Perfect Cell has just been transported to the last cartoon you watched! Does anyone survive the Cell Games?
Perfect Cell has just been transported to the last cartoon you watched! Does anyone survive the Cell Games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Can Cell kill The Grimace?
What was the last cartoon I watched? I mean... if Youtube counts it was an animated Game Grumps. So is it the two guys, or the character? Because Link would someone win. He always wins.
>>114917789You are quite humorous, but I'm afraid that Officer Big Mac and even your beloved Grimace fall quite easily to me.>>114917798The Hero of Time is, at the end of the day, merely an above average Hylian. He puts up about as much of a fight as Tien Shinhan.Are there really no worthy fighters in all of Holla Forums?
>>114917830Well shit, i guess Broly wins
>>114917846>Goku couldn't beat Perfect Cell>Goku beat Broly >Broly somehow beats Perfect Cell True, the brute was quite a show, but in the end all fall to my Perfection.
>>114917870Cell lost to Gohan. Let that sink in
Not even fucking close, champ.
>>114917914He jobbed to Darkseid
>>114917870Also Canon Broly survived and has Goku as a mentor. Plus if i recall it took Goku and Vegeta fused to finally get the upper hand as Gogeta
>>114917905In a proper one on one match I would've been victorious, it was Vegeta who allowed Son Gohan to stop my initial Cell Games.Try. Again.>>114917914A mere human? Before he can react he'd be thrown at the same mountain I slammed Mr. Satan against
>>114917944You tried to blow yourself up when you were losing.
>>114917938>Super>CanonOh you naive fool, mine was the last true saga. The Majin Saga was an admitted cash grab.>>114917959A win is a win, and it allowed me to achieve Super Perfect Cell form, which isn't even the benchmark for this thread.Are there really no worthy champions in all of Holla Forums? A shame, perhaps I'll teleport my ring to Holla Forums
>>114917764I think Lisa Loud could invent a way to send him back.
>>114917974Why not go back to /a/? Oh right, JoBros would eat you alive
>>114917996>A literal child An utter joke. Attempts at teleporting me away won't work this time.>>114918014Have you ever talked to an anime fan? No thank you.
>>114918047Well i have only two words for you: Za Warudo
>>114917974Golden Age Thor could arguably take him, unless Cell can get through IMP durability.
>>114918117>Still human>Still feels pain A quick absorbing session and I'm already on to the next opponent, who hopefully will be a real challenger.>>114918128What is a flawed God to the Universe's perfect being? He feels pain, he gets tired, and simply doesn't have the endurance to dance in my ring.
>>114918164>Dio>humanPick one
>>114917764Alas Cell chose the wrong beach to start his shounen bullshit games. Strongest-At-The-Beach Timmy whipes the floor with the evil pickle, saves the androids then cucks Krillin by fucking his waifu.
>>114918172>Vampire>Human with extra stepsYawn. Bring me a worthy opponent.>>114918181Allow me to just levitate a mere few inches off the sand, or kill you from several miles away. Either way, just a mere boy.
>>114918203Since no one else will post him
>>114917764They all do because Gohan ends the Cell games before they get to fight. You forget that Goku only died because he was retarded and couldn't figure out a different solution.
>>114918265More like he was tired of saving the universe
>>114918265Goku died a coward who couldn't even match Cell's non-Super Perfect form. Gohan only won with the Z Force's assistance. Nobody alone was canonically able to defeat Perfect Cell one on one
>>114917764 bitch, I've got this
>>114917764Notice you didn’t allow comics, you scared Cell?
>>114917830*blocks your path*
>>114918320Wait are we or are we not using Super Perfect as the benchmark here?Because if it's just regular Perfect then Gohan had the capability to defeat him.
>>114918345Oh, fair enough, as there have been no worthy contestants thus far....Bring forth ANY comic book character to the Cell Games.
>>114918368inb4 Dr. Manhatten
>>114918387>>114918389>Rip off arm>Absorb Predictable. Humans are nothing but fodder.
>>114918410Cute evolution you got. Be a shame if someone took that away.
>>114918410>just ripping his arm offCell would never go for a cheap victory like that if it cost him a good fight
>>114918389Wtf me and this dude both posted Hal in like the same millisecond
>>114918438He blew himself up just to kill Goku
>>114918455>just to kill Goku>GOKUAnon he only committed explosion when it was clear that he couldn't really touch SSJ2 Gohan.cell refused to participate in a fight that he>couldn't win>couldn't enjoy
>>114918432Oh, you poor fool, my evolution isn't the result of biological age, I am a machine. I will never run out of energy, need to eat, nor sleep, unlike you.Try. Again. >>114918463No more jokes! These characters routinely die in their own episodes.Bring me a worthy challenger, Holla Forums, I tire of this meager thread. If I don't get an opponent I have the chance to lose to before 100 replies, I BLOW UP THIS BOARD!
You may have power, but I know for a fact that you can't defeat the power of toon physics.>Meta as fuck>Hammer Space>Able to change the narrative>"Hey kids, watch this..." literally replaces what ever you have with a gag like an anvil or a car>Can't die>Major amounts of damage can be instantly negated because of gags
>>114918484>>114918489If you're gonna go toonforce why not go all the way and get Bugs himself?
>>114918484Oh, just hack into you. Make you shit yourself and commit sudoku. Then seppuku
>>114918493 Bugs, Wacko Yakko and Dot, and probably Wile E Coyote and Road Runner
>>114917764Fuck I'm watching The legend of 3 Caballeros right now... All I want is that extremely boring and awful villain to be just gone... Again he might not be immune to magic so maybe there is a chance
>>114918484>Teleports you to Anti-Matter UniverseNothing personal kid
>>114918514Yeah, the only real limits those characters have is that the fight HAS to be funny in some way or another. Literally, anything could happen as long as its comical.
>>114918529in Cell's defense, Hal just willingly flew in there, it'd be pretty hard to get a firm grasp on the bug to both be able to get him in the portal and close it before he flies back out.
>>114917764gg ez
>>114918531I think the only way they can lose is if some OTHER toon out toons them. I remember episodes where they actually get upset because someone was either interrupting their antics or someone was out-tooning them
>>114918548Not true, raw strength isn’t something DBZ specializes, if I recall, even current Goku struggles to lift a couple of tons, while Hal also has much better speed feats than Cell does
>>114918548Hal’s constructs speed and his own speeds allows him to do that.
>>114917764Get Fucked
>>114918565>>114918570Hal's constructs are as fast as light right, since they're made of the stuff.
>>114918598Not exactly, his constructs able to deal with much faster beings and he even used one of a jet to cause a Speed Force anomaly
>>114917764>South ParkShablagoo!
>>114918618>the light constructs>made out of Light>are able to go FTLthis bothers me
>>114918631A lot of things should not be physically possible in fiction, technically it’s just willpower that’s manifesting itself as light
>>114918598They can go faster. They’re not exactly just light, they’re constructs of pure will. Green lanterns can just will their constructs to go faster. That’s how Hal caught Eobard Thawne.
>>114918688Do you think Goku would like Snickers?
>>114918642>>114918657>catches ThawneHal calm down christ
>>114917764Esto es el fin
>>114918708Someone actually break down a fight between this and Perfect Cell, I have no idea who they are but I'd like to know
>>114918708Kek. I never understood why people toed Spanish when posting characters.
come at me
>>114918746It's Martian Luthor with god powers. Cell is fokked
>>114918746Lex Luthor under terrible writing. If I recall he has access to seven evil forces,
>>114918758It's a final form meme. Spaniards / Mexicans fucking LOVE Dragonball
>>114918746that's "Apex Lex" who is Lex Luthor on 50 alternate universes of power creep.>>114918758Central and South America really love DBZ, and made overpowered bootleg transformations of characters, like, a lot of them. So it became a meme to add Spanish adjectives like >forma de [insert]or>[insert] absorbidado
>>114918746I have good news for you.
>>114918814>words words wordsDoes anyone actually like this shit?
>>114918842Snyder sells so sadly yes. He’s got a new event coming out
>>114917764Last thing I watched was the cell saga, so 2 perfect cells ay, I think everyone might be fucked.
>>114918842There aren't that many words there
>>114917921Darkseid is ridiculously more powerful than cell, I don't see how that's relevant.
>>114918863Couldn't they just fuse together to form Super Perfect Cell
>>114918876I’m not your slave
>>114918875Cell doesn't know the fusion technique and the potara earrings aren't known about yet, One could eat the other I guess, but cells ego would likely have them fighting over who absorbs who.
>>114918876>Everyone else, report the OP for breakingthis is also breaking rules to rally a mass report on OP for a relevant thread.You're a retard.
>>114918368Molecule Man
>>114918897All Cell really wants is a good equal fight. A perfect copy of him that isn't just from that one technique would probably just end with them in a stalemate of fighting forever.
>>114917764Ben Tennyson
>>114918927>Ben 10Pathetic...
>>114918963Hal fags LITERALLY can't stop sucking dicks>Fact Checker: This state is a FACT
>>114918970Cope seethe dilate
>>114918484>Ay freak! I got REAL perfection down here, if ya know what I mean. Eheheheheh!
>>114918484>>114917764SCP Confinement.If the cartoon is loyal to the SCP Foundation Wiki lore, then there are some who would survive. Also there are some to who the Cell Games are less tan what a spider eating some flies, is to a human
>>114917764Rick vaporizes him as part of a five second gag and moves on, because Rick and Morty is a garbage show.
>>114919748Ah but you see Cell is immortalised as a memorable villain from the Cell Saga, and so achieves a moral victory over Rick who is mostly remembered by ironic redditors trying to pretend they never rioted for lack of szechuan sauce
>>114918047>Have you ever talked to an anime fan? No thank you.Well, he has a point.
Well, Holla Forums, as fun as this has been, as stated earlier, we are now past a hundred replies, and yet not a single challenger has stepped forward to defeat me. They've either been human and therefore irrelevant, an immortal yet still capable of feeling pain, joke contestants, or otherwise not able to last a single round with me in the ring. Instead of the Spirit Bomb, I'll begin my final solar kamehameha NOW! THE ONLY ONE WHO IS STOOD OPPOSITE TO ME reply ending with 8 IS THE FINAL CHANCE FOR THIS BOARD'S SURVIVAL! WHO COULD IT BE?Regardless of whoever gets the reply ending in 8, be sure to reply to them with morale support. You may just have a chance out of this yet.
>>114919873Hal still kicks your ass bug boy
>>114919873Bruh >>114918708>esto es el fin
>>114919873Well hi diddly ho, Holla Forumsmrades, lovely day out here for a walk!
>>114919873I dunno, Luigi
>>114919873Hey guys, what's this thread abou-
>>114919873>trying to blow up my swampYou're in ogre your head, laddie.
>>114919723cell gets anally raped
>>114920038LETS GOOOOOO
>>114919873ur disgrace the dragon ball manga and animedrink bleach
>>114918455He was doing it because he was butthurt about getting raped by SSJ2 Goku. Goku just teleported him away >>114918631>can travel at FTL speeds>can create pocket dimensionsComics, cartoons and anime are not for you if you start applying real life physics. If you want some kind of cope, you could say that the constructs are only as fast as Hal's brain, and he is dumb as fuck.
>>114920102You know Cell, you're just like an ogre. You know why? BECAUSE I'M GONNA PEEL YOU APART, LAYER BY LAYER
>>114919909Shut the fuck up, Flanders.
>>114920095You don’t need to be smart to know how to kick ass
>it's an rp thread
buu saga > cell saga
>>114917830I may fall to you, but your hubris prevents you from realizing one thing: nothing can kill the Grimace
>>114919909If this is Simpsons Wrestling Ned we're talking about here then Cell is utterly fucked
>>114920317Oh no let's talk about wanting to fuck cartoon characters or another cheesecake thread again
>>114919873He's gonna redeem you so hard you'll end up like Vegeta
>>114917764>SVTFOEStar kicks his butt with a Narwals Blast.>post genocide StarShe annoys him until he dies
>>114920038IT'S ALL OGRE NOW
>>114917764Can you defeat the near omnipotent powers of the Super Wizard.
>>114921303>Stardust inflicts some kind of body horror on Cell>Cell regenerates back to normalIt seems we've reached a stalemate
>>114917830>Tien Shinhan.It's amazing how super shits all over him. He was originally the strongest human, now Roshi Yamcha and even his little mime boyfriend has had more victories than him in super
>>114921354>Anti-regeneration ray>Omni-death ray
>>114922314>Cell retains his physical form in the afterworld as we saw in the animeNow he's got a halo over his head, well done Stardust
>>114922144He was my favorite character in the original Dragon Ball run, I wish Z would've just started with a fresh cast instead of keeping him and the other humans around.
>>114922144Fucking Roshi even stepped down from martial arts because he saw Tien as the future, what the hell
>>114917764It was a Looney Tunes cartoon, so I'm sure they all survive.
>>114920038>>114920130DO IT SHREK, BE THE CHAMP
>>114919873Arachna Power!>>114920038DEFEAT HIM SHREK!
>>114917764Not Holla Forums but cell is done for
>>114920052>>114920820>>114920829>>114921115>>114921122>>114921385>>114922824>>114923026>>114923467>>114923575Bye bye!See ya later
>>114917764Ok important distinction. Perfect cell or Perfecter Cell
>>114918232God Takahata kills it as cell
>>114923885Is it over? Is this truly the end?
>>114917905The Japanese Text spells out that Cell is out for a challenge and he was breaking Gohan to make him tick. He was merely goading Gohan into a quick duel by threatening the planet to go all out.English Text highlights his near death experience making him realize it's in his nature to destroy. In Japanese Text he is painted more as a Cannibal and a hunter.It's easy to forget that Cell has the power of 600,000 souls plus 17 and 18 all wailing in anguish till it harmonize into Pure Energy
>>114917764>KablamSo for Action League Now is cell a Funko figure or a nendoroid
>>114918181>>114918203People tend to forget that Cell reacts a d think on his feet. Imperfect Cell had to wait for 17 and Piccolo to be tired to ambush them mid fight to become Semi Perfect. Semi Perfect negotiate with Vegeta to let him become Perfect. Only Goku knew how to Bargain and negotiate with Cell, then scammed him into fighting his teammate and benchwarmer for a Son.
>>114923910The arena is empty following Shrek's attack! Keep an eye on other boards, as you never know if he simply teleported away for new challengers. Thanks to you heroes, though, Holla Forums is now safe. Thank you all!
>>114924015Genndy would have written Cell as Rasslor and Gohan as Money. Nips don't understand the concept of breaking the body but not the spirit
>>114917846Broly is just Japanese Lobo. B for Break, R for Revenge, O for Obliterate, L for Lacerations, and Y for your a Dead Man. They should have gotten Brad Garrett for Broly
>>114917764I was watching Dragon Ball X, so you already know how this goes down, Cell.
>>114924403Budokai did it better and did ROF better
>>114922500I want to visit the alt universe where Toryiama didn't listen to the fans and killed off Vegeta in the Sayian arc to see what the story would have been like during and after Namek saga
cell is all ogre now
>>114924589Huh, any more trivia like that? I love knowing what was supposed to have been. As much as I love Vegeta I think he'd be better off dead instead of endlessly measuring dicks with Goku, though I guess he did provide a good exposition dump for Sayian stuff.
>>114924141when i was a kid and saw movie 8 for the first time all those years ago in japanese.i thought arnold schwarzenegger would be a perfect english voice for broly.
How would Perfect Cell fare against the Warhammer 40k universe?More interestingly, how would Perfect Cell fare against a Tyranid Hive Fleet?
This is now a Holla Forums characters beating up DBZ characters thread.
>>114924681Forgot image.
>>114917870movie 8 broly tanks a full power kamehameha point blank range, no damage, just smirks and mocks goku.perfect cell gets hit by a full power kamehameha, gets reduced to a pair of legs.power wisemovie 10 broly > super perfect cell > movie 8 broly > perfect cell
>>114924727in fairness due to his DNA he actually got stronger after his body grew back, so technically Cell benefited more from the hit
>>114924907Why were you watching this user?
>>114924839there no mention of cell's power increasing after he regenerated from his legs.the only power increase came after he blew himself up and you forget broly's ki also constantly increases, although old broly had a clear limit in movie 8 and then needed to release large amounts of ki to stabalise 10 ignored this.and new canon broly goes from base goku/vegeta level to surpassing ss blue level of power. needed gogeta to go ss blue to overpower broly
>>114917764I think the last cartoon I watched was Reddit and Memer. Cell would pretty much be fucked there.Outside of I've been watching the Halo terminals. I'm not sure they could do anything about Cell but that universe is pretty much fucked already as it is.
>>114917764>Rick and MortyYeah this is gonna be stupid.
>>114924923Ameripoor, antenna TV is seriously boring, and I wanted something to watch while cleaning.
Arale >>>>>>>>>> Super Perfect Cell
>>114917764Considering that it was Public Enemies, he probably get ganked by Superman, Power Girl, Captain Atom, and Mech Luthor.
>>114924927I thought that in every circumstance that a Sayian nearly faces death their power level increases? Even marginally, just to give them an edge. It's why Vegeta got knocked down by Krillin willingly in the Frieza Saga so he could get revived, anyway. I'm not the user saying Cell > Broly I'm just saying that slight increase in power > shrugging it off
>>114924927Broly in the Movies is clearly 7 to 9 feet tall. He towers over the cast with Gohan as a Teen up to his chest. Super Broly is roughly roughly around Vegeta's height but towers over Goku once he taps into his Great Ape Power
>>114925321Broly is consistently as strong as Cell in the movies. Movie 8 his equal to Perfect Cell, Movie 10 makes him stronger than Perfect Cell and weaker than Majin Buu
>>114925289Cell is casual filter. DB makes Frieza the strongest, followed by Super Buu, then Cell, with Nappa and Raditz. Everyone else is below them. For Movies it's Hirudegarn, Broly, Bojack, Cooler, then Turles (almost killed Great Ape Jobhan who had a power level of 100,000) and everyone else scrubs
>>114925509I dont care what power level fags say. I respect Raditz for forcing a mutual kill on Goku and Nappa having a high body count. They need to make a comeback to beat Power Level Fags and force Goku to stop going Waku Waku
>>114917764>Sabrina the Animated SeriesZelda probably just transfigure him and keep doing her thingsSabrina probably transform it into a pinneapple and hilda eats it or something
>>114917764I'm going to piggyback this cancerous weeb thread. I just realized pic related is basically Lucky Luke crossed with Johnny Bravo.
>>114917764>King of the HillDale forma arena de bolsillo or Cotton Espinillas Completas could stomp him easily. And that's not even getting into Hank Calvo.
>>114917764Slaanesh gets a new mortal
>>114925602sorry user but being Goku's brother doesn't mean he should make a comeback
>>114918592This nigga wouldn't care about what happens to humanity user. He would secretly hope Cell will end us all.
>Fairly Odd Parents>Cosmo! Wanda! I wish to be the Ultimate Super Hero!
>>114927828Man, City Hunter is such a fun series.
>>114917764The Main Man enters the Cell Games a la Hercule style, however unlike Hercule Lobo isn't a bit-cha. Ends up dragging the fight to space. Something something both of them are ego maniacs who enjoy the fight. Something something buddy bounty hunters and Cell doesn't just become Frieza 2.0, but without the dedicated screen time or minions. Also They frequently get in to fist fights because of clashing egos
With the powers of the sun drop and the moon stone and maybe a tiny bit of alchemy we hereby banish cyborg to the outer reaches of the known universe. Enjoy getting getting tangled up in hair and then launched out like a gigantic slingshot.
>>114924681>>114924719I haven't read the fluff in a long time, but post-Cruddace can't a squad of 100 Marines beat an entire hive fleet? They're jobbers.
>>114919748At least you admit that Cell would be dispatched that easily on R&M. Because that's how it would go for sure.
>>114929342I remember watching Battle of the Gods and thinking Goku turning red was alluding to the SSJ4 form being canon, even if nothing else in GT was. I'm still disappointed.
Given the sheer range of crap they've been put through before now and the mad gadgets they've had in the past, I think they'll be fine.Either that or Cell bends them over and fucks them. Win win.
cell is fucked
>>114919723Anon, Cell wants a fight. Not getting raped and digested by the Cosmic Starfish with no saves.
>>114927973How does he do it? How does Brother of Goku instill fear into a man who is now a Super Saiyan and Stronger than Gods?
>>114925602They got reincarnated along time ago. Goten and Trunks.
>>114931096Cell is a wrestling heel. He interrupted a single match between Piccolo and 17, broke piccolo's Neck, beat 17 so hard he couldn't move and took 16 to get him to stop.
>>114929490Perfect Cell will just Brainwash Sam, watch as Clover throw himself at him since he is a hot guy, and Abduct Alex. He'd be okay with fighting Britney and Jerry to a standstill. I think Alex my have a crush on his hunk like body
I didn't actually think about it but Son Bra is a French creation (and therefore /co) and she just absolutely -murdered- Cell.
What now?
No Toonami news this week.Last week, numbers continued their gradual slide down as a 17 year old rerun isn’t much of a hype builder. This week, not only did we start Mob reruns smack dab in the middle of the night, we also got a surprise last second schedule change since Funi couldn’t produce the next episode of MHA in time. So Toonami started with 90, yes 90, minutes of reruns before airing a premier. And uhh, the numbers are shockingly good. Yea I don’t have an explanation for this one. MHA actually did better than it did last week. Is La Brava suffering some kind of draw?12:00 My Hero Academia (r) 590 0.29 38012:30a Paranoia Agent (r) 452 0.25 3231:00a Mob Psycho 100 (r) 444 0.24 3151:30a Black Clover (r) 400 0.22 2792:00a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 351 0.19 2522:30a Naruto: Shippuden (r) 336 0.19 241
>>114917764> Jojo: Diamond is UnbreakableUh... Maybe?
>>114918368Are you capable of defeating her permanently?Please?Seriously, you'd be doing us a favor.
>>114932138What is this from?