Steven Universe AU, shipping, and fan art.
Steven Universe AU, shipping, and fan art
Other urls found in this thread:
>Peridot discovers stimulation
>>114923176>Peridot discovers heterosexuality
>>114923167What would a Kevin redemption arc even look like? He’s like a worse version of Lars, richer and more hopeless because instead of seeking approval and validation from people he thinks are better than him, he just wants attention the way he wants it from people he thinks are worse than him.
>>114923128Steven Universe? More like This Show Can't Get Any Worse!
>>114923246I don't even really think he needs a "redemption arc", he's just a stupid teenager who will more than likely grow out of it
Still one of my favorites.
>>114923216>Peridot discovers music festivals
>>114923272lasted more than yours
>>114923176>Lets shake on itkek
So Steven is Toho Godzilla, Pearl is Gary Oldman Dracula, Garnet is Jekyll and Hyde, Amethyst is Creature From The Black Lagoon, Peridot is Iron Giant, Lapis is Phantom Of The Opera, Bismuth is the Invisible Man, White is Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, Yellow is Ming The Merciless, Blue is Boris Karloff Imhotep, Ruby and Sapphire are Morticia and Gomez.
Which AU comic is your favorite? What AU do you wish was a comic someone has made?
>>114923858The only thing funnier than Greg Demurdercock is How To Tame Your Greg.
>>114923128Isn't this a general?
>>114923871Comission by comission, Shonen Universe is getting done. It's a weird feeling, to be getting something done just to close the gestalt, so to say.
>>114923128so cute
>>114923951No. Generals are anchor for all conversation. This is a general call for images like “reaction image thread” combined with “fancanon thread”, since they usually go hand in hand with this IP.
>>114923321Will we ever have "Steven Demayo" set ten years later?
>>114923871I wish that there was more comics exploring side character relationships the show dropped. Like Lapis being terrified of Diamonds but finding out her beloved Steven basically is 50% one and having to deal with that.
>>114924037Only thing Sugar has confirmed she wants to work on for SU is a stage musical. Which could be a new story I guess. We’re hoping she comes back for a movie or another ___ Light video game.
>>114924071Christianity does not exist in the SUniverse, because Rose and the Gems happened to be making their way back towards the nearest portal after fighting a gem in Palmyra, and just so happened to be passing by Golgotha just as they were about to nail him up.Cue the Asterix scene with Rose doing her best Obélix impression, including "Are you Romans crazy?!"
>>114924071What if Jesus was a Fusion? The trinity.
>>114923176>weeee>are Chris-TIANS
O - oh my.
Alien Gems
I love how Alexandrite and Obsidian are pure nightmare fuel video game second form endbosses, but everyone in-universe including humans who don’t know about the Gems treat them as majestic and inspiring to look at.
>>114924176>the Naruto runkek>>114924252D-daddy..
>>114924253I wish we had more like this. You kind of get it with Corruption art, but I’d rather see stuff like an alien Pearl teaching Steven and Connie or an alien Amethyst devouring giant strawberries on a picnic to the strawberry battlefield.
>>114924264Well, they probably inspired a religion or two by accident. Giant, scary woman might be the equivalent of an old man in a toga with a beard in the SU world.
>>114924444I still say Greek mythology has to be one. Especially Prometheus, Titans VS Gods, and how the first humans are a Fusion.
>>114924513I'm discontent the show didn't explore how much Gems would've fucked up humanity's mythology, and maybe how they and some secret human society labored to keep the air of normalcy and minimize weird shit. I'd pay money for a spin-off about someone like Gilgamesh being a normal human who discovered that, big surprise, gem dust works like shards in that it empowers and fuels whatever you stuff it in.People included.
I wish I knew more about the context of this one.
>>114924548There’s definitely a secret society. Dewey may be clueless about the true nature of Gems, but knows more than the rest of Beach City other than Lars and Sadie, Pearl said his ancestor became a good friend, and he freaked out when Ronaldo suggested a coverup.
>>114924598That and Suitcase Sam's entire existence basically cocktease an elaborate set-up that'd explain all the things off with SU's humanity which we didn't get because five seasons instead of nine.A man can dream.
>>114924587Would buy.I’d like to see Junji Ito do a story in an anthology compilation though. Sugar knows Mike Mignola, who knows Ito through Guillermo Del Toro.
>>114924625At least questions of why nobody freaks out about the Diamonds was explained visually in the movie with the united Earth flag with the new Diamond flag.
>>114924558she fucking died after being a gamer there is your context
we all which steven ship is superior
>>114924683Or this.
>>114924744when your BF has resurrection powers you have to push life to the limits
>>114924711It's a top tier ship but unfortunately you lose points for the ifunny logo
>>114923128What was she doing under there?
>>114923176What if I want to be a gay sinner?
>>114924772100 hour gaming session on a Korean server because no Nork means more competition.
>>114924744I want to drink that
>>114923858why not
>>114924787Searching for tiny feet, to overcome her tiny hand weakness.
No.HahahhahhahHHANHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHH>>114924011*shivs this user repeatedly*>>114924548*grabs ur ass and smacks your FACE into the bed and fucks you appropriately*
>>114924783>you lose points for the ifunny logoam i kill now
>>114924846Yes but this is SU so you ain't staying dead
>>114923176>>114924071Better than original.
>>114924558Steven would be great at necrophillia since he could kill someone fuck their body and revive them with his semen
>>114924969>Steven will never fuck you to death and then fuck you back to life
>>114924853Why would she fuck Peridot in Stevens mask, when she can fuck Steven himself?
>>114924425>Pearl, why did my mom have so many NWA albums in her trunk?>Rose got really into Hip Hop culture when it came about, Steven
>>114923871Man Garnet reminds me of Kevin Smith from Killer7 for some reason.
>>114925090Thank god for those insta-healing powers.
>>114925090Color>>114925142>Steven is immune to CBT
>>114925050She couldn’t earn the right by defeating Connie in honorable battle, but isn’t desperate enough for Jasper or Pearl.
>>114925142She isn't crushing them she is just grabbing them and at worst squeezing them
>>114924253>>114924264There weren't enough fusions that felt like eldritch space horrors or Hindu deities after the first season. It seems like all the ones introduced afterwards lack that otherworldly/alien quality.>tfw there was no climatic final battle where the Diamonds fused together into a Shiva-esque, cosmos-destroying monstrosity that Steven and the gang then have to stop from annihilating physical reality
>>114925275the murdercock clan confirmed to have the strongest cock and balls in the galaxy
>>114925269Because aside from two duchesses, we only saw Steven Fusions. Plus Cartman Gem. I’d love the gag/character debelopment if Yellow and Blue tried to Fuse but broke apart like Pearl and Pink did the first time, then White told them something like “I’m proud of you for trying.”
>>114925269I also liked that quality about the bigger fusions shown in the first season. Malachite actually felt threatening in a kaiju sort of way. Even Alexandrite had this grim, intimidating demeanor that made her kind of scary to onlookers even though she was unambiguously good. Broadly speaking, I like how the CG's in the first season are portrayed as kind of weird and distant from humanity, which makes sense given that they're space aliens. I liked that the show didn't give a lot of backstory or exposition on the CG's for most of the first season, seeing as you don't find out they're aliens until much later. You can sort of tell they're not humans but it's not clear what they are or what they're doing on Earth, which added to their mystique. It also made them inscrutable in a strange and unnerving way at certain moments, like when they're acting hostile to Steven after he deduces that there's a gem trapped in the mirror (as if they had a hand in trapping said gem in the mirror). I wish there was more of that same complexity in the later episodes because after that they drop the "gems don't understand humanity" story element for the most part.
>>114925275>>114925302>>114925310this is the funniest shit I've read all day, thank you
Fusion is a sex euphemism and the whole show is an excuse for a jewish tranny to wave their dick in front of kids and push a sex-positive message.
>>114925709kill yourself faggot
>>114925709troll harder bro
>>114925709believe in Steven
>>114926084you're too stupid to realize Connie's true genius she is pushing the limits of the human body
>>114923128purest love
>>114925599It makes sense since Steven hadn’t been with them for that long when the show starts. Amethyst and Pink were the ones most familiar with humans, with Pearl seemingly pretty fond of Dewey but having sneered at humanity too much before Steven and Connie to want to absorb anything and probably stayed intentionally somewhat ignorant. Steven got a damn fine education from her given the only canon comic, but how much she knows about the human perspective of history to teach him with and how much was Steven learning on his own with her encouragement isn’t clear. Garnet is hard to peg down entirely. Aside from her warmness towards Steven she’s very aloof and the most private. After all, we never saw her room in the Temple nor either Ruby or Sapphire’s. She goes on solo missions constantly and is content to let Pearl and Amethyst make mistakes or miss social cues, so its hard to tell what she knows and when she’s fucking with them. Amethyst’s characterization is the most all over the place. She’s familiar enough with humans when interacting with Buddy, although I suppose that was technically Steven and Connie imagining what she was like. But when she met Greg she was more like her reset self, only able to speak. We found out oater she spent a lot of time with Greg and Vidalia, watches TV constantly, and bums around Beach City most days, but still takes things more literal from time to time like thinking grounding meant burial (an argument can be made it was her making a joke to intimidate him though). Peridot and Lapis remained alien aliens, but then there is Bismuth. She only makes sense if you take the theory that there was human warriors in the Crystal Gems as fact or the theory that as a Gem doing work on the ground the Bismuths of Pink would have all been familiar with humans. Otherwise, she’s way too knowledgeable about the basic ideas of humanity.
>>114926718I meant “fond of Dewey’s ancestor”. Not the mayor.
If I hadn’t spent ten years without drawing, I’d make an AU that is literally just the Gems reacting to different movies.
>>114923871White!Steven is probably the best I've seen to date
>>114924808I enjoy how many animal crossing bits of fanart I've seen for SU. Steven actually owns the original Gamecube game in-canon so it makes sense
>>114924597This blasted my sides more than it should have.
>>114923823>Pearl watching Connie get dressed up in "Skill-enhancing Gem Equipment" which is basically stripper clothes + metal lingerie.
>>114926911Is she feeling horny, scared or wtf?
Would you?
>>114924298>Connie learning all the small ways Steven's Alien Moms leak out their internal thoughts.>Pearl's ratcheting gear noises when shes thinking real hard>Garnet's full body shudder when she's made her mind up>Amethyst loss of rigidity when shes boredPearls desire to make Connie wear revealing clothing during practise, that look handmade by a single Gem over centuries. And resized a few hours before her training sessions.
>>114926969I love it
>>114927460Raymond who? I'd spend thousands of dollars on Steeb.
>>114927141The movie starts with some giant aliens slaughtering some tiny primitive humans by mistake just trying to pick up what seems to them to be some local animals on their newly “conquered” planet, shrugging it off and taking the surviving infant human home for one of their kids to have as a pet and dress up in tiny clothes while they have a psychic orgy in the other room. Trippy movie. Beautiful, but very uncomfortable to watch. Very much an acid trip, and the papercut style of beautiful images is mire surreal because every frame looks like it should just be a comic panel but is in motion. Needless to say she would see more in it than Greg. If it existed as a movie in the SU universe you could almost make an argument for some lingering trauma from the Diamonds in the collective human consciousness.
>>114927291Nice. Honestly, the first three more than the fourth. Just some strange but not hostile Gem strangeness would be neat.
>>114925599>>114925269Have this
>>114927779I love this so much and wish there was more.
Assign these movies to SU characters to watch for maximum emotional resonance. Last Unicorn to Pearl.
>>114927694The last one was a fetish thing. Ignore it.>Peridot has a tendency to just go still for long periods of time. Steven kept on introducing new things to her to stop her zoning out until Pearl stopped and explained that Peridots are input-directed Gems. Which means they keep working at a given problem and are gently drawn towards "sleeping" when they can't find something to do.>So Steven introduces Peridot to old television shows and checks up on her to make sure she isn't just sleeping the days away. Which the other Gems find strange and bit gauche, but they can't deny their Steven if he wants to bother the Peridot.
>>114927949Fragments was basically Nu-God of War but with Steven as Atreus. Kinda fitting.
>>114927779This makes me angry that Peridot doesn't take part in more of the CG's adventures. She really doesn't contribute anything to the team beyond being a shrieking comic relief character. She should logically be an important asset to the team given her vast technical expertise and her background as an engineer. When I first watched S2, I was fully on-board with the idea of the CG's recruiting new gems with unique skills to help out with their increasingly difficult and ambitious missions.Seriously, why didn't Peridot become the CG's equivalent of Q from the James Bond movies? She was shown to be pretty dangerous and cunning while she was a villain on top of being able to build a giant combat mecha from scratch in the course of an afternoon. Wouldn't it have so much more fun than the lame barn lesbian shit if Peridot hacked together improvised tech for the CG's to use like Double D does in EEnE?
>>114928088Nice. I’m loving these.
>>114928183To use against who? All they thought was corrupted gems. The show you're imagining wouldn't benefit from that version of Peridot at all. I wanted more Peridot but only for more interactions with the CG's not some imaginary version of the character
>>114928183She’s a bit of a coward before beating Jasper, so her first time as a badass is basically the last two fights. Pearl can do anything she can for the most part. She’s smart, but she’s more scientist who Earth drove pleasantly mad than mad scientist. She’s a horticulturalist now, so she’s still doing science.
>>114924513Hey, I have one like this, here.
>>114928359Nice. I love Art Nouveau.
>>114928214It doesn't have to just be in relation to corrupt gems. For example: suppose the CG's hadn't conveniently gotten a hold of the rubies' ship prior to the episode where Greg was kidnapped by BD. The CG's would be at a total loss as to what they should do (especially given that Pearl's previous attempt at building spacecraft was less than successful). This is where Peridot would be extremely useful, as it seems like she's more knowledgeable of advanced gem technology than Pearl given that she was an engineer by trade before defecting to the CG's. Pearl and Peridot begrudgingly work together to build a ramshackle but (barely) functional ship from spare parts so they can then go rescue Greg from captivity. They'd have built something that's scrappy, idiosyncratic, and unique to them rather than this random craft they stumbled upon by accident the prior week.Even for fighting corrupt gems, you could have Peridot upgrade the CG's arsenal by augmenting it with tech shit to make their weaponry better in some way (IE, giving Amethyst the ability to electrify her whip, like what Peridot did to her previously when they were enemies). There are plenty of self-evidence applications you could come up with for Peridot's tech prowess that the writers didn't bother with.
>>114928480They didn’t even keep Bismuth’s upgrades though.
>>114928214>some imaginary version of the characterI don't know where you're getting that from because she's shown to be pretty tech-savvy throughout S2, which makes it doubly awkward when she mostly stops doing anything like that in subsequent seasons
>>114928480For what its worth she almost certainly was the one who built all the Little Homeworld tech, especially the Warp Pads.
>>114928183They could at least have her build a space ship in her free time even if she didn't join them on missions. Given, they had the Ruby ship for some time but after Navy got that back it would have been sensible to build one just in case they needed one. The whole thing with Peridot being depressed and doing nothing after Lapis left felt kinda out of character for me too. Peridot working 24/7 to prepare for the diamond attack and something to track down Lapis and bring her back after they won against the diamonds, that would have been more in character. Of course Peridot would still be depressed but she'd try to drown it in work, deny the possibility that they could lose at all and shut everyone else out.
>>114928537She had no use for things, and very little tech to experiment on given they used most of it up building the drill. She mostly got into art like Da Vinci or Brian May. Plus some farming for fun and to understand Earth and organics better. Given the sign Garnet put up asking her to stop stealing parts from the washing machine she’s still doing tech stuff. Honestly, a fun post-Future story would be if they dug out all the parts to her old ship. We know Ronaldo has one, it would be something to involve him again.
>>114928567Did the Ruby Squad ever get rescued from orbit? Nanefua’s bodyguards are the Crystal Gem flashback Rubies.
>>114925090>>114925194>before this happened
>>114928196Thanks.>Lapis Lazuli is a Gem denied her purpose.>Garnet is her own Gem, her purpose her own.>Pearl is made to serve and serve she does, even as her mind expands beyond her confines.>Amethyst has no purpose.>Pink Diamond has no master, nor equal. She is a Diamond no matter the form. It is a kindness to Earth that her purpose is to be kind.
>>114925709Underage, non-consensual, incestual and pedo sex approved.
>>114928673Eyeball came back so I assume Navy, Aquamarine or Steven saved them. Steven wouldn't live 2 years with the Rubies in space.
Greg isn't a sex god, he's a fat homeless loser whose only meaningful connection was with a chick he met at one of his clearly unpopular shows.
>>114928824Don't forget Jasper was taken out by an STD. Or the orgy of older folks that is that... worm-like gem thing from the spaceship crew.
>>114928838Yeah, I think it's implied from Eyeball's appearance in the court episode that Navy rescued her and the other rubies from floating in space. Given that they're immortal beings, it probably felt like a twenty-minute wait for them.
>>114928876I get the feeling that Greg is supposed to have been like the guys in The Melvins. He preceded an artistic movement and could have helped change the world, but quit and let it pass on by. Only for his sin, with his help, to do more than he ever could.
>>114928876And yet he ends up with a harem at the end.
>>114929131did splooge finish that comic
>>114929163I hope not. All we needed was another Connie on a leash.
>>114929131dat Pearl nose is odd
>>114928758You gotta write more, throw it together as an AU. Steven Xenoverse or something. Bioverse? Study Universe?
>>114929787Do you think the Diamond's will ever have personal Pearls ever again? Like. A Pearl living her life on another world, notsomuch serving as assisting others now, looks up at the stars and wonders, "Would White Diamond want some help?"
>>114929848Probably yeah
never forget, Holla Forumsmblr isn't just a meme
>>114929848Probably a volunteer royal guard. That gift shop is paying someone’s wages.
>>114929948Tumblr hasn’t been relevant since it banned porn. Twitter is where its at now.
>>114929731Sure. I'll put it on the stack of half-finished writing projects I've got.
>>114928359Wait a minute... that pantheon...
>>114924783Agreed but excellent taste nonetheless.
>>114930299They’re both based on late 1800’s artwork that was very popular, usually depicting the four seasons as women but sometimes other things like the zodiac or planets anthropomorphized. The first was from Alphonse Mucha, who’s work is some of the best representations of the mainstream art nouveau movement.
>>114930246who drew this?
>>114930440Not sure, sorry. Came off Pinterest.
>>114930299>Original art is from a tarot deck>Has nothing to do with 40k; the captions are an editWell, fuck...
>>114930505Plus it looks more like it would be Warhammer Fantasy anyway.
>>114930425Who else did Steven fail?
>>114930574You don't want to see what Connie's becoming. And neither does Steven, which is why he stays away from her cave as much as his heart can bear.
>>114930668He’d Corrupt, or in this case mutate from something non-Gem, with her. Same as Ruby and Sapphire would go down with the ship together.
>>114923246Why is she licking him
>>114931385Because that is how the Lapis do.
>>114931345What am I looking at, exactly?
>>114927219Would I!
>>114931600Look at the name at the top of the image. The person is implying Rutile is a recent addition to the Offcolors.
>>114931385Because I requested that image and requested that she be licking him because it’s creepy but cutePic related was another Lapiven image based off a post of mine but extra fun because it was completely nonsolicited, thanks again Inuyuru
>>114927669You didn't mention the fantastic soundtrack and that's criminal.
>>114923128> Steven Universe human harem AU> Steven’s a beloved jock with a heart of gold> Connie’s basically her in-show self, childhood friend amazed that someone as wonderful as Steven would let her be a part of his universe and is starting to get really worried about all the attention he’s attracting from the female population> Lapis is Steven’s aloof, somewhat older neighbor; as a kid Steven helped her to escape an abusive home and quickly became her first real friend; now she has grown to love him desperately > Peridot is a nerdy foreign exchange student; Steven helped her stand up to bullies and her domineering parents and become her own person, she finds herself growing feelings for him and fervently studies romance films and fanfics in an attempt to divine how best to seduce him> Spinel is a transfer student, a delinquent and a class clown who initially hates Steven because his mother deeply wronged her family in the past but she quickly falls for him once she sees how caring and sweet he is> Jasper was the school bully until Steven helped her deal with her anger and became her training partner; she’s noticing nowadays how strong he really is and seeing him all sweaty and winded after a hard workout makes her really hot> Now all five desperately fight for his affection while he remains (mostly) oblivious
any good comics/art with polygamous gems? All the gems in a relationship with each other.
>>114932762The actual show?
>>114932625>Lapis is Steven’s aloof, somewhat older neighbor; as a kid Steven helped her to escape an abusive homeThen where the fuck is she living?
>>114932890well ones that emphasize it thenjust asking is all
>>114932911Steven convinced Greg to let her live in his barn, like in the show
>>114932911Foster parents
>>114923755"Call the police."
>>114932948Greg realizes Lapis and Steven will inevitably become fuckbuddies but still approves because he’s just glad his son isn’t gay
>>114932625You aren't a slit-eyed jap. Don't stoop to their level and indulge in haremshit.
>>114932995That and because growing up Greg always wanted to keep a girl in the shed but his parents never let him
>>114933017How do you know I’m not a JapI’m not but even so
>>114932558Wish we had an actual Pink Diamond in the show. The only one that got close to it was Connieswap's. And that story is the reason why I hate Connie, so it doesn't count.
>>114933033Go on.
>>114923128This seems to cute for a cunnilingus comic.
>>114927779source on the artist?
>>114923326What fucking slut crystal is this?
>>114933161He’s gone anonBut he still lives in our hearts
>>114933059What do you mean? Like her returning in Future? Or just seeing more of the past?
>>114924731Really cute. Source on this
>>114933135>Flirting>Hide under dress when someone walks by>She doesn’t have to, but its fun
>>114932937Dunno the artist, but the series where Pearl is an alcoholic. I got an Archer vibe from it.
>>114928183>Peridot is a Homeworld Gem>a fucking modern Homeworld Gem that came from fucking Homeworld only a few moths ago>literally every major event has, in some way, revolved around Homeworld and its culture>ergo, she would have incredibly useful insight to supply to the group with>and Steven>that retarded little fat fuck Steven>DOESN'T ASK HER A GODDAMN THING ABOUT HOMEWORLDRebecca Sugar is a hack.
>>114933659He did ask her about Homeworld when they were drilling to the cluster.Peridot told Steven that she does not remeber much of Homeworld after emerging.
>>114933659Peridot made it pretty clear both in how she talked about things and through her call to Yellow that her knowledge of Diamonds and most Homeworld stuff in general beyond creating and evaluating the quality of Gems to decide if they should live or die, in other words the things he needed to know, were mostly propaganda. Plus, there was a lot of barn timeskipping where she was probably talking up Homeworld quite a bit. He figured the main thing he always needed to do was Diplomancer his way to befriending soldiers until he could befriend the Diamond end bosses and fight in the meantime. Most of what Steven needed to know came from overhearing them at the zoo, the trial, and Pink dreams. The last piece of Charisma triforce was Pearl’s reveal.
>>114933781Fridge logic in that we saw the lineup of Homeworld Peridots. They are all Era 1, Era 2 is reserved for colonies. ONLY PATRICIANS IN ROME
>>114929787this pearl looks good.
Goddamn Space Alabama
>>114933957“Explain what the powers of Demayo humans are, and what their rank in the hierarchy is!”
>>114934644>You will never be sexually harassed by four horny schoolpearls
>>114927219Not fat enough.