Does anyone actually like Star? Why?
Does anyone actually like Star? Why?
>>114925026It's not that people like star, is that people hate Jarcofags, in other words (you)
>>114925026We love Star, we just also love to see her suffer
>>114925026she cute
>>114925026I do because she doesn't munch grass
>>114925026Yes, she committed genocide on the entire race of magic creatures purifying everything that's not a human
I think it's hilarious that Star gets cucked out of mexican dick by objectively better waifus
>>114925026She forced two groups of people who wanted to live separately together and committed genocide so it could happen, she's alright in my book
>>114925358Cuteness beats hotness
>>114926212Whatever you say, cuck
>>114926335Hey user why is your picture blank?
>>114925333beat me to it, trips confirm
>>114925303>is that people hate Jarcofags,>peopleStarcofags aren’t people tho.
I want to rape Star until her mind breaks.
>>114925026I mean not after that endingbut if you forget about the last two seasons, she was likable
>>114926940Projecting much?
>>114925026A threeway would have solved everything
>>114925026Marco does
I don't particularly like her, but boooy... I do enjoy the cuckquean memes
>>114927240I swear season 3 and 4 purposely tried to make Marco a cuck instead as an attempt to stop the memes
>>114927285>jackie cosplaying as starOh my, oh my
I want to pee on Star
>>114925026I used to until I realized who best girl was.
>>114926344Because it was made with the good parts of the show, which at the end were taken away to please some really stupid people thinking that an autist was cute.
>>114927381This but the other way around.
>>114927381I want to make Star piss herself.
>>114927618>>114927381I want to pee on user anon while he pisses on Star while she's pissing herself!
>>114927519Thay glorious moment when our Stacy is so perfect her thighs are thicker than the MC body.What did Daron meant by this?
>>114927663Bitches with no thicc will do anything to put thicc bitches down.
>>114925026She's my cuck.
>>114927725Whats with the blank box?
>>114925026I don't personally know anyone that legitimately likes her. The casuals I see online that seem to like her either aren't aware enough to consider the consequences of Stars actions, or they willfully ignore them. (Which I suppose is fine. We all have portions of canon in things we dislike.)In general, I disliked her in a few episodes in seasons 1, but overall thought she was pleasant. This got better in season 2 but still repeated the pattern. By season 3... things started to go south and were a trash-fire by the end. Now I just don't like her.And most amusingly, Janna, Jackie, Hekapoo are all more interesting characters at this point.... Not that it matters in a show that's dead and buried.
>>114927235I don't believe the writing with Marco. He spent 15 years chasing Hekapoo and 15-months dealing with Star's bullshit. Doesn't compare or calculate.
>>114925026I hate all the characters equally
>>114927895The worst part is that the creator patted herself on the back for the last two seasons and will go on to make more shows for Disney.
I like how she kill trillions withouth thinking it twice, and believe is justice, all for sweet sweet mexican d
>>114928031>>114928122I find it amusing that Star forgot about Tom so hard that she wasn't even aware she was going to execute him with her final actions in the show...Man, I mean I don't care too much for Tom but that's harsh. Star was a thirsty horny teenage girl happy to go after whoever was her interest at that moment, wasn't she? Love just wasn't something she had in her... ever.
>>114928219Tom getting fucked over was worth a hearty chuckle
>>114928219Tom became such a loser, but he brought it on himself. What’s funny is that everyone memes Star as a cuck, but Tom got cucked by Marco and then forgave him and continued their friendship.
Star was probably killed not long after destroying magic.
>>114928312What you failed to notice is that Tom became part of Marco's harem.
>>114928312Cuck Oddity was one of the best memes to come out of /sveg/
>>114928331Tom became an afterthought to Marco, it’s for the best. Tom’s poor mom has to live the fact that her son got cucked by some Mexican.
>>114928412>Tom’s poor mom has to live the fact that her son got cucked by some Mexican.So she became the average American mother
did he-
>>114928568Imprenate a princess and cuck a prince? You bet
>>114928333Nice trips. It was the best OC to have come out during the latter seasons
For real, how did Janna manage to usurp Jackie and become the best girl in the show?
>>114928312wasn't tom the one who broke up with star?
>>114928761Shovel chin freak
>>114925026Star has cute design, that's why.
>>114928884>um ,star. i think we should break up
>>114928863Seething cuz his chinlet children will be slaves to the Shovelchads
>>114928959Tom knew his place: the cuck shed
>>114928851>>114928884>>114928959Tom broke up with Star the second time they were together, Star ended the first time (prior to the events of the show), Marco cucked Tom at the Blood Moon Ball but neither he nor Tom were actually dating Star at that timewhat am I doing with my life
>>114925634Well she did merged 2 dimensions to get the mexidick
>>114928959I still don't know why they broke up.The goodbyes episode was just....goodbyes without harm.Being unable to decide where to go in vacation isn't a good reason to broke up
>>114929312The merger happened randomly.
>>114929458cause the writers why did they even get back together in the first place?
>>114929544To make Marco suffers...i think?
>>114928761She didn't
>>114929544Now...I actually like the way they get back together in the sance episode.It felt natural and developmented both.But the way they broke up just assasinated each character
>>114929686>She didn'tBut she did.
>>114925026Season 1-2 I liked.
>>114930927Hey Jackie, you left your lunch
It's time to settle this once and for all. Are you a Starfag or a Jackiefag? Which side are YOU on?
>>114931244Jackiechad here
>>114931244between those 2, jackie, but overall hekapoo
>>114931244>Are you a Starfag or a Jackiefag?JannaCHAD
>>114931244Last time i checked it was the Dallas STARS
>>114931338just because you're different doesn't mean you're interacting
>>114931313>Jackiechad>their girl left Marco for a rapefugee from FranceKek
>>114931530Judge a person by the reputation of their enemies Jackie's based because of that.
>>114931056She eats Quaran?
>>114931530The ridiculous part is that they had the option between a really badly worked autist, someone that they would actually ignore or get as far as possible of, and a girl that they surely had as the hot girl in their school, high or colleage.And they pick the autistic piece of crap, it's as if they offered you a good dish with few to no downs, and a burnt piece of rotten meat... and this faggots actually declare their desire for the vomitive option.
>>114928761She didn't.The author was surely against Jackie, she literally hate her because of her traumas, Daron was really a loser that could never get over her friend having her crush nutting inside her.So when the writters had to pick from which characters to pick and develop they didn't have many options.
>>114932279>So when the writters had to pick from which characters to pick and develop they didn't have many optionsThey had plenty of options, they never just never had time to actually plan anything out. Janna was a favorite of the writers but never got around to using because of the above.
>>114925026I want to fuck Star
>>114931244I'm a Marcofag
>>114931244Jackie of course
isn't this a trannyshit show?
>>114933324Wrong show, you're looking for Steven Universe.
>>114933433Don't mean to derail but which show looks like this one but the main character is a boy that turns into a princess
>>114933478>but which show looks like this one but the main character is a boy that turns into a princessThis is the one where it happens against his will.
>>114931244Jackie.Star doesn't even exist from my perspective, I have yet to see proof.
>>114933530ohhh so it is the tranny kid's show
>>114933680No, that's SU.
>>114933705don't be autistic, user. if the MC is a boy that turns into a girl, it's trash trannyshit.
>>114933743>if the MC is a boy that turns into a girl, it's trash trannyshit.So yeah, SU.
>>114933770don't be autistic, user. you said it right here>>114933530>This is the one where it happens^this^ makes it trannyshit
>>114933855And you said>>114933743>if the MC is a boy that turns into a girlThat literally happens in SU.
>>114933855Sounds like you talking about Steven Universe
>>114933931so this show the MC turns into a girl as well. i don't know why you're denying this when you already said it.SU and this show are both trannyshit kid shows
>>114934045>so this show the MC turns into a girl as well.It doesn't, the worst is him being brainwashed against his will to dress up like a princess. SU pretty much boasts about how much tranny shit it can show.
>>114934134>him being brainwashed against his will to dress up like a princessso it is. i don't understand why this is so hard for you user
>>114934197>so it is.Nobody turned into a girl. Retard.
>>114934197Bro I'm gonna kiss you if you keep acting up
>>114933273He never liked her other than like a sister, an autistic sister to make matters worse, until they retconned him to that extreme degree.
i like her for torture porn. drawfag here,if the thread is still alive when i wake up i'll draw the request i like best
>>114934410Star being mistaken for a cross-dressing boy due to her lack of a figure.
>>114934410Star picketing against human-monster marriage.
>>114934410Star and Starfan13 about to cook some meth.