What do you want to see from the future of Star Wars cartoons and comics?Any particular era that would make for a good Filoni show? Any non-sw showrunners you think should try their hand at the franchise?
Star Wars Cartoons
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>>114919215Why care about Star Wars cartoons now. Their storytelling and humor even got worse than the prequels. All they can do now is create something shitty and make it look good by adding some good elements from PT/OT or EU
>>114919260Those final 4 clone wars episodes have been some of the best star wars content in decades
Reminder Ahsoka was forced to pee in the woods for several days when she got kidnapped.
Claim your ship before someone else does
>>114919387Maybe that's the reason why Lucas liked FiloniAbility to shit on mostly but give some good stuffs enough to satisfy fans.
>>114919215Delete the sequels. Replace it with something else.
I just want official info on Rebels 2Current rumors are>Clone Wars S7 style animation>Backdoor pilot/crossover single episode in Mando with Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka, Sasha Banks as Sabine and Temura Morrison as Rex as well as Boba>Thrawn and Ezra with the Chiss
NothingI hope star wars fags never get a single piece of media ever again in film, shows, cartoons, comics, anythingThey bitch about everything outside 3 films so why do they deserve anything at all?
>>114919529second one is Mandalorian S2
>>114919529Those first two rumors are wildly unlikelyTCW7 was so short because the animation was so expensive and backdoor pilots are usually, ya know, literal pilots. Not some characters showing up in a different series.
>>114919554I like just about all star wars content in their own way, and the autistic fans who hate everything should hang from trees
>>114919567Thats why I also put crossover for the latter, backdoor pilot was bad woeding on my part.
>>114919567They could always shorten the season to be the same length as Mando/TCW for a tighter story focus as opposed to being a Disney XD series
>>114919215Get someone other than Filoni to direct the next cartoon.
I fucking love Star Wars. Its my escapism.Why do so many people want to take that away from me?
Ahsoka thisAhsoka thatAhsoka XAhsoka YI just want more stories from other liked characters, not one character taking up un-neccessary screentime
>>114919752She's only in what, 3 things?I agree with you but it's not like there is even an oversaturation of Ahsoka. It just feels like it because the past 2 months have had weekly episodes of TCW revolving around her
>>114919661>Historical revisionism
>>114919786Its just cool cosplay user. Not everything is a conspiracy
>>114919661Blame Americans.Bitter, talentless, low IQ gen X'ers are the sole reason we have what we have now.I unironically think there are probably less than 10 people in LucasFilm, who actually understand Star Wars, as Lucas envisioned it. Or it might be only Filoni.
I just want the Boba vs. Cad arc, god damn it. At least adapt it into a comic. Or hell, a short story.
>>114919814I like what we have now. The ST was disapointing but other than that the state of the franchise is fine.
>>114919577SW fans should realize that there was no such thing as 'One big connected universe' from the beginning. And it would be worse, so all they have to do is just to pick up what they like as their own canon and disregard rest of them.
Fuck off with this general /swco/ is dead
>>114919896Especially since that's what the EU was for decades
>>114919900What do you think makes something a general?
>>114919816Maybe some day we will get a clone wars "lost season" or something
>>114919480Week on a hunting planet drinking water with no bathroom. You pee in the woods.
Do you think Filoni could save the sequel era? What would you want to see?
>>114920469Even if George returns, no one can save that era. The fact that New Republic does absolutely nothing and New Jedi Order is not a thing makes it same as OT except it's with not-so-interesting characters.
>>114920469Basically a series following Luke from the creation of his Jedi Temple to arriving at AchTo. Make him as sympathetic as possible so we really understand his actions and by the end can say "I understand why Luke Skywalker would do what he did". Make him voiced by Mark Hamil. Mara Jade is in it.Call it "Skywalker".
>>114920744Pretty much this
>>114919426ok cooomer
>>114920469Something that finally explains what the politics are about
The Mandalorian Season 2 Recruits Kate Sackhoff to Play Bo-Katan in Live-Action
First Saw, now Bo-Katan. Who next?slashfilm.com
>>114922550>>114922268Okay so if we are to believe every "leak" is real, season 2 will have >Bo Katan>Ahsoka Tano>Rex>Boba FettDespite season 1 having had not a single cameo.Is it time to admit some of these might be fake yet, and Slashfilm saying "trust us, guys" might not actually fucking count as confirmation?
>>114919215Star Wars should end. My sincere answer would be something in the relatively distant past (Old Republic, but hopefully better than Tales of the Jedi which is mostly shit), but Star Wars can't seem to get out of its self-referential hell of boring milking. It's been a problem since the prequels, or even before them if you count the EU.
>>114922629I'm hoping that they're for a cameo showing how Bo-Katan lost the darksaber and Mandalore.
>>114922629I'm thinking it will be a siege of mandalore flashback
>>114923006Actually, thats not at all a bad theory
>>114922629>Bo KatanProbably real>Ahsoka TanoReal>RexDoubtful>Boba FettReal
>>114923877The only one believable is boba
>>114920469>What would you want to see?a hard reboot, let it all go the way of the EU and start fresh
>>114924601Why isn't Bo Katan believable? Wasn't she the last person to possess the Darksaber before Darth Fring?
>>114924980Actually you are right. Her too.My big problems are with Ahsoka and Rex
>>114919215>What do you want to see from the future of Star Wars cartoons and comics?Nothing. Because the franchise is dead and Disney will stop at nothing to make Luke as much of a failure as they can.In a perfect timeline where Disney didn't buy Lucasfilm, we'd get a Jedi Academy action-adventure show with Jaden and a more competent and wiser Rosh. One where the two go on wild adventures helping out people in need, busting criminals and fighting Empire Remnant infiltrators. One where they go on visiting ancient Jedi and Sith sites. Also Jaden here is a Kel'Dor with a dual-bladed orange lightsaber.
>>114925376>the franchise is deadUh huh
>>114925541>This postRejected.
>>114925541I wish it was dead. I'm tired of watching this zombie of a franchise shamble it's way to the movies every couple of years.
>>114919215I want star wars to just end now. Quit while they are ahead at least in terms of spin-off media. But they already announced reddit watiti will direct a new one so who knows, next cartoon will probably try to fix the awful pile of garbage that was the new trilogy by making some foreshadowing for Palpatine and it will be the silliest shit I'm just tired man
>>114919215I want to see the Lucasfilm c-suite executed for crimes against humanity.
>>114925636We know dude you say it like three times per thread If you are so tired and don't want to see any more star wars, just move on and don't involve yourself with it anymore
>>114925569You don't have to watch anything
For me, its Sabine
> Post Rotj Luke ongoing series.> Post Tros Rey ongoing series.Only if written by non sjw writers. Hickman? Remender? JMS? Jeff Parker? Ron Marz?> Count Dooku, Boba/Jango Fett & Zorii Bliss get mini series.> Post Rots Mace Windu series confirming him to be alive and going on a dark noir quest to take out Vader & Palpatine alone.Ideally many of these would be drawn by Marco Checchetto or Stuart Immonen.
If Genndy were to come back and do ONE THING, wich one would you like it to be?
>>114929734>Marco Checchetto
>>114919215the final 4 episodes are good, but jesus the other 8 are a complete waste of time!!we really needed the TMNT rip off clones story arc? we really needed a bad girls episode arc?why not show the jedi war on coruscant? why not show other clones troopers in the galaxy that may had rebel? why not have a episode with padme showing everything she did while anakim was killing kids?hck imagine a episode about one of those kids running away, maybe with a cameo from the kid of ''fallen order''
>>114930308>tmnt rip offCross hair.He isn't a rip off Mikey.I see where you're coming from.Hunter = LeoTech = DonnyBut even so, Raph isn't as stupid as Wrecker.And there's no Mikey.Besides, that arc was A LOT better than the Martez sisters.
>>114923877>Ahsoka Tano>RealHow? Dawson already confirmed she wasn't cast as Ahsoka.
>>114930643>That’s not confirmed yet but when that happens, I will be very happy. I’m very excited for that to be confirmed at some point,” she said, adding it would be “a million and one percent because of the fans.Doesn't sound like a no to me
>>114930643Because MovieFucks said it's true, so it must be
>>114930782It sounds like a snarky way of saying "I'll be happy when I get cast, because I'm not cast"
>>114930782Sounds like a pretty obvious no to me. If she were cast then it'd only stand to reason that she'd not be allowed to say anything lest it show her employers that she can't be counted on to be discrete.
>>114930782She is refusing to comment on whether or not a contract has been made yetIf a contract hasnt been made yet, they wouldnt have filmed any scenes
>>114931258To be fair, she's under an NDAHowever the way she words it sounds like it WOULD break NDA if she actually was in
>>114919215There were recently those web remakes of original trilogy with kind of nice style to it. I don't want them to remake originals in that style, but they can definitely make an action show with that style.
>>114930800>>114930875So why didn't she just deny it? Why be cryptic if the answer is no?
>>114919215ahsoka to sit on my faceif that cannot be arrangedthen i would like rosario dawson to play ahsoka in an episode of the mandalorian where she sits on my face
>>114932220I think she was just trying to be snarky and it backfired
I miss these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe
>>114932393Pretty underrated. I'm halfway through season 1 and enjoying it more than I thought I would enjoy a show exclusively for kids
>>114932220>Why be cryptic if the answer is no?Probably because she wants gullible people to think she's in thinking that it'll force Lucasfilm to hire her or something stupid like that. Or maybe she just wants attention for the sake of attention. Because technically, she never lied so if it doesn't get her hired then at the very least she can divert backlash to the "corporate oppressors at Disney".
>>114919215Man why is it that everything pre-Disney was pure unadulterated kinography and anything post-Disney is mediocre at best and so-autistic-its-offensive at its worst? The finale of Clone Wars is the last bit of the pre-Disney era of Star Wars and it's just sad to me that it's all downhill from here. I kinda wish Star Wars media had died off in the early 2010s. At least then I could still have my nostalgia, now that's been stolen from me by the corporate dirtbags at Disney who want to suck the joy and life out of everything I hold dear.
>>114919215>Venator crashing represents fall of the Republic>Maul destroying Venator represents Sith destroying Republic from inside>Ahsoka released MaulWhat did Dave Filoni mean by this?
>>114920469After Resistance? No.
>>114932621What was wrong with resistance?
>>114932444>now that's been stolen from me by the corporate dirtbags at Disney who want to suck the joy and life out of everything I hold dear.No it hasn't. Everything you enjoyed is all still there. Disney didn't go into your house and steal all the media you bought and collected. They didn't suck out the memories you have of enjoying whatever the fuck it was you enjoyed. It's all still there and always will be so quit complaining and let the rest of us enjoy what we're enjoying.
>>114932651Found the corporate cuck, if I can't have my childhood neither can you.
>>114932630>not grimdark enough>too many women>me no like apergers character>people of color scare me >poe dameron is not my same exact shade of whitetake your pick of incel cope
>>114932498Jedi’s arrogance of defeating the Sith lead to its destruction. The council were in denial that the Sith returned until Qui-gon died and Obi-wan produced half of a body. Then they became generals in the clone wars with the knowledge Sidious made the Clone army and is playing both sides.
Where else can it really go though?>Previous medias have gone wild with pre-Republic shenanigans>Lucas and Filoni did their part with the OT, PT and CW>Katleen shat out the sequels and called it a day>Post-OT stuff hasn't got anywhere else to go, no Sith left, only a handful of Jedi left>Even if Post-OT goes somewhere with "Oh these Jedi go Sith lalalala", it'll just repeat on itselfClone Wars 7 feels like a natural stopping point for Holla Forums material, but will leave a definite gap of good Holla Forumsntent Disagree, agree do whateverI'm goin ta fuckin sleep
>>114932664>if I can't have my childhood neither can you.Indeed, I can't because it ended years ago. Because like you, I'm a grownup. At least, I should expect you're a grownup.
>>114932821I'm only 19, oldfag.
>>114932808Luke Jedi Order showHigh Republic show
>>114932747>with the knowledge Sidious made the Clone armyExcept they didn't. All they knew was that the clone army was commissioned by Syfo Dias and that it's template was hired by "Tyrannus". It wasn't until more than halfway through the war that they linked Sidious to the Clones.
>>114932393I don't think I even bothered to watch the series finale and that shit was free from Hondo Bay.
>>114932833Then quit complaining. Nothing can take your childhood away except for age or if you decide to become an hero.And why the hell do you care about pre-buyout stuff apart from the original six and TCW anyway? You're too young for any of that. Kids hate that shit. I should know. Discovering stuff outside of the OT made me hate Star Wars when I was a kid.
Is The Mandalorian any good?I haven't seen it and I'm only just now catching up on season seven of The Clone Wars.
>>114933779Good? Yes. For Star Wars? Exceptional, given the competition these days.
>>114929958EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY SOMETIMEwith anakin and orange
>>114932833I don't care that you're over 18, you should still be banned
>>114919215I want to see Tourbillon commissioned to do an Ahsoka/Barriss alternate timeline story.
>>114934678You'll have to thaw him from his carbonite prison, first. You can find him hung on the trophy wall of Shadman's Shadbase.
>>114932444>everything pre-Disney was pure unadulterated kinography