>Parks’ The Stranger is a mysterious visitor hellbent on proving to the world that it no longer needs Superman.>deadline.com
Black Lex in The CW's Superman & Lois
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>CWNot even considering a watch
>>114928114And Netflix is doing Vertigo/DC's Sweet Tooth, for some reason.tvline.com
>>114928114Does this mean that Lex was a ginger?
>>114928114Wtf isn't Lex supposed to be a genius?
>>114928114ANOTHER GINGER STRUCK DOWN! >>114928396He was. Lex had red hair
>>114928114Blex Bluthor?
>>114928114>make villain blackthey went so progressive they looped right back around to being problematic again
>>114928429The fuck are you implying
>a nigger LexWell now I've seen it all
>>114928114Sounds kinda cool tbqh, like the premise
>>114928114That's a little too weird, even for CW. My guess is that the Stranger in the script isn't the real twist.
>>114928492I always thought he was black in the DCAU
>>114928396Lex is a ginger. Hence why he have no soul and hates Superman.
>Black character is a xenophobe I don't think anyone thought this through.
>>114928460Have you seen the entire show that is Black Lightning
>>114928581Its accurate though. Hating other minorities and asking them to be deported.
>>114928114I thought the gay brother from two and a half men was lex, is this show not in canon with supergirl?
>>114928630>The Stranger is an alt universe Lex
So a plot point is gonna be that Lex fucked Lois and Clark either has to just live with that fact or snap his neck Snyder style?
>>114928114Interesting. I'm glad to see more black supervillains these days. Also they still have the OG Lex too and you know they will team up eventually.
>>114928581It's a common cliche, though.
Infinite Crisis coming soon.
I used to think Luthor was black because of the animated series.
>>114928817Prime Time?
>>114928114Lexington Luthore
>>114928396Lex 100% is a ginger. In his more "modern" appearances, and in many after that, he's always had red hair. In some iterations, it's not that Lex is actually bald, but he shaves his head.
>>114928581>Black character is a xenophobe>constantly fails to stop the white man>always gets foiled by the white manoh boy
>>114928980He's now also a distant relative to Jimmy Olson... another red head.
>>114928749I would like to see CryerLex team up with some other Lexs. The story with it happening in the Crisis Giant was just a tease.
>>114928566DCAU Lex was more olive-skinned than black.
>>114928114I'm not even mad for some reason. As long as he's a bald guy with superior intellect and a hatred of Aliens who cares?I think theres a difference between say.. making Mary Jane and Ariel black or Starfire black or Jimmy Olsen. And as superficial as it sounds it's all looks based. You grow up reading a visual medium and see these attractive characters and recognize them. Then you go to the casting list based on the visual medium and the casting is much less "he fits the role" and more "we cast her to spite the fans of the comic." These handsome black men aren't interested in comics. These Black Women aren't either and haven't seen a disney cartoon in years. It's just a role to them. And the same can be said for white actors like KJ Apa. Probably never read an Archie comic.But what I'm getting at is Lex Luthor is featureless. They could cast a fat dude and as long as he checks the requisites I mentioned he's fine. It's why that white so yboy in CW and the autist in DCCU can't be seen on the same superficial level. Not to forget Kingpin in 2003 Daredevil. Everyone liked him. Eartha Kitt as Catwoman was in costume all the time
>>114928578>Another anagram replacement
>>114928114>Malcolm leX
>>114928581He's from an alternative universe. Maybe it's the Everyone is Black universe with that black Superman and everyone pretends to like.
>>114929412>Starfire is blackIt's no issue if the actor is black, I'm just confused on why they didn't put the effort into making her look like an alien. Gamora's actor is black too, but they still made her an alien. IDK, Starfire's outfit in that show is a whole mess desu.
>>114929546You know your right. But what's shocking is there are black women who do cosplay better than the official live action. The actress isnt terribly unattractive. If they gave her orange body paint it may have saved the character despite her not even being like Starfire from the comics or the cartoons.
At least they have a reason for making this one bald. I don't know what it is where all the black guys companies hire to replace white characters are ugly and bald.
>black villain with daddy issues who also abandons his sonwew
>>114929618I would have preferred orange too, regardless of the actress's natural color, but I don't think that would have really worked for the story they were aiming for. She's supposed to not be an unbelievably obvious alien everywhere she goes.
Oh like he was in Superman The Animated Series.....cool
>>114928114Bald and beardless thin men can be any race. Take the Rock or Vin Diesel. They obviously aren't black. But they can fit the role of a white guy, a black guy, a Hawaiian.
>>114929535Nah that Lex is white, this is the first Black Lex in the multiverse or at least out of the 52 earths out of the multiverse in the Arrowverse.
>>114928114>alt universe LexThen I have no problem with this. Cryer is still the canon CWverse Lex.
>>114929955not black?like, at all?yeah, so not fucking black...
Nigher lex wtf
>>114929412>It's just a role to them.Newsflash: It'll just a role to 99% of them.
>>114928114If they show his old earth and his Supes was Calvin, that would be interesting
>>114929412>These handsome black men aren't interested in comics. These Black Women aren't either and haven't seen a disney cartoon in years.And the white people have?
>>114929546Gamora is in a movie, which means more money to spend on make-up and less screen time to wear body paint.>>114929618Cosplayers don't have to act, just stand around and look hot.
>>114928114>worse Superman than Routh>worse Lex than CryerDOA
>>114930605I meant they aren't familiar with the character they play. Some people do know how to play the character. Brandon Routh and Henry Caville know Superman. Mark Hamil knows the Joker. Willem Dafoe knows Green Goblin (at least from the 60's cartoon). But when you have a bad direction mixed with the uncaring actor..
>>114930717>I meant they aren't familiar with the character they play.And white actors inherently are? That's bullshit.>Brandon Routh and Henry Caville know Superman. Mark Hamil knows the Joker. Willem Dafoe knows Green Goblin (at least from the 60's cartoon).None of these guys read comics. They researched the character when they got the roles and that was that.
>>114930703I mean CryerLex still exists and this is clearly an altuniverse Lex, I will say the show sounds bad in genral but not because of this
>>114930765Not him but Brandon Routh is actually a huge comic nerd
>>114930765>And white actors inherently are?That's not what I'm saying. I went out of my way to say white actors do it too. Briefly Larson tweeted out pics of her reading 2010's Captain Marvel comics. Now she could have read 70s and 80's Ms Marvel but she wanted to show that she was trying to get a surface level knowledge of the character. I'm not talking about actors that do that. I'm talking about people like James Olsen who go from geeky teen photog to Sauve Black poon hound. I'm talking about Starfire becoming masculine let's get some drinks and get into fights.
>>114930652>Cosplayers don't have to act, just stand around and look like the character they're cosplaying asFtfy
It makes sense. DCAU Lex came off as a Black Man who worked his life to be rich and Superman got handed his like powers.it makes his addiction to power and gangster like ethics as a mad scientist seem reasonable
>>114929546>>114929618Black Men Like Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien and Perfect Cell.Pic related is the only one who can make Black Lex work and he's dead
>>114928114He's already worse than Half Men currently playing Lex on Supergirl.
>>114930989That has nothing to do with knowing the comics and everything to do with how the character is written, which is beyond the actor's control.
>>114928581Magneto, the Hitler stand in, is a Jew.
>>114930524Because this is how you draw simps from Europe.
Alright, I've always wanted to talk about this because I think the idea has merit. Turning Lex Luthor black wouldn't be that bad of an idea as long as you keep the central idea of Lex Luthor the same, where you have this person who has become the absolute pinnacle of human achievement intellectually, and has had to work all his life for it from very humble beginnings straight to the top in Metropolis, and then a white man falls from the sky and is supposed to be humanity's savior. Like it becomes this added dimension of no matter what Lex does, there's always going to be someone above him that he can never overcome and everyone will listen and follow him instead of the black man.
>>114928114On one hand I like they get rid off cancer Lex but turn him into a ninger is a dick move
>>114931181We already got that when he played Kingpin in the Daredevil movie.
>>114930324That's funny you mention two guys who are half black.
>>114930626calvins luthor is white. which means he gets called a racist while fighting the kryptonian scum
>>114928114But they have a Lex. Is Jon Cryer not a regular?
>>114928980The only shaved Lex is Eisenberg
>>114928114Time to put another on the ginger to black list.
>>114932813Literally yes. He's the same tone as Clark