>>114920517Was just about to post this, was pretty fucking great
>>114920517Definitely some classic tier slapstick right here, excellent short, also haven't seen screwball daffy in a while.
What the fuck is his problem?
They are such a cute couple
>>114920589>>114920632I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory but do you think Warner may have deliberately released this short to address criticisms over Pest Coaster (mainly too much dialogue and an overemphasis on emulating the classics over being funny and creative)?
I was looking forward to this one since the sneak peeks and it did not disappoint. Easily the best of the released shorts, everything is on point.
>>114920716It's possible and if that's the case they know what their doing.
Could someone link the 2nd? I must have missed that one.
>>114920716This short was already shown in theaters, part of it widely leaked around the internet and the full thing leaked between smaller circles, so I think they were going to put it out anyway
>>114920747Assume they mean the other one outside Pest Coaster was Dynamite Dance aka the "trailer" from a year ago
>>114920517Is it just me, or at the end of Porky's babbling around 30 seconds in does he say "ass" under his breath?
It's a good start
>>1149207471) Dynamite
>>114920517I do hope the HBO Max text is just in the YouTube video and not on the actual video
Anyone have the version without the watermark?
>>114921174No, wait until HBO Max drops and someone rips the shortsThe watermark is intentional
>>114921206How many shorts are they releasing before they put it on HBO Max?
>>114920517My only comlaint is the sound design is over the top, like 15 different loud obnoxious sounds happening within 5 seconds. The begining was just to much but the second half was much better. The sound design gave me nu-john k shorts vibes where the sound effects are constant and extremely obnoxiously loud. The animation was ok, i'm curious what the budget is cause the Looney Tunes Show was much better looking. But yeah this was better than the roller coaster one. I'll give it a 6.5/10
>>114921222Wish I could tell you, no one expected them to upload this until they did
>>114921222HBO Max launches in like 2 weeks so maybe 1 or 2 more that is if they even decide to upload more
>>114921222Judging by last week and today, we'll be getting one every Tuesday till launch. They might all also be Annecy shorts, like the ones we have seen thus far.
>>114921308It hearkens back to the original idea that they’d show shorts all over the place in film festivals, online and maybe even as theatrical shorts before movies
The other short got more comments.
>>114922082Anon comments are coppa'd on youtube
>>114920649He's a daffy duck
>>114921292>The animation was ok, i'm curious what the budget is cause the Looney Tunes Show was much better looking.I think it depended on the short.As for the animation, it seems like my prediction was right. Tonic's going to be the top crew, Yowza and Snipple the B-teams and Yearim at the bottom.
>>114920517Kino as fuck
>>114920517I love it
>>114920871>Dynamite Dance>
>>114923545I get that this is referencing the Walt Disney statue with Walt and Mickey, but who's the fat guy, Tex Avery?
>>114920517i haven't laughed like that in years, this shit will be kino
>>114923648Yep, that’s Tex.
>>114922126had a 500+ thread
>>114920980One of the funniest things about this short is the fact that the father had money for that duck, but not enough to get his daughter a new dress when she grew out of the old one.
I really like how they were able to do all of this with one camera angle. It's a very simple premise but they got as many gags as they could out of it. Would have been nice if they did the same with Pest Coaster.
>>114920980Wait, why did the little guy kick the cop?
>>114920517That was fucking great, way better than the rollercoaster one. The animation is on fucking point and the sight gags are all legit funny.As an aside, the music in these reminds me a LOT of the '90s Spielberg WB shows.
>>114920517man that was great! I haven't seen any of the other shorts yet, I should check em out
>>114920517At least the animators are credited>Animators - Hal Newman, Brianne VanTuyle
Nicely done.
>>114920517>all in one shot>interesting perspective and lighting>unironically hilarious>not dated in any way>3 little pigs referenceI am more than convinced the retards who don't like this are trolling and Holla Forumsntrarians
>>114924780those are the in-house retake animators; the animators at Yowza aren't credited (though some of the department supervisors there are)
>>114924894I don't think Porky putting bricks around his cement square is a three little pigs reference.
>>114924894we have 1 good short and 1 boring short
>>114920517A fucking plus
>Kisses Porky>He blushes>Then snaps out of it.Fucking love it.
>>114920517The background music sounds very Animaniacs
>>114920517of course daffy and porky have the best short, fuck bugs
so basically so far:>Dynamite DaneDirected/storyboarded by David Gemmill (mostly known for being an uncle grandpa boarder; worked on Mighty B, Fan Boy & Chum Chum, SMFA, and Gravity Falls prior. Boarded on Teen Titans Go and did some freelance work on post-2nd movie Spongebob between UG and LTC)animated at Tonic DNA>Pest CoasterDirected/storyboarded by Ryan Kramer (one of the Toonhole guys; mostly known for having been a boarder turned director on Uncle Grandpa. Also served as a director on early Victor & Valentino and did freelance work on post-2nd movie spongebob)animated at Snipple>Wet CementDirected by GemmillStoryboarded by Michael Ruocco (mostly known for storyboarding on Wabbit/New Looney Tunes; also served as a clean-up animator on Motorcity and a boarder on Bojack Horseman)animated at Yowza
>>114925205the composer is Carl Johnson, who was one of the secondary composers on Animaniacs (not everything on Animaniacs was composed by Richard Stone)
>>114920517Are they going to post every short on YT or are they only doing it for the first few to drum up interest over time?
>>114920517>ThirdDidn't even know this was happening already.
>>114925268Probably the latter, unfortunately.
>>114920517I honestly never liked early Daffy. He was too much like Bugs, but on steroids. Him being insecure around Bugs and competing against him and failing was a lot more entertaining.
Is Porky’s outfit a reference to Luigi?
>>114920517when was the second?
>>114925407Pretty sure he wore that in a few of the old shorts.
>>114925418Pest Coasterby the first OP is talking about Dynamite Dance from last year
>>114925443Dunno man, maybe it is a Mario reference because the giant shoe gag reminds me of this
>>11492051710/10 Short. My only hope is that we'll get shorts that last longer than just a few minutes.
>>114925492Pest coaster is a 6 minute long short
>>114925407I don't think just wearing green and overalls is a Luigi reference. His hat is blue.
>>114925492I think it's good that the short was that time. It was enough to get the gags in but not enough that they begin to try and force the humor.
the orchestration was good in thisall in all, way better than dynamite dance and pest coaster
>>114923545The lack of sync is a bit of a disappointment, but I like the energy and fluidity of the animation so much it's hard to get too mad about it.
>>114920871OOF the voice work is pretty rough
>>114925871Honestly I love bugs voice in this, it sounded like classic bugs
"I am one stuck duck."I was expecting "You're despicable."
>>114926314or "fuck"
>>114920517the first short was boring as hell, but this one actually made me laugh.hopefully the majority of the cartoons will be as good as this one.
>>114921292>15 different loud obnoxious sounds happening within 5 secondsThis is a pet peeve of mine, but even when Porky had nothing to say, he was making all kinds of humming and grunting. It reminds me a lot of British or French shows where they overdo this.
The shorts with no dialogue seem to be pretty good so far. Gives me hope for the Coyote v Roadrunner episodes.
You think WB regrets making the Animaniacs reboot for Hulu? They’re losing out on content for their own streaming service
>>114924894>I am more than convinced the retards who don't like this are trolling and Holla ForumsntrariansYou are correctRemember these are the people who trashed on Duck Dodgers and TLTS when they came out
>>114926807Pretty sure it will come to HBO max at some point
>That endThat's my fetish
>>114926807They probably resent it a little. Like how 20th Century Fox will likely resent making Central Park an Apple TV+ exclusive rather than a Hulu original.
>>114926878Gene's Gyros?
>>114926807In a previous thread an user mentioned that Animanics is no longer going to be on Hulu, but who knows if that’s true or not
>>114926878Well they didn’t pass on that other new one from Bouchard so they learned their lesson
>>114926937What other new one?
>>114926961It stars Nick Offerman and Megan Mullahy
>>114926807Probably yeah but they get money for it anyhow, they might let it go for only a season or two just for that. Wouldn't be surprised if they one day make Tiny Toon rebooted to counter>>114926845I think they have a 5 year contract so it'll be long awhile from now if that's true
>>114926961>>114926972The premise is “ A single dad in Alaska does his best to keep his weird bunch of kids close, especially as the artistic dreams of his only daughter lead her away from the family fishing boat and into the glamorous world of the local mall.”
>>114920517>Cement had no rebarWelp, there goes my suspension of disbelief.
>>114927030do sidewalks typically have rebar?
>>114926937Loren is an executive producer. The Great North was created by Lizzie & Wendy Molyneux and Minty Lewis. Don't make this another Connected. Give credit where credit's due.
>>114926878>>114926972>Literally two reskins of Bob BurguersHow & why? No wonder only boomers watch Fox TV. I do not watch Bob Burguers, but even if its popular, it isnt like the Simpsons in the 90s, or Family Guy at its beginning...yet its having multiple copycats. Its like Family Guy clones series all over again.Do even people watch this? And why cant Fox make something animated that isnt an small variation from Simpsons/Family Guy?
>>114926807Probably notMost people already have Hulu and many are going to avoid hbo max because of the price
>>114927099>why cant Fox make something animated that isnt an small variation from Simpsons/Family Guy? They're desperate for more cash cows but are too afraid to try anything different. This could explain why Duncanville's art style is essentially a hybrid between Groening and MacFarlane that's being animated by the same studio behind Bob's Burgers.
>>114927076He’s still an Executive Producer and it’s in a style that is exactly like Bobs and Central Park
>>114926878god this is going to be such shit
>>114927384I disagree. It looks really cute:
>>114927434it's just a worse version of bob's burgersit's just about saving a park instead of their family business
>>114927494The basic premise is lame, sure, but the execution grabs my interest. Grand city aesthetic with gorgeous backgrounds? Musical sequences with feature-quality animation? All it really needs to seal the deal is to have fun characters.
This gives me hope for the Animaniacs reboot
>>114927579sorry i'm not a fag that enjoys musical theater, the intended audience will most likely be wine karens and gays
>>114920517Based Browngardt is saving Looney Tunes
>>114927602That they are recording music in the same studio as the original should give you hope
>>114922486at this point I'm curious to see a full Yearim short; they're the only studio we haven't seen a short from yetlikewise we've had shorts from Gemmill and Kramer, now I'm curious to see a short directed by Kenny Pittenger
>>114927602get ready for constant references to hollywood movies and actors like in the originals
>>114927660My hope has just been doubled
>>114927679Well that's expected
>>114927614Lol, imagine not liking musicals
>>114927736is that pic supposed to be in favor or against musicals. If it's for, it's not exactly helping your argument
>>114920517This was great. I liked how Daffy got his comeuppance at the end too.
>>114926815I dunno man, I loved Duck Dodgers and The looney tunes show, but these HBO shorts just don't do it for me. But I was also never a fan of OG looney tunes
>>114927736it's pretty easy to imagine not being a faggot
>>114927841Haha I loved Klaus
>>114927614>Not enjoying the song, dance, sweet romance, and happy endings happening by happenstance of musicals.There's something rotten with you user.
>>114920517Pest Coaster is still my favorite, but this was good too
>>114927736Lol you are 100% homosexual
>>114920517>Flat staginCouldnt at least use some camera movements?
>>114928381the entire gimmick behind this specific short is that it's one continuous shot
>>114928381The entire short is about Daffy fucking with some wet cement. Why would it need different camera angles?
>>114928002>>114928310my my, how new
>>114920517What a nice point of view.
>>114921292>Looney Tunes Show was much better lookingwho cares about that bland and forgettable wannabe sitcom this is far closer to the spirit of the golden age shorts
>>114925126ehh i liked them allsay what you will about Pest Coaster but it's far better than anything in Wabbit, at least in terms of animation
>>114928321Not even. I'm just happy to admit I enjoy music and dramatic stories, especially when the two are mixed together to tell an engaging story. And would it even mean anything if I WERE homosexual?
>>114927076why are we talking about this poorly animated Family Guy tier tweenfest on a Looney Tunes thread?
>>114927736Virgin Musical Theater Vs Chad Opera & THAD Rock Opera
>>114927836>But I was also never a fan of OG Looney Tunesyou are a man with no taste what so ever
>>114928629Why does Porky have to wear clothes but Daffy can be nude?
>>114927660the same studio?what've they been doing for the past 20 years?
>>114920517>The sight gags>The musical tie-in>The facial expressions>Goofball DaffyKINO IS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYSBut who was this supposed to be? Clampett? Avery? Blanc?
>>114929739........forgot pic
>>114929739Clampett seems to be the biggest inspiration, though the series as a whole seems to be going for a mish-mash of Clampett, Tashlin, Dover Boys-era Chuck Jones, and 40s Freleng
>>114929753It's Avery
>>114929761whoops, wrote this response before you posted >>114929753
>>114929739Tex Avery.
>>114929668>what've they been doing for the past 20 years?been locked in the water tower again
>>114929647Because, unlike Daffy, Porky is FAT! and, therefore, disgusting so he should never, in any case, ever be nude.
Big leak from a trusted source: Bugs Bunny will be in the Looney Tunes Cartoons
>>114927836>But I was also never a fan of OG looney tunesBut how but why
>>114929378>And would it even mean anything if I WERE homosexual?Yes. It would mean you suck dick.
>>114930109That's good then, dicks are fucking delicious. Too bad straight shitposters will never know this because they're definitely missing on something great.
>>114930154Well it wasn't a judgement, it was a statement of fact.If you're a man that's gay that means you like dicks.
>>114920517DaffyDaffy my boy what have they done to you
>>114930231They made Daffy BASED
>>114930221Oh well, that's true. Unless you're a top who only wants his dick sucked but never suck them yourself.
>>114930266This. Contrarians are cancer, and should give themselves .22 chemo.
>>114920517Is this the first time Porky defeated Daffy?
>>114920517The best one so far. It's nice to see screwball Daffy again. My one complaint was the final line, what was the point of it? We can see that he's stuck. Why are they so afraid of having no dialogue?
>>114920871dynamite was alright and wet cements was ehSomething about pest coaster sucked and not just the voices. Humor was really off to me
>>114920871>I AM amused!I wasn't feeling Bug's voice until then.
>>114920517Do you think there's some middle ground between Daffy's screwball nuisance characterization and his greedy antagonist characterization? I kind of feel like in this show his antics are like Bugs' only without Porky punching first
>>114930919I don't see why we can't have both. These shorts don't have a canon so it'll be perfectly alright for some to be zany and others to be cynical.
Would you?
>>114931087>Blonde >Big tits >that ass>milfHell yeah
>>114931087I mean this is like a fursuit in the animal world isn't it?
>>114929668theatrical scores
>>114927073Yeah, most slab systems do nowadays. Even if it's some shitty #3 bar.
>>114929753That's clearly Daffy Duck.
>>114931585Bullshit. It's Taz.
>>114931087 Are we gonna be compiling all the Looney Tunes Cartoons waifus like we did a certain other shorts series reboot?
>>114932007If there's enough.
>>114930758Heh, nice.
>>114933167Marvin a cute
Absolute kino content, finally a cartoon with good fucking visuals
>>114933167>>114933252The big eyes really made him cuter
I'd fuck Marvin
Ok I’m liking these shorts!Hopefully they keep it up! I had a good laugh from these.
>>114920517I laughed out loud!
>>114927099central park is a movie i thinkbut there i another reskin, duancanville
>>114932007I dont think they will, plain and simple.
It's better than both previous ones.Still missing something though. Sound design is pure 90's Spielberg Shows and I was never a fan of those in the show proper, let alone in Looney Tunes. A couple gags did get a chuckle out of me but the rest felt pretty unoriginal. Mind, I commend the energy poured here, and of course the high quality animation is appreciation. But far as making me laugh, or head into more ingenious territory? These still have a way to go.Still, that this exists in the first place is very welcome, and I'm eager to see what artists can achieve when they're more experienced with the characters.
Are the SUfags shaking now?
>>114930906Bergman used similar voice for Bugs in one particular scene in the Looney Tunes
>>114933712I'm liking Porky's and Daffy's VA's more than Bugs.
>>114933993Daffy's VA is the same as Bugs'
>>114934073He does a much better impression of Daffy. In Pest Coaster, he couldn't even sustain the bugs voice the entire time.
>>114934095ANON SEASON, FIRE!
>>114920517lame, it's just like with Dynamite Dance. the same gag repeated ad nauseam.>it's a shortthis is the only thing that's keeping these underwhelming products from being savaged. they don't move like old LT and they aren't fun like old LT, and that's a problem when they're leaning this hard into trying to look like old LT.I don't care if that was Tex Avery. references are not a replacement for the lack of engaging narrative.
>>114934196Anon, did you mean to share that image?
>>114934196A-are these people okay? Or, better yet, alive?
>>114934274>>114934349>interrupt Superman's notsequel to show mini trailers to assure the nerds and shareholders that we'll have our Avengers movie soonit's almost like WB is awful
Way better than the Bugs coaster one I saw.
>>114927076>Don't make this another Connected what did user mean by this
>>114933252The way he moves his legs when he jumps reminds me of Luigi.
>>114920517Will watch this now.
>>114933585>central park is a movie i thinknah it's a series