For me, it's Lori.
For me, it's Lori
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Why does Lori look so much better in some episodes than others? Is it the storyboarders?
You have great taste OP. I'm more interested in Lynn Jr, I wish I had someone to play sports and workout with like her, my wife hates moving her body and is the total opposite. I don't really watch sports unless it's Boxing/MMA, I just want to play them but I will with someone like her, she'd make watching someone else accomplish nothing so much fun. I just bought a TRX, perfect push-ups, and a wide arm pull up bar because the gyms are still closed where I am, and it would be nice to enjoy them with someone else.
For me it's taller fatter Lori.
For me it's Belle.
For me it's Leni.
>>114921908I dunno, she's a bit too grumpy for me.
>>114921908For me it's actual adult women in the real world
>>114922061Wow, user. You're so cool.
>>114922087Thx bro
>>114922162When your psychic magic time manipulating child from the future gets you two to fuck
For me? It's Stella's mom.
There is only one actual best girl.
>>114922263>JCM-2Infinitely Based
>>114922263Imagine spanking Lola.
>>114922061Confirmed obese super-virgin.
>>114919465Pretty much, it's definitely a storyboard driven show, but less glaringly off model compared to CN's attempts.
For me is Lucy, and then Leni, then Lynn.
>>114922333Dude she's like six.
>>114922162>>114922201I don't know what's more amazing: That a story about incest and rape drama would somehow end on a psychic magic time-manipulating butterfly-effect antichrist demon incest baby. Or that it actually kinda worked.
>>114922526Right? Its hot and age appropriate.
>>114919465Depends on what animators happen to working on a given episode.
>>114922643She would be begging you to stop as you yank down her panties and smack her ass red.
>>114920443I imagine older Lynn being a lot like Captain Mizuki. Also is Lynn short for a 13 year old?
>>114923992Lynn should be a lot more fit and Lucy should be more chubby. But cartoon stock models
Either lola or lana. No one else comes close.
>>114924074Makes sense.
>>114924627Is that supposed to boxers? It's the same size as her shorts.So either she has long boxers or short shorts
So are these threads just about jacking off to underaged cartoon characters?
>>114924665I think they were more like her celebration/winning shorts since it was about her getting hyped for sport and competition.
>>114924665>>114924806Also, holy shit, those aren't tear aways, she straight up tore off her clothing like it was tissue paper.
>>114922263>patriotic cunnyBased
>>114922505For me its lucy then leni then luan then lola
>there are people posting in this thread who don't have Leni as their bestgirl.
>>114924829She should be careful not to get it
>>114923992>Also is Lynn short for a 13 year old?Yes.
Ehm, best girl coming in!
>>114925103I didn' her last ep
>>114925176It has some sweet moments but it wasnt her best episode.>>114925163Rude.
>>114925235Should have spent the money on a bondage gym.Practical and her sister can use it as well.
Makes sense...No love for the four-eyes, huh?
>>114925478Sup, Latinx.
>>114919465Looks good. The OP Lori is kinda meh.
>>114925511>LatinxSup, that's dumb language. No X in Latino, it's just Latino.But anyway, no one likes Lisa? I don't specially like her, but I thought she would have some fans.Lisa needs fanbases.
For me it’s Lucy
For me it’s all of them except Lilly. Fuck Lilly
>>114926754It's not mine, my wife got it at her previous job.
>>114926781Then you shouldn't load it with loud house stuff
>>114927273It's not loaded, and I'm using guest mode. Once you turn it off, all data is gone.
>>114927273>>114926821You need to load it with loud house smut specifically.
>>114921908Anyone got that Lenicoln fic where they go to New York for leni’s fashion show? Got deleted I think
>>114925103She's not my favorite sister, but she does have my favorite Rule 63 counterpart from the one of the boys episode.
>>114927374Author page link. It's called Fashion (Turn to the Left).
I thought this shit was confined to >>>/trash/ and it's pretty obvious why it was
>>114927632Ah yea that’s it thanks, any idea why it got deleted?
>>114927883From where? It's been on pastebin forever.
>>114923992I doubt she'd "fill out" as much but in terms of behavior, attitude, energy, and work ethic they're virtually the same person.
>>114919414Did she gain weight?
>>114927608Because they're both flat?
>>114919414a real man appreciates all the Loud Sisters, and plenty of the other girls in the show as wellLincoln just happens to be such a man
>>114928869Oh no, she just has the cutest male counterpart to me, but she's not my favorite sis. I suppose Lori and Leni's Rule 63 forms are nice too. What about you? If you're not a fag like me don't worry about answering that.
>>114921908Goddamn right!
>>114929119Imagine pounding Leni's pussy and getting her pregnant.
>>114929036Not necessarily cuter, but as a boy her style is more endearing to be more accurate.
>>114929176Right, but only if you’re Lincoln.
>>114929119I wanna creampie her titties
>>114929200She looks so beautiful carrying her brother's baby.
>>114929842Post the full picture you coward
>>114928682What makes you think that?
>>114930469Oh ill give leni more then a hug
I wanna know what that house smells like...
>>114930477Like what?
>>114931761Kiss on the forehead and hold her hand while watching tv.
>>114919414has she farted recently?
>>114928962I do appreciate all of them, but out of all the females in both shows I prefer Ronnie Anne's mom the most
>>114931891She stopped farting in S2.
>>114931761Full nelson and creampie, plus ill suck her tits
>>114928207Archive of our own used to have it. (not the other user but I also liked it)
>>114931797Woah friend slow down! She's only like 16
>>114922061gross dude. keep it to yourself
>>114922526well im not spanking my 18yo daughter
>>114930469so all im getting out of this is compatible lesbian incest
>>114922432sauce? i thought this show had writers.
>>114931927she's already happily married though, and only an asshole goes after a married woman
For me, it's Lincoln
>>114934372I agree with the later but she's divorced, and immediately ignored Arturo when he returned from Peru to enjoy spa time. Unless I missed a new episode of the Casagrandes where they got back together (which I'd like) or she suddenly married someone else. Also her niece Carlota even had iirc, 4 guys speed date with her.