Remember when ahsoka was a despised character and is a fan favorite?
Ahsoka thread
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And then started to become despised again due to being just another bland mary sue forced in everything by an obsessed creator?Yes we know Ahsokafag
>>114918300>bland mary sueNever happened.
I remember Orange Butt Cheeks
"and she was a good friend"
>>114918390Yes. This is still the case.Only Disney is pretending that she is liked and clone wars was ever popular with sw fans.Oh and people lionizing it on social media exposes them as shills.
>>114918278Reminder that Ahhoka is always one Dark Side arc away from returning CGI Stars Wars to kino and making everyone's dick explode.
>>114918648>Yes. This is still the case.No, it is not.>Only Disney is pretending that she is likedShe was liked before Disney had anything to do with her.>clone wars was ever popular with sw fansTCW was extremely popular with SW fans. Maybe not with autistic OT purists, but pretty much with everyone else. By season 5, TCW was the most viewed show on Cartoon Network.
>>114918669I can imagine it now. God the porn would be just the worse
>>114918648Are you retarded.
I just wanted to see vader kill her. Is that too much to ask?
>>114918648>clone wars was ever popular with sw fans.even not factoring Ahsoka, tehre are fans who enjoy Clone Wars' Anakin over his prequels counterpart.don't try to rewrite history user.
>>114918691EU purists hated it too for all the retcons.
Remember when-
>>114918885EU purists are like 1% of the entire fandom desu, maybe even less. For most people EU was games(JK, KotORs, Battlefronts, Republic Commando), and maybe comics. And EU was never canon in the first place, there was nothing to retcon.
>>114918820It be on the extremes of the Hate-Fuck spectrum.
>>114918278Is she best star wars waifu? >>114918952
>>114918938It's either Norasuko or YellowRoom, i can never tell anymore.
>>114919178Yes, if we exclude the EU. With the EU, there is Bastila and Visas to compete with.
>>114918278So will of the force decided to bring her back via some time travel shit because...
>>114919352Ezra is a peice of shit and the fans refused to let ahsoka die
Not a regular here on Holla ForumsDid people actually dislike Ahsoka?I remember really enjoying the animated show as well as ahsoka.
>>114919503Well she got through the same process PT was treated.
I miss /swco/
I want her to pin down and go full ara ara on Luke and then afterwards he tells her hes Anakins kid>>114919637Soon user, believe in Filoni
>>114919178Captain Good Decisions is still probably married to Padme and just acquired another secret wife.
>>114918278I still despise her
Still cant find the source for pic related
>>114920012Hot, and I wish you the best of luck.
>>114918390Just ignore him.Imagine being so obsessed disliking a character that you enter a thread about them just to shit on them.
>>114919503When she was introduced in the 2008 CW movie, she was an child female alien talking back to Anakin and Obi-Wan. While user wasn't as big on victimizing themselves,she still annoyed most of us in the beginning, to such a degree that I personally blew off CW until I started hearing around S3 that it had actually gotten good.Come to find out, she was everything we didn't like about her, but she wasn't infallible, made mistakes, learned from them and grew in her competence and as a character. Short of anyone watching CW without any familiarity with Anakin and Obi-Wan and their significance within the lore, I think she is presented the way she initially is to be received negatively. With that said, she has her developmental arc, and has earned her competence, which is why she has become beloved by most.
>>114919503Like any character, she has her fans and her haters. I grew to like her, but with the rumour of a Rebels sequel about her and Sabine (which I actually wouldn't mind seeing), her rumoured appearance in The Mandalorian and Filoni hinting that she's not dead in TROS and outlived almost everyone from the films, I'm worried that they won't know when to let her go.>>
Still the sexiest girl in modern Star Wars.
>>114918648>>114918300The troll is strong with this one
>>114919779imagine if Padme still died and gave birth to luke and leia that would be an awkward reunion
>>114920428Truer words have never been spoken
>>114920578That would only be a problem if he gives them to the Jedi Order... Shit he might.
>>114920822Why the fuck wouldn't she give him a hug? After all these years? She arrived cold af.
>>114920969If they had hugged then it wouldn't be believable for Anakin to turn Vader like 5 hours later
>>114919287Any idea as to what Anakin did with her green crystals?
>>114919637why did they nuke it?
>>114921067Ate them
>>114921081Anon posted too much futahsoka, and made too much work for the free laborers.
>>114920822A better future.
Did Ahsoka really blame herself for Anakin turning?Were they as close as Obi-wan was to Anakin?
>>114920990To be honest, it was never realistic and fitting into the movies. If Anakin had at least one more person deeply caring about him, like Ahsoka did, and if Anakin cared about her, like we were shown in TCW, he would have never fallen for Sheev's memes.If we are going full orange buttcheeks here, at least she could have given him a hug.
>>114921190The way they show it in TCW, I believe Ahsoka was the second closest person after Padme to
>>114920969>yearsThe Clone Wars only lasted 3 years, total. Dont think it's made clear how long it was between her leaving the Order and RotS/Siege of Mandalore
>>114921235What was Ahsoka's life before this even? Imagine leaving the one guy you trusted the most, even though you know it wasn't his fault, and finding out he basically lost everything and turned into space tyrant. No wonder she fainted when she found out.Also was she jealous of that queen for flirting with Anakin?
>>114921137why do people make this
>>114921343They know a superior ship when they see one
>>114921190Seemed closer desu. Obi Wan was always a bit distant on account of his boner for the Jedi philosophy, but Ahsoka was an open book and he basically taught her all his better qualities
I miss smug Ahsoka. The war traumatized her too much
Her feet are light and nimble. She never loses. She is always jumping out of danger. She spinflips and leaps in light and in shadow and she is a great favorite. She never loses, Ahshoka. She is dancing, dancing. She will never die.
>>114919287This make me ironically miss KOTOR gamesThey were full of rich waifus (except that cat-girl)
>>114918278Does anyone have that pasta about Obi-Wan telling the story of her being a slut? I only remember it ending with that famous phrase "...and she was a good friend". That shit's hilarious.
>>114921447Seethe more.
>>114921453what about the cat girl?
>>114920447>any opinion different to mine is trolling
>>114918300>bland mary sueDid you even see the show? She always got into trouble and learned from her mistakes
>>114921523Haven't you heard?Words don't have meanings anymore and the facts are disputable.If the President says it it must be true.
Ahsoka is the most likable female personality Star Wars has to offer, convince me otherwise!
why not take her mortis vision design for rebels ?
>>114921578>likable female personality>in Star Wars
>>114921604>same model just with longer headtailsBecause it's a bad design. She looked way better in rebels
>>114921495>Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father’s exotic teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the galaxy; barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatsaber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you’d get a glimpse of her orange pussy mid fight as she’d do a flip while slicing a B2 Super Battledroid in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. And she was a good friend.
>>114921672>>114921693>Delete this at once, master Kenobi!
>>114921672>>114921693Thanks anons
>>114921653dunno man, she looked kinda badass in her vision..jk she most always does
>>114921762Much like you deleted every boner on the cruiser, Padawan?
she is lesbian
>>114921944>actually utilized her superior hearing in that scene to gather IntelI wish they did more to showcase the differing biology of all the races in the galaxy. I mean, when was the last time they mentioned Twilek lekku's move, or that certain movements make up a part of thier language?
>>114921944shes bi
>>114921863His helmet is about to fly off. Poor Ani.
>>114921672>>114921693>Watch this scene>can't stop hearing Obi Wan's quote in my headThe entire finale all I could think was "that must of been some damn fine puss"
>>114922029I've been watching that movie for over 20 fucking years and I never once noticed that, holy shit
>>114918278filoni should have killed her in rebels season 2
>>114919287Bastila was an all around better character with a supremely more satisfying character arc assuming you played light side Revan and romanced her while ignoring that shitty novel and SWTOR.
>>114922176I would go with Ahsoka desu. Bastila probably got ravaged by Malak.>taste of the Dark Side
Ahsoka is exclusively for passionate sex
>>114922404why is she sooo cute ?
Would Rosario Dawson be a good choice to play her in live action?
>>114918669My dick.
>>114921520Cute, but it wasn't the opinion I was talking about boyo
>Just found this picture I was drawing after thinking I deleted it years agoOh Jesus
>>114923224Very nice.
>>114918278Yeah and we all know the real reason why she's so popular
>>114923380She has some prime DSL for sure.
>>114922812I'm willing to give her a chance
>>114923224no escape
>>114922016I wish they gave her the fangs Togruta are supposed to have
I want to hug Ahsoka and hold her hands.
>>114921137>>114919178I hate Filonifiction, but must confess that Orange Buttcheeks is vastly superior waifu material than Padme.
Is it possible to learn this power?
>>114923811>DSLs>FangsNext you'll tell me she has a footlong tongue
>>114924001Yeah, its called breast implants.
>>114923811Originally, she was going to.
>>114924001not from a chestlet
>>114923870Only because Padmé had to become a boring senator.
>>114924225She's not as pretty desu. She was gorgeous in TPM and Attack of the Clones, but suddenly hit the wall in Revenge of the Sith.
>>114918278I did not mind Ahsoka, but I am getting tired of her showing up in every single piece of Star Wars media out there as if she was the main character of the franchise.
>>114921235>>114924342this is why we needed Crystal Crisis, it shows Anakin being torn up about Ahsoka leaving before he meets her again in the last batch of eps
>>114924398Better her than Rey imo
>>114922404I'm not big on corruption, but this shit right here is diamonds.Also love the part when she gets frustrated fighting anakin and starts sperging out
>>114924398It's not confirmed she's in Mando. It's all stupid clickbait articles.
>>114924157looks like a boondocks character
>>114924135her head dongles are erogenous zones and nothing short of george's explicit denial will convince me otherwise
>>114918278Ahsoka never bothered me before. But her showing up in Rebels was annoying since season 2 was almost completely callbacks. Then Clone Wars the final season was basically the Ahsoka Show. We only got a couple episodes of actual clone wars in the whole thing.Then on to Ahsoka adventures for ten more episodes. That bothered me.
>>114923811I thought it was really sharp incisors like a mouse.
>>114924157>this was Filoni's initial design >it was Lucas who directed him to switch out the tutu for a shorter skirt and gave her the tube top
>>114924313Agree. She seemed like a much more interesting character in TPM too. All the concept art of her is very beautiful.
>>114924561there were four episodes centered around the clones, four around ahsoka, then four with both. I don't see the issue. Show even ends with the focus on a clone helmet/how much they were discarded
>>114924505holy shit windu is such a nigger
>>114924611The amount of astounding art from the prequels never ceases to amaze me. Like 99% of the concept art they had done, and even that wasn't approved by Lucas still looks incredible.
>>114922404>young girl gets corrupted>instinctively knows she has to become a cocktease
They should release a new edition of attack of the clones with Ahsoka replacing this kid
>>114924748the son knows what's best, and through his influence, so does she
If only Dooku and Windu lived
>>114921812Ever wonder if Togruta get neck problems later in life with all that horn and tentacle weight on their neck?
>>114918278She looks like she only fucks asian guys
>>114924631>>114924561The issue I had with the Ahsoka/space Puerto Ricans arc was that it took the wind out of the Anakin/Ahsoka reunion at the beginning of Siege of Mandalore. It feels like it's supposed to be a big reveal and a cathartic surprise for the audience, but I had just spent a month watching her adventures, which took the wind out of the reunion for me. Would have been better if the middle arc was Anakin/Kenobi (Crystal Crisis) so get used to seeing their dynamic after Ahsoka leaves (and increase the emotional impact of her return, since the audience wouldn't have seen her in TCW since Season 5 aired), or switch the Bad Batch and Walkabout arcs so there's some breathing room between her return to the show and reunion with Anakin
>>114924790my boy Dooku looking like a caveman
>>114924777Already confirmed to not be her by Lucas. Besides, that scene takes place like a day before the Clone War broke out and Ashoka was 14 when she became Anakin's padawan, ages simply dont allow for it
>>114923811Would have been scary when she was young and takes away from her innocent look but it is erotic as fuck.
>>114924799If they had human neck structure, probably.But they are not humans. Also I'm not sure how heavy those actually are.People have been known to run around with ridiculously large hats and have no issues like that.
>>114924777They should remake the prequels with Clone Wars version Anakin, instead of the slobbering faggot we got
>>114924549I was always obsessed with those.
>>114924777Czecht, and seconded.
Friendly reminder that Ahsoka's lips are her lewdest feature.
>>114924865The horns are actually hollow so as to act as big sound amplifiers since they're in place of ears
>>114924867No, they shouldn't. The movies are exclusively about Anakin's fall, they don't focus on what The Clone Wars focuses. Just watch The Clone Wars.
>>114924893>thinks a pair of dick sucking lips are the epitome of lewdGetta load of the vanilla-fag, guys
>>114924893>>114924957For me, it's her back
>>114924938His "fall" in the prequels just seemed like angsty teen rage, mostly because he kept fucking whiningI feel like with clone wars Anakin, his fall to the darkside would have more weight
What did Ahsoka want to tell Anakin?
>>114924777No, Dave.
>>114925005Then sorry, you haven't been watching close enough. Literally all 3 movies are very important. TCW was much less subtle on that, and sometimes outright funny when he was angry as fuck like he's about to murder some younglings right away. I love the clone wars, but the crucial points for Anakin's downfall have always been in the movies until they introduced Ahsoka.
>>114924573I tend to use "fangs" rather loosely. Just like sharp teeth>>114924851>implying it wouldn't have been cute af to show her hunting vermin in the Jedi Temple as a wee youngling
>>114925057imagine the noise
>>114924957I bet this fag doesn't even know about hand-holding.
>>114925093DID somebody say hand-holding!
>>114918278I've always hated Ahsoka
>>114925093Take your degenerate shit back to Holla Forums
>>114924549I thought that was just twileks
Imagine ahsoka riding user like the bitch he is while he calls her an insufferable mary sue and tries to hold it in
>>114925251twileks are just inferior togrutas
>>114924819They still seem to have some very thin necks while having some long tentacles hanging down.I also wonder why none of them ever do something different and wear their tentacles behind their shoulders.
I feel sorry for Ashley. She seems to be the only voice actress who doesn't portray her character in the Mandalorian
>>114925295I hadn't noticed there's different horn phenotypes. That's pretty neat.I like the tall ones that curve inwards the most.
>>114925295It's probably very uncomfortable to wear them behind the shoulders. They likely grow into a natural orientation and can't just be tossed over the shoulder like a scarf.
>>114925347How do you know it's all confirmed for real?
>You will never crossbreed a twi-lek with a togruta to create the ultimate lekku monster.
>>114925367Shaak ti did it in force unleashed.
>>114925434>Force Unleashed>canon
>>114925434It was a different time.The funniest part was grabbing her by those lekkus and throwing around the arena
>>114925434Maybe just a style thing. Or maybe different creative teams go off of different assumptions.It's not rare that game companies or cartoon shows develop factoids during production for things they don't really know for sure but need to have some stance on.
>>114925459What are you 12? Who cares about canon?
>>114918903MASTER PWO
Isn't Ahsoka's headpiece a sensory organ? Like a big eardrum? Is it cartilage or fat?
>>114925477Why does Lucasfilm likes to kill her so many times?
>>114925496The Pope.
>>114925542>that facekek, someone edit a dick shadow over it
>>114925542Because that's the fate the togruta scum deserves
>>114925538its basically her ears
>>114925477>tfw no force unleashed 3 where you can pull ahsoka's lekku
>>114925613The Force Unleashed 2 was a mistake. They improved gameplay and cinematics big time, but the plot was beyond ridiculous.
does this feel like a porn animation or is it just me?
>>114925681Can you keep your fat fetish to yourself for once in your life?
>>114925496>Who cares about canon?Literally everyone in this thread. If you want people who don't like Star Wars and only like the EU then maybe Holla Forums is more your speed.
>>114925731reading comprehension
>>114925676Filoni's endgame if to have ahsoka fuck him isn't it?we can't not let him get away with it
>>114925672That has some weird sexual tension in the air, mainly coming from Ahsoka.This lightsaber is fucking retarded though. Just like every design decision coming from rebels.
>>114925672Nah, I've seen way better from porn.Also I really don't get the point here.The whole point of Ezra's saber is that it's also a gun.He can totally fend her off with that.
>>114918669Sith Tano is Best Tano.
>>114925744What in God's name do those things and Holla Forums have to do with each other? Jesus Christ, you pathetic snowflakes throw such a temper tantrum whenever someone holds Star Wars opinions you don't.
>>114918669Hm. Is there some kind of hat or helmet she could wear over this?Looks way vulnerable.
>>114925672>>114925790very exploitable lines
>>114925477So, she was barefoot all this time during prequels timeline?
>>114925897Genndywars seemed to think so
>>114925897No, she was barefoot on
>>114918278She'd have to be canon for me to care about her
>>114925774segz when?
>bunch of hormonal teens cooped up in an old boring temple with a bunch of pent up adults that almost never get laidHow did that place not become a den of degeneracy over the years.
>>114926018It's the first time when everyone could see her without her robe, so I guess we can assume she wore garment like this beneath it.
>>114926018I want to replay this, but those invulnerable states were absolute cancer
>>114925295you would think giant tentacles would really get in the damn way in their day to day stuff
>>114926123>implying it didn't>>114921672
>>114925897Most Togruta go barefoot
>>114926123Because Jedi are trained to have self control and discipline. An alien concept among basement dwellers.
>>114926123>Temple full of psychic powered people>Everyone can feel every emotion someone emits for milesIt would be completely fucking impossible to get laid in the jedi temple. The second someone starts getting emotional every single last damn jedi there would know it instantly and know who was doing it. Anyone attempting to fap would basically be an emotional live brodcast to the whole order. Any couple trying to get down in a broom closet would be a massive signal to all jedi for a few miles around.
>>114926123This would be more fun to explor for Dark side users. Since the dark side is letting one's emotions run raw and letting themselves be totally controlled by them, you think there might be more than just mustache twirling evil supervillains among them. There might be some sex cult pervert dungeons somewhere in the galaxy of force trained people who let their unbridled hedonism take control over them in an even weirder psychic powered space Eyes Wide shit with more tentacles and robots.The way of the lust might be an incredibly dangerous dark side path
>>114926492>fighting with a boner gives you a force stat boost
>>114926492This was the idea behind George's sequel trilogy. Wish we could turn back time.
>>114926492>There might be some sex cult pervert dungeons somewhere in the galaxy of force trained people who let their unbridled hedonism take control over them in an even weirder psychic powered space Eyes Wide shit with more tentacles and robots
>>114926545>KiraThe worst part of Solo was a recycling of one of the worst parts of the sequels.
>>114926452I take it as a challenge>tfw you will never master your mental poker face in front of the Jedi council when they ask who's been banging all the hot aliens around the temple
>>114926452>a horny Padawan starts fapping after a particularly sweaty training session with his scantily class master>some nearby padawans sense it and start jacking off too>even the Masters start getting aroused, leading to localized orgies around the temple>soon the combined sexual energy pulsing through the force causes even the normal inhabitants of the planet to grow lustful>the magnitude of it all sends a shockwave through space and force sensitives star systems away find themselves inexplicably aroused
>>114926628>force groping shak ti from across the room during a council meetingwho was it?
>>114926628Do you want to open an Eye of Terror?Because this is how you birth a fourth Chaos God
>>114926628>It was an echo... An echo that has left a coom in the Force.
>>114926452Wouldn't that create an endless horniness loop?
>>114924706They actually bothered to draw shit instead of lazily composite stuff from google images and maybe run it through a photocopy filter in photoshop.
>>114919178which one would you choose ?
>>114927340fools choose one, wise men take both
>>114921447she ready to step up to the plate
>>114927340Ahsoka. Fuck tw*leks.
>>114925377>get Cuthulu baby>Republic bans all Twilek/Togruta mating forever
>>114927340Aayla is a space-frog. Would you fuck an Earth French bitch? They don't wash their ass. I have low hope Space French do better.
>>114927340Ahsoka, but ayyla can stay and watch
>>114921523Like that time she was kidnapped and stuck on a jungle planet where padawans were hunted for sport for years and she found a way off in literally a day?>we've been here for years there's no way off I've watched countless friends die>golly gee you just dont have the gumption!>now watch me save the day without a sweat with my immunity to death marry sue powers!
>>114925538Her horns are hollow and pick up even the tiniest vibrations, which gives her incredible hearing. She could clearly make out a distant conversation in a crowded, noisy nightclub in one episode
Imagine the constant hate-fueled hot sith sex.
>>114927373the most based gets it all
>>114927513>trainee of anakin skywalker and obi wan kenobi to a lesser degree, with experience fighting a war, leading men and battling sith does better than a bunch of starving kids that got kidnapped before finishing jedi kindergaden
>>114927569>Anakin’s dick isn’t burned offBest timelineIs there any story behind this?
>>114925005TCW ANakin's character begins and ends with "carefree rule breaker that likes war", like a bland Dirty Harry loose cannon but without the Eastwood coolness factor.Why does he even want to be a Jedi when he clearly doesn't care about any of their ideology? Guess lightsabers are cool or something? All his training oh Ahsoka boils down to "breaking rules is good, unless they're my rules".
>>114927715>taking the baitThe guy is obviously shitposting. He doesn't care about anything except his agency, and he is willing to lie, because events of those two lasted more than one day, for starters.
>>114925672>she can just take the kyber crystal outof the bottom no problemAren't they supposed to be buried in the dead center of the saber? Did Ezra do a half-ass job?
>>114926492>getting 40k filth in my pure Star Wars cannonNo sir I do not like it
>>114927884careful anonthat's shit like fucking bloody mary dude, if it's named a few times they WILL show up and hijack the thread
What is Filoni smoking?
>>114928029Literally zero actual confirmation. Stop taking the bait.
>>114927720>Anakin’s dick isn’t burned offIt never was.
>>114927340Aayla, no contest
>>114928029Potentially following up on the Ahsoka/Sabine thread set but left unfinished post-Endor, while also potentially following up on Mandalorian threads he established in previous series in a new one where his doing so is most appropriate?
>>114928352>implying Vader ever had anything more than a Lil' Smokie that was forgotten and left on the grill for hours
>>114927340Short term: Aayla, long term: AhsokaYou know, because, AHSOKA LIVES
>>114926305Worked well for priests
>>114921067According to the behind the scenes video Anakin is advanced enough he can alter the lightsaber to change the color output of the blades. The meaning behind this is two-fold. First, it shows that Anakin's tinkering with and improving Ahsoka's sabers meant he was still thinking about her when she was away and convinced she would eventually return. The second is a bit darker. Although Anakin means the color change as a positive gesture (note her smirk when she sees it and Anakin saying how the sabers are "better") he's essentially branding her. Her own colors were her's, a natural expression of the Force through the bond she formed with the kyber, but he makes it his own. While he means well he's basically showing both his smothering attachment and possessiveness.This is why it's significant at the end of the series when Ahsoka drops her original saber. She's not only letting her old life go but her master. The implication is that she misread her vision of something terrible happening to Anakin as meaning he's dead due to the clone's betraying them.
>>114928945It's kind of like the Ahsoka episodes with the sisters. So much vocal hatred for those episodes, but I can see the point for Filoni. It was meant to hammer home how Ahsoka tries to live outside of the Jedi Order but whether life, destiny, the Force, or just the dangerous nature of their galaxy, she's pulled back into Jedi biz. She's forced to rely on her abilities on numerous occasions even before Bo hooked up for an orange booty call.I'm not a huge fan of it myself, I think they could have easily cut the episodes down to 2, 3 at the most. Especially the one that details them escaping prison only to wind up back at square one again by the end. This in itself wouldn't be so egregious if it weren't for the very limited number of episodes they were allowed to work with. I'd have loved at least 1 or 2 episodes for her working with Bo before calling on the Jedi, since it was clear that Bo and Ahsoka had been hanging out before calling on the Jedi Council, not least because Ahsoka had to convince Bo to do that much.
>>114928945>The implication is that she misread her vision of something terrible happening to Anakin as meaning he's dead due to the clone's betraying themI seem to recall hearing Dave say that she primarily thought Anakin was dead because she couldn't feel him through the Force. That when she would expand her feelings/consciousness through the Force Anakin was no longer there, so she figured he was gone. Of course not knowing that he had just turned to the Dark Side. I guess it's like changing a phone number or something.
>>114928945Here's the question and answer from Dave if someone wants to get it direct from the
>>114929191She certainly believed he was dead until she got a minor flash when briefly connecting with Vader, though even then she didn't truly believe until she could see him with her own eyes. Very pottery, frankly.Still it's one thing to believe he's dead and another to throw away a connection to him. The best way to account for this, that I'm aware, is that she doesn't yet understand the full extent of new affairs in the galaxy since in her novel set after this she tries to find new kybers. It's something very much in the moment when she's standing among the graves of so many old friends, the betrayers and the betrayed. It's possible to imagine her casting aside her old life in that moment, but just as the last time the Force is not done with her yet and quickly pulls her back into service, even if it isn't quite as a Jedi.
>>114929191It's interesting how he didn't feel her either. Admittedly they had both clearly changed within the Force. Anakin becoming something far darker and unrecognizable but Ahsoka herself was transformed given how when she tunes an Inquisitor's kybers to herself they wind up white. I don't know what the actually difference is between such a color change, but it's definitely symbolic of her being different. She's not the same person, and not quite a Jedi anymore.But as we've seen in close proximity they have a very strong connection, something engendered by a close relationship of two being strong in the Force. We see this in the sisters arc where Anakin orders his ship to let Ahsoka's go because he can sense her presence.This raises an interesting implication. There's still enough Anakin under that armor for her to sense, which is something we know from ROTJ even though Ahsoka herself isn't enough to restore him to his senses. I wonder if perhaps it might have been enough. By this I wonder if perhaps Ahsoka, who was far less changed herself, was maaaaybe protected by the good within Vader. Is it too much if even that small part of Vader can influence him enough to hide someone he cares about? I don't know. It doesn't feel that bad to me, especially since the new material shows how Anakin's lingering sentiment over Padme has influenced Vader repeatedly throughout his career. Hell, even Aphra was able to get the better of Vader, temporarily, using an old Jedi device meant to inflict a person's guilt upon them.That or Vader may have dismissed it because he didn't want to believe, or subconsciously didn't want that kind of meeting. A rematch with Obi-Wan is, by comparison, far less painful. He still has reason to hate his old Master for Mustafar, but Ahsoka is just a link to a future he feels was stolen from him along with Padme's death.
>>114928945Very nice. Filoni yet again proving that he actually understands Star Wars and Lucas' vision.
>>114927340Ahsoka because togruta head tentacles are hotter.
i wonder if Ahsoka being in RotS would've made any difference in Anakin's actions during the movie.
>>114929695The thing about Modern Vader or Nu Vader, perhaps more so than EU Vader, is still very much the same person. He's less divorced from Anakin than Obi-Wan convinced himself, perhaps because, especially with The Clone Wars, we've seen how some of Vader's darkness was already within Anakin. In a way it's the opposite of Vader with some goodness within him, he's been inverted so that the dark that was always there is now dominant. So yes he's not the same heroic man, but also is still the same person - all from a certain point of view (gotta love that thing).So far they've made it clear that Vader not only still is Anakin but relies on Anakin very heavily. By this I mean Anakin's sense of betrayal, his past connections, drives, all of that are still very much part of him, but twisted and dark as he is. In Lords of the Sith he relies on his memories of his past self to fuel his rage and hatred. He also uses the pain of his burns from Mustafar, although he only feels them when his armor is removed. When he's fully sealed in his suit the pain goes away but his anger doesn't.
>>114929814He'd have killed her. That's a given, though. Consider him not only turning on the Jedi, killing the children, but also trying to kill Obi-Wan and choking out Padme. He was too out of control and wasn't even remotely thinking clearly, as evidenced by his rambling, stuttering words about how he would kill the Emperor and take over the Empire. He was so goddamn in over his head.
>>114930021>He'd have killed her.Not on my watch, sillybilly.
>>114930150Exactly. That's why Filoni ensured she was as far from Anakin as she could be during the events of Episode III.I do love how the Jedi Council were just skyping their plans to overthrow the Chancellor over a transmission they were sending offworld. Like goddamn, people, even if your believe your comms are secure that's not the kind of conversation you just beam out across the galaxy when you don't know who could be listening. I get that it was to show where in Episode III they were at, but still. Apparently the Jedi are so stupid they forgot the camera was still on, which says a lot about the Old Order.
>>114930451>Apparently the Jedi are so stupid they forgot the camera was still onTo be fair, you can pin the same thing on Sheev. All it would've took was one scrub monitoring the surveillance footage in Sheev's office to show that he was a monster from galactic history and myth all along and could've just leaked it on the holonet for everyone to see.
This is getting out hand. Now there are three of them!
>>114930592Filoni can't keep getting away with it!Oh who am I kidding, of course he can and I love him for it.
>>114930528Would it matter though? For regular people? They see no difference between the Jedi and the Sith, for they are the same overpowered fags with different philosophies. It's not like anyone could prove any of Sheev's machinations, legally. What actually happened, is bunch or religious military Generals came into his office to "arrest" him, without any reason whatsoever. They should have waited and go into the senate with the message of Grievous being destroyed, and demanding of Chancellor to resign his emergency powers.
>>114930653>Would it matter though? For regular people?It mattered enough that Sheev had to keep his true identity a secret throughout the entirety of his rule as Emperor and only Vader and Amedda knew it. Everyone else in his inner circle was oblivious to it or only barely suspected he was sensitive to the Force.Also, it was only 1000 years before then that the old Sith Empire fell. Most folks in the galaxy probably remember it not unlike how we remember the Roman Empire. Only unlike with us, the Roman Empire wasn't ruled over by openly evil space wizards who conducted who knows what kinds of horrors. Were Sheev exposed as that any and all legal executive power he would possess would likely be stripped away.
>>114930619I’m 100% all for Filoni turning Star Wars into his own personal autistic waifufag fanfiction.I don’t see what other value the franchise has at this point.
>>114930929>What do we think about the Mandalorian rumors?That they're just that, rumors. Absolutely nothing about these things have cited any credible or even believable source. Especially considering some of these rumors are not the kinds of things that someone like Dave Filoni (who is partly the show's creator and one of the leading creative forces in it and Lucasfilm) would allow to leak. The man has always been about saving shit to the last moment so that people can genuinely experience what he wants to tell without being spoiled.>I have a tough time believing Filoni would cast anybody but Ashley Eckstein as AhsokaOh, don't worry. Eckstein would always play Ahsoka. If it came to live action, they'd just have her dub over the live action performer just like they dubbed over Ray Park whenever he performed Darth Maul.
I'm slightly disappointed by the lack of architects in this thread.
>>114926656Never know, we will.
>>114931081And that's a good thing. At least he understands the foundations of star wars, and his waifus are of superb taste.
If Ahsoka were killed by Vader, no one would be complaining and would call her arc a well done and tragic one. It's the fact that they swerved around the logical conclusion to her character in favor of shoving her further into things and satisfying Dave's desire to have his waifu exist in Star Wars that has people annoyed.
>>114927569I love those stupid horn holes in her hood.
>>114932337They're cute, just like she is.
>>114927569Anakin would absolutely hate actually rulingWho would he choose to take care of all the day to day administration