Producers on their relationship in season 2:> he’s well-intentioned, and she’s well-intentioned, but it’s a bit of an odd fit. They care about each other, even though it’s not quite workinganons (and me at first): why is that?> goes far and beyond for someone that agrees for him basically out of pity and puts her closest friend and her past above him> unwillingly forced into the conditions he can't handle on his ownOkay I'm starting to get it
Kite Man and Poison Ivy
And it's gonna get worse.
>>114918211They posted that thing then immediately deleted it, replacing the second line with "Ivy and Kiteman getting married".
>>114918225Nice edit
>>114918272Not that user but it's not an edit, I posted it first in a thread.
>>114918173Because part of The Fantasy is luring your friend away from her boyfriend with the power of your liberated feminist pussy.
>>114918173I don’t think the writers expected viewers to gravitate towards Kite Man/Ivy so much. It reminds me of the New Guy comic where the author completely misread how people would react/which side to take
Kiteman deserves to get a threesome.
>>114918797Tell me more about this fantasy
>>114918831Something interesting: at first, Kiteman was meant to be a manipulative womanizing douche (interview), he legit used his dead son to hit on Ivy, some of the moments of him being that are still present in the show throughout those two seasons (69 joke, Borut impression, etc.). As the writing progressed, they made him more sympathetic and naive and his role in the show grew, due to his relationship with Ivy being made longer (they still say there's more for him to do).
>>114919420Did they take out Kiteman's dead son? It'd be a pretty big bombshell to drop later on
>>114919420In the comics Riddler killed his sonKiteman interaction with Riddler is way too tame for somebody who murdered his son.
>>114918173I don't know why you chose to latch onto Kite man/Poison Ivy's relationship like it ever was supposed to legitimate or interesting as if it will justify the male entitlement towards women.>>114918797This show isn't attacking the patriarchy but reinforcing it. Men outnumber women 4 to 1, it actually practices sexism by ignoring other women villains besides ivy and Harley while every other male villain gets screentime.
>>114918173I've never watch a single episode of this, but you'd have to be 7 kinds of stupid to think that a show about Harley Quinn starring Poison Ivy wouldn't have them end up together to please the bleating sheep who actually like this shit. Seriously, Kiteman/Ivy was never, ever in the cards.
>>114921040You should give it a watch. It's pretty good despite what Holla Forums says. Has its flaws but if you just treat it as a comedy it's great, even though Harley herself sucks the supporting characters are amazing
>>114920690>>114921040This shit is the exact type the writers were mocking at the start of their Batman episode. Make humanity a favour and don't make THIS relevant.
>>114921815These are the writers, user, they pose as Holla Forums members and fuck with them for shits and giggles
>>114918173Even without the interviews I knew this was not to last, but I really hope that THIS is why they'll break up.
>>114921925Not before she will cheat on him.Fully confirmed.
>>114918173Why is it impossible to have two girls be friends and not homosexuals anymore ?
>>114921815Yeah look at those sexist fanboys complaining about...the lack of female representation in the show proper?
>>114921967It is and those do exist, it's just that homo stuff (the one that hangs on those whom it sees as a threat to it's "dominance") whores all the attention away from decent things.
>>114918202For every interesting thing the show does. The overall mean spirited nature of the thing kills any enjoyment I could have from it. Like trying to watch that Harvey Birdman Revival
>>114922048Last of Us 2 Lesbian Boogaloo
>>114920690>>114921815>>114922033Giganta got one guest episode and it's entirely about her relationship to men, rendering her completely as a prop while the Misogynist Doctor Psycho is a main cast member.
>>114922033It's about relations, not representation. Even Ivy/Harley thing, if they cared about representation and not something else, they'd be together already.
Why does nobody consider polyamory an option?Why should Ivy have to choose between Kiteman and Harley?Ivy should be able to have both if she wants to.Free yourself from monogamous norms. Especially you yuri fanboys who've already let go of the hetero ones.Polyamory is the answer.
>>114922204"Polyamorous" is just another code word for cuckoldry though. There is no such thing as a completely even relationship with more than 2 people. Someone is always taking advantage and certainly isn't you.
>>114922204polyamory will always fail if everyone isn't fucking each other, and harley isn't into kiteman
>>114922204>Why should Ivy have to choose between Kiteman and Harley?Because Kiteman and Ivy is the most boring shit ever? Your mediocre nice guy self insert isn't entitled to a hot GF just because the male writers didn't have the balls to just write a queer relationship betwen Harley and Ivy.
Even if the writers want to have Harley/Ivy endgame surely it makes more sense to delay it as much as possible to keep fans watching?
>>114921967Female friendship is fucking everywhere, stop being dramatic.
>>114922270And that's why they'll break up. Ivy wouldn't wish him to fall to that level.
>>114922272>>114922270Ivy is at the apex of the relationship. Harley and Kiteman revolve around her. Ivy is the mistress of the house and they are members of her harem.
>>114922297Yes, the classic will they, won't they
>>114922297It's 2020 fucker, I'm done with queer baiting tv shows.
>>114922322I wouldn't either, to be honest.
>>114921967Because the average Westerner no longer understands what friendship is, either between two men or two women. The modern zeitgeist is that two men cannot share in camaraderie and neither can two women.
>>114922359In modern Russian it's not ultra-homos that subdue us, it's us that subdue ultra-homos.
>>114922322Kiteman deserves a waifu damnit.
>>114922322There's zero fucking chemistry between them, stop fronting like you actually give a shit.
>>114922386>Translation: I deserve a hot GFNo you don't.
>>114922272I dunno, after that museum episode she seemed to really warm up to him. Maybe she's not into into him, but that can change
>>114922204Menage-a-Trois would totally work >>114922270>"Polyamorous" is just another code word for cuckoldry though.You can keep telling yourself that all you want, but it's not like you're some authority on how successful adult relationships work.
>>114922453The interview said that it stays till the very end, so it doesn't seem that it's him who'll fuck this up.
>>114922088>Harvey Birdman RevivalFuck, I forgot that happened. Fuck Colbert.
>>114922390Neither does Harley and Ivy but Timm kept pushing it because it made his peepee hard and now everyone fell for it.
do like the fact that this thing generates so much discussionthought this thread would be dead by now
>>114922088Mean spirited works when it’s funny and the intent is to not give your characters actual stories with the thought that the audience should care about them.I can’t stand Ivy and Harley because they are assholes that I’m supposed to root for and like for contrived reasons.
>>114922410I don't. I'm pathetic, have absolutely shit social skills. It's largely my own fault. I consigned my self to possibility of dieing alone, accepted it, and hold no ill will towards real life women.But I like seeing fictional characters I like get happy endings. So there.
>>114922187>It's about relations, not representation. No it's actually female representation. In a show about a #girlboss trying to break the glass ceiling there's only two women in the cast.THEY COULDN'T EVEN USE LADY CLAYFACE!?! This show shouldn't be able to accuse of sexism when it's also pretty fucking sexist itself.
>>114922570They literally refer to that "break the glass ceiling thing" as just "doing stuff" to get to their relationship endgame.
Tomorrow's gonna be a fun one, people are already mad about Harley getting with Booster Gold in main continuity.
>>114922635It's okay. Not much to point out, but they do have a decent dynamic together.
>>114922570It's for the better. There's no good reason or way to use Sondra without her husband Preston. They'd just fuck it up.
>>114922540Not me, I ship Scarecrow/Ivy for a garden of dark delights.
>>114922657Then don't use your clayface in your fucking #girlboss break the glass ceiling show.
>>114922570>there's only two women in the cast.It's not like there's a lot of women in Batman's rogues gallery. They're working with what they have.
>>114922711I don't ship Ivy with anyone because her whole shtick is being a person fly trap who has a distinct hatred for all of humanity. The only way I ever saw Harley and Ivy being a thing if she was using her hormones to control/manipulate Harley and Harley was just moving from one abuse relationship to another.Something that is never gonna happen.
>>114922761But King Shark is a superboy villain and Doctor Psycho is a wonder woman villain so actually that's a terrible excuse that makes no sense at all.
>>114922864She's a misanthrope but that doesn't mean she can't fuck.
>>114920690>Men outnumber women 4 to 1, it actually practices sexism by ignoring other women villains besides ivy and Harley while every other male villain gets screentime.Get screentime to get shat on. Women don't like other women. So a story needs to have few of them. One to self insert, one to be the loyal friend, and then a ton of men to shit on for stronk womyn meme. Perfect. >>114922134>while the Misogynist Doctor Psycho is a main cast member.To be a uesless butt monkey, despite having mastered telekinesis and telepathy. >>114922270Not true. Polygyny isn't cuckoldry.
>>114922911True, she'd be down to it when there isn't environmental destruction or artifice around to trigger her. Swamp Thing is probably more autistic about human contact.
Kiteman will turn out to be the Felicity Smoak of this show. Someone screen cap this.
>>114923054He might just step on Dex-Starr and get written out before that.
>>114922976It doesn't matter because they're still getting more screentime than 99.999% of any DC female characters. It doesn't matter that Psycho's misogyny is played for a joke because #girlboss break the glass ceiling Harley is still voluntarily hanging out with him.
>>114923014The whole destroy all humans is just posturing though, she's not Mother Nature incarnate. Really most Ivy stories aren't even about caring for the environment, this is an entirely new and imp shallow take because any sensible fucking person should be mad at the greed driven destruction of our ecosystem.
>>114922761-Magpie-Orca-Catwoman-Lynx-Nocturna-Lady Shiva-Dala-Sondra Fuller-Talia -Kitty Falcone-The Hangman-Mannequin-Sugar and Spice-Phantasm-Curie-Inque-Kabuki Twins-Lady Fireflyeven that bland piece of ass Punchline, Batman has hundreds of fem villains, arguably more so than any other fictional character
>>114918173>>114918831>>114918797>>114922088>it's another "Holla Forums projects onto a cuck character then SEETHES when they get cucked" thread
>>114923107>A skinhead joyfully murdering a hundred black jewish guys isn't racist>the black dudes get so much more screentime than the nazi!>some chad fucking his way through a hundred women who have literally no agency or meaning other than being pure sexual objects is feminist>so many women represented!
>>114922761>Pick King Shark over superior OrcaFuck you.
>>114923243They didn't need to give a main role to a misogynist just to make jokes about a misogynists. The fact is that you gave a misogynist man a main role in the show over a woman.
>>114923283Orca actually makes more sense on that role, you don't have to retool King Shark's entire character to have a nerdy fish person.
>>114923420That's what makes it so jarring.King Shark is nothing like his comic counterpart but is somewhat similar to Orca's yet they still chose him over best aquatic animal villain.Why?
>>114923376Fact is, they gave a main role to a woman over another man. Abuse porn truly is a feminist panacea of empowerment.
>>114923450Unironically because of sexism.
>>114923468Not the other guy, what's this in reference to?
>>114923468This is substandard for even a performative argument user, zero attempts to even pretend you're a rational user pushing back against the feminist menace.
>>114923540Depiction is not endorsement. Making a fool of a misogynist is quite compatible with feminism, and acting like having the character be a fixture on the show is somehow anti-feminist is as asinine as acting that Inglourious Basterds, the Producers, or Jojo Rabbit were pro-Nazi.
>>114922204Face it, Kiteman/Ivy would only be possible if he were black.
>>114923242He's literally an overblown villainous adaptation of Charlie Brown. Being cucked is just in a league in this case.I honestly don't mind getting cucked from a relationship that does nothing but waste your efforts, dreams and affection to shit (like this one is going to, by the leaks).
>>114918173This show actually makes me sad, because there’s a much better show in there. Kiteman, King Shark, Clayface, Bane, and Batman are all fun characters that have good moments in the show and get a good laugh out of me. But Harley and Ivy completely bog the show down, and many times take all the screen time from far funnier characters. But the show seems resigned to anything worth watching being in the background.
>feminism: the TV show
>>114923242If Kiteman actually gets cheated on, then my issue isn’t “hurr he’s a cuck,” it’s the question of “Why do they make their lead such a cunt and shit on a much funnier, more likable character?”Ivy’s the worst character next to Harley, because her whole thing is being every generic emo teenage girl character in existence. If she cheats, you know it’ll be “I can’t escape my past I’m so fucked up abloobloobloo” which will then have Kiteman and/or the other characters be fine with it.
>>114923638>Depiction is not endorsementYou massive fucking idiot. The problem is not that they depicting a misogynist but that they chose to make a misogynist a main character over giving the role of a female.
>>114923773nooo, it actually makes fun of feminism
>>114923805The same way a minstrel show might feature many blacks.
>>114923865That wasn’t making fun of feminism, though. The whole point was that Freeze was completely right.
>>114923800If their break up is considerate to what they went through as a couple, I don't mind.
>>114923638Harley is choosing to associate with Doctor Psycho and there's zero reason why #girlboss break the glass ceiling Harley quinn would. Because what women would want to hang out with a guy who just constantly makes belittling remarks about your gender? No one is forcing her to associate with Dr psycho except the writers and the writers chose to include the most notable misogynist in comics because they're actually not good at this feminist shit.>>114923773It's so more male-centric than you can realize.
>>114923976She was forced to associate with him, because no one else would associate with her. She had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to form a crew. Did you even watch the show?
>>114923450Unironically because she's fat. I can already picture her biting someones head off, crying about how she's stressed because of the head she just ate, and then eating the guys arm because she eats when she's stressed.
>>114924008nooooo, the show makes fun of feminism. Just ignore the context and accept that it's not a woke show.
>>114923943With the way the show’s writing is, I doubt it.
>>114923943>what they went through as a coupleHer trying not to be embarrassed of him?
>>114918173So what full C-D list female team you guys would've preferred for Harley and Ivy's team to have instead? My picks would've been:>Orca>Roxy Rocket>Baby Doll and her Secretary>>114924009That's funny though, you're just giving more reasons why she should have been added.
>>114923773lol, Bruce is Barbara's oracle now. Even Batman's been made useless.
>>114924104Is Cheetah A-list? Talia? Shiva? Granny Goodness? They could have been good.
>>114924134A-list female villains go against the narrative of the show, remember it's Harley that's supposed to be crashing the glass ceiling, competent A-list female villains goes against that narrative
>>114924008Why not use female supervillains then? Because first of all you're wrong in that she's forced to associate. She doesn't actually need him in the crew, there is dozens other candidates besides the misogynist. But because the show is male focus and genuinely sexist the writers can't even entertain the possibility of not using the misogynist over dozens of female characters.
>>114924134The point of this particular narrative is Harley is considered a nobody and trying to rise up the ranks so my idea was to create a female centered version of the Misfits. Having A and B lister characters felt a bit antithetical to the point of the group which is why I always thought it was weird Clayface was part of the team.
>>114924181So you didn't watch the show, got it.
>>114924196Ivy is A-list, both in terms of popularity and definitely in terms of sheer power.
>>114924269Yes, but she is Harley's bf so she is the exception.
>>114922570Good point. They also actively put other women down. Catwoman is portrayed as an ass even though in most incarnations she's friends with Ivy and Harley despite their differences. I also find it funny how the only two black women of the show are showed to be complete self centered bitches. Anyway for what the show is preaching I agree it should showcase more female villains. There's a big ass list of them. The most popular ones I can think of are-Talia Al Ghul-Cheetah(only woman of the legion of doom)-Carol Ferris and other Star sapphires like Fatality-Blackfire-Lady Shiva-Baby Doll-Roxie Rocket-Livewire-GigantaAs well as the other ones listed by >>114923226There's also a sizeable chunk of women heroes they can have Harley go up against or team up with-Katanna-Jessica Cruz-Bumblebee-Supergirl/Powergirlas well as giving attention to less shined on heroes like Vixen, which is literally just what they're tying to make Catwoman.That list even has a lot of diversity on it so I still don't understand why they don't use them instead of blackwashing
>>114924249Ok but can you address my points first? Why not use female villains in your show about how female villains are disenfranchised by sexism?
Did I accidenty go to the reddit page for Harley Quinn?
>>114924481Get a date.
>>114924492Come back after you've watched the show we're discussing, and we can discuss it.
>>114924499it's what happens when anons stop shitting on a terrible show, we should have never given them a break
>>114921815why is YIIK guy advocating for the snyder cut, wouldn't that make his house shuffle with vibrations of movement?
I'm just a casual who sees this show with nothing invested. IMO the appeal of Kite-Man / Ivy is that Kite-Man, like the entire supporting cast, is simply more funny than the two leads. While not exactly laugh out loud hilarious he does make me grin from doing something. On the other hand I simply can't remember anything funny Harley or Ivy have done or said. Ivy can be forgiven as she usually has to play the straight man role but for Harley there is no excuse.
>>114924642Harley needs to be boring to appeal to the self-insert fantasy.
>>114924472>I also find it funny how the only two black women of the show are showed to be complete self centered bitches.It left a little bad taste in my mouth that the joke for QoF is that she's a sassy black woman. I know that's Wanda Sykes raison d'etre but there's a smart way and a dumb way to play that.
>Harley Quinn's Sam Humphries Explains Her Budding Romance With Booster Gold>They are both outsiders: Harley, obviously so, and Booster quite literally so, he's from the future. And they're both greatly underestimated by their peers, sometimes the subject of mockery and sometimes that's the kindest thing thrown their way by their fellow metahumans in the DC Universe. So I think they have a lot to offer each other and a lot to relate to each other together
>>114924523Why can't we just discuss it now? The lack of female characters is too apparent to ignore it.
>>114919350yes he does, with Constantine and Mega Shark
>>114922204>Why does nobody consider polyamory an option?Because polyamory is for selfish children.
>>114924725Who in the right mind self inserts as a murdering psycho? Do women really?
>>114924922>gets to do whatever they want with no consequencesyes they really do self insert as her
>>114924922Men do too and with greater frequency.
>>114924801Honestly, I can sorta see it and makes way more sense then Harley and Ivy. They're both even reformed awful people, though Harley moreso.
>>114923166The worse climate change gets, the more ivy looks justified. She will be a hard character to explain on the fury road to your feral desert children.
>>114924922To be fair, you need a really large IQ to self-insert as a degenerate sociopath.
>>114924472You're very hopeful that you think these characters would get along. What do they have in common other than having vaginas?Also a lot of them destroy the plot of the episodes. Live wire could overcome most of the episodes in seconds. Like the trap guy, she'd zap in and get it. Or just go around the ice via the power grid. Or zap into joker tower and murder joker. She's a superman level villain and breaks the plot. Shes a goddess compared to Harley.
>>114922516wait what happened and should I be glad that I am unaware of it?
>>114925320Ivy is absurdly powerful, but they make her work
I do like just how quickly Harley and her gang turn helpless or not as bold like they usually are with Batman's or Justice League's presence. Like a dog kept on a leash.
>>114925069This actually sounds like a line they'd write in.
>>114925320>What do they have in common other than having vaginas?Yes because the show itself is saying that.
>>114925540lnb4 by the end of the season Batman takes Gotham away from Harley and she and her gang go back to Arkham.
>>114925648Batgirl, you mean.
132 posts. More than I expected from someone like Kite Man to generate.
>>114925320I never said they had to be Harley's allies. I meant female villains for her to interact with, good or bad.
>>114925720By the finale he'll probably heal.
>>114922106Yeah, good example.
He is by far the most likeable soon-to-be-cucked guy I've seen yet.
>>114924472You think catwoman is black in this? She looks more latino/Cubanish
>>114925931> You're a cuck, Charlie Brown!But really, he deserves better than what he's gonna get.
>>114925957>You think catwoman is black in this?Yes>She looks more latino/CubanishYou say that as if there isn't any black latinos or cubans.
>>114925979he's a straight white male user, he must suffer and be shit on for simply existing
>>114925979No he doesn't.
>>114926004Well, that's what those dunderheads on Twitter think, that's for sure. Checking on their comments, hoping to see at leas something adequate, only cancer.
>>114926052Not as bad as you describe, but there's a lot
>>114926052the writers are trying to pander to them, what better way to accomplish that then having a straight white male being cucked by the main strong independent female character
>>114925957Here's her voice actress.
>>114925957She's been stated to be black by the show creators and also her voice actress is black
>>114926139>>114926180But just to clarify that you can be both black and latino.
>>114926137Watch them reeee from their favorite ship by starting with cheating. There's A LOT of those who don't want that route.
>>114922711Is she standing on pumpkins for height?WHEN WILL THEY EVER LEARN?
>>114926204And that shitposting sure does not suggest that's going to happen in good spirit. It sure does not to me.
>>114926285Gives that "go-happy-lucky" amidst the destruction feel.
>>114926285It's your own fault for self inserting into a loser.
>>114918173Aren’t they both gay
>>114926204it's about hurting a white guy, they don't give a shit if it hurts a white guy see >>114926285
>>114924857No.I want him to live.
>>114918173I mean the relationship never made sense, but they basically had to completely change Ivy's character to make her work with the showthere is even an episode where Catwoman tells Ivy that she is a completely different person and not at all acting like herself as if pointing out that Ivy is different justifies it
>>114925648>lnb4 by the end of the season Batman takes Gotham away from Harley and she and her gang go back to ArkhamYep, he'll give Harley a little wink and a nod and say she's the worst thing Gotham has ever seen. Her and her crew will jump in the air, the camera will freeze and some 80s song will play.
>>114928071>I mean the relationship never made sense, but they basically had to completely change Ivy's character to make her work with the show>there is even an episode where Catwoman tells Ivy that she is a completely different person and not at all acting like herself as if pointing out that Ivy is different justifies itI really dont get how they are together. They don't really have that much in common. And there interactions don't feel natural. Its like watching a friend date the wrong person just because the sex is good.
>>114918831The viewers haven't gravitated towards Kite Man/Ivy at all everyone is all about Harley/Ivy the only people who seem to care that much about Kite Man beyond comedy relief are self inserts
>>114918173Took it from TVTropes:Her feelings and connection with Harley will eventually prove themselves as too powerful. At first, they'll try to hash that out and silence themselves, but it won't work, and closer to the end of the season, they will tell Kiteman the truth. He's going to claim that "it's okay" and him and Ivy can go on like this, being desperate to have anything for a marriage, but Ivy will see through that. She refuses him, realizing it's for his best, so he would find someone that would actually commit to him, fully.I'd better be that, if they're going with the cheating route.
>>114929068>The viewersPeople who pirate this aren't viewers, they don't matter.
>>114929146>closer to the end of the seasonSo much for a whole season.
>>114929146Indeed. Ultimately, they do not fit. He wants it whimsical and grand (that is to tell you how much he wants this, his sound effect when he opens the kite pretty much solidifies it), the ring and the wedding place thing; all of these efforts going to waste for him already imply in meta form it ain't flying.
>>114921815you're right anonwhich one bottoms in this relationshit?
>>114929583The white one.
>>114929146They aren't going to have time to make it right with setting Chuck up with a supervillain version of Marcie/Patty/Violet equivalent to replace Ivy's little redhead girl/Kite eating tree composite so he can still have a happy ending.
Inb4 this shit gets moved to SYFY and S3 comes out there.>>114929643Again, S3. Will probably take two-three episodes total.
>>114925330He made it about Trump. Pretty much it. Just unfunny and the same stuff he does on everything else he makes.
>>114922558Like Birds of Prey. Film trying to tell you to root for Harley, while she's being a violent criminal.
>>114929384No one at Holla Forums pays for the show and here is the biggest concentration of Ivy/Kite man shippers
>>114930140Why would anyone on twitter or tumblr even say they like that relationship, they'd be flayed.
>>114930140YouTube would like to argue.
>>114928880That's kinda the thing. Ivy's character flaw is that she's got an alright thing going on in life, a real B average, and doesn't want to push it further. Sure, compared to Harley she's doing great, but Harley is going out and making a gang and reaching for the brass ring while Ivy is staying in the comfort zone.So why not date Kiteman? There's nothing much objectionable about him, but at least he's not The Joker.Her learning to change and take risks for the benefit of something new will come with the cost of this OK-tier relationship.
>>114918202If Ivy actually cheats on him just to appease these crazy fucking shippers then I've done.
>>114918202For the love of god can someone please make a virgin Harley vs chad Kite Man.
>>114925320Literally everyone in Harley's group is leagues above Harley in prowess and threat. Even Borgman is/Should be more of a threat than Harley.Its just they're doing more Harley dicksucking bullshit that makes her obnoxious to watch and read.
>>114918173I'm just glad it went this way for the duo instead of just having Kite man in as a joke who keep being an air head
>Kite Man>Kent Man>Kent MansleyOh boy here we go...
>>114927763Man, I thought about it for a second and realized Mega Shark isn't the one that's dangerous in that threesome.Goddamn Constantine, making others suffer.
>>114918173>>114918202Harley, you fucking whore, do not cuck the Kite man.
>>114921967Is there an example of friends to homo couple besides harley & ivy in comics?
>>114924134Granny Goodness would either be completely out of character or clash HARD with the tone of the show.
>>114930390>That's kinda the thing.Its exactly the thing. He's a good fuck, and Ivy is confusing that for love because he isn't mean to her. They don't actually talk about anything. She doesn't even care about the details for the wedding he cares about so much. We know very little about him because she doesn't really care so it doesn't get into the episodes. If they get married, they will be one of those couples that divorces after 3 years because all they had was that honey moon high and don't really love each other.
>>114918831I don't really see it on the same level as new guy. There have been numerous redflags to the relationship that both Ivy and Kiteman have been ignoring and certain fans have been ignoring too.
>>114924104baby doll and her secretary would have been great for laughs but dont know how long it would have been milkable I think it would have been a good swap out for maybbee dr psycho but he brings actual super powers to the team where as babydoll would be large amounts of money and pedo jokes probably