>Half white>Half asian>Acts black>In New York>In the early 2000'sDo you think he used the n word?
>Half white>Half asian>Acts black>In New York>In the early 2000'sDo you think he used the n word?
>>114929070I knew kids exactly like this in middle/high school.East asians AND Indians.
>>114929070All the time, the general consensus is that if you are nothing but white, you can’t say it. But his Asian heritage gives him a pass
>>114929070Yes, with a hard R.
>>114929096Do you know if they regularly used the n word?
>>114929070asians and light skin latinos say it the most out of anyone
I don't understand why they made his dad white.
>>114929179jewish propaganda
>>114929179white dads are easier to write jokes for than asian dads
>>114929179he likes asian women, just like every man with excellent taste in the topic
>>114929179Emphasizes his mixed heritage as the American dragon complete with his Western Dragon design contrasting his grandfather's Asian dragon design (until Season 2)
Is this why Brad hated him so much?Because Jake can say the n word?
>>114929231Brad was actually the good guy all along.
>>114929070I'd totally expect Jake to say it but maybe not around Trixie.
>>114929070Which N word? Theres two now for whatever reason.
>>114929201plenty of jokes about asian dads to be had but the 2000s was when people started to pretend to give a shit about anti asian racism
>>114929297Would Spud say it?
>>114929297>Implying she doesn’t say it every other five seconds
>>114929326Totally, he's a very chill guy so he wouldn't even find it offensive.>>114929334Good point, she really would. The nigress.
>>114929286what a chad
>>114929321wait what's the new one?>>114929325like I said, easier.
>>114929443Nigga and nigger.
>>114929070and he used hair gel.
>>114929179It's because that would probably involve being forced to write nuiances for a culture that the writers haven't experienced much of personally. Sure both the Asian parents could be heavily Americanized but a complete set Asian couple with grandparents straight from china is probably going to have different subtle dynamics and customs than one with a white person involved. Even in anime/anime a lot of the characters will be half Japanese so that they have some reason to act like the culture of the intended demographic while still maintaining their 'exoticness'.Though I really feel that this is a cop out and want to see more characters of different cultures.
>>114929607>>114929179Jonathan Long is a fucking gift
>>114929179It's strange none of the kids have any of his genes like at all. Honestly he probably should have been the step father.
>>114929662Is anything he said true?
>>114929679How should Jake look like?
>>114929694It was a theory popular back then but I'm not sure if it holds up now
>>114929713It's not a theory, native americans coming from asia is an archaeological fact
>>114929774No I meant the Bering Strait itself
>>114929774>>114929713I mean where else would they have come from? the bering land bridge was the only connection the Americas had to the rest of the world.Plus, Indigenous americans, especially inuits, do have some asian characteristics.
>>114929849>>114929805I mean tell me there's no asian ancestry at work here
>>114929901there's no asian ancestry at work here
>>114929070I don't know much about asians, but if he was latino sure.
>>114929070I want to fuck him so bad.
>>114929901>>114929928Did you know the Eskimos peoples actually go from Siberia to the coast of western Quebec?Weird, huh?
>>114929901QuestionHow do they thrive off an all meat diet?
>>114929070Some black man from Canada gave him a pass so it's fine
Did the Huntsman specifically target the American dragon for the n word pass?
>>114929999>Do people who live in the barren wastelands of the Arctic live off of meat they have to compete with Polar Bears over?No.
>>114929805Well they didn't take the yacht.
>>114930114What else do they eat?Try growing shit in the snowSee what happens
>>114929999They eat many things raw, which retains a lot of vitamin content and some carb content. Their livers are large and adapted to their high protein diet. And they do have some plants in their diet. Nice quads.
>>114929662That is some Xavier Renegade Angel tier logic
>>114929070actually why he even acts black? most part of people around him are white and the only black friend he had is a girl
>>114930181It was the 2000s, Hip Hop was in
>>114930181New YorkBush eraYou do the math
>>114930146You can't really make shit grow, no matter the climate.
>>114929662Did he ever discover his wife and his children were Dragons?
>>114929070I might have watched this show if Jake's constant wigga speak didn't annoy the hell out of me.
>>114930205Series finale, he helps fight an army of darkness in Hong KongBut his wife isn't a dragon
>>114930205Last episode
>>114930205I remember he found out in the last episode, he was fucking pissed at Susan for hiding it for so long especially because even the kids were dragons too.
>>114930146I know they get berries and shit sometimes but thats uncommonbut also whale blubber is incredibly nutritious. Hunt a whale and that thing will last your village like the whole winter.
>>114929286We're hitting chad levels that shouldn't be possible.
>>114929662>he married a woman only for her racehe is the male version of sarah dubois
>>114930219Season 2 tones it down to tolerable levels
>>114930245I don't think he was pissed about it that muchHe was more flabbergasted if anything
>>114929662This motherfucker has been using 23 and me.
>>114930315>>114930245imagine finding out your wife was secretly a dragon, both your kids are also dragons by extension, but your wife is stuck in human form and cannot turn into a real dragon due to bad genes or whateverfucking monumental disappointment.
>>114930245No he wasn’t. He was quite understanding and was more focused on wondering where their clothes went when they became dragons. He always figured his family was magical
>>114929694There's no other way they could've gotten there.
>>114929070>why's a kid named long got to be so short
>>114930396Yeah, as soon as I realize that, I'd simply divorce the bitch. At least Jake and Haley can still be dragons... so I would keep the contact with them.
>>114930422I don't understand why Dragons were the only official protectors of the magical community when we've seen sorcerers like Nigel and Pandarus who are just as powerful as any dragon
>>114929070All minorities say "nigga". For some reason, white people pretend they want to be able to say it too, but for some odd reason, they pronounce it niggER. I suspect they simply want to be allowed to use an openly racist slur and get away with it.
>>114930430As far as I can tell, it was because of Confucian tradition that he didn’t know because Lao Shi didn’t want him to
>>114929326Spud say it everytime he and Trixie and banging she loves it
>>114930223To this day, I wonder what Mom's dragon form woulda looked like.
>>114929952Oh, really?
>>114930612Probably a mix between Lao Shi’s and Chang’s
>>114930569Spud went with Stacy (that's literally her name)
Didn’t the creator of this come out as a massive furry?
>>114930655>come outHe was NEVER in hiding about it
>>114930625Yes, really.
>>114929286fine, i'll watch the show
>>114930396>He never got to slay dragon pucciThe absolute fucking crime. His wife owes him Prime drake snatch for everything he put up with/she hid.
>>114930768Heads upSeason 2 had a change in writing staffMost of the better episodes are from that season
>>114930843Haley and Jake will be enough.
>>114929286A reason why the "bully" is always better than the MC.
>>114929179Asian women worship mediocre white menaskr/hapas and r/aznidentity
>>114929702elliot rodgers or keanu reeves
>>114929179White man and Asian woman is one of the more common race mix pairing in the real world and not the blacked shit that is over represented in the media and special in comics
>>114930952>Asian women worship mediocre white men/hm/ taught me asian men will worship mediocre white men too but, also, want to be humiliated by them
>>114929070The voice actor says the n word, so I'm pretty sure he does too.
>>114930181If you have to ask then you were too young to remember the 00s.
>>114931152>The voice actor says the n wordWHAT
>>114930181Back then out of touch writers thought that being cool was the same as acting black
>>114931371still true
>>114931371Except Jake explicitly wasn't cool in his showHe was bullied at schoolHis sister thinks he's a dorkHis dad's embarrasses himHis grandpa ain't got time for his shit
>>114930988fags aren't men
>>114931609He was fairly cool, only Brad picked on him and he was like the coolest guy around, also, being cool doesn’t work with family.
>>114931280Jake Long is closer to how his VA actually talks IRL.
>>114931609He was cool to the viewers. He's the Mack Daddy Dragon of the NYC.
>>114931609He was bullied by the generic Flash Thompson character but had a decent social life, a hobby for cool kids and his group of friends weren't complete outcasts.
I dont know but i say nigger all the time and i dont give a shit.
>>114929110It doesn't in places that actually have black people
>>114932230But you aren't asian so it doesn't count.
>>114931609don't forget the transfer
Why wasn't the yellow dragon the American Dragon instead? He was white. And also he won the race fair and square, they both escaped the dark dragon and the race resumed from there.
>>114932446That was the Australian Dragon
>>114932446>Why wasn't the yellow dragon the American Dragon instead?Because he would have to be an asian dragon instead of an american one.
>>114929901wait there are people who actually deny this? its obvious to anyone with eyes that mexicans and native americans are part of the asian race. Thats like denying that the Sentinel islanders are black
>>114932470ayy ok you got me, I only saw the race on YouTube and made up shit trying to fit in. So like, there's only one dominant dragon per country?
>>114932499>mexicans are part of the asian raceHahaha, mexican anons would LOVE to be part asian alright, self-hating spics.
>>114932543Pretty much I guess, though there’s a Dragon of Korea so maybe it’s like each continent has a representative and several lower dragons
>>114932553I'm not south american or asian but to me I've always thought that. They look exactly like south east asians in the face
>>114932566Who controls the dragon population?The Huntsman clan was right, there's a serious risk real humans might be replaced by dragon niggers if their population goes unchecked.
>>114932553there are only 3 racial groups, white, black, or asian. get in where u fit in
>>114929662Requesting a My Ancestors edit
>>114929070Friendly reminder Jake long has arms and legs as a dragon because his dad white.
>>114932875Why wouldn’t he?
>>114932875Well yes. He was an hybrid in the second season
>>114932909I love thay his grandpa was an incompetent jobber. He took nothing from master Splinter despite being an obvious rip off.
>>114929070Is it me or were the dragons in this show kinda weak? Especially compared to other dragons in different media. I understand they didn't want Jake to be inherently op but damn he gets his arse handed to him a lot.
>>114932935Well to be fair, he’s kinda old
>>114932875I though the wings were from his dad's... whiteness? if his dad was mexican, would he'd have be feathered like quetzalcoatl? what if he was scottish, would he'd be amphibious?
I don't understand why this show has a cult following. It was a generic/meh "x-treme" show.
>>114933195Season 2's writing was a genuine improvement and you have to remember continuity in a western cartoon was still somewhat novel at the time
>>114933195Season 1 maybe, season 2 was a lot better.
Latinos are the only exception for having an N-Word pass.
Where I’m from it depends on where your from. Some soft poindexter from the burbs or hick saying “nigga” is getting rocked. But if you’re actually from that type of background then it’s cool. Like that white boy who will fight ANYBODY for the hell of it or the puerto rican in your friend group.
You think he became like Joji or Rich Chigga by growing up as a lo-fi hip-hop artist? Or a youtube autist that made videos with Maxmoefoe?
>>114929070I don't know why I've been seeing American Dragon threads spike up recently, but I'm glad. I wish we had more asian/asian-american centric MCs in western cartoons.
>>114932499> Thats like denying that the Sentinel islanders are black2/10 subtle
>>114933894Death Battle
>>114933888>Jojioh god please no>Rich Chiggathis is way more likely
>>114933894>I wish we had more asian/asian-american centric MCs in western cartoonsMe too, it feels nice.
>>114933894You're seeing AD threads spike because he's on the next Death Battle, and general consensus seems to be he'll get slaughtered by Danny Phantom but he has an infinitely better social circle and life.
>>114934122It doesn't matter to be sociable or have a good life when you can have power. Be powerful and you can get almost anything you want.
>>114929070In the first episode of season three his grandfather cussed up a storm in Cantonese. So probably
>>114934171He got Sam AnonSam
>>114934171>Be Danny>Best friends with Tucker, an obnoxious whiny diet Urkel>Plows Sam>Be Jake Long>Best friends with Spud, a laid back secret genius>Plows RoseYeah, power means nothing in this
>>114934171I know and he somehow wanted Sam
>>114934222See? Anything!
>>114929070Is he basically Eddie Huang, minus the half white part?
>>114934256Imagine fucking the one "goth" girl not even Pan would sleep withSam is a vegetarian, left wing, wannabe goth bitchPlain and simple
>>114934256She’s kinda trash. First ep has her making everyone eat lawn
>>114934304Still fap-bait though.That one episode where she almost gets forced to marry the evil ghost prince and thos close-ups of her feet gave me a stiffy. Along with a "forced girly tomboy" fetish.
>>114929070who cares post hot pics of his mom
>>114934396Bottom barrel fapbait. Maddie, Spectra, Jazz, Desiree, Paulina, Star, Kitty, Dani, really, anyone
>>114930639>>114930612Like this?
>>114929070asians are the biggest demographic for wannabe niggersof course he doeshe says it as he looks trixie straight in the eye while doing a mating press
>>114929286young men rooted for jakeadults rooted for brad
>>114934449Love it>>114934460Did they ever do a ship tease? Feels like it was common for it to be done in every show
>>114934460I read that in her voice
>>114929179It emphasizes the “American” Dragon thing. He’s literally caught between the West and the East, with his Chinese heritage and his American dad.
Real questionWould Jake pull the "I'm Half-White" card if it was convenient for him?
>>114929901obviously but culturally?
>>114934481No, it was Trixie and Spud but then they agreed they were better off as friends and got with different peopleSpud literally got with a girl named Stacy
>>114934508Always got to use whatever advantage you can. I pass
>>114929286BIG DICK ENERGY
>>114934460In his dragon form?
>>114934171See the thing is, Danny is like Thanos. Sure he has all the power but the things he actually want are so contrarian and repulsive he comes out of it looking like an even bigger loser for what he settled with. Sam. He settled with Sam.
>>114929999They would die in their thirties so I wouldn't call that "thriving"
>>114933316You always had continuity in american action cartoons, I guess for more comedic shows it was rare
>>114933030That's a pretty cool idea.