Two women, both possessing magical spiky powers, both abandoned their respectives kingdoms. A frozen queen vs a tangled bodyguard.Who's more powerful?
Power levels
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>>114919655Something tells me Zelda is packing more power, she can make entire blizzards
Cass wins unless Elsa goes in for the kill and freezes her to death. Black Rocks are overpowered as hell.
>>114919683I guess Cass would be more determined than Elsa to kill her opponent. But overall Elsa seems more powerful.
Elsa wins hands down if she has the elemental spirits at her disposal.
>>114919655Elsa is a free spirit while Cass is emotionally shackled to an airheaded princess, holding her back.
>>114919669>she can make entire blizzardsLiterally any Dairy Queen employee can do the same, phoneposter.
>>114920467t. Storybrook townie
Semi related due to how similar the battle would be:1/3
>>114920467Severe lack of MetalGear-Tangled content considering Kaz was also fed up with his boss and was plotting behind his back. Plus you can add Huey into the equation.
>>114921234I don't know much about Metal Gear, but I imagine Varian would have fun in that world
>>114921460Yes, there's a lot of crazy machines and inventions.The contrasting difference is the inventor is the one getting cucked instead of the Cass.
>>114919655>Who's more powerful?Still not powerful as the sun goddess>both abandoned their respectives kingdomsThey only one "abandoned" the kingdom is Elsa because she's the ruler while Cass is just a servant of Corona which can be appointed with the replacement anytime.
>>114921796You're forgetting the part where Cass betrayed and almost destroyed her kingdom. I would count that as abandoning it.
>>114919806Gotta go with this. I don't see Elsa as someone who would willingly kill.
>>114919655Cass can win if she gets the drop on Elsa: quickly impale her with sword or rock spike. Otherwise Elsa can just instafreeze her and call it a day. Doesn't even need murder, just hibernation.>>114920017Good point. Cass, in her autism, really sucks when it comes to allies. The Brotherhood wouldn't really cut it.
>>114921593>the inventor is the one getting cuckedLiterally or figuratively?
>>114922457Literally as in "his second wife is sleeping with his son and he drowns himself in a pool when he finds out"-literally.
>>114922278Nice tumblr gif
>>114922511cut user some slack, at least the gif was reply-appropriate. Not like some other anons who post tumblr gifs just because.
Gonna have to give this one to Cass. She may be a insecure retard (they both are) but she has indestructible armor and constructs, as well as years of training and study in combat. In addition her expanded powerset is far superiorEnhanced strength and speed (Cass broke out of unbreakable amber like it was nothing. Good luck freezing her.)Mind controlFear/Emotional manipulation (one illusion of Anna and she's down)Decay Song (we never see her use it but we know she has access to any of the spells Rapunzel used, provided she knows the words)Far greater power projection(mind control rocks across a continent vs a small blizzard)Elsa simply doesn't have anything in her moveset that can hurt Cass. Only slow her down. All she can do is run.
>>114922647If Elsa hits someone directly in the heart, they freeze completely solid and may as well be dead.Cass is basically a video game boss with a glowing weak point.
>>114922647>>114922955Not to mention, Elsa's "frozen heart" freezes you from the inside out, so armour is irrelevant
>>114922955>Press R2 when heart glowsSASUGA Chris
>>114922955>>114922984That HEART is the bullshit space god of death, decay, and destruction. You can't kill it my making it cold. It IS Cold.And Anna took hours for her heart to freeze. You'd be better off aiming for her head or making the floor slick.
>>114923121Reminder that Cassandra the Lady in Wasting, Mistress of the Moon and Death of Dreams was bested by a human thief with marbles
>>114923194>Lady in Wasting
Continuing from the previous mother's day thread, I'd give it to Darerianna because she's the only one that can stare her starving peasants and say "they want bread? Then let them eat cake" with a straight face.
>>114921832You're forgetting that she got knocked out and was taken away from the fight by Eugene. She would stand her ground but was betrayed by someone she considered a friend. That betrayer deserves to be publicly raped as is the custom of Corona.
>>114923610What about power levels in terms of /fa/? Have the Arendelle princesses ever come even close to being this wide, tall and glorious?
>>114923794She's just perfect. I want Rapunzel to step on me.
How big of an ego boost would defeating Elsa be for Cassandra?
>>114924101It would last about an hour until she realizes Raps isn't around to even care.
>>114919655Cass is a rage-powered incel. She's literally unbeatable.
A blessed soul ripped all the models from Frozen Free Fall. I know have access to very good models to add to my VR Arendelle.Here's Anna.Gonna update my current Elsa with the FF model too.
>>114924310>from Frozen Free Fall.>when fucking KH3 exist
>>114924351kek. m8, I'm working with whatever I can find.
So this is all we’ve got for a Tangled thread? Frozenfags seem less welcoming of us all of a sudden, going by the other thread
>>114924608>starting a Tangled+Frozen thread is less welcoming than a purely Frozen threadhuh?
>>114924608It's a segment of the frozenfags who really despise the combined threads. Just let them be. The thread seemed very mean spirited which is why I didn't want to partake.
>>114924608I honestly think the other thread is one person just talking to himself/herself.
More importantly, would Cassandra rape Elsa after she defeated her?
How would Cass and Anna get along?
>>114925134Cass would either hate her guts or fall in love with her. Probably both in that same order.
Max comfiness, m8s.
>>114925264Make sure to protect your shield generators, user. Can't let the Empire get your waifus.
>>114925264Very nice. Do you plan on adding anything else to the place?>that AT-AT walkerMy fucking sides.
>>114919655I'd say it goes like this.Cass can probably break through any ice Elsa makes with her Moonrocks if it is a question of brute force.Elsa can just zone and let a never ending Blizzard freeze Cassandra to Death cause she show she is quite good at running away (and willing to do it) and would probably be able to put a good distance between the both of them (especially with a Blizzard wind).But ultimately Writer decides.
>>114925585Thanks, user.Now that I know everything works fine I want go back to Blender and finish the houses that are missing some faces. That's the only thing that bothers me when I stroll through town, it should be a very easy but slow task.Since I have the Free Fall models I can now add townsfolk to the the place, too, I also have access to the Frozen Fever and OFA dresses.I also plan on rigging Anna and Elsa's models so I can customize their poses more easily, I would like to have them holding hands
>>114924928Despite her behavior... Cass lacks the equipment to even be capable of such a thing.
>>114926036She doesn’t lack fingers
Hey anons, is there anything that just has interaction between Anna and Idunna? I've seen a few things with Elsa but not the other way around.
>>114926009>painting window lightsLooks relaxing, like working on a diorama.
>>114926462It is. I just put a bunch of Frostudio and Frozen ambient tracks on repeat while I work on the town.
>>114926439You mean fan art?Yes, there's very little.
>>114926617Fan art or even with the comics / side stuff. I'm just trying to see if there's a "something only Anna and her mother would know" thing.Ah well, I'll come up with something simple.
>>114926711>comicsOh, then you could use the True Treasure comic. Issue #3 has a nice interaction between the two.You can find it in the
>>114924928Neither of them seem like the rapist type to me.
>>114925264Green lasers as a quick and dirty way to do northern lights is creative
>>114926036But that was the entire point of getting the Moonstone and betraying Rapunzel. For despite all her effort and physical prowress, Cassandra would never get what she most desired...a male's genitalia. But now she can penetrate Elsa with her big, thick, throbbing moon (c)rock.
>>114926888kek, yes. I might revisit that at some point if I can find the right brush+color combination inside the program.
>>114926711There’s depressingly little.My headcanon is that Iduna assumed she couldn’t have kids after Elsa, was completely shocked when Anna happened, then never tried again.
>>114927013That or she was honestly terrified. Right now my headcanon has Iduna being a least a little afraid her Northuldran Heritage getting out could cause problems.
Iduna was probably disappointed her second child didn't have magic powers so she shut down the factory.
>>114927013>>114927149A shame, she has perfectly fuckable holes. Especially when younger. Bet she had some particularly thick bush and a pungent scent.
>>114927013There was an amazing scene where Iduna's memory talks about how she knows Anna will be a great ruler.But they cut it.
>>114927425They cut it because it was too good.
>>114927425>>114927445Literally every deleted scene I've seen for Frozen 2 so far is better than what we got in the movie. At least I could understand why a lot of the Frozen deleted scenes were cut. But the Frozen 2 stuff is a totally different movie.
>>114927425Even that scene is ruined by Elsa because Anna only sees this because Elsa decides to LET her see it. Elsa has Iduna's entire lifetime at her fingertips, and we're supposed to be thankful for her allowing Anna a measly scrap.
>>114927425She was wrong. They should have given the kingdom to Hans. It won't be long before the kingdom is conquered and Anna gets gangbanged by the conquerors.
>>114927502Don't post the rest of that comic, user.You and I know it can get you banned.
>>114927511Thanks, user.
>>114927502>>114927523Fuck off
>>114927484Elsa demands sexual favors in exchange for more memories.
I want to fuck all of Iduna's holes.
>>114927481Frozen 2 is the first movie where my reaction to deleted scenes is "why the fuck did they cut that" instead of "yeah, that was kind of pointless"
>>114927730The only cut scene that's completely incompatible with the rest of the film is the Nokk test, since the current story has no way nor reason to accommodate it, but everything else? Yes, it's a mile better and with a little rework could have been added.
>>114927730incredible fingertip grip strength on that bread
>>114926779Since when do we have a new pastebin? are the links from the old paste dead? Also thanks user.
>>114928096Since like little over a month ago.>are the links from the old paste dead?Are you talking about the /frz/ pastebin? Last time I checked the aunt scanbro's scans were still up. The only difference between those and the ones from the new pastebin is that they aren't really scans, but rather screenshots of the digital versions of those books. Besides, there are new books that have been released since then that can't be added to the old pastebin since I doubt that user is still around.>thanks user.You're welcome.
>>114926858Is this a reference to something else?
>>114927811It helps that she's also holding it against her waist.
>>114919655Elsa is a genius (or at least smarter than the average person) and can shoot ice projectiles.Meanwhile Cassandra is very well trained soldier who has only jobbed against everyone she has ever faced.I think Elsa's got this.
>>114924662I just checked and you might be right.
>>114928868>F2 outfitswait...I thought this person was long deadI think I have some comics to catch up on
>>114928624>>114927811>>114927730Dear diary: Today I was jealous of a loaf of bread for the first time.
>>114929084>I thought this person was long dead
>>114929108>you will never be Anna's food, brushing her divine lips as you pass through them, then mashed to pieces by her sharp teeth and swallowed, digested, and turned into fuel for her perfect body
Yesterday was size, today is vore, uh?
>>114928868am I correct in reading that Ariel ordered a live alien infant and sent the Frozen sisters to collect it for her?
>>114929330Every day is a roll of the dice. Sometimes you get a hole in one. Some days it's a fumble. You just play with the hand you're dealt.
>>114929385The only confusing part is Elsa being "late" for anything now that she has the Horse of Warp Speed
>>114929330there is a big overlap
>>114929472This looks more cute than depraved and fetishistic so I'll allow it
>>114929456Making the Nokk go between the forest and fjord in 2 minutes flat was a mistake. Now the "separation" serves no purpose except giving Elsa more free time.
>>114926009>I can now add townsfolk to the the placeWhat townsfolk?I don't recall FFF having any.
>>114929625what greater purpose can there possibly be than to let a goddess sleep in every morning?
>>114929648I didn't either, they must have added them with an update. Here are 3 quick examples.
>>114929800>working as an ice sculptor in Arendelle of all placesinteresting choice of profession
>>114929433She's beautiful.
>>114929866I guess you would feel constantly challenged to improve.
Oh God, I deleted the wrong bone.
>>114930018JESUS CHRIST
>>114929963I didn't even notice he was trying to carve Anna>his face when he accidentally makes it too chubby in front of her
>>114930018>ANNA, THAT WASN'T WEED
>>114930018She's perfect.Just export her like that, make her like 50 feet tall and put her on the fjord. The AT-AT won't stand a chance.
>>114927013Anna puts herself to bed but only pretends to sleep so she can hear her mom talk
>>114928503Not that I know if, just a pun
>>114930383I think she has a fighting chance.
>>114927013>no fanfic where agnarr has to teach his forest wife iduna about pregnancy
>>114931090>you will never be burnt to a crisp by a giant eldritch abomination Elsa as she destroys your hometown
>>114931090Is this what drugs feel like?
Plan to throw in other franchises into the mix?
>>114931612Mego is based as always
>>114931612I think we're fine as we are, we have healthy numbers.Although I'm getting a bit tired of coming up with OPs and I honestly wasn't going to make a new one until I saw how bad the other thread was.Besides, there was already a lot of overlap between both groups, and both franchises have been compared for years, I don't know what other IP would qualify.That being said, once again I don't plan to make a new one after this, so someone else better come up with a topic, just don't discuss it here.
Remember, kids! Jennifer Lee's original plan for Frozen II - the highly anticipated sequel to Disney's biggest animated hit since The Lion King - was to kill off the breakout star character that made the first movie what it was by having her walk into an Employees Only room.
>>114931890It's important for kids to learn these lessons early
That last frame!
>>114922498>pic related
>>114931810If you don't make it, somebody else willIf nobody else does, then we're just dead and should Let It Go
>>114931810>>114931090Whoops, meant to quote VR Arenhoth
>Anna's favorite expression
>>114932149Yes to both things you said.
>>114932205>>114931612Oh, no, I don't plan to add anything else, user.The AT-AT was in memory of the old days.
>>114931090I wouldn't know how to describe this without sounding like a crazy person.
>>114932611Thinking ahead for easy cleanup I see
I miss the shitty camrip days
>>114933142you'd think the girl with dangly braids would go on bottom to reduce danger of hair in mouth
>>114933171I think the last time I watched a full camrip was for The Phantom Menace, and that was after already seeing in theaters.
>>114933190That's one thing I don't get when I see lesbian couples where both girls have long hair.I'm a dude who had long hair for a time and missionary was fucking impossible/too uncomfortable, literally the reason why I cut my hair at the time.
>>114933281The best solution is to just tie your hair back and be careful. Feeling her resplendent hair drape over your bare skin is for foreplay/reward after the deed, NOT during.
>>114933142>>114933190>>114933281>>114933563>Elsa's coronation hairdo is the best for sexI knew it
>>114933827Her coronation hair is honestly her best look.
>>114933563>after the deedBut then your hair gets all sweaty, and you have to wash it out again...
>>114933827>>Elsa's coronation hairdo is the best for sexGotta celebrate becoming Queen somehow.
Did the tangledfags just up and vanished?
>>114934071Don’t you shower afterwards? It makes no difference.
>>114934216It depends on the autism
>>114934216We are cold blooded creatures who move slowly when the sun's presence is missing
>>114934216What if I'm both?
>>114934490All the olaf shorts have vanished from my mind already...
>>114934216More like they have nothing to talk about. You can only post the same smug gifs so many times. They have no memes, no topics of conversation, no contributions.We still have on and off contributors. Sometimes a writefag, like ghost runeard user and that other user who says is writing a fic; sometimes an artfag, like teal; an edit here and there; there's the scan user; this thread we had the vr user. There are still some people making stuff in some capacity and sharing it with us.And there's still reams of fan art from other sources being produced every day, that we share among us. We're going down the same path as the tangledfags but we're not that dead yet.
>>114934675>we're not that dead yet.Could have soften it a little bit, user.
>>114934675>scan user>vr anonLiterally the same person and I definitely wouldn't count myself as a contributor rather than a very bored user who took some screenshots and uploaded them to mega, compared to what other anons have shared.The tangledfags are cool, I would count me as one of them given I used to post in their threads.
>>114934609Same. Almost makes you question what was the point of it all.
>>114935015>more onionThanks, user!
>>114934917I count you, user
>>114934609I remember the one with Bruni and the one that was a cartoon for some reason.
>>114919655I ship it. Also, yes, Elsa would win. Cass doesn't have the control over the Moonstone she'd really need yet unless you're talking pretty early Elsa,but she really, really doesn't have the kind of genuine connection Elsa has to her powers unless this is some kind of sequel or AU where she gets them.
>>114934675I don't know if I'm the other writer you mentioned, but I am steadily cranking out my fic.I'm the writer of What Hath God Wrought, which some of you may remember back from ye olde days. And yes I know it's not a very good fic.Also I stumbled on this going through old files and had a good laugh.
>>114935041everyone needs more onion. I'll try to have it done before the week is over.
>>114935117Looking forward to it!
>>114935015And she shall appear
>>114935116>Update: 1h agoNot him but, did you add a new chapter? I'm sorry I don't recall your fic.
>>114934917Nonsense, sharing and organising media is a valuable thing. And VR is simply impossible for a lot of us to do, so thank you.>>114935015I can't believe I lived to see brand new Onion in 2020
>>114935270I did just add one tonight yes. >>114935015Also very nice user. Onion is such a great design.