What the fuck does this mean?
What the fuck does this mean?
>>114922382Cultural appropriation
>>114922382Creative people like to mock native americans
>>114922382>Normies consume because they have $$$>Artists have to create because they're poorfags
>>114922391There is literally nothing wrong with Cultural appropriation.
>>114922401Uh based?
>>114922408Noting wrong with this.
What the fuck does this mean?
>>114922440>getting pregnant after turning 30uhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>114922420>>114922429ONE, nothing wrong with meTWO, nothing wrong with meTHREE, nothing wrong with me
>>114922382Considering my career is based around being creative, when I go home I just want to be ordinary people and play video games in my boxers.Also, stop being dweebs and acting like your Native Americans when you're 9 years old.
Most children I've encountered both play video games AND play pretend.It's strange that this comic is treating those two things as mutually exclusive.
>>114922420ThisLiberals getting mad that people are actually enjoying cultures other than their own
>ordinary people
>>114922440She does not look 30
>>114922440>not wanting kids when youre younger>wanting kids when youre olderyeah, if anything these comic tells us is that artists are not much different from normal people, theyre just fucking autists who desperately want to believe they are
>>114922382Creative people are racist
>>114922533dubs for objectification
>>114922533standards lower
>>114922533He cheated on them together at the same time
>>114922528The age just refers to the guy
>>114922513This. Experiencing media just triggers the imagination
>>114922440Where do you get "Thank God" shirts?
>>114922456I'm not doing that.
>>114922618You make them, duh. Geez, you're so uncreative
>>114922638It's a bad dragon dildo, isn't it
>>114922420Many liberals are starting to get this because they're actually listening to people from their culture and how they don't give a fuck as long as it isn't done with the means of mockery.As a spic, I don't mind gringos enjoying latin american culture as long as it isn't done as a way to mock it.Spic jokes are incredibly funny tho, every Latino I've met likes them too, idk why whites get offended in our name.
>>114922638WTF in the box?
>>114922391So globalism ?
>>114922726A bad dragon
>>114922641Her bf forbid her from watching movied ?
>>114922420Only white people say this because they don't have a culture to be appropriated.
How true is this?
>>114922382Oh hey, Brightside. They’re that huge Russian media conglomerate that shits out a ton of nonsensical life hacks on YouTube.
>>114922719>Many liberals are starting to get this because they're actually listening to people from their culture and how they don't give a fuck as long as it isn't done with the means of mockery.stop pretending it's true when there are people of said cultures that does it.They started it.cartoons about having a voice didn't teach you anything?
>>114922752JesusDoes he not want to have sex with her anymore or does he just want to give her a challenge goal?
>>114922762>life is just beginningas a single strong independent woman that don't need no man but WHY WON'T ANYONE MARRY ME?!?!
>>114922719I'm sure you wear Caribbean-inspired Mexican "style" hats while getting shitfaced to honor my culture.
>>114922762Oddly enough, yes.Many people aren't truly independent or don't have their shit together till the early 20's / early 30's their life as an adult starts then for them.
>>114922762It's definitely true, but it's a desperate lie.
>>11492276230 is the death sentence for a woman. I've even had university girls lament that they probably missed their chance of bagging a guy while they were like 23
>>114922863*Late 20's
>>114922762Boomer cope
>>114922530To be a great artist you have to be a great autist
>>114922845Would you rather people just pretend your culture doesn’t exist?Who cares where it came from? It’s just a fun hat
>>114922762It is for men at least. early 20's you are still pursuing education. mid to late 20 you are still in searching for your first stable job. At 30 you are usually in that sweet spot where you make enough money and are young enough to do shit you like.
>>114922440Having your children between ages 29-32 is objectively the best idea.You get to have your 20's to yourselves to enjoy life in your phsycial prime, whlie you'll still be fully fit in your 30's to keep up with them as they grow. Enough life experince in your 40's to provide advice to them as they grow without having aged out of understanding current culture too badly. Then when they start getting ready to move on themselves after 18, you'll be just about to enter your 50's, still physically capable enough to enjoy your newfound free time again to a large degree.My dad and his best friend are both 61, but his friend has a 12 year old kid. He'll be nearly 70 by the time he actually gets some time to himself again. The man is exhausted from having to keep up with a child for his entire 50's.
>>114922905Cinco de Mayo isn't even my culture. It's exclusively celebrated by white people and pochos. Funny thing, though. You have an actual Mexican telling you that reducing my culture to getting shifaced and bring racist is kind of insensitive, and you can't even bring yourself to admit you might be a tad shallow.
>>114922845Anon you're implying I go outside, I socialize and I drink, or worse, you're implying I'm a chicano, which would be the real offense.
>>114922845I'll wear whatever I want while I get shitfaced, thank you very much.
>>114922949having kids as soon as you could physically pump em out may have been a good idea in the past, but in modern day yeah, theres no need to rush
>>114922972I wish you'd stop pretending that's woke. That's all.
>>114922967>reducing my culture to getting shitfacedTell me about it
>>114922756>he said in English on the internet
>>114923003That's reasonable.
>>114923003If you think that's the user who said >>114922719 , he's not, that's me.I don't think that user is trying to be woke, I think he just doesn't give a fuck.
>>114923032>I don't think that user is trying to be woke, I think he just doesn't give a fuck.Correct.
>>114923008To be fair, you asked for it.
>>114922719>Spic jokes are incredibly funny thowhat do you think of normal/broken spanish translation making shit funnier?stuff likeel grande padre, gohan calvo, shaggy blanco, los ogros de la lux extinguida de las americaspersonally they fucking slay me
>>114923021>English is white
>>114923021Anglos are white now?
>>114923056where do you think it originated? sure as fuck not in the smelting pot that is america ill tell u that much
>>114923008How do you feel about St. Patrick's Day?
>>114923081Anglos aren't white.
>>114923083I love it, doesn't bother me at all really. I just saw the parallel and wanted to post the Simpsons Irishman.
>>114923049I like them a lot when they're well done, I think they require some more thought that simply saying "el problem biggo", but broken Spanish is as funny as broken English can be (here they're fairly common).
>>114922967Who’s “reducing your culture”? I don’t know what Cinco De Mayo has to do with anything, but getting mad at people wearing clothes from a culture other than their own is highly illogical
Thread deleted, poster banned, justice served.
>>114923092Sort of like a Tripcode?
>>114922524>creative people
>>114923130Go to Holla Forums and imply Anglos are white and see how far you get.
>>114923134Not bloody likely
>>114922949Mother anything above 18 is a huge autism risk.
>>114922756That’s because whites are the most diverse group of people on the planet. There’s no singular white culture, because it’s all divided among other cultures
>>114922718Bad Dragon is like the Jurassic Park of Dildo. Slogan is "Fuck it, looks cool and it works"
>>114923032>I think he just doesn't give a fuckWell that pretty much defeats the point of pretending you're doing anyone a favor by dressing up in Mexican drag. Hence the request. >>114923129>I don’t know what Cinco De Mayo has to do with anythingI'm sure you dress up like a Mexican every other day of the week.
>>114922533Okay, I think I relate to this one but I'm not thirty yet. I'm also not entirely sure if that's a good thing for me, or is it bad?
>>114923092All of Europe is white, including Slavs, Meds, Iberians, and Anglos
>>114923173>I'm sure you dress up like a Mexican every other day of the week.I might start
>>114923187So you don't.
>>114923202I'm not the guy you were replying to earlier, I just liked the idea
>>114923179>assuming IM american
>>114923213>N-not that guyCringe. Doesn't take away the fact that gringos and pochos genuinely believe Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday.
>>114922845My friends wear historically inaccurate horned viking hats and wear kilts to honor my culture?Guess how much that bothers me?
>>114922454My mom had me at 35 and my brother at 38, it's not that uncommon
>>114923232I agree with you on Cinco de Mayo, it's mostly celebrated by gringos and pochos
>>114923219>>assuming IM american
>>114923256>Guess how much that bothers me?You brought it up and made sure to mention the inaccuracy, you tell me.
>>114923269slav master race, try again
>>114923262What about cruising Or Cinco De Mayo car shows?
>>114923261Most people in affluent areas of the US (NYC suburbs and Los Angeles suburbs, for example) have children at this age. My friend’s mother was 32 when she had him and 47 when she had his brother. Both of them were pretty smart and aren’t autistic, so they might’ve been lucky.
>>114923370Looks like shota
>>114922891Kind of a depressing ad
>>114923328I didn't know balkan browsed Holla Forums
>>114923338Those are cool. I don't think it's a bad thing, it's just celebrated more in America.
>>114923370It means you should threat women like trash to get laid. It took me so many years to learn this the hard way.
>>114922401Tbf who wouldn't mock people who got their entire continent taken away from them?
>>114922719Black people getting offended by everything
>>114923370me on the left
>>114923328>>slav master race
>>114923423This is why I mock dwindling white populations in the US.
>>114923261the risk of tism and other deformities skyrockets after 30 user
>>114922420I legit think its nothing wrong with cultural appropriation WHEN people is actually willing to learn more about the culture they are using, and not just mock it, which to be honest, it is what most people do regarding other cultures.No, Im not white. Im mexican.
>>114923447>>>SLAV MASTER RACE
>>114923417The autists binary. Simp or Trash, no in between. 4chan makes me feel so much better about myself
>>114923498And it certainly shows in modern western countries.
>>114923416I grew up on lowriders. As a kid I wanted an Impala, but unless you own a garage they are way to expensive to maintain.
>>114923370This makes me sad
>>114922420Depends on the context. I'm a southerner. Went to a "southern" restaurant in New York and Oregon before. They pretended to have Southern accents and served tasteless shit that wasn't Southern food.I'm still livid to this day. If you culturally appropriate for profit or brownie points you need to be lynched
>>114923370>an 8 year old doing the homework of a 16 year old girlthat kid has a promising future
>>114923502>>114922420>>114922391There is nothing wrong with cultural appropriation because there is no such thing as cultural appropriation, you fucking dumbass. It's leftspeak invented by marxists in order to shame and control what Europeans do. You being a mestizo has nothing to do with anything.
>>114923417>>114923510all you have to do is make it clear you take no bullshhit from anyonewomen eat that shit up because they never had fathers and are desperate from any sign of caring from a male figure
>>114923370Are women really like this, bros? Honest question from a young guy.
>>114923627hell no. only incels would have you believe this
>>114923627Believe it or not there are many different kinds of women out there, and for some weird reason that shock scientists to this day, some are cunts and some are not.
>>114923591>posting cringe
>>114923591>Thinking marxists are realTake the egopill user
Creative people are racist
>>114923453>>114923704cringe actually
>>114923627>>114923656this. Stick around dude, this place wil make you feel so much better about yourself
>>114923453>dwindling population that gets even lower by the year>yet are still the ones at the top in controlWE'RE NUMBER ONEWE'RE NUMBER ONE
>>114923746What the fuck is a white person
>>114923627Women are actually way worse than in this comic >>114923370The girl there got the homework from him, but at least she didn't promise him stuff in return or playing with his feelings. He got it easy.
>>114923627Why are you asking people browsing Holla Forums, this is easily the most pure and woman free board on the site.
>>114923370So basically... women have sex? Shocking.
>>114923799extra large oof with fries
>>114923370I get the vibes this comic is trying to shame women for enjoying their sexuality during their free time?
>>114922440>not having children by the time you are 13 what a worthless incel
>>114923627No dude, these "people" are posting comics made for humiliation fetish>>114923370>>114923852and applying them to real life
>>114923899It's making fun of the guy more than the woman
>>114923852Cassandra Rioseco seems interested
>>114923973Cassandra is the best pedophile
>>114922762The lead-in to 30 is way worse than actually being in your 30s. That being said, the best years of my life were late teens/early 20s, and I'll never be in denial about that.
>>114923852I thought the teachers in this world were robots
>>114923920>>114923950What was deleted?
>>114924048Wait, nvm
>>114923498And do you have a study to prove this?
>>114924048"simpy" comics
>>114922420It's complicated. A genuine desire for outsiders to learn and adopt outside cultures is great, but sometimes when people are either as said, mocking it, or just making the laziest, most disrespectful effort to adopt it, that's bad, because it can end up warping the culture into something less genuinely meaningful. A meme culture.Like okay, have you ever been interested in something niche, and somehow a bunch of ordinary people find out about it who don't seem to have a full appreciation for the thing, and over time the thing or cultural perception of the thing is warped into something you don't like as much due to them lazily dragging it into the public eye?That's like a pettier, less important version of cultural appreciation. Kind of.
>>114924156*interesting to note that study also lists the father's age over 35 as a risk factor
>>114922719People getting offended on behalf of others is why we don't have Slowpoke Rodriguez anymore, and why we almost lost Speedy Gonzales too.
>>114924166its a minor factor thomen should start to worry when they are pushing 70
>>114923261Explains why you're here.
>>114924149>Like okay, have you ever been interested in something niche, and somehow a bunch of ordinary people find out about it who don't seem to have a full appreciation for the thing, and over time the thing or cultural perception of the thing is warped into something you don't like as much due to them lazily dragging it into the public eye?I know what you mean by that, but at the same time I don't think the people imitating it poorly have done anything morally wrong. It's understandably frustrating in some cases, but it's natural and unavoidable that people will be influenced by cultures and things they don't fully understand. The new things they create can end up being cool too.
>>114924149>have you ever been interested in something niche, and somehow a bunch of ordinary people find out about it who don't seem to have a full appreciation for the thing, and over time the thing or cultural perception of the thing is warped into something you don't like as much due to them lazily dragging it into the public eye?JOJOFAGS
>>114923177Only an amerimutt would say dumb shit like this.
>>114922533I can relate to this one im 23 hot bitches always ended up doing horrible shit to me, cuties are just nice
>>114922420Yeah man, sharing someone's culture is enriching. It helps you learn more about others. It's a good thing. Parodying someone's culture can be a dick move though. Blackface was specifically meant to degrade blacks. The vast bulk of early Cowboy vs Indian shows treated Indians as savage enemies (and the vast bulk of western post 80's treated them like enlightened nature druids).
>>114922756thats because the culture white people invented is the one you are surrounded in 24/7 and you're sheltered.
>>114922528>not having the Peter Pan geneI'm in my 30's, and people still ask me what High-school I go to.
>>114923047>30 pints a dayWhat a fucking unit.
>>114923056>africans invented the english language
>>114924274It's also just BS because there's not one "white people" culture, there's a bunch of different European cultures. Nobody in their right mind would say Italians or Germans don't have a culture.
>>114923047based pintman paddy
>>114924212Right right it's only a minor when the man is above a certain ageGot it
>>114924315There are a bunch of individual European cultures that are very distinct and people recognize immediately when they see them. That's completely true.But there is also a wider Western culture invented overwhelmingly by ""white"" people in general. Anyone who isn't compeltely sheltered and has spent even a day outside of the decadent comforts living a western lifestyle has afforded them would never be retarded enough to say there is no such thing as "white" culture. But they're all really just being racist hypocrites and they know it, so it's not like they have any intention of ever being reasonable about this.
>>114922382HEYA HOA HEYA HOA
Women: not. even. once.
>>114922420Every culture has been appropriated. Cultural appropriation is just sjw mind games.
>>114923453If we let it happen we deserve the mockery.
>>114924149>Like okay, have you ever been interested in something niche, and somehow a bunch of ordinary people find out about it who don't seem to have a full appreciation for the thing, and over time the thing or cultural perception of the thing is warped into something you don't like as much due to them lazily dragging it into the public eye?Unironically the co-opting of a lot of nerd shit by casuals/normalfags/normies/whatever is a good example of this. Now, it doesn’t always happen but everyone has that one series they loved that lost what made it special in an attempt to appeal to outsiders who just didn’t “get” it. For me it was Dead Rising
>>114924315>nobody in their right mind would say Italians or Germans don't have a cultureThere are also regional cultures to take into account. I spent some time in northern Italy, Lucca specifically, fucking gorgeous place (they also hold the largest comics festival in Europe) and because of how the city was walled off it has its own culture that's different from other parts of the country.
>>114924368Don't date garbage women. It's easy to tell the ones who have jealousy problems, typically early on in the relationship, and best to cut ties immediately.
>>114924315Leftists literally think it's racist to say that Germans and Italians are white.inb4 pol memes, that's not what I'm talking about. They legitimately think there is no biological basis behind German or Italian ancestry and that any African that moves there is just as German as the guy who's ancestors have been there since Germania.
>>114924435But most women are like that, some just hide it better than others.
>>114924350The father does not house and birth the fucking child user. Women's health plays a much MUCH larger role in the fetal development of a child.
>>114924440i got called racist for saying spaghetti is a white people food
>>114924368Whoever drew this is cheating on her man.
>>114922382They're playing killer instinct.
>>114924440>Leftists literally think it's racist to say that Germans and Italians are white.It's like an extreme backlash to early American immigrant propaganda more than a century too late. If you visit the media room in Ellis Island you'll see all these posters with anti-anglo slogans, definitely for Germans and Italians; but it's been over 100+ years and most people would say now that Germans and Italians are white.
1. Wheres the porn?2. Gimme the porn.
>>114924491The real kicker is a sap thought she was viable gf material>>114924526Fuck off coomer
>>114924435But user, thats like 2/3 of women. And the remaining 1/3 being stable individuals are usually not often available on the dating market since they can maintain a relationship.
>>114924464>but most women are like thatConfirmation bias, my friend. You've probably heard a bunch of stories on the internet, maybe even seen it secondhand with friends or experienced it yourself, so you're attributing a small sample size to half the population of earth. There are women out there who aren't jealous, scheming harpies; you only hear about the ones who are, because nobody's complaining on the internet about the ones who aren't.
>>114924538Bit generous with that ratio, more like 3/4 garbo with 1/4 being decent
>>114924532You fuck off, more.
>>114922382Ordinary people don't own chairs
>>114922420Cultural appropriation was just a phrase invented by groups of people who are mad capitalism doesn't share its profits. They would GLADLY sell out their own culture if it meant they got a piece of the pie.
>>114924538They had to be on the dating market first to have a relationship to maintain. They're out there. Good luck to you.
>>114924469True, but the study you linked says the father being above 35 (1,29) is a higher risk factor then the women being above 35(1,32)
>>114924368Nice try bitch.
>>114924520Yes and because Germans and Italians were forced to assimilate now there is effectively only one ethnic group of white people in America today.in contrast to today's Central/South American migrants, who are flooding in such unprecedented numbers that they will never be pressured to assimilate because they're forming their own segregated ethnic enclaves that barely even fall under the jurisdiction of US law at this point.
>>114924207KekDid she ever reply to them and tried to justify her bullshit?
>>114922382>that fucking comicSo damn funny.
>>114924350well, babies tend to spend 9 months inside the motherif you have an issue with that you can complain to god, its suppossed to be a punishment you know?
>>114922382GET OUT OF MY STORE!
>>114924624>in contrast to today's Central/South American migrants, who are flooding in such unprecedented numbers that they will never be pressured to assimilate because they're forming their own segregated ethnic enclaves that barely even fall under the jurisdiction of US law at this point.retard
>>114924618wrinkles are hot as fuck. gimme a gilf any day
>>114924107It was cuck shit
>>114924551It's all about who you show that undesirable side to, if you wear it on your sleeves you'll scare potential "-friend" material away. Most women are smart enough to not be outwardly trashy, since their upbringing actively encouraged hiding their true feelings about stuff. They can fake it a lot better than men can.
>>114924656I bet you live in a gated neighborhood and your daddy pays all your bills
>>114924690I'm African-American and spend most of time in Pine Bluff you stupid nigger.
>>114924700a black people ethnic enclave you mean
>>114924624Seen quite a few instances of Italians, Greeks and Sicilians embracing their heritage in festivals and considering themselves separate though.
>>114924723and I bet all of them speak perfect English and consider themselves Americans equally.
>>114924720>City of 40k people is an enclaveRetard.
>>114924749i like that you're proving my point that nonwhites are not expected to assimilate into the culture like germans and italians were by bringing up 40k cities where the population is 80% blacksit's actually more of a problem with the spics than you guys but since you decided to butt into this, well.
>>114924739True, beaners are assholes
>>114923591>there is no such thing as cultural appropriationHow so? Just because you don't like the word, how it's used, and who uses it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's just a term for what happened to Greek and Roman gods as well as the iconography that made its way into Christianity. Appropriating cultures is real, you just don't like the leftist controversy.
>>114924965The issue is that the term 'appropriate' has colloquial connotations of 'taking their shit away and not letting them have access to it anymore'A black guy dressing like an asian monk isn't forbidding access to that culture.A white guy becoming a wigger isn't forbidding access to rap cultureAn asian guy putting on a sombrero isn't denying mexicans the right to mariachi bands.'Cultural appropriation' is a poor term.
>>114925052That's not what the word means though. It was going to be semantics either way, but it looks like you believing in what they mean by "cultural appropriation", just not what you see the term literally translating to. Keep in mind that when it comes to ideas, especially in writing, when one says "borrowed from" or "taken from" they don't mean to remove access for anyone or to literally take something away.
>>114923153Ok Pedo.
>>114922401>oonga boonga me worship bear me work casino oonga me claim property that belonged to Chief Horsefucker
>>114922382Creativity is racist.
>>114924350Yes, exactly.The health of a man's sperm is peanuts compared to the health of a woman's womb since there's so much going on inside thereTick tock, roastie.
>>114922440Every time I see stuff like this it reminds me of something my Chinese sociology teacher (not my major took it as an elective) used to say when expressing how he didn't "get" white people."White people love sex, but hate babies."I mean I know a lot of you are probably going to disagree with him or say something racist but... he's really not wrong. Most non-whites do not view children as this world ending travesty the way white people do and that's kind of weird. It's like white people are so spoiled that they cannot handle the idea of giving up their time and pleasures to fulfill that most basic of biological responsibilities. Sure people like to blame ((the media)) for convincing white people not to have kids but is that really the case? Aren't their nation wide propaganda programs in China, Africa and South America to also try and convince people to not have children? How come it's only white people who seem to take the bait? Something just doesn't add up to solely blaming one group of outsiders.Also another cartoon to illustrate my point.
>>114923148As we all know Holla Forums is the last stand when it comes to truth regarding who is and isn't whatever skin color. Did you know Irish people are white?
>>114922382I wish you all would just go back to your own countries. Make america native again.
>>114925989White people like having spaceIt's why they move to subrubs and go camping and love cottagesKids take up spaceThis is pure B.S.
>>114925989That's rich, coming from a ChineseA culture that has a single child policy and kills girls at birth as a result because 'muh son honor' You know why white people see children as a burden? Because they actually take time and effort to raise the kids they have. Other cultures have a high enough infant mortality rate that it's decent odds the kid will die anyway, or else just let their spawn run around causing trouble for others. Granted, there are trailer trash and cult exceptions, but come on; it wasn't white people who invented the term absent father disease.
>>114923370god i love NTR
>>114925937So you admit there is little going on inside men?
>>114924435Jealousy problems are fine. Making you suffer is not.
>>114926477Damn, me too but I missed it.
>>114926057>>114922382How come ordinary people don't have necks?
>>114926572 4chanx
>>114926864Too much effort for someone waiting for their car work to be done in the garage lobby.
>>114922666And just let him fucking DIE, satanon?
>>114925989“White people” is a weird pehenomenon, one of the “whitest” people I knew wasn’t even white, even the white kids thought he was too “white”. I think it just comes from being overly spoilt and not knowing responsibility, white people dont do shit like hit their kids when they fuck up stuff like that. Give it a generations nd other races will have “white” kids as well it’s already happening.
>>114926936I think you have a very particular definition of 'white' that goes beyond 'pale skinned caucasian'.
>>114927051Wew thanks lad, was worth it
>>114926377Then why do people living in the US one of the most wide open spaces in the world choose to live in NYC, LA, and so forth?>>114926421My teacher actually moved out of China specifically to dodge the one child policy. He lives in Canada and has 3 children. >Because they actually take time and effort to raise the kids they haveBut they don't... boomers joke about muh out of control out of touch children for this very reason. The schools and by extension the state are the ones who primarily end up raising children once they are old enough. >Granted, there are trailer trash and cult exceptions, but come onThe trailer trash and so forth are the only white people having multiple kids though so doesn't that kind of contradict what you are implying.>>114926936Yes I agree that when mentioning "white people" it is almost interchangeable with modern western society. Because there are indeed "white people" in poorer more traditional nations that don't have this problem of seeing children as a burden/disease.
>>114926987My point was that it came from parenting, like you go to your white friends house and the kids are just casually swearing to their parents and you think “man these kids need to get beat”, that’s how white people shit happens, just soft parents. Don’t have to be white to be a soft parent
>>114923746That's why I love Jews.
>>114922382Creativity is racist. Art is wrongthink.
>>114922719all some whites are good for is getting offendedwe don't want them
>>114922762Not true at all for most people, your early 30's is when your particular genetic fuckups start becoming more prominent, and if you've been more than moderately active in terms of physical activity the wear on your joints will start being felt. Most people have some kind of genetic timebomb in them, if you're lucky it's something simple like high blood pressure or maybe the occasional migraine. If you're not so lucky you'll be pre-diabetic or have a more serious heart issue. If you're really fucking unlucky like me you'll start getting first symptoms of an auto-immune or neurological disorder.At any rate, in a best case scenario you'll be keenly aware that your body heals slower, and is losing stamina and reflexes compared to your teens and twenties.
>>114922719>>114927299white liberals will never get offended on behalf of themselves or their families, only on behalf of poor little brown subhumans
>>114923746you're not in control""THEY"" are in control
>>114923153"Not being a pedophile causes autusm" is the most Galaxy brained shit I've ever seen on this site
>>114922408Other way around.Poor kids can still afford Nintendo or Xbox, even if it was a generation older like wiiu or 360.But nobody is buying for poor kids a teepee and feather headdresses to play with. That shit probably cost $100 at the toy story and would take up too much space in their apartment.
>>114922819Obviously husband just started wearing a chastity cage.
>>114922845>>114922967>>114923173>>114923232Stinks like CHICANO around here, callate el hocico cabron. Don't listen to this faggot. We're cool with the Cinco de Mayo and Speedy Gonzalez stuff.
>>114922819No I want her to EARN sex from me by being able to answer my easy 30 question quiz about Master and Commander: At the far side if the sea
It means boomers are mad because entertainment has changed since they were kids. They fear change because they are too old to adapt and thus must shit on things they didn't have growing up.
>>114922967are you telling me that Mexicans DON’T celebrate kicking French ass? I’m gonna have to rethink this entire partnership Paco
>>114922382It looks like they tried to draw Wendy’s brothers from Peter Pan
>>114927287biggest mistake of Poland was keeping the jewish diaspora, all smarter countries just exiled them
>>114922382Ordinary people develop science, tech and weapons...Creative people were conquest and now manage casinos...
>>114928150Then why do the jews hate the poles so much?
>>114926594Because they never look back
>>114928150Biggest mistake of Poland is be a independient nation...Poland is single responsible of almost all conflicts in Europe
>>114922471>Also, stop being dweebs and acting like your Native Americans when you're 9 years old.What do you mean "our native Americans"?
>>114924435>garbage>womenchoose one user
>>114928247Apparently the dumb amerimutt forgot canada also has a sizable north american native population.
>>114922382Boomer says technology bad.
>>114923047What a lad!
>>114922719Any Latino who calls himself a "spic" and tells white people its alright to make jokes about them gives me signals of self-hate.
>>114928231Turns out that after much debate, /int/ has agreed that Poles are, indeed, White.
>>114922533The cost of opportunity to fuck a hottie is proportional to you age, fuck at early 20 is a good bussiness after the 30 is cheaper to fuck cutties
>>114928457Really? I’m finally considered white? I don’t believe it, for the longest time the best I could get was an “ehhhh”
>>114928348the zoomers are starting to eating each others like the vermin they are, delightful.
>>114923370Go back to the incest porn Goriland, your cuck shit just makes me sad
>>114922382It means Parasite was a very creative movie.
>>114928451>Any Latino who calls himself a "spic" and tells white people its alright to make jokes about them gives me signals of self-hate.I'm incredibly proud of my country and my ethnicity, which is why I don't mind poking fun at it sometimes, those who are unable to make jokes out of themselves are insecure.>You can't reclaim a slur! I know gay people and black people and Jewish people have been doing it for years but latinos can't! If you do that is self hate! You're not proud of your culture if you reapropiate a slur or if you poke fun at it once in a while!Are you chicano, perhaps? You sound whitexican as fuck.
>>114923049>el grande padre¡¿PICAPIEDRAS?!
>>114923261My mom had me at 19 and my little brother at 39 kek. He doesn't have 'tism but he can't sit still and focus for his life. Then again, I can't focus either. Fucking genetics.
>>114928995So what fine dish is Spyro grimacing at?
>>114922756Listen man, if you want lutefisk, you can fucking have it.
>>114922533what kind of fag goes for the hot girl over the cute girl
>>114923154Pretty much this, when people say that “white people don’t have culture” they’re really saying “2nd or greater generation Americans have no culture”
>>114929155Be happy you don't know.
>>114922456Nah, I like this edit better, it isn't exactly Holla Forums though.
>>114928972>Murdering People Is Cool If You're Poor: The Movie.
>>114922762I, too, can't wait for daily comfort I've taken for granted to fade into ache in places I didn't know I could.
>>114922618Same place you get one of these.
>>114922762i turned 40 this yeari wish i was dead
>>114922863It's true for me. I didn't really start establishing an independent life until 30. People make fun of that but the reality is that becoming an independent adult at 21 is only really possible with extremely cheap housing and job opportunities that don't tie you to the land you inhabit. Most people in history didn't have that.
>>114927122>and by extension the state are the ones who primarily end up raising children once they are old enoughsad
>>114922382>Ordinary people have jobs and can buy their kids a Holla Forums system >Creative people cant afford shit for theirs, not even clothes.
>>114922756You're living in it.
>>114924207The worst thing about this is that Nintendo of Japan actually felt the need to contact Nintendo of America to ask if it would be okay to have Mario wear a sombrero or if that would be considered racist.This shit has blown so out of hand that Americans are known worldwide as "people that get offended by the most innocent bullshit".
>>114922641From the thumbnail I thought she was fat as fuck
>>114929155>he doesn't know about spyro subway aka exodia the forbidden oneNormally I don't spoonfeed but this is fine art that needs to be appreciated by everyone.
>>1149227564channel was created by a white man.
>>114926044They're catholics, so they can't be white. White refers to anglosaxon protestants.
>>114930217In fact, if your culture is being appropriated, it means that it's way cooler than the original culture of the appropriators.
>>114922533Isn't the opposite more common?
What the fuck does this mean?
>>114930640You wouldn't get it...
>>114930640Is that Kramer from Seinfeld?
>>114922949> enjoy lifeImplying you stop enjoying life after having kids. Speaks volumes.
>>114923627Everything on 4hchan(nel) is true. Everything.
>>114922638My sides didn't make it.
>>114922638I can't believe I find this incredibly hot
>>114922391Cultural Appropriation is an imperialist device made by white people so that you will only appeal to their bland assfuck tv family culture
>>114922638Creative people use these two gifts at the same time.
>>114929155Don't pretend like you don't know
>>114922382Creative people are racist
>>114922638Why am I laughing?
>>114928995I'm reminded of that short comic where a pure maiden is transformed into a dragon's heart.
>>114922420And what is Anime Catholicism?
>>114930405Does anyone have the VS FIGHTING POLYGON TEAM edit?