anywhere close to the level of detail a human body has. Also, what kind of lime looks like a lemon? Those are easily told apart.This discussion is going anywhere and it is 12 PM, my closing words are that the martians are too much like humans to be completely different and be damned your stupid "alien = completely different" argument
>>114934082>Tyr'ahnee has a mouthI asked you to prove it and you got indignant. You don't even know how arguments work. That's been my experience with you all thread. You bunker up when pressed, don't understand basic principles presented to you, and are arguing with ulterior motive, not with scientific evidence.If you said "I choose to believe she has human junk because that's all I want to breed with" I'd back off, but you've been trying to act like science is behind you.
>>114933914Gave me a chuckle
>>114934200>Also, what kind of lime looks like a lemon? Those are easily told apart.But this looks identical to a human being?
>>114934224It's true. I'll go back in time and kick Darwin's ass. I'll further back and kick a tiktaalik's ass. I'll go further back and kick the first self replicating molecule's ass. There better not be a god that started it all because I'll kick its ass too.
>>114934200>THE FACT THAT THEY ARE ALIENS DOES NOT FUCKING MEAN EVERYTHING GOES RANDOMLY DIFFERENTAnd the fact they "look human" isn't proof they don't differ in any way under the surface.
>>114934229No it looks like perfection and my wife sir
>>114934474You call your wife "sir?" I guess she really does have different equipment down there.
>>114929344>but your best friend and the entire senate will stab you (each), while your duck general will fuck her after you die.See but now that you've told me that I can just kill them before that time, abolish the senate, and never have another best friend. Ducks will be denied anything other than fodder ranks and any opposition will be met with the overwhelming might of the Martian army.
>>114933839it's a shit joke
>>114934895Nah, it's funny because it triggers you.
They got mouths
Here's a big collection of screencaps (at least when catbox stops taking a shit that is)