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ITT: Underrated Cartoons
Nicholas Nelson
Other urls found in this thread:
Carter Jenkins
Shit was funny, but style looked like whore's abortion.
Andrew Adams
>>114927664>after recording for the graduation episode finale was done the voice actors were all given freshwater high diplomas
Ian Perez
>>114927664>Maxwell Atoms, C.H. Greenblatt and Mr.Warburton all worked on this>The show ended up being mediocre and forgetableWhat the fuck happened?
Julian Jenkins
Brayden Taylor
>>114927847i remember this being really, really shit. it lasted like two weeks in its original spot
Ian Hughes
>>114927889The way Allen and his father treated people was hilarious.
Logan Martin
>>114927690It was proto-calarts
Carson Gomez
>>114927664I wouldn't say it's better than Penguins, but it was much better than I thought.
Jonathan Peterson
>>114927844Some female at charge?
Oliver Campbell
>>114927802>that facelmao
Thomas Bennett
It was the proto Gravity Falls. Same brand of unfunny humor. Even the end credits are the same
Lucas Martin
>>114927847I am the one human being on Earth who liked this show.
Colton Evans
>>114927664Human bea was fuckable and the only redeeming quality of this show
Leo Gonzalez
Jordan Peterson
>>114927664Never forget that it’s creator Noah Z. Jones, also created this abomination
Wyatt Rodriguez
>>114929718>look it upmyfuckingdick
Jace Peterson
>>114929646>fish hooks invented end-credits scenes
Leo Perry
>>114927664>Calarts cartoon>Underrated
Ian Clark
Logan Hill
>>114928431it had some nice vore scenes ngl
Carter Russell
>>114930189Both shows use the same type of credits
Levi Morales
William Brooks
Kevin Collins
Elijah Fisher
>underrated cartoons>every cartoon posted is terrible
Xavier Martinez
>>114933579>he posts nothing
Xavier Cooper
Aaron Rogers
NFL Advertisement meets an action adventure cartoon.Was pretty good.
Grayson Miller
Caleb Morris
>>114933742>he posts nothing underrated
Benjamin Taylor
>>114933823>says home movies isn't underratedsorry but if this show hasn't won an emmy its underrated
Noah Williams
>>114933268My name today is....Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight!Yes it's quite a name, a bit on the racial edge with some, homoerotic tendency, but it works for the week.
Eli Harris
Lincoln Martin
>>114933925OP said underrated, not overrated.
Nicholas Gonzalez
>>114934005deffo uderrated imo
Angel Price
Don't know if this is underrated or not
Nathaniel Anderson
>>114933395This nibba gets it.
Isaiah Wood
>>114927664A pretty fun show. I wish DC kept making shows like these instead of exclusively adult and kid comedies.
Tyler Sullivan
Valt The Wonder Deer deserved better. Its distributor practically sabotaged
Benjamin Gonzalez
Honestly this is pretty much underrated, but it feels like Fish hooks just with better eye pleasing artstyle
Daniel Cook
>>114934924I remain surprised that never took off on Holla Forums, since Holla Forums loved Buzz on Maggie. There are some cute bug girls in Best Bugs Forever and it airs in the UK so it has an English dub.
Kevin Watson
>>114934973>English dubIt have
Josiah Thomas
>>114927664It deserved better.
Kevin Russell
>>114927664Nah, this was fucking boring as shit. I was the target demographic when it came out and even back then I didn't like it. human pool episode was kino though>>114927844Doesn't it have the same creator as Almost Naked Animals?
Brayden Taylor
>>114935413>And Pickle & Peanut
Jaxon Roberts
>>114935430Well there you go, two shows that are mediocre, we've found why Fish Hooks wasn't great.
Tyler Ramirez
>>114931053A lot of shows have credit scenes.
Adam Garcia
The later seasons are pretty good
Aiden Bell
This show was peak comfy, even though it's an action series. Pretty different from the games, though.
Luke Howard
>>114934863this looks a lot like mlp
Robert Gray
>>114927844They worked on ^THAT? i thought it was made in canada this entire time. also wasnt it on disney?
David Ross
>>114934924>>114934973This also surprises me.
Daniel Davis
Andrew Lewis
>>114927802He be lookin like a fish doe
Charles Russell
>>114935853I really liked this show. I hope it gets another season. It's better than the second game.
Henry Adams
>>114927664All I see is fish Morty now
Luke Jackson
>>114929718>Human bea was fuckable and the only redeeming quality of this showSnake and Mouse were the best characters in both forms.
Jack Thompson
>>114933395Catscratch was amazing>Are you member of the Highland Quid clan?>Yeah>Do you have the tattoo of the Highland Quid Clan?>Of course I do *shows the tattoo*>NO ONE OF THE HIGHLAND QUID CLAN HAS THE TATTOO OF THE HIGHLAND QUID CLAN
Angel Clark
This show was not nearly as bad as I expected it to be
David James
It doesn't deserve the shit it receives.
Liam Thompson
This shit was way ahead of its time.
Jayden Miller
>>114929868Nice>>114927664Freakazoid was too ahead his time
Carson Adams
>>114929712yes and you suck for it.
Nicholas Hill
Arguably the best TV version of the books
Mason Martinez
i'd say it was properly rated, just underappreciated. When you consider how many shitty adult cartoons get at least 2 seasons it's criminal that this got only 1.
Luke Young
>>114927664from the guys that worked on>codename kids next door>grim adventures of billy and mandy>flapjack>spongebob>eventually gravity falls>eventually reddit and mortyyeah, i’m thinking fish hooks was kino
Tyler Evans
>>114939328It's shit though, Atoms and Greenblatt deserved better than this
Luis Nelson
Leo Cox
Christopher Ward
>>114934052overshadowed by cow and chicken but it was the better show despite being a spinoff
Colton Martin
Unsupervised?More like... Un..derrated.Seriously, it was though.
Isaiah James
I liked this.
Ethan Ross
god-tier theme song
Dylan Hall
>>114939693It's awful, one of the worst Disney cartoons
William Hughes
Juan Kelly
Adam Edwards
This show is still good.
Isaiah Gutierrez
>>114939774>thornberries>underratedno. nick kept pushing this show together with rugrats but you can't even feel its influence today. classic case of a company misunderstanding what viewers want
John King
Charles Richardson
>>114939693Its ok in english, but Polish dub makes it 100% more enjoyable.
Ayden Jones
>>114939804They did the same shit with CatDog, ordering 100 episodes right of the bat and gave it a ton of merchandise. For comparision, they only picked up 6 episodes of Spongebob at the start.
Carson Rogers
>>114929712I liked it too.
Aiden Reyes
>>114927664>Fish Hooks>Underrated that shit literally is early CalArts garbage but with even more shitty hyper LOL random humor, fuck off.
Juan Bennett
>>114933395I'm having a difficult time resolving with myself if this show was ever any good or not. I loved it as a kid, but thinking back I feel like there was no way it was that enjoyable. Almost feels like a fever dream, though I do recall the zombie episode being my favorite at the time.
Brayden Bell
>>114940611It holds up very well, it's made by the same guy who made Earthworm Jim.
Kayden Kelly
>>114927664Deserved SO much better than being a source of Evangelion/Pedo jokes.I hope someone picks it up...
Brayden Robinson
>>114940611I rewatched it not too long ago and it still made me laugh like a moron, although I was going through a rough period in my life at the time so maybe it made me enjoy it more. Either way it is a pretty decent show and definitely should have gotten more than just one season.
Juan Taylor
What's really underrated, anons? Stuff that flew under everyone's radar, or stuff that one user likes because the Holla Forums circlejerk refuses to knowledge those who watch cartoons that aren't the pre-approved cartoons?
Isaiah Peterson
Matthew Brooks
>>114929646>>114930189>>114935478The after credits scenes for Disney shows go as far back as Emperor's New School. They've been out for a while.
Joshua Jenkins
Matthew Barnes
>>114933881Anon, are you alive?
Carter Powell
>>114941738what did he mean by this
Ayden Ross
>>114941738Both. It's entirely subjective. I like most of the stuff in this thread.
Andrew Peterson
>>114940702>ugly shit show>underrated
Thomas Rivera
Josiah Kelly
Zachary Allen
I like how cynical this show is for a babyfied Total Drama
Elijah Russell
>>114941950Gravity Falls could've gone for something more unique instead of using the same style of credits. Didn't help that most of them were unfunny and pointless
Jordan Parker
>>114934863could be worse
Ryder Sullivan
>>114933395This and ChalkZone were quintessential mid-2000s background noise. Never thought shows could be outmuscled by the likes of Jimmy Neutron and All Grown Up, but I guess it just goes to show the dearth of cartoon offerings Nick had at the time (at least Drake & Josh was incredibly based)
Nathan Brooks
>>114933268>>114933395>>114939532>>114939017Finally, something based.
Jacob Johnson
Benjamin Howard
Luis Ramirez
Connor Hall
>>114940702I only remember this for Butt Witch and not much else, sadly.
Colton Nguyen
>>114939802I stopped watching after the season that introduced the redesigns from the movie, and was slightly disappointed that they even changed Lloyd's VA for it too i still want to fuck him though
Kevin Clark
>>114939730This is based but how is it underrated
Brandon Perry
>>114933268>>114933395>>114934052>>114934608>>114939693>>114939730>>114941785>>114946121Now, these are what I call underrated, underappreciated and overlooked shows that deserve much better.
William Bell
Joshua Gray
Logan Johnson
>>114946258Only had 39 episodes and was replaced by Loonatics Unleashed
James Sanders
>>114939693>>114938878>>114941785>>114944173>>114944393Those are dog shit
Andrew Cruz
>>114947742So is that - no matter how much Holla Forums props it up because "fap material".
Bentley Rogers
>>114945283Rimba had no distributor, but still successfully negotiated to get on Disney XD in its home country and got on Netflix in the US. Valt is virtually unknown to all but a handful of 4channers since it was never really posted anywhere else.
Leo Richardson
>>114947842>Planet Sheen has pornNigga, wtf?
Ryder Foster
>>114946821It isn't underrated though everyone knows about it
Anthony Phillips
>>114948247Only die hard Looney Tunes fans, normalfags look at this and thinks it's the original shorts.
Asher Taylor
>2020>No final battleI'm still waiting Disney...
Julian Brooks
Jeremiah Cook
>>114949060It's dead Jim.I rewatched the whole thing some few moths ago and it was somewhat less darker than I remembered it to be. Guess the nightmare episode had that strong of an impression on me.
Daniel Robinson
>>114949118>Courage ripoffNo
Aiden Ramirez
>>114948231There was a blue alien warrior princess. Maybe someone can jack it to that.
Nathan Ward
Asher Williams
>>114949369She was only good in some of the concept art.
Isaiah Gutierrez
>>114933881Fuck you nigger
Gabriel Cooper
>>114929868Muh dick!!
Isaiah Price
>>114938897yeah, it deserves to be shit on more.
Owen Cook
>>114939222My man, this show is the best representation about what is a father
Lucas Scott
Christian Richardson
>>114939584This suck balls
Josiah Fisher
>>114934924I'm still surprised this doesn't have porn already
Brody Sanchez
Hudson Lee
>>114927664the only good parts were mouse and snake
Ian Lee
>>114950311In hindsight Uncle Grandpa was The Midnight Gospel before its time.
Logan Scott
>>114927664the definition of underrated, buried and
Wyatt Taylor
>2003>being one of most popular webtoons>some random guy at Nick calls the creator to ask if there's interest on a TV adaptation>projects delays until 2008>throw it to nicktoons without any type of advertising>axe it with only 6 episodes>as for today, Nick still refuses it's existenceDo i need to say more?
Josiah Long
>>114927664It was ahead of its time. History will remember it as the defining cartoon of the Bush era.
Robert Reyes
>>114951575Making Fiends' behind the scenes story makes me so completely fucking livid
Charles Clark
>>114951575>>114951645There is no bigger injustice in Western Animation than Nick absolutely screwing Winfrey out of Making Fiends. At least give the girl the IP back if you wouldn't even do shit with it.
Jaxson Clark
>>114951575they dumped a TON of shit onto nicktoons network in the late 2000s
Kayden Baker
>>114933881Fuck u
Ethan Anderson
I never hear anyone talking about
Aiden Mitchell
>>114946072Really good show.
Isaac Gomez
>>114933881you fucking nigger go back to Holla Forums
Zachary Russell
>>114946268>>114947742The duality of man
Blake Allen
Wyatt Smith
Chase Sanders
>>114927664Man 100+ posts in and there’s no mention of Duckman?
David Scott
>>114950879I never liked this show, save for the mom character. She doesn't have enough R34 / safe fanart, which is worse.
Charles Brooks
>>114951609Yes, defining monkey feces, unfortunately.
Logan Lewis
No image, but... Obligatory post coming through...>Littlest Pet Shop (2012)Because I know this one from experience.
Levi Campbell
This show was pretty good. Reminded me of action cartoons you would've seen on The Hub. It would've been cool to see a couple of more seasons.
Noah Gomez
>>114952460You miss /dmg/ which always gets posts?There's hasn't been a new episode in a long time so
Hudson Green
Despise the stupid plot i remember liking this one here on Negrolandia it was airing on DXD[\spoiler]
Owen King
Sebastian Sullivan
>>114954042So this wasnt a fever dream I had
Ian Jackson
>>114953233is it underrated tho?
Liam Wright
Was Dan Vs. Underrated? I think it was. Same with Final Space.
Carson Evans
Cameron Adams
>>114954290Not really, no.
Christopher Morris
moonbeam city
Mason Rodriguez
>>114954296>Was Dan Vs. Underrated100% no I see it all over
Dominic Phillips
>>114950278Fuck off, retard.
Ryder Martinez
>>114933881fuck you
Jace Foster
Chase Ross
>>114954124thank you
Henry Kelly
>>114946304Saw bits and pieces of it on vacation, it was cute However, Ryan Quincys show before that, Out There, is one of my favorite shows of the last decade
Owen James
>>114954296Underrated outside 4chan
Nicholas Hernandez
>Best Bugs Forever & Buzz on Maggie on the thread but no Creepie
Lucas Nguyen
>>114933881This is the first one of these posts I actually likedCudos
Cameron Rodriguez
>>114929868I have an irrational hate of Fish Hooks.>go visit mom, she got cable>turn on TV, this episode just started>pants: why contain it?>checks the tv grade to get the show name>next episode, my body is ready>what is this, a fish episode?>look it up and its actually the oppositeIt might have been a good show but my neck still hurts from the mood whiplash.>>114938908I liked how in localization they adapted the jokes unlike most shows and movies back then, half of those would fly over our uncultured heads. South Park also was adapted as such, replacing american household names with brazilian ones.Translating shows to a foreign language is always a tricky proposition, and the path Freakazoid! and South Park makes the end result look a bit goofy, it's perfect for goofy comedies and and not so good for action movies.
Jose Hughes
Watch out everyone, based Code Lyoko coming through
Levi Martinez
>Only one season>None even dubbed despise to be a fucking Ben 10 clone with Megaman, it was good but what happen?
Jacob Murphy
>>114927664i have yet to meet a single person irl who remembers this show and i don't get it. it was so good
Adam Jenkins
I miss this like you wouldn't believe.
Luis Ward
>>114956652I remember it!And the girl with the green hair and his mom were cute!
William Nelson
>Makes a joke about changing the name of the show for the second season>The last episode of season one ends on Sam pondering that they may not get another season, only to end with them getting another call from the commissioner>No season twoWhy must they play with my heart like that.
Brandon Hill
>>114933881Are you proud of yourself?
Jacob Ward
>>114956918Was the buzz on maggie done the same joke?
Angel Long
>>114945014Just say you hate comedy and move on. I think Penn Zero and Star vs ultimately brought back classic end credits. Disney TVA shows have all been like that ever since.
Tyler Hernandez
>>114954042It got taken off Disney XD's schedule in the States because it wasn't getting the same blockbuster ratings as Phineas and Ferb reruns. I think there's still 8 or so half-hours unaired here.It wasn't even that bad a show. Just really forgettable.
Asher Perez
>>114927664>>114955709*blocks your path*
Leo Martinez
Landon Torres
>>114957020No, don't think so. There wasn't very much meta with Maggie, which is a shame. Great setting, but very underutilized.
Julian Stewart
>>114955434the pool episode is literally about them trying to back to fish, retard
Kayden Price
Dominic Morris
>>114939730>Tom fucking Jones in the introThis shit was my jam back then
Easton Clark
>>114928431This show's greatest contribution will always be all that weird-ass Mort deep lore.
Kayden Evans
>>114957626Funky Cops was so ridiculousI loved it
Landon Morales
>>114956652Shame, I knew a few peopleEl Tigre was really amazing>>114956707>green hairFrida had blue hair, or you mean someone I forgot aboutYOu're right about his mom
Mason Gomez
>>114933881Strange name
Dominic Torres
>>114927664Anyone else?
Jaxon Campbell
>>114957626>Trading fiveheads for Leno-chins
Nicholas Reed
>>114956652I liked it far more than Danny Phantom or MLAATR, 2 shows which I found to be a chore to watch, whereas this series was fun and should have lasted longer, really.>>114955008Yeah, I forgot to mention Out There. Haven't seen that one is why I couldn't, sadly enough...
Ryder Jenkins
>>114955119You really want obscure and underrated, try Grossology (no image). Creepie is actually quite fondly remembered, outside of Holla Forums, albeit in small circles.That show was the best use of gross-out material ever, if you asked me.
Grayson Sanchez
Evan Cook
Tito Dickman is a good character.
Jayden Price
>>114950316No u suck balls.Hah got em
Levi Garcia
>>114959937the voice acting, art, animation, and sound mixing make this literally unwatchable
Charles Gonzalez
>>114947865Ok. You got me.
Owen Mitchell
Brandon James
>>114946121>We never got a Zootopia crossover with Penn as Nick, Sashi as Judy, and Boone as Clawhauser.
Aiden Cruz
Once you realize that they are actually telling a story and it's not just a visual source of brain damage, 12 oz Mouse is fucking incredible.
Dylan Robinson
>>114946821>replaced by Loonatics UnleashedThey didn't even air on the same network.
Joshua James
>>114940702Netflix ruined it.
Ryder Collins
Elijah Butler
Isaac Bell
>>114933881Well better make sure
Jack Turner
>>114935375If only David Mitton had stepped in when Sunbow had the rights. Unlike Thomas, TUGS didn't have 40+ years of source material, so a US release didn't need the Shining Time Station treatment.
Nicholas Harris
Hunter Watson
>>114941950What was up with that? >Emperor's New School>The Replacements>Phineas and Ferb>Even American Dragon and Kim Possible did this in their later seasons
Adrian Lewis
>>114927664It was shit.
Elijah Johnson
>>114929868aaaaah fuuuuck
Isaac Garcia
>>114927664>This is what Zoomers are nostalgic for
Joshua Richardson
>>114956652This show got some recent talk due to what Mr. Enter said about it.