So they get together in the end, right?
So they get together in the end, right?
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I don't really think so, isn't DreamWorks working on another Kung fu panda project?
>>114918433No miscegenation allowed in fantasy China.
I like when she pegs Po
>>114918433Sex with Tigress would be strict missionary with no extra ‘fun’ allowed.
>>114919016All that flexibility and you really think she only does missionary?
>>114918433Wasn't an early draft for KFP3 about Po and Mei Mei being set-up for an arranged marriage since they were cubs? I read somewhere it would have dealt with how Tigress felt about that.
>>114918539They had a show on Prime but that seems to be done. Nothing else has been announced yet.
>>114919334Where did you get that info?
>>114920930I think they were talking about it re their policy that romance arcs are a blight on storytelling and should be avoided at all costs unless it could be made funny.Then they decided the exception also didn’t work and it was ruining the e tire story so they decided not to do any romance at all ever
>>114918433Don't have the image offhand but wasn't there some concept thing that basically says he would have knocked her up?
First movie is the only good one imo. You can tell the directors and story writers from 1 didn't come back for the sequels. Both the writing and the fight choreography are quite inferior in 2 and 3
>>114921849The final draft of the first movie is by the same writers as the following two sequels.
>>114921996True, but they didn't write the story of 1, only the script. I didn't like the stories they came up with in the sequels. As a whole, 2 and 3 were pointless imo, since the first film works fine as a stand alone story.
>>114922030That's fair. Even though 3 is the weakest to me I'm still impressed that they are all enjoyable movies. The sequels could have turned out much worse.
>>114922196True, but they didn't justify their existance in the end. Dreamworks is all about money, let's be honest here. I mostly pay attention to their original films or first entrys only
>>114922302Do you feel that way about animated sequels in general? I'm kind of like that with Aladdin and Lion King sequels from Disney.
>>114922308He's the one saving grace of the film. Other than him, there's no inspiration to the sequel whatsoever. It's all leftovers from the first movie. Even Bee Movie had a better script and interactions than the Panda sequels imo
>>114922373Yep, i do. Other than the Toy Story sequels, i don't care much for any of them. I feel manipulated when paying to see an animated sequel, which is why i wait for them to drop to video or just catch them on tv
>>114922392I love the interactions between Po and Tigress. The friendship they have. I just wish they got to finish that conversation on the boat later on. Tigress didn't know where she came from either and was found by Shifu in an orphanage. I think there could have been a nice moment if they compared backstories a bit.
>>114922487The movie just needed more breaks. Most of the 80 mins runtime is just fight scenes, chases, set pieces and expository flashbacks. There's a lack of character chemistry and quiet moments. As a whole, Panda 2 is an example of an Empire Strikes Back sequel done badly imo. It succeeds at being darker than 1, but that doesn't make it a better film
>>114918433No, but they should have.
>>114922555Angelina was completely underutilized in this film, and so were the other celebrities. They barely have any lines. Only Jack Black and Gary Oldman get enough dialogue
Reminder that this movie is probably the sole reason why Black and Angelina were hired for KFP in the first place. Same reason why Zellweger was hired to play the florist in Bee Movie
>>114922664gay shark
Even Jack Black got to voice-act fucking a Tiger.When will you?
>>114922598She certainly got better compared to the rest of the Five.
>>114922664I forgot they were in that movie.
>>114918433There was a point where I see them as just friends. Maybe brother and sister at the most, but I've ben worn down and now I totally see it.
>>114918433Who would make the first move?
>>114922926>voice-act fucking a Tiger.I am going to need a sukebei link to that, right now.
>>114925848From a character progression standpoint, I think it would make the most sense for Tigress to get the ball rolling. Not in any grand cinematic way, of course; that's more Po's way of thinking. Just some small moment, be it subtle or straightforward, that unambiguously conveys her true feelings to Po.
>>114922766More like crossdressing shark. The dolphin disguise was a genius metaphor
>>114926099That sounds about right. I can only imagine how a fight in that relationship would go. Tigress could be rough with Po when they were just friends. In a relationship would be another level.
>>114926447Nah they pretty much implied he was gay, though you do bring up a good point with the dolphin stuff.
>>114927166The scene where he takes off his disguise in front of his dad during a mob meeting makes the crossdressing metaphor more than obvious.
>>114918833o rly
>>114928319Is that official?
>>114928319based Po
>>114929415Where was that?
>>114921022This? >>114928319
>>114918539Didn't they have a plan for six movies?
>>114922555I love these awkward dorks
>>114918433That's cute
>>114921008Smart writers.
>>114930944That doesn’t mean much, their entire public corporate strategy is to find cash cows they can milk for tons of sequels.They probably have ideas for sequels to everything but then it stops performing well enough to warrant it
>>114919016Tigress is 100% a freak in the sheets >>114918433Reminder that Guillermo del Toro was on board with making them canon
>>114930944They did, along with more Shrek sequels. But then they weren't making enough money, had to scrap those ideas, and they eventually got sold to Universal.
>>114928319I rarely say it but I’ll make an exception here> based chinks
this bara beefcake storms in the house and paralyzes both po and tigress who were being intimatewhats he gonna do next?
>>114928319the fuck
>>114932885They can still use all those characters right?
>>114933250turn 360 degrees and walk away
>>114933250Po use chi laser eyes
>>114932843I didn't even know he was involved with these films. Nice to know that he could see the attraction.
>>114932843>Del ToroHow can one man be such a blessing
>>114933250I don't think you've seen the first movie, where we explicitly see him unable to paralyze Po.
>>114936390he paralysed po through his panda dickno fur or fat to shield the strike
>>114936429Wrong, Po’s dick was too girthy
>>114922302I'm glad Megamind got to stand alone.
>>114933708>turn 360 degrees and walk away>realize that you should have turned 180 degrees, for now you have returned to the exact same orientation like a complete fucking retard
>>114938025Let me guess, you started posting about the same time when the lockdown started.
>>114928319China is winning the culture war.
>>114938122Wow. I always assumed it was just fanart.
>>114918539Last was that Paws of Destiny show which I think is done.
>>114928319Good on Po. Once she pops the baby out, you know she's gonna train him.
>>114941146Or at the very least you kind of hope it's done because it seems like it could let its power creep get really out of hand if you gave it any more seasons.
>>114943094Hard style? Or will she train the cub easier than that?
>>114943559Easier at first. Once they learn to walk, then the kid gloves are off.
>>114937789This. Same goes to Antz, Shark Tale and Bee Movie. I liked them all, yet don't want any sequels
>>114930158>>114928319Yeah that was what I was thinking of.
>>114943620Would she be a better or worse parent than Shifu?
>>114944369I'd say better, especially with Po there to keep things balanced. The training would be harsh, but the love and support behind it would never be in question.
>>114944369probably about as bad as at first but gets better with po's help
>>114943620That kid will be punching ironwood trees in no time.
>>114928319panda + tigress = white tiger?
Still say that Tai Lung was a better villain than Shen. He had a better backstory and felt more justified in its actions. Shen was just a prick, albeit an entertaining one
>>114938025>this retard hasn’t heard of moonwalkingshiggydiggy
>>114945050Tai Lung was my favorite too. I heard that parents complaining about how dark Shen was led to less focus on Kai in 3 which is a shame because he had potential.
>>114919334I remember hearing Mei Mei was going to have a bigger role.
>>114946758Not that user but Kai seemed like a failure in my eyes from the start since he gave off a heavily similar vibe to Tai Lung, although it being a different relationship with Oogway as a partner/friend compared to Tai Lung's relationship with Shifu as a student/son. Both fell from grace, were power hungry, arrogant, and got easily pissed off. I couldn't help but compare the two.Always appreciated the the demon villain, Kepa, in the KFP:LOA special: Into the Dragon, since he felt very distinct from Tai Lung and Shen. He was a massive creature, had many unique abilities, and gave off an endgame villain vibe. The story's character arc with Po was complete shit though with Po's characterization getting assassinated once again to tell a story instead of the other way around. But if Kepa was incorporated into KFP3's story with Oogway, the Panda Village and Chi, it would've been a much more interesting film. Shame the concept was relegated to a tv show.
>>114943136The end of season two gave everyone in China chi, which I think balances things out. I would've liked to see more, especially since they teased things like the White Bone Demon's return and an inevitable Tigress appearance.
>>114947511Kai had a good concept but they worked it the wrong way. A Yin enlightenment character that's a warlord and continues the way of disintegration and darkness because it's necessary to inspire hope and rebirth is a totally valid play on the old trope, and considering Oogway was apparently singlehandedly capable of taking down the first movie antagonists if he'd still been alive, having the third movie antagonist be the dualistic foil to Oogway would have let the difficulty be known from the start. This guy could throw hands with the creator of Kung Fu. Look out.But Kai isn't any of that. They very superficially make him be the guy that "takes chi" instead of "giving chi" but that's weak. The catch is, Po is at inner peace. He knows his lot in life and accepts it. So you can't make Kai be this guy all about fighting your inner demons without making the B plot for the Furious Five just be Po's plot for KFP2. Instead, Kai should represent a more global sort of embodiment of destructive force. In the end, he isn't vanquished like a dragon. He's managed. Maybe he wins before he's defeated, and it causes some massive upheaval. Maybe an MC dies like Shifu, but Kai should've had a lasting impact on everyone involved in the film, I think, as the agent of upheaval.
>>114947893Yeah it really sucks they didn't do a dark master thing especially with po learning to become a teacher with the panda village
>You now remember that 300 page hentai comic some mega autist made about Kung Fu Panda and this ship
>>114943136They wasted a chance to make the cast more interesting by making them more diverse animals. The IP really went down the deep end when they made pandas the single most important thing in the world
>>114948448Well, they do go into the lore reason why pandas are more powerful than everything else, if that helps.
>>114948396Justice requires both dedication and sacrifice.What have you done of worth? Nothing.
>>114948396The whole comic was a commission tho'I think the artist got something around 5-8k for it.
>>114948396that was some good shit
>>114943136I wonder if they would have brought Tigress into the show since of the panda's is a fangirl of Tigress.
I’m more of a pic related kind of guy.
>>114950771absolutely based, shy guys and out-going girls is my shit
>>114950771Who's the most underrated of the Five?
>>114951824The Jackie Chan baboon
>>114948970Which I appreciated. I also liked the series constantly taking a shit on Mei Mei and getting a better handle on Po than the previous show did. A shame it didn't last long. I was thinking it would get at least 52 episodes like most Dreamworks shows.
>>114953070Why did it get cut off so soon?
>>114953554Hard to say. Dreamworks and Netflix are good friends so Netflix will just get a guaranteed order for 52 episodes right off the bat but Amazon might not.For what it's worth there hasn't been an official word saying it's been cancelled or renewed so it could still go either way.If they don't say anything by the end of the summer it's probably cancelled.
>>114918433They feel better as besties to me personally. Plus, that frees open the best ship.
Can someone explain to me that watercolor porn comic that's as fucking long as Berserk/One Piece?
>>114953691Wish they dealt with Netflix for Paws of Destiny then.
>>114953749>lesbiansi seriously hope you don't ship this
When Tigress thought Po was killed by Shen. That was pretty sad. Especially since she told him to stay with Masters Ox and Croc.
>>114953790comic commission guy got 8 - 12k dollars for it im impressed since its the second most expensive commission ive ever heard for mediathe first one being that guy who commissioned a 30 minute porn vid for that horse show years ago for $40,0000
>>114955477>30 minnot bad if it's really high quality all things considered, better than one of those ych things with pre drawn lines they just use bucket tool on and auction it off for thousands of dollars
>>114955477>>114955727I haven't heard of this. Care to explain? And when you two are done, could someone explain to me how someone can spent so much money in this kimd of things?
>>114955477>>114955727>im sickened! But curious.jpg
>>114954563The /u/fag is always there, watching, waiting.
>>114943094The dumplings in those movies looked so good
>>114947511Being voiced by Alfred Molina certainly helps.
>>114918433Does Tigress get fat?
>>114953691The showrunners have moved on to other projects and it's been almost a year since season two came out. I doubt it's coming back. >>114954496Yeah. Probably more seasons, more visibility, etc.
>>114957825jesus christ what a ride
>>114958796I wonder what possessed them to reach out to Amazon Prime? They had a good track record with King Julien and Puss in Boots.
>>114953749uhh based
All the porn with Po sucks.You just can't not read his lines in the voice of Jack Black.
>>114957825Time for someJablinskiGAMES
>>114957825Thank you user. That was quite the experience.