The Orion's transformation into Optimus Prime and the origin of Hot Rod/Rodimus!The Decepticons have taken the city-state of Kaon. They now work to sow dissent across Cybertron via terrorist cells. Orion Pax leads a team in an effort to stop them, while confronting the true nature of what it means to be an Autobot.
The Transformers: Autocracy Storytime
tfw not a fan of Metzen or early-Ravioli but still reading, proving Dr Stockholm right about his theory>>114919300Anyone know what Zeta's design is based on?Trivia:>Chris Metzen's thinking is that Zeta Prime hadn't always been a monster but became one in response to the growing civil war: he wanted to restore order and "over time, he concluded that fighting fire with fire was the only reasonable response to what Megatron represented." This doesn't make it into the comic but does fit with his pre-Autocracy appearances in James Roberts stories.>On the other hand, a dropped scene in Roberts's More than Meets the Eye #36 would have had Zeta as a sneaky sod long before that. We'd have seen Zeta negotiating with Sentinel Prime, with Zeta saying he could get Pax's resistance fighters to stand down in exchange for him getting some influence in the Senate. He'd have been saying he wanted reforms but was willing to work with Sentinel, while mainly working towards getting power for himself.
>>114919364Uhhh this is PRObably the original Utlar Mgsuna.I-is anyone else reading, or
>>114919404>>114919377I don't know, but I'm posting. What time is the best to post?
>>114919445>>114919328Zeta Prime appears in several flashback/time travel issues from More than Meets the Eye, the Spotlight Orion Pax and Optimus Prime.
>>114919388>tfw Swindle died>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.>>114919429I don't know, but it's 9:32am here, maybe people aren't waking up in the mornings. tfw woke up at 12am>>114919464>Zeta Prime appears in several flashback/time travel issues from More than Meets the Eye, the Spotlight Orion Pax and Optimus Prime.Y-yeah, I know that already. Just wasn't sure what his vague knight/angel design was based on, if anything. Kinda cool but a bit scary too. His pre-Prime design in MTMTE was just Milne pretty boy, but Spotlight Optimus and here it's SMT tier
What DOES it mean to be an Autobot?
>>114919793>>114919772Over four million years ago, "Autobot" was a term used by other races to describe Cybertronians. It was derived from "automaton", describing how the species lived routine, monotonous lives without any change. Orion Pax was the first Transformer to lay claim to the name for their own use, saying it could stand for "autonomous" instead. Under unknown circumstances, the name then came to be used by the Sentinel Prime's pre-war security forces. As a symbol of the Primes' reign, it became considered a universal symbol of Cybertronians, and after their fall went on to be used by many other factions. By the time of the Senate, it was used to represent Sentinel Prime's Autobots. Following the uprising of Megatron's Decepticon movement, Zeta Prime succeeded Sentinel and, joined by Orion Pax, refashioned the Autobots into an army to fight the Decepticons.
>>114919772>>114919825I don't like posting images in storytimes, but here's a video of Optimus' speech from Chaos Theory (MTMTE). I think this is
>>114919884>Optimus carrying Whirl over his shoulder ass-first like a Viking hoisting a maiden
Nice, thanks user.
>>114920402I will take a break from posting the comic, but later I will continue. I hope the thread doesn't die.
>>114920974Ok so contrasting this with MTMTE/LL, what the literal unallegorical FUCK is the matrix
>>114921140They should have dropped all pretense and went with the divine origin of the thirteen. Otherwise, it makes zero sense.
Didn't see this thread until now, thank sfor dumping OP! I always wanted to read this even if many say it's bad.
>>114921270>liking the ThirteenI respect your opinion and probably might even like (You) user, but I do not like the Thirteen. I like divine origins but I never had a fun time with them.Even if it wasn't a corporate product, Thirteen is probably too many god-things for us to end up caring about. I mean, can you name 13 Greco-Roman full-gods and important stuff they did in a story (without referring to a major hero's narrative, e.g. Hercules)?I've mixed feelings about the Guiding Hand, but five was plenty. And I'm glad that the ultimate origins are still a mystery, and leaves room for divinity, but that's just me>tfw IDW1 was the chance for Hasblow to make the Thirteen good, but ended the series early and did what they did instead
>>114921411>Metroplex recognizes Optimus>different name and time>this was 2012Fuck me, is Optimus the Arisen
>>114921583Yes, I can. >>114921603
>>114921629>Yes, I can.Ok then you're a smarter boy than I, or girl if you are female. But point bean, they never really did anything sufficient for us to know and care about all 13 of them>tfw the only solution is for them to force it down our throats except with good writing over time, getting us to swallow it like we did Drift and WindbladeT-time for my scheduled throat exercises
>>114921694We had the Guiding Hand but Hasbro(?) wanted the Thirteen but without the divine origin nothing makes any sense whatsoever, especially because Rung and the Guiding Hand.
>>114921987And this is the end. The sequel (Monstrosity) will be posted another day.
>>114922015Thanks a lot user!
>>114921920>Hasbro(?) wanted the Thirteen but without the divine originIs that what happened>especially because Rung and the Guiding Hand.We still don't know why or how Vector Sigma created Rung and the others (with fuckin serial numbers??) nor why a matrix making thing was created to begin with. We don't know how/why Transformers were created at all.But if you recall the part in the myth where Primus split into five...>>114921987Iirc this page is actually fuckin important because of course it's Prowl>>114922015Wuv you user
>>114919663>Just wasn't sure what his vague knight/angel design was based on, if anything.He looks like a Seraph to me, I think many of those holier than thou government villains were just depicted like angels because it's what the viewed themselves as. Sentinel Prime looks like a mix between a Seraph and Cherub (two pair of wings, burning orange/flamelike, vaguely templarlike helmet), Tyrest like a Principality or something (wings again, plus a spiky crown, a cape and a scepter).
>>114922179No, I worded that wrong. Hasbro wanted the Thirteen. Whoever runs IDW autistically didn't want a divine origin. Despite well...fuck, they make NEGATIVE sense without divine powers.
>>114922330>He looks like a Seraph to meWh-when have you seen seraphs>tfw became baptized but has still seen a total of zero (0) angelsAlso>angel-inspired robots in a setting where they turn into vehicles>a grand total of ZERO (0) characters inspired by the wheel-angel thingysFor shame.>>114922411I realize that despite this being linked from a JSA thread, some people might just randomly start reading Autocracy and thus not know the spoilers, soI'm still fond of Roberts' origin because he treated religion respectfully and kept some things ambiguous, but while the comic was still ongoing I read other people's posts and did assume that he was a fedora-tipping atheist who didn't want any divinity at all. I thought they could keep things ambiguous or go divine in the other books, but I'm gonna trust you that they generally avoided divine origins. Also, in one of the Unicron issues there's confirmed some afterlife that includes robos and people - it shows Rung which, assuming it wasn't just a nod to MTMTE readers, confirms that it's not just some metaphor or vision.>they make NEGATIVE sense without divine powers.I assume I'll agree with you, but I'm currently not sure what you mean. Could you explain?
>>114922535>No divine powersYet they get the Titans to be extremely loyal to them, Micronus creates the Microverse, the Enigma of Combination exists, some other stuff I just forgot. You can't explain that away without it sounding a bit forced unless they have literal magic.
>>114922535Seraphs in pop culture and Italian church paintings, not the utlra abstract forms they were described as by Enoch. In catholic churches you often see them depicted as burning, flamelike humanoid angels (that's why I mentioned them with Sentinel) with six wings - though not eight as Zeta has in some comics, but it does look like some high ranking angels you see in jrpg and the likes.Would be fun to see a really weird looking bot for once though. Like an actual Cherub or Seraph or something. Well Cherub is too much I think but those wheels should work as intelligent robotslike beings too.
>>114922648Not the other user but I personally wish the Microverse wasn't a thing or purely a virtual reality with AIs because it makes no sense otherwise. I have a problem with magic because it's literally a way to excuse plotholes or open questions. So while I can accept some transcendent God I cannot see many Gods working and think creators that were actually part of a very advanced alien species, maybe one that already evolved past the physical realm we know and see, sounds better than some magical beings that were always there. A single universal God sounds better though, but that causes a few questions for a space series, because if that God created the TFs he should have done so with all other species too. That is, unless he only created anorganic species and the organics were actually the products of evolution and only appeared "unplanned", millions of years later than any mechanical species. Hm.
>>114922411Are you talking about Barber?
>noticable high-pitched noise thing in my ear for the past 2-3 days, with or without earphones>emails remain neglected but 2pm so can finally go drinking at a parkI'll see you faithlets on the other side>>114922648Uhhhh Titans are loyal because they were told or created to? I completely forgot about Micronus existing because not knowing old franchises I sort of just glossed over the crossover. Enigma is super science I guess but yeah it's difficult to explain how you combine 5-6 souls, even if you're one of those "the mind is just a phenomena" faithlets. I tried to be your Scully for the sake of conversation but yeah, sometimes divinity is just a less complicated explanation I guess>unless they have literal magicDoesn't magic canonically exist in the shared universe?>tfw "magic is just advanced science">science can't explain this, it must be magic>except magic is just... ad infinitumFuck>>114922660>Enoch>I'm familiar with some of the SMT designs (but not necessarily the real-life(???) counterparts) but I remember there's multiple-winged ones. I want to say "let's just stick to the primary text, in which we already get some clear descriptions of angels from Ezekiel, Daniel, John" but I don't think you can make a toy out those designs, or even like, depict it in art form..I remember not liking Archadis' asymmetrical design as a kid, but the wing concealing body thing reminds me of one of the SMT angels I can't remember the name of>fittingly packed in with Orobas the neck-extending horse out of hell>>114922860Good old Tyrestanon>favours monotheism over polytheism>A single universal God sounds better thoughorganics were actually the products of evolutionYou were doing so well.. Granted I'm not a fan of organics in IDW1. I don't really care if they don't have souls
>>114923776According to Alpha Trion, however, the powerful artifacts that the Thirteen wielded in their heyday were beyond the ken of Cybertronian science; their universe-bending properties were, according to him, comparable to "metaphors made real". Rationally-minded Transformers of the era, such as Jhiaxus, maintained that these powers were simply advanced science. Unbeknownst to Cybertronians, "true" magic did exist elsewhere in the cosmos, regarded by its practitioners as a fundamental truth of the universe that could be harnessed and wielded for good or evil.
>>114923776Don't remind me of emails, I have some lowkey phobia I think. I also should have checked them few days ago but couldn't bring myself to do it, I rather try drawing bots with clip studio I guess. >>114923776>but I don't think you can make a toy out those designs, or even like, depict it in art form..True. Cherubs appear a bunch of times but are never described in detail and Ezekiel's versions would need to be non-euclidean eldritch toys.>>114923776>
>>114923537Yeah, he cares too much about continuity sometimes.
>>114922411>Whoever runs IDW autistically didn't want a divine origin.If I remember right way back in 2005 Furman wanted to try having no gods or mystic stuff in the universe when he wrote the various 'ations. Presumably IDW stuck to this for the same reason they let him publish the SPOTLIGHT THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED, I.e. that they were way too big of fans of Furman for their own good and didn't want to spoil his vision (you know, except when they spoiled it with AHM, but maybe they were regretting that or something?).
>>114926744I don't think it's an IDW decision and more some of the respective authors. Barber, and to a degree JRo, stuck to that, it's a bit hard to say for JRo because by the point the Guiding Hand appeared the comic was forced to end so nobody knows if he would have given us more explanations regarding their origin, but I wouldn't wonder if that was the case. AHM did its own thing simply because the writers are allowed to, and we are probably lucky that Barber, JRo, Scott and such as well as the artists worked well together or were fans of each other as well as the big old writers like Furman so that they tried to align their ideas with his.
>>114926744>you know, except when they spoiled it with AHMCertainly not after Hunter. To this day I believe Roche was Furman's true successor.
>>114927495I love this fucker because he is capable of doing dark creepy stuff but still tell a story with it and bring in emotions and character development. I love both, funny shit as well as dark shit, but usually the funny parts fail to make the villains threatening and the situations exciting and a lot of dark stuff is devoid of feelings and character insight because making characters relatable is not serious enough I guess, but this guy somehow manages to bring in both, see that whole Verity development and the dying MC of the Last Stand vs general gore or guys like Tarantulas, Prowl and Overlord. Also props to being able to write AND draw well.
>>114927620He is pretty balanced and it showed that he put effort into his works.
>>114928301I wish he would do a longer TF series for once or at least be the artist and co-author as he was in Last Stand. I wonder how different RiD would have been if he would have written it.
>>114920742And that's when Megatron completed his turn from face to heel.
>>114919202a lot of them look like they could be F-Zero racecars
>>114928428If it weren't for a relative of his dying the Wreckers' third story would be a miniseries.
>>114919095is this part of the JSA storytime?
>>114929154FUck I didn't know.Shit man. I always wished the third part would have been a series, it even interested me the most with everything going on with Verity and Overlord's cosplay shit and Tarantulas/Springer in general. Damn that's sad. I wonder what he had in mind for it.
>>114929264From what I remember the basic story would be the same (Mayhem Attack Squad, Overlord and Tarantulas), but the part about the Mayhem Attack Squad would be bigger and more important, I think when it decreased from 5 editions (100 pages) to 40 pages they were the most affected.
>>114929168I posted it. It is not officially part, but this miniserie was launched during the RID/MTMTE season 1.
>>114929672>it decreased from 5 editions (100 pages) to 40 pagesThat's sad. I mean I totally understand him and had that shit too when I was studying but still. His stuff was so rare and it was always really good and even looked really good. Hope he will write a villain in idw2 again, he made me feel sorry for Tarantulas without making him feel like an innocent victim or turning him into a joke. I often get the impression that proper villains are even harder to write than working main characters.
>>114930331It was not confirmed that it was 5 editions, but the two previous ones were.
>>114921353How many times has he pulled of this particular trick now? How many times has it been Metroplex?
>>114927495>Certainly not after Hunter.You now remember when Transformers fandom was so seething about AHM that they got angry about the death of a character they hated.
>>114926913There's this JAMES ROBERTS AMA: MTMTE/LL QUESTIONS that explains a few
>>114931634It was STILL better than AHM, damn it.