Can we just agree the Teen Titans Go! is just another Totally Spies with all the fetishes in most of the episodes

Can we just agree the Teen Titans Go! is just another Totally Spies with all the fetishes in most of the episodes.

Attached: Pregnant_Titans.jpg (1920x1080, 352.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:'t


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>>114921147What you call “fetishes”, normal people just see as regular funny things.

Totally Spies actually had quality though. Instead of this shameless shit


But the Super Deformed/Chibi Art ruins it.

>>114922035>normal peopleNo such creature.

>>114922258this. Totally Spies is infamously known as "the fetish show," while Teen Titans Go isn'


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>>114922035Okay but what about CREATIVE people?

>>114922344Muscle Femdom, Nice!

>>114922338>made in France>traditionally animated>uses accurately proportioned designs>influenced by anime>characters are of legal ageTotally Spies is based af

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>>114922338if anything, TTG is known for shitting on the 2003 fans way too many times. It was funny the first time they pulled that joke

>>114922035Oh, you have no idea.

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>>114921147Try to find the fetishes that where in Totally Spies and see if you can find the same fetishes in TTG.

Attached: fetishes.jpg (655x490, 126.82K)

>>114922491Even the 03 series had better fetish episodes than any of the TTG ones

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>>114922035Normal people don't make cartoons

>>114922577Nice FLCL reference

The Original show was trash, they acted like Animo simulacrums that never took off their costumes.

>>114922552At least Totally Spies never stooped that


>>114922614I wanted to smell Clover's braaps.

>>114922573Can someone make a list of all the fetishes in TTG like the list of fetishes in Totally Spies?

Attached: Guide to Fetishes in Totally Spies.png (1410x4518, 1.07M)


Attached: Guide to Fetishes in Totally Spies 2.png (1401x3842, 1.02M)

>>114922552Farts are and have always been funny

>>114922258>>114922338Totally Spies is "Fetishes: The Show."TTG is "DeviantArt: The Show."


Attached: Guide to Fetishes in Totally Spies 3.png (1409x2291, 626.84K)

>Miraculous Ladybug still has not had a fat episode where the Akuma tries to defeat the heroes, by feeding them addictive food. >The heroes will never struggle to overcome their own addiction to the Akuma's junk food, getting so fat they can barely battle said Akuma>The Akumatized chef nearly wins, but slips up at last minute

>>114922563I'm trying yo gain weight, notlose motivaion, though, I will never go to the level of the people in that thread, so, that is good to know

>>114922846>weight gain episode in a TV budget CGI showNo show is going to waste money on multiple character rigs showing progression that can only be used for that one episode.

>>114922785why does she have boulders in her pants?

>>114922785Stella needs to get fat too. Discovers Passion Patties by mistake, ends up a big gluttonous ball of fat.

Attached: Stella.jpg (824x463, 38.06K)

>>114922867What about an magical illusion? The characters think and feel like they're fat.>"When your only reality is an illusion, then your illusion becomes reality."


>>114922903I.e a variant on the episode where Marinette became a klutz and Adrien became easily scared. The heroes feel like they're obese and struggle to move.

>>114922903That's still an entire model that you could only use once. I could buy it for ONE character like Chloe during a nightmare sequence, but Miraculous LOVES reusing models with little texture swaps here and there. It's like their whole thing.

>>114922881Yeah she should

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>>114922909The thread wasn't devoured, the thread became obese. Stuffed with content, lol.

>>114922909It just died

>>114922933Just use it for a season opener or finale. They get the best budgets.>>114922940Like mother, like daughter. Stella loves to lord over Clover for getting fat, but she discovers it's easier than she thinks to fall into the grip of Passion Patties. All three moms end up enormous, to the amusement of the Spies.

>>114922909Fatchad thread 2: Electric Boogaloo>>114922945That's kinda hot

Attached: Cool Ronald.png (90x90, 25.56K)

>>114922909No way, foo'! me and Cy' are gonna swallow you uppppp! then sing about pooping you out!!

Attached: BELLY_BROS.gif (498x280, 1.42M)

>>114922986>Fatchad thread 2: Electric Boogaloonah, let's let that kinda thread rest (for now). don't wanna anger the mods.I'd rather this be a TTG fetishes Vs TS fetishes thread.

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>>114922986Literal Fat Fat Threads are one of my taboo interests. Distorted & sagging borders, bloated amorphous letters, etc.And the Fat Fat Thread gets stuffed with content.

>>114923076That's the last thing I'll say about fat on this thread. I like Fat Threads that are actually Fat themselves.

>>114923012>>114923012sometimes TTG has great songs....and then it has to put out stinkers like that poop

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>>114923072TS chads reign supreme

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>>114921147at least one person on the Storyboard-team used to post /d/eviant fanart of Raven, and are doing nothing to hide it

Attached: Raven&MeatPe.png (773x655, 396K)


>>114923290If only the art style wasn't so meh. It's bad for weight gain.

>>114923290I wonder if RavenRavenRaven lowkey works on TTG

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>>114923012That's just


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>>114923620This explains the popularity of impossibly visible bods during vore.

>>114922338it should be known

>>114922552no way they showed startfires panties

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>>114922035a fetish cartoon isnt just about things happening in it possibly maybe also being things that turn someone on. that'd make ANY cartoon, esp kids comedy ones. no, its how theyre presented

>>114923833Don't some people from Totally Spies work on Miraculous Ladybug?

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>>114922552>Group mutual gender fart sceneDA the show is right.


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>>114923012cant for the life of me find the song they referenced to make that

>>114923317A literal episode. Its a 1 second frame, though


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>>114923868Thomas Astruc used to be a storyboard artist on TS. He also worked on Wakfu, Code Lyoko and W.I.T.C.H

>>114921147Post a web-dl folder and I'll get back to you after watching the show.

>>114924111Explains why mind control and corruption are a HUGE part of Miraculous Ladybug. Multiple characters going bad.>Inb4 all of Holla Forums pledges marriage to Zombizou

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>>114924228Though personally, I ship her with Nadja. She's enjoying Zombizou's company a bit too "much" here. Dat face.

Attached: Nadja Chamack Meets Zombizou.png (1280x719, 756.08K)

will we get a sequel to ttg vs tt? looks like it was a success


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>>114923343I think it can work.

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>>114924283They actually do have things in common. Both Nadja and Caline are relatively nice middle-aged women, apparently single, similar builds, professional, and both got turned into Akumas with kidnapping expertise.

>>114922871if those are boulders, then I'll gladly become a rock climber!

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>>114922552>6.1M views

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>>114924506fucking LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO

>>114924258But unlike TTG, Totally Spies is actually well liked, and it had no legacy to tarnish.

>>114924442>>114924595CARLOOOOOS!!! I wanna climb that massive ass too

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>>114924666>Totally Spies is actually well likedIn this hugbox here yeah, meanwhile in the real world...

>>114924595>She embarks on a plot to make Clover fat>Gets sucked into it herself>Ends up fat

>>114924754It’s super popular among normies too

>>114921147But Totally Spies' artstyle wasn't fuck-ugly.

>>114924784this. It's always in those REMEMBER THE 2000's?! theme song compilations


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>>114924924>In the end, Clover and Mandy make peace & become fat piggy friends together

>>114925248>MandyWas she the ONLY Dark Feminine Character on the Show?

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anyone have a download link to the movie?there's a scene I wanna share with you

>>114925375I think she was the major antagonist. But it is great to see her accept what a glutton she's become here, joining her fellow hogs.

>>114925423what, the scene not on youtube?

Does anyone have the comic of the mom saying something like "Billy you shouldn't be watching those violent adult movies that will mess with your head! Watch a cartoon instead" only for the cartoon to be foot fetish shit?

>>114925375So what order do they become fatties guys?I'm thinking Clover easily gives in first. Then the new girl, wondering what it's like to be a pig. Then Alex, tempted by scientific curiosity. Then Sam slowly succumbs. And finally Mandy, after a long struggle with ambivalence, becomes a HUGE glutton.

>>114925804afraid not. have this image instead.

Attached: teen_titans_go____starfire_s_feet_by_condellotv_dcd32hy-fullview.jpg (1024x577, 103K)

>>114926144>a perfectly fine screencap of Starfire's feetthank you for spoilering it, my virgin eyes can't take it!!

>>114925927I wish Clover had given Mandy passion patties.

fuck you pp hoesgibe bulky bars

>>114926331>fuck you pp hoes>gibe bulky barsI love both.

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Fuck capeshit

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>>114926857actually not the most damning shot in the video

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>>114926901Yeah, I know what was going through the creator's mind here. Not going there.

Put Passion Patties & Bulky Bars into blender then force feed the girls.

Attached: cm__strongfat_kallen_stadtfeld_weightgain_by_modezombie_dcragzt-250t.jpg (499x250, 12.64K)

>>114926977just covering the "it's just booty shaking, there's nothing sexual about that" nut did the same shit

>>114926992>Becoming huge strongfatMy dream for the Wii Fit Trainer.

>>114927258Strong-Fat in way too underappreciated.

Attached: commission___romping_ronpa_by_codenamebull_d9aux8z-fullview.jpg (1024x990, 99.59K)

>>114927392Impa needs it.

>>114927497>Impa needs it.This version of the character stirred something in a 9 year old me.

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>>114927596Big Impa is indeed the best. With her mix of fat and muscle, she can perfectly protect Zelda.

Speaking of strongfat, continuing from last't the ending seem perfectly setup for Ann Marie to go through the same thing as before?It seems to be portray bodybuilding as the healthier option, when the reality is they do the same shit to lose weight so they can look ripped. And she seems just as obsessed with winning.

>>114927497Impa got it.

Attached: Impa commission___impa_by_grim_kun-daaqch8.png (4561x5100, 3.39M)

>>114927645What have I Spread!? >Doesn't the ending seem perfectly setup for Ann Marie to go through the same thing as before?>It seems to be portray bodybuilding as the healthier option, when the reality is they do the same shit to lose weight so they can look ripped. And she seems just as obsessed with winningHyperMuscle here we come! Plus Muscle gut.

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>>114927703Benefits of the aging process for her. Impa couldn't stay slim, so she adapted and became glorious strongfat.

I could Imagine Ann Marie participating in eating competitions, Pies, Hot Dogs, Chili.

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>>114927711I'm the same guy from last thread desu. Just really like strongfat.

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>>114928016I know, I do too.

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>TFW Nathalie will never be fat, fighting like a suoFeels bad.

Attached: Nathalie Badass.gif (400x225, 1.19M)

Totally Spies and Dexter’s Lab are at the top echelon of fetishes

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>>114929271Shame we never got a Dee Dee weight gain ep

>>114928917No one cares Hartman, go back to your christian cartoon channel

>>114929271Passion Patties needed to become a recurring menace.

>>114929328>someone mentioning anything about Tuff Puppy on Holla Forumsnah, it's obviously DudleyCartoonDude or whatever the fuck his name his. (the guy that's made threads where he begs for a Tuff Puppy revival for the past 7 months)


>>114923012That's fucking terrible

Bulky Bar Time!

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>>114929699If that had gone on any longer, she'd be a werewolf.

>>114929736>If that had gone on any longer, she'd be a werewolf.Can she reason under the influence of those things?

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>>114929797Not really. The others had to slap some kind of electroshock patch on her to keep her focused on pounding the villain.

>>114929797She's probably frenzied as a muscle chick. As wild as any werewolf. Especially around Clover, lol.

>>114929825>>114929829Alex is a Berserker!

Attached: muscle_gain_for_clover_and_alex_by_ty102_da6gply-fullview.jpg (1024x1024, 119.8K)

>>114929797>>114929825>>114929829I'd like to point out again that everyone that everyone that too bulky bars just immediately lost their mind and went on a rampage, while Alex was still aware enough to start gloating about her muscles.

>>114929944The ones who immediately went nuts were buff to begin with, too.

>>114929944But Clover should be obese, contrasting with Sam.



Attached: clover__overweight_with_a_slight_muscle_growth_by_ty102_da6gpk4-fullview.jpg (1024x1024, 122.64K)


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>>114922552Now give Robin a fart scene.

>>114929965I just like that there's kind of a dichotomy Alex enjoys her transformationsClover just likes indulging, either in food or attention.And Sam gets brainwashed

>This thread

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"Run Piggy I Got a Fork!"

Attached: 1588991436463.gif (400x300, 3.39M)

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>>114923851They did and its cannon she wears pink panties.

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Attached: totally_clover_and_alex_post.jpg (1280x1176, 236.26K)

>>114930184They knew what they were doing

>>114930553But should cute males get fart scenes?

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>>114928016Thanks asshole. Now I recall this shit existed. Please kill yourself.

>>114930720I'm not into farts but who am I to deny you, user


Attached: MystiqueSonia-03.png (1366x768, 500.23K)

>>114923100Teen Titans Go should just pull a phineas and ferb and become a

Attached: Teen Titans.jpg (2954x1969, 1.93M)

>>114930489no they didnt. link the vid

>>114922344shame we haven't had a Lady Legasus episode in like 3-4 years

>>114929736>>114930298>the girls turn into werewolves>sam is full feral>alex is the alpha>clover is ravenously hungry

>>114931620>Clover as huge fat werewolfI need to see this werewolf trio ASAP.

>>114921147You decide, Saber


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>>114923012> million viewsMother of god

>>114932067If she's that big, would Passion Patties even work on her?


>>114932179They'd work, just not the way they were intended.I do mean something specific when I say that, but I'll let you interpret it how you want.For now


Attached: YES YES YES.jpg (933x356, 193.39K)

>>114923072While on the subject of TTG VS TS fetishes, Did Totally Spies ever have a car transformation episode?

>>114932248I don't think so.Harley Quinn did though.

>>114922755>>114922807>>114922838Someone please make a sequel to list list with TTG episodes. Here's and episode guide and bio for those interested.

>>114932248Nope surprisingly

>>114930184why is BB washing his gloves in the sink

>>114932238>Cute male hero appears>But can't quite stop his farts

>>114932276Wait, she became a car? When?

>>114932408That's not what I meant.

>>114921147Jesus, this show is still going?

>>114928917>furry>diaperAre you trying to be the most overly disgusting poster in the thread?

>>114932635The seasons keep coming back, like an Evil Jesus.

>>114932744It's shows like this that make me wish Jesus comes back.

>>114932919>"Thy show haveth too much fail. Gonna smite thy lame ass."

>>114932169>Sapient belliesPromising idea, horrifying execution.

>>114922491>It was funny the first time they pulled that jokeIt wasn't

>>114929699>>114929797>>114930499Finally some good fucking foodSharon unrelated she just feels appropriate for fetish art

Attached: sharon stronk.jpg (813x983, 136.38K)

>>114933890I think the girl behind her is about to propose marriage.

>>114922552Imagine the smell

>>114924595That ass is my favorite kind of ass.


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>>114922614>>114922655I'm pretty sure that made a fart joke with Clover at least once (not an actual brap but alluding to it)

>>114924506millions of future brapfags. makes you optimistic doesn't it


>>114922258>Totally Spies actually had quality thoughImagine believing this. The animation alone is total garbage

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>>114924595>Elf san wa yaserarenai.jpeg