What was the point of this character?
What was the point of this character?
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Wanda the Weasel?
One of user's childhood favorites.
>>114927881Women be horny like men
>>114927881fanservice and this is good.
>>114927971Savannah the Stoat
>>114927881To show that being pretty doesn't make you a good person. Really, that's it. She's so pretty she thinks she has it all, but she's a shallow person and rarely gets anything via her beauty.
>>114927881she was in 2 shorts on the entirety of the show. you know that?
>>114928020Felicia Ferret
>>114927881Dot fit the young female protagonist. Slappy fit the old female. Marita Hippo was the married woman. Minerva was the single adult.
Tiny Toons/Animaniacs is the closest that they got to making a good female Looney Tunes character, but it was still not perfect.
>>114928087She had two shorts dedicated to her, but she appeared in a dozen episodes.
>>114927881>Girls can be horny too!
>>114928123excuse me?
Sex appeal.
>>114928562It's badass that they actually showed this.
>>114927881To entertain you.
every time a minerva thread appears I post this idea.they should have her in the reboot.but it's 25 years later.she's still hot, but, like, hot at 45. she's six months away from being Slappy Squirrel shaped. and she has no idea how to adapt.and she's a total Karen because she's offended by people treating her with common courtesy instead of the dichotomy of either drooling over her or negging her.
>>114927881Obvious fanservice. Yeah, even in a kids show. It just means it was tamer fan-service.
>>114927881To try to be Jessica rabbit?
>>114928155Yeah, as quick cameos or as part of a general ensemble.
>>114927881i thought it was a nod to earlier sexy cartoon women like Red from the Tex Avery cartoons.
Coomer Bait. Nothing more, nothing less.
>>114928092Marry Martin.
>>114927881Before furries were a more well-known thing the idea of an anthropomorphic character being used as fan service wasn't a big deal.
>>114928661>Turning her into a total Karen.Fuck, I hate you but I can see her becoming one.
>>114928661Aging is... inconsistently applied in the show's universe.
>>114928983Lucille Lemur
>>114928661>45 is 6 month from being Slappy Squirrel.Menopause is a real bitch i guess.
>>114928661That actually sounds great, maybe make it so that she's the only one who aged and everyone else is exactly the same
>>114927881to catch muskrats
>>114928993Loving anthro girls but not liking "furry fandom" is the correct position. Most people are just embarrassed to say this (for good reason), myself included.
>>114929128You weren't supposed to like her. She was a cunt.
>>114928282>>114928491>Minerva only had 2 shorts dedicated to her, and disappeared from show, furries only draw her for porn.>Fifi was a recurring character and 4 episodes featuring her, and is the most beloved character from TTA, with people loving her for her personality and cute accent.where my fifi bros at?
>>114929229Olivia Otter
>>114927971Fiona the Ferret.
>>114929487She's so cute.
>>114929727White minks look so pretty
>>114927881Kickstarting puberty
>>114930069and aggressive
>>114929487Sup Dini
to get railed by a virgin-turned-chad wolfmanand to make me dream of the same thingyoutube.com
>>114929692Michelle Mongoose
>>114930536I had a friend who worked at a zoo and he said minks are like something from Geiger. They are much stronger than they look and do things like run right up walls.
>>114928562Jesus fuck. How the hell did I not turn full furry all those decades ago?
>>114930769From my experience, people who work at zoos have endless amounts of strange stories about their animals.
>>114930602wilford is gross though
>>114927881I actually think it was a joke about "man, some cartoon animals are sexy. that's WEIRD, right?"
May as well enjoy these moments. It's gonna be impossible when the reboot happens.
>>114931826What a shame.
>>114929487aww hell no, we just had a three day long thread about this hoe, back the fuck up stinky
>>114931905dot skirt peek
sexuality in cartoons has been there since the beginning... always ambiguous. in the beginning, it was like it was a stand-in for human sexuality, something where the allusions had deniability.but of course, there were moral groups in various cities manufacturing outrage about such things.
>>114931937I'm surprised mods didn't already delete. I guess they're being lazy today. I'm not expecting any cute anthro girls in the new version, but thank the Lord that the original will always be around and untouched to admire.
I like in the "please please please get a life foundation" skit how the nerd at the computer desk has a poster of her on his wall, they were completely aware of the fact that people wanted to bonk her
>>114927881she made 13 year old me very confused.
of course, in the 1930s, such moral crusades were usually limited to local churches just tryna flex. the nationwide campaigns had live action films to be aghast at.in the 1990s, there was an Internet, but people didn't know about furries that much. hell, The Mask was basically a live-action Tex Avery cartoon. I don't think there was any outrage about Minerva, but the executives couldn't have liked her, and I'm sure they got more than a few letters that made them rethink the kind of attention she drew...of course, in current year, there's no such thing as a credible popular demand. Political groups can and do manufacture outrage. Look how many thinly veiled Holla Forums threads are on Holla Forums at any hour of the day. Write a cartoon where the main guy doesn't get the main girl, there's at least one "man-hating PC culture" thread about it at all times for a week. Put a trans character in your cartoon and the trans-bashing industry will make sure there's at least one misgender-that-character thread on Holla Forums at all times for two weeks at a minimum. How many "*-gate" harassment campaigns have started because a woman in any industry was just too mouthy? The thing is that twenty NEETs can generate enough noise to make it look like the whole world wants to burn the studio down. Twitter bots, 4chan bots, fake Facebook accounts, using writing prompts and transformer AIs to generate unique hate mail. That's just something a few obsessive trolls can do on their own. If ever someone with real resources decides to spend real money to astroturf an outrage campaign, they can bend the Internet to their will.so TV studios are going to ignore any outrage that is generated unless it makes it to CNN.WB should take advantage of this and do whatever they want.
>>114927881turn people into furries
>>114928006I don't understand how the creators got so confused and angry about peoples reaction to her. You drew her sexy, you drew her acting sexy, you even had a scene where she's naked. HUH WHAT'S GOING ON PEOPLE ARE ATTRACTED TO HER I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW COULD THEY??? You'd think Tiny Toons would have prepared them for this sort of thing.
why did WB not wait ten years and manufacture minerva mink sex dolls?they left so much money on the table.if capitalism worked at all, then Disney would have done this with every princess movie
>>114932719Are there any events where anyone in the crew ever expressed this kind of reaction?
>>114929235Yeah, weren't the Warner Brothers and Dot even older than Slappy?
>>114932677I can't be bothered to read all the politics stuff, but you reminded me that there was a Mask animated show in the 90s that I used to like. I miss the 90s.
I'm gonna sound like le boomer, but the internet is a wickedly sharp double edged sword and I don't feel I like it most days at all.
anyone who does a cartoon knows full well that rule 34 exists by now.anyone who says "baww there are no hot girls because of feminists" -- isn't rule 34 a simpler explanation? people just want to slow down the torrent of jizz
>People being coomers actually got her shorts cancelled
>>114933112why would they care though? if someone drew porn of something i made, i'd just laugh my ass off.
It was literally just a Virgin vs Chad short
That little era of classic style animation revival between the 90s-00s was so cool.
>>114933582it was weirdyoutube.com
>>114933582It really was and it felt like it was going to become the norm for a while, like we were basically going to have the Looney Tunes all over again but updated to more modern times. Then the bubble burst and never recovered, sad really.
>>114933112You say that while you act like a fucking feminist that can't deal with the existence of sexy females.
>>114933582I honestly always felt animation from that period just looked weird and kind of cheap, especially when compared to older animation.
Got any more cute and tasteful pics?
>>114934346The link's not loading for me. Is it the production/model sheets?
>>114929339>Loving anthro girls but not liking "furry fandom" is the correct position.Anthro girls are fine when they are just sexy human women with cat ears and a dot nose leg Peg from Goof Troop. You start putting tits on upright horses and you should be lit on fire.
>>114934436Yes, catbox is just taking a shit right now
>>114929339I also love anthro girls but I hate furry fandom for lots of good reasons. Mostly because not only they try to normalize real life crimes (like pedophilia and zoophilia) but also because they have the nerve to pretend having the moral ground by not accepting "nazis" to the fandom and accusing otakus for pedophilia just because otaku fap to anime pantyshots.
>>114934727>they try to normalize real life crimes (like pedophilia and zoophilia)>and accusing otakus for pedophilia just because otaku fap to anime pantyshots.As much as I agree furfags are trash, this is definitely a humorous double-think you're pulling here.
>>114930778I didn't turn into a furry because I saw Red first and that set the gold standard for me
>>114934779>this is definitely a humorous double-think you're pulling hereelaborate
>>114927881Why, to be the inspiration to one of the longest running webcomics of all the time, Sabrina-Online (which is still going on to this day, look it up, she's married and has a baby girl now), of coarse (I still imagine that comic getting a animated sitcom during primetime line-up on the WB in the early 2000s and ends up nowadays where most adult cartoons from the late 1990s that were trying to be the next Simpsons only to end it's life short after one season, Weekends on Adult Swim that shows right after regular Cartoon Network goes off the air)
>>114934346every frame of this scene is great
>>114934779this, unless you're a coping furfag.>>114934833
>>114931889>Nevermind that, just give me the bird.>We can't. This is a family show.
It's a bit disturbing, no? Having such a clearly sexual character in a kid's cartoon. She's not even funny, she's just there for the animators to have something to whack off too.
>>114935123She's also there for the poor father that might be stuck watching these cartoons with his brats.
>>114934987Sabrina Online was pretty solid until the strip became some weird Transformers crossover for long enough for me to stop checking updates.
>>114934727This. The furfag community is so "open" and "tolerant" it's left the door open for pedos and dogfuckers. Shit, two of them got busted for murder and dogfucking just last month, the discord staff is rife with child grooming/cubfur/diaperfags. Otaku seem to have noticed this in recent years and have really stepped up their gatekeeping, which is important to any fandom. The biggest issue otaku have right now are feminists and people with agendas translating anime poorly.The best type of furfags are the ones who acknowledge how stupid their fandom is, don't care, and just enjoy their smut and faggotry. The worst of them tout being accepting and tolerant while trying to convince everyone 95% of the FC isn't made up of porn, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
>>114935178I really hate how people keep perpetuating the "fandom gatekeeping is bad" memelike they don't give a shit if people who don't bother to assimilate to the culture come in and ruin it for everyone
>>114935010Absolutely devilishly thick.
>>114935163he stopped doing that shit
>>114935178Look, I just want to fap to my anthro porn in peace alright.
>>114935163While he ended that plot, I did get the idea for a Transfomers series where Autobots & Decepticons from different generations and series fight in an ordinary everyday household Small Soldiers style from all the strips where the transformers had to deal with Timmy
>>114927881Make my pee pee the big pee pee
>>114935232gatekeeping only works in closed environments where you can control the flow of people.