‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 Recruits Katee Sackhoff to Play Bo-Katan in Live-Action
‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 Recruits Katee Sackhoff to Play Bo-Katan in Live-Action
>Source: my ass
The leaked castyoutube.com
>>114926423the source is in the image but here is one of the many outlets reporting it tvline.com
>>114926315Ok I'm starting to get a little apprehensive about the second season now. I liked the first season because it was not relying on known characters or anything. Lots of similar charcter designs, visuals and stuff from the greater Star Wars universe but everything was a new well made character.Season 2 feels like they are going to start pulling out the Memberberries with Ashoka, Boba Fett and now Bo-Katan. I mean what next, Sabine? Hera? Thrawn? Actually Thrawn would be cool but still, it feels like the show is turning into the live action sequel to Rebels or Clone Wars now.And if they are going to bring back Temuera Morrison I feel like I'd rather he play Rex than Fett. Only because Fett should only be in his mid to late 30s by this point. They should use the kid who played Boba in Episode 2 as he is around that age.
>>114926505Bo-Katan makes sense she wants the dark saber back
>>114926505>I mean what next, Sabine?Funny you mention that
>>114926550there's a laundry list of reasons why every mandalorian still alive should want Gideon dead
>>114926315this woman isn't a bad actress but i'm sick of her
>>114926505>I mean what next, Sabine?
>>114926575I love Katie. But she does tend to act in shit. Another Life is unwatchable. But what do you want her to do? She's typecasted in sci-fi and a paycheck is a paycheck. It's not like she can choose roles.
>>114926630>Favrea returning as Paz VizlaMy boy survived. Best news I've heard all day. That said that cast list all but confirms that this show is now going to be the Sequel to Rebels. I'm not happy about that.
>>114926630>Minh Na Wen is back
am i the only person who give NO FUCKS about filoni's fucking waifus and OCs?i feel like a dumb boomer here, but i fucking hate ahsoka, all the other OC mandos, asajj, etc
>>114926630>all those Clone Wars and Rebels charactersFuck Filoni!
>>114926922No, man. Filoni and Clone Wars ruined Mandalorians and, well, the prequel era long before Disney showed up.
>>114926922>am i the only person who give NO FUCKS about filoni's fucking waifus and OCs?Nope. I hate Filoni's shit for the same reason. Creating OCs is one thing, nothing wrong with new characters, but pushing them in everything is annoying - especially Ahsoka who has become nonsensically wedged into every era of the canon
>>114926630>Aphra will be in Season 2
>>114926922Asajj is not Filoni's creation but his Clone Wars ruined her.
>>114926873She's great but her character had clearly died in a one-off episode. It was a good story.It just goes to show that stakes don't matter and if a character in SW is liked, they'll be brough back no matter what. Though we already knew that, I guess, since Darth Maul.
>>114926630>>114926986half of these are rumors
>>114926922>all the other OC mandosI don't know, Fenn Rau and Gar Saxon were pretty rad.
>>114927008yeah i know but it's my pointi also hate ALL the fucking night brothers/sistersit completely cheapens the purge and waters down vader. old canon was based, pretty much sheev and vader trying to outscheme each other behind the scenes while maintaining appearances to one another. truly 4D space chess. vader going around being the scariest motherfucker in the entire galaxy. hunting down whomever. insubordinate imperials, hiding jedi, old republic remnant, etcnow it's all these other faggots twirling around with their own sabers and shit. absolute dbz tier
>>114926504>>114926630I'll believe it when I see it>BosskThat'd be...Interesting. I wonder how they would work it as (hopefully) a non cgi effect>SloaneImpossible, nobody but book writers remember she exists>VersioThis better be pure wishful thinking
>>114927012As long as she fucks Aphra on screen I’m fine with it.
>>114927098>Sloane>Impossible, nobody but book writers remember she existsPlus she rivals Rey in terms of Mary Sueness.
>>114926630>The Mandalorian is a success>gotta cram in as many familiar faces as possibleThis damn well better be a lot of speculation/wishful thinking, or else the galaxy just got even smaller.
>>114926630Favreau can’t play Pre Vizsla. For one he is dead and it’s in no way ambiguous and two he wouldn’t even look remotely appropriate even if he never took his helmet off.
>>114927438That's Paz, user. He was Heavy Weapons Guy on the Mando team in season 1.
>>114926630You're high if you think this is real.
>>114927438Its Paz not Pre. Paz was the Mando that pulled a knife on Mando infront of the Armorer
>>114926630For me it's Dee Bradley Baker, the patrician voice actor
>>114927098>BosskHe's dead though. If the sail barge exploding killed the Sarlacc, I don't see my nigger Bossk surviving.
>>114927438Wrong Vizla. Paz Vizla is the Heavy Mando. Who was voiced by Favreau in season 1.
>>114927469>>114927509Sorry I guess I’m blind
>>114926315Something something THE WALL
>>114927012We knew that in Episode IV with Ben. No one's ever really gone
>>114927661>Something something THE WALLTo be fair, she should look like she's hitting the wall. She was a young twenty something in TCW and was probably around her 40s in Rebels. If she were to show up in The Mando, she should be a 50-something broad.
>>114927069You are talking about the Inquisoters, it's not like the Nightsisters/Nighbrothers aren't as retarded as them conceptually but they are completely separate things.
>>114927012Might appear in a flashback or recording.
>>114927012>had clearly died in a one-off episodeBased on what? Gideon having the Darksaber? That hardly counts as "clearly". A lightsaber can slip out of someone's hand. We saw Anakin and Obi-wan lose both of their lightsabers in AoTC. Her not having the Darksaber anymore, as far as anyone apart from Dave and Jon knows, only means that she doesn't have it. She could still be alive and well.
>>114926922Filoni just can't contain his autism for one fucking second to let a perfectly good thing stay the way it was. It was fine with Clone Wars because that was an obvious shitty cash grab anyway and seeing somebody be passionate about it in any way was more than anyone expected, but now it's getting emberassing.
>>114926315Sounds like a stripper name.
Put fucking Durge you faggots
>>114926922No you are not. Honestly, I see all these updates on season 2 and I feel like Disney is jsut doing everything they can to ruin the one thing people genuinely enjoyed under their banner.I mean fuck me, why are we pouring all these Clone Wars characters into it? They don't need to be here.
>>114926630The thing I liked about Mando season 1 is that the cast was all new characters. No familiar faces. I really, really hope they don't blow their wad on cameos/established characters. I have a bad feeling about this.
>>114929150How can you say they don't need to be there if you don't know literally anything about the second season yet?
>>114927061This, thank you based user. They are the best additions Filloni made to the canon.
>>114926986>Aphra will be in Season 2Aphra's not in season 2. And even if she was I don't think they'd cast a white girl for a character that's canonically a space-chink.
>>114926630>fennecIsn't that bitch dead?
>>114929758Can't help yourself, can you?
This is why Star Wars was never going to work as an expanded cinematic universe, they are too obsessed with tying everything together without letting things naturally branch out. I don't see how the Mandalorian would put up with the Rebels characters' obnoxious over the top personalities.
>>114926505Filoni cannot let go of his Clone Wars OCs.
>>114929221Same. I liked how the Mandalorian was such a loner. Hell, I would fucking love if he had episodes where he had to fight Rebels/Republic soldiers because I hate how Disney always enforces "Cause this character is a anti-hero, he has to get along with the actual heroes!"
>>114929758Chloe Bennet is Korean.
>>114929934No, she was a chinese pop star before she went into acting.
>>114929934She doesn't look it. I know Koreans love cosmetic surgery, but I've never seen them go so far as to make themselves appear to not be their own ethnic group.
If any of this is true then season 2 is looking to be a bloated mess. I just want comfy Mando adventures, not some hamfisted tie in to OT stuff and definitely not any Rebels characters.
>>114926630I thought Sabine was the best fit for a new guest character. Shes a hardcore anti-fundamentalist and the protagonist is a hardcore pro-fundamentalist. From her perspective sticking with the old ways was dumb but from his perspective the old ways is what allowed them to survive. Seeing some new Mando taking her helmet off all the time covered in paint with complete disregard for anything would be a shocker for him.
>>114930000>>Mandalorian opens up a door>>Asoka, Sabine, Hera, Zeb and Chopper all come out.>>Mandalorian stares at them>>"Hi! I'm Asoka, and these are my Rebel friends! Over the past few years, we've been fighting the Empire and recently have-">>Mandalorian stares at the camera as they keep talking.
>>114926630>Simon Pegg as Dengarwait, what?
>>114926505Came here to say this. They're going a little bit too hard with the expanded universe deal, which sounds weird given what this is, but it's not boding well.
>>114926550screw the dark saber bring back the Mandalore's Mask
>>114930034>Seeing some new Mando taking her helmet off all the time covered in paint with complete disregard for anything would be a shocker for himI think part of that wouldn't. I suspect folks like the Wren, Vizsla, Kryze and other notable clans are probably above the whole "no take off helmet" rule. I can only suspect because they're essentially Mandalorian nobility. Their bloodlines probably go back thousands of years to probably when Mandalore only implied the planet Mandalore as opposed to the thousands of worlds they conquered since. Guys like Din probably have to earn the right to show their faces because in terms of their culture, they're literal whos whilst someone like Sabine was born with that right because of what her family is.
>>114930201Canderous destroyed and made it metal or something, it's fucking unclear. Either way I doubt the thing still exists.
>>114930142Pegg voiced Dengar in TCW. If perchance they'd ever decide to use Dengar in live action again, it's not far fetched to think they'd might give him a call. Whether or not he agrees though is another matter entirely. The fact that he agreed to do TCW is a miracle given how very openly of an OT-purist he is.
>>114929117Genndywars is verboten
>>114926630>Bill Burr and Clancy Brown returningNice.
>>114930057Here’s that gif of Genndy grievous that zooms in on his dead expression
>>114930397*whereI hope for someone else to post it pls
S1 was great because it had contained story that limited force shenanigans to baby yeed.
>>114930473And blasters are a credible threatEven with beskar plates Din still gets knocked on his ass if he’s shot. They can’t just effortlessly reflect away storms of bolts
>>114930057I thought you were going to go in this direction.youtube.com
>>114930656Camera just zooms in, silently. Now that'd be kino.
>>114929221Yeah I liked it because it felt fresh and free to do whatever they wanted, adding Asoka and the others feels like they are chaining the story down.
>>114926315feels weird.clone wars is alternate prequels, theres a rumour that lucas and favreau are remaking the sequels.its like another timeline.clone wars-->original trilogy-->mandalorian-->new sequels
>>114931465As crazy and implausible as that would be, I am not against it. I doubt they will retcon the sequels entirely and do anything i terms of timelines. Then again, Filoni DID bring Time Travel into Star Wars, so maybe they can use that to fix some of this shit.
>>114931637time travel? what? did i miss something?
>>114931658Ezra found some ancient force time portal and he pulled Ashoka out of her fight with Vader and saved her. Then he wanted to use it to save Kanan but Ashoka wouldn't let him because Timeline fuckery.
>>114926630Does any of this shit have even a half reliable source to back it up? Because all that shit sounds like the rumor mill throwing everything they have against the wall and seeing what sticks.
how many chances are there for a hunter from siberia to meet Trump when traveling in Indonesia?disney makes the universe so fucking small if they will pull all those characters into the mandalorian.. the shit will burn down like fireworks..
>>114931834>Does any of this shit have even a half reliable source to back it up?not at all. it is not even sure when and how they will publish the second season.. not to mention that the second season is already filmed and they pull every time some new actor "joining the crew".. in a fact if i were disney i would keep the cartoon characters "NEVER appear in the real time" series as much as possible. it was big mistake to make Ashoka appear in Rebels.. especially her role was possible to be played by any former jedi master there..
>>114931875Just playing Devil's Advocate here but most of these characters ARE Mandalorian or tied to big events in Mandalore's recent past, so its possible that they might run into each other.That said ALL of them being alive and showing up in a series that up until now had very little to do with those characters is dumb. I'm good with Ashoka showing up, because Hamil is to old to play a younger version of himself, ontop of the fact that I feel like a Yoda infant would have been brought up in the Sequels so Ashoka works. Plus she's gotta die at some point, might as well do it in The Mandalorian.Every other CW/Rebels character is too much though. If I had to pick someone to be in the show from that list, I'd go with Fenn Rau, because Kevin McKidd is great and honestly I never really liked the Strong Female Characters that seemed to be the most important characters in relation to Mandalore and the Mandalorians in general.
>>114931765lol, its ok to save me but fuck blind boy!
>>114932076>Just playing Devil's Advocate here but most of these characters ARE Mandalorian or tied to big events in Mandalore's recent past, so its possible that they might run into each other.dude. Mandalor is fucking thousand of world with billions of people on them. i am not trying to piss against the wind but CoT - Mando is not even the same sect as it is showed. not to mention that they talk about Jedi as if they were some fucking lost forgoten myth. Jedi, who were the defenders of the republic which was the biggest enemy of Madalorians for thousands of years..
>>114932126His saving her was accidental and they couldn't go back on it. Plus she was saved from a piece of rubble that was about to crush her after other rubble blocked her off from Vader. So it was literally the "not seen dying so they aren't dead" trope.
>>114926630This is literally a list of a few confirmed cast members and then VAs for various other characters.It also ignores some of the other actors we know who have been added to this season like Michael Biehn.
>>114928985Dude is talking about Ming Na's character, not Bo Katan and the Darksaber.
>>114929600We all know how Korra would end up in the Empire.
>>114932265it would be great the will make cartoon episode, serie, OVA, movie where they finally explane the role of celestial twins and why "da poweeerrrr" decided to get rid of Jedi order and start to cultivate jedi as single fighter without any order around the galaxy..(see the end of the Jedi Fallen Order) Feloni showed the Sisters bird avatar in the show again and it is about fucking time to reveal its role in the fate of the universe.
>>114929836She was wearing her laserproof space underwear invented by the Tarkin Initiative.Seriously, though, her biggest potential to still be alive outside of clones or a twin is the fact that she was shot by a relative amateur. This should be clear by the fact that he left the body. Even IF Mando is a big payday there's no rule against collective multiple bounties. Dude was an idiot in every way.
>>114932209>Mandalor is fucking thousand of world with billions of people on them.Yeah but there was still a single home planet called Mandalore that was the capital for the Mandalorians. Also I'm pretty sure all of that was retconned when they first brought the Mandalorians into the Clone Wars cartoon. And even if it is still canon that they had control of thousands of worlds that was still back during the Old Republic. Pre-Clone Wars, Mandalore was a Forest Planet with various small villages and homes that the remaining Mandalorians called home when they weren't out doing the Merc or Bounty Hunter thing out in the Galaxy.>they talk about Jedi as if they were some fucking lost forgoten myth.Yeah but that still tracks for the OT as well. Han thought the Jedi were a myth as well. I assume because of Imperial Propaganda downplaying the Jedi as much as possible. As for Mando, he was rescued as a child on a backwater planet by the Mandalorians and then raised as a foundling in what I assume was hidden and kept away from the rest of the Galaxy like they were shown living in Season 1. So Mando not knowing anything about the Jedi also tracks.
Now Holla Forums, how would you include him into the new canon?
>>114926630Why is Hera's father younger than her?
Bo-Katan being in Mandalorian season two would actually make sense since we need to find out how Gideon obtained the Darksaber. Chances are she won't be alive though
>>114932485i really wonder why they dont bring up another big players in SW universe like Bothan or Hut worlds anymore. Bothans owned huge place in outer Rim, fucked mandalorians as they pleased and had millitary power to keep up against Empire in a direct fight, which forced Palpy da Emperor to bend down and walk around them.
>>114932509Because they're voice actors for cartoon characters and not live action actors for live action characters.
>>114932485>Han thought the Jedi were a myth as well.Han grew up in the gutters and then spent the majority of his adulthood in the outer rim where most people had never even heard of the Jedi Knights. He's hardly a reflection of the general populace's impression of the Jedi. In fact, the Jedi were very much apart of living memory for most people formerly of the Republic. Sheev needed them to be or else how could he be hailed as the hero who stopped the Jedi and the Clone War?
>>114926315The only Star Wars character I want to see is Cal Kestis
>>114926630>Season 2 is just the next installment of Filoni WarsBOI
>>114926500lol Filoni went all out. this is like a hairsbreath away from having Luke appear.
>>114926630Yeah, only Carl Weathers, Gina Carano, Bill Burr, Giancarlo Esposito, Katee Sackhoff, Rosario Dawson, and Temuera Morrison are confirmed. Genevieve O’Reilly was confirmed as Mon Mothma for the Cassian Andor series.
>>114926630>Fennec ShandI knew she survived. Based,
>>114931875They're just continuing what George started
>>114926826>That said that cast list all but confirms that this show is now going to be the Sequel to Rebels. I'm not happy about that.I am also filled with trepidation. I don't need a show crammed with memberberries.
>There will be an episode where The Mandolorian has to help his buddy Trapper Wolf get laid with AshokaHOW DOES FILONI KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT?
>>114926505A lot of this is probably for flashback purposes. Gideon fucked their planet without lube so we're probably going to see some of that.
>>114926315This looks like one of those fake things where someone wants someone cast who actually looks like the character instead of some twat who gave a jew a blowjob.
>>114933497Major trades are reporting it, so it is indeed real
>>114933654>Major trades are reporting itThat doesn't make it real. All it does is show their ignorance because they think that the nerd sites creating these rumors are for real. This is the exact same shit like the Eddie Murphy playing the Riddler rumors from 10 years ago and the major outlets reporting it like it was a fact all over again. Only now we're getting a bunch of them one after the other.
Wait if Mandalorian is more of culture thing than a race then why are all Mandalorians human?
>>114933887because some humans are not mandalorian and some arejust like some humans are buddhists and some aren't, just like some humans are hare krishna and some aren'tthere isn't a mandalorian "race" because all humans in star wars are the same race, they all came from coruscant originallythat is to say that bo katan and padme amidala are the same race, but bo katan is a mandalorian and padme isn't
>>114933887Maybe they're xenophobic, who fucking knows
>>114933981>they all came from coruscant originallyNobody knows that. The native homeworld for Humans hasn't been established yet. Probably won't ever be.
>>114934054I must have confused old EU with new EU thenMy point still stands though, humans are humans everywhere in the galaxy, a branch of humans are mandalorians, that's the meaning of "it's not a race it's a creed"
>>114934054I think he means one of the old EU ideas that the mandalorians are the result of humans and other species' interactions with the Taung, which were native to Coruscant
>>114934151>I must have confused old EU with new EU thenThere is no new EU. There's just Star Wars and Legends.
>>114931465Isn't that just the schizo ramblings of Mike Zeroh?
I like the showit's a little dumb and yeah I cringe at all the bait soi consoomer moments >OMGAAAAAH HE EXPLODES THE THINNNGGGG AAA THE VICTORIOUS MUSIC IS PLAYING SO EPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIICbut at the end of the day it's some good ol family fun
>>114934942nigga wut
>>114934184haha omfg is this real?
>>114934942>but at the end of the day it's some good ol family funI don't think this is a very family friendly show, but then again some families brought their kids to see Mad Max: Fury Road, so what do I know?
>>114926315Does that red haired bitch even age?