>THIS WEEK IN CAROLMichelle MacLaren is on the shortlist to direct Captain Marvel 2, as well as Avengers 5. archive.md
Tuesday Carolthread
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Is the Brian Reed era worth reading? I'm tempted now that it's all out in cheap collections.
This is now a Monica Rambeau thread for the Captain Marvel known as Monica Rambeau
>This week: Moonstone!YES!
The War of the Marvels was longer than I remembered.Cut it down to about the Rogue storytime length though.
>>114919217Karla is best Ms Marvel. Prove me wrong.You can't.
>>114919243>>114919241Karla is best Moonstone.
>>114919267This week's theme was going to be Marie, but War of the Marvels also works for a Mother's Day theme.
>>114919574>Agent Sum's last appearanceHope somebody remembers you exist one day.
>>114919086No.>>114919217Appropriate.>>114919241It needs no proving: you are simply wrong. Karla only cares about herself, and is cruel and treacherous.
>>114920004>>114920007I agree, but >>114919608 is so Carol-like I could ship it.
>>114920177I cut out as much Waypool as possible, promise.
>>114920732Fun fact: there exists fancomics of both Karla domming sexslave-Carol and the reverse.
>>114920750Ehm Links?
>>114921192I'm sorry, user…They're both futae-hentai.org
>>114921466>FutaMy disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
>>114922514>Pretending Hulk hasn't bodied Carol every single time they've ever "fought"Carolfag pls
>>114922592>>114922567Carol's stronger faster and cuter.
>>114922621>Carol's strongerFactually false.>Hulk Is Strongest One There IsStopped being just a tagline a long time ago
>>114922754>>114922764Nah Carol is stronger>Earth's Mightiest HeroSee?
>>114922934The end.
>Where else should I read Karla?First appearance: Captain America #192 Captain America v1 #230, 379Spectacular Spider-Man #61Incredible Hulk v1 #228-233, 449Avengers v1 #230, 236-238, 273, 276-277Dazzler v1 #32Captain Marvel v2 #1Fantastic Four v1 Annual #23Thunderbolts v1 #1-75, 101, 107, 109-127, 144-174Avengers/Thunderbolts: The Best IntentionsNova vol. 4 #2-3Dark Avengers arc (esp Dark Avengers #1-16, 175-190 Annual #1, Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia #1, Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1, Mighty Avengers #33, Dark Wolverine #15, 75-78, 80)X-Men: Legacy #226>Ms. Marvel v2 #37-46 (you are here)Siege #1-4Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha #1Thunderbolts v3 #1-12Feel free to add, Karlafriends.>Anything else with Carol?She beats her up in The Life of Captain Marvel #1, that's it.
>>114923030Thanks, friend. Much appreciated.Karla was also in a recent issue of Strikeforce which I really enjoyed.
Obligatory.>>114923111No problem! The glasses/labcoat-over-costume look really worked for her.
>>114919053>Michelle MacLaren is on the shortlist to direct Captain Marvel 2, as well as Avengers 5.>Nova production grid floating aroundSo:Secret Invasion (D+) -> Galactic Storm (CM2) -> Annihilation (A5)is my guess.
>>114923471(and Karla will be in whatever Thunderbolts project F&WS is setting up of course)
>>114923471>Michelle MacLarenWell, if it HAS to be a female director because of some... thing, McLaren at least has her spurs.
I just want to see Moonstone and Ms Marvel have mountain shattering hate sex with each other before it turns into passionate love making.
>>114923845>only one ficao3.org
>>114922948Happy Mother's Day!
>214 posts>8 IPsThese threads become more pathetic every week
>>114923030>Anything else with Carol?>She beats her up in The Life of Captain Marvel #1, that's it.There was this.
>>114923255Thank You user
>>114922948And then Norman had to resort to the understudy.
>>114924311Captain was never good. Miss Marvel is great for fanservice tho with the right artist.
>>114925040Superia's great too.
>>114924119Cute and wholesome.>>114929389
>>114924718Anywhere to read it?
>>114923845>>114929772>starts out as unabashedly toxic hatelust that they feel nauseous even indulging>but carol helps karla be a better person and hero>karla helps carol through her anger and trauma issues>against all odds they form a happy, mutually fulfilling relationship
>>114922839Who did it better?
>>114931730Doesn't look like it.
>>114924311Odds are one of those IPs is making some decent money from this.
>>114932946Dr. Samson didn't work, Alpha Flight therapist didn't work, it's time for some intense sessions at Dr. Sofen's practice.>>114933793Shame.
>>114923030>She beats her up in The Life of Captain Marvel #1, that's it.
>>114934273>43.8% of lesbian relationships
>>114923030>>114923111Some impressive moonstones.Satana had the right idea.