What's the point of this character? Did Webbie really need another friend?
What's the point of this character? Did Webbie really need another friend?
>>114914854Friends are nice user
>>114914854Huey needed a love interest.
>>114914854Someone more normal than her impending lesbian love interest who's also the disconnected spirit of an ancient witch? Yes.
>Did Webbie really need another friend?from a story perspective, not really, from an in universe point, that girl needs a lot more friends
>>114914946I ain't one for shipping, but he had a love interest right here.
>>114914960I think a lot of people forget, before the 1st episode Webbie was locked in a mansion her whole life. It's where a lot of her spastic reaction come from.
>>114914946Doesn't look like they're going to do romance with the kids. 3 seasons in and next to no references. Dewey and Webbie have held hands, but it wasn't in a romantic way.
>>114914971I think you picked the wrong pair, my friend.
>>114915057Eh... that one's fine too, I guess.Either way, Violet comes across as superfluous, and if she suddenly vanished from the show, I probably wouldn't even notice. It's just a shame that Lena is conflated with her now; she was a much more interesting -- and attractive -- character.
>>114915102She's also homeless. Her any friend with a couch is good enough for her.
>>114914854To show off gay black people
>>114915182She's confirmed gay?
>>114915277She has two obviously gay dads. They made it a point to show they were gay. Shirts saying "I'm with Dad" and "I'm with the other dad" or some shit. Then even after that Lena says something like "That's my friend with two dads!" or some shit.
>the occult kid>provides a dry disposition compared to Lena and Webby>has the closest thing to a normal life among the girls>Lena needed somewhere to live after Violet brought her back from the shadow realm and provide Violet a sister and social interaction>a contrast to Hubert who relies mostly on his book which is shown all the time compared to never being shown needing a guidebook, but being a JWC herself>also able to keep a cool head in just about any situation compared to Hubert's fits of rageI like Violet.
>LenaPebblesYou know where
>>114915672I think it's bullshit we hear Huey talk about the Jr. Woodchuck scout book. We never hear Violet mentioned it before and probably never hear it after this episode.
>>114914854Crows know what time it is at eleven.
>>114915723This show is known for making things up on the fly to suit the plot. Just like how Lena was dead as fuck and not only didn't anyone care, she was only showed up once as a shadow haunting Webby once it was time for her episode to return, and Webby stopped wearing the friendship bracelet the finale made a point of focusing on. I was thinking about it and had they wanted to have Violet be involved a JWC prior to now they could've done it on the dream episode where she's casually reading a guidebook and when asked says "You never asked." It really is that easy, but too much for the showrunners apparently. They didn't even seem to know Violet was going to be a JWC because it was almost Gosalyn that would have faced Huey. Communication is a difficult concept for characters in the show it seems. Even and especially among friends.
>>114915812Boyd is another example. It makes no sense why he looks like Mark Beaks now.
>>114915774Violet's a hummingbird. Tezuka's the crow or raven.
>>114914854The showrunners wanted to have their "" "" iconic""" female triplets aka forced oc.
>>114914854>another violet threadThis is just because you want to talk about your underage bird waifu right
>>114916098There was a previous Violet thread? It's not like there's anything wrong talking about her supernatural interests or her pie making skills.
>>114915038Louie and Webby held hands last episode. They're the hot new item.
>>114915057>autist dates a literal robotbased
>>114914854It's a nigger and Disney likes to pretend they don't think of them as slaves anymore
>>114915886It’s so weird, they could have just had him look different in the flashbacks and say that Beaks made him a custom skin after he found him in the dump because he’s a narcissist.
>>114914854Some characters are just added to have more muh relatable for the kiddies. This one is both a girl, and that hair=black, so she ticks both boxes.
>>114917047>lena gets to say "necca" around violet now that she's her sister>webby is jealous
So there could be a girl trio to mirror the boy trio without having to resort to the derivative April, May and June from the comics
>>114917144>Hummingbird SlursI approve of this.
>>114917199>flowerhead>sugarboo>jungle birdie>pollinator>backiesI dunno. Could be fun to mix and match considering Violet's supposedly also Mexican?
>>114915886I dont think that's much of a problem. It just means this character was coincidentally modeled after Mark bird species and Beaks ,being the egomaniacal he is, instantly "adopted" BOYD because he reminded him of himself
>>114917267>pollinatorNah, pollen chucker.
Disney's nauseating hard gayvpush and further tokenization of people.
>>114916098I think it was more trying to force the political angle like Violet has been used previouslyWhich seems to be the problem, people lost interest in this series. Seemed downhill ever since Cabs leaked
>>114918236It’s such an odd coincidence though and could make more sense if they’d just given mark a line commenting on the resemblance when he finds him in the junkyard.
>>114914854To make girl trio
>>114917174Yet AMJ were better
>>114919135>>114917174*Ahem*We have a real female trio here, I just don't know why they didn't put them in Ducktales. April, May, and June would fit in better than Webby. And they would turn out better than Huey, Dewey and Louie. For me, April, May and June are better in cabaret than Huey, Dewey and Louie in DT2017.>>114920430True.
>>114921188>cabaretThis post smells awfully European to me.Also, the Drake meme will never be funny, and Cabs will never be relevant. You can keep posting till the end of time, but DuckTales -- regardless of its iteration -- will always be more beloved and well-known, and for good reason.
>>114921368>Cabs will never be relevantHaving a Walt-penned film and Epcot ride isn't relevant?
>>114914854Suckable bird toes was the point
>>114921438I con not find these ducks sexy. Sorry
>>114921468Lucky for you that isn't a duck
>>114921414I meant Legend of the Three Caballeros. But even then, the original movie is only remembered by the most hardcore of homosexuals. You guys talk about weirdo shippers in the DT fandom, but Cabs has it even worse, from what I've seen.
>>114914960but the boys have 0 recurring friends since the start, why the difference?
>>114914854Webby has to be one of the boys and get the exact same treatment they get from their own family and at the same time be the ringleader of a group of female characters to show that this show has got a lot of girls
>>114921496One show got shown in every syndicated channel in the US, the other had millions in advertising that was shilled all over news and social media outlets in quite crazy ways, and the third was given zero promotion and was not even promoted on being Disney+. That's not really going to be a comparison because it was shunned to promote DT 17. Even then the response to LOT3C in relation to its obscurity has been insanely strong, especially for a show whose last episodes got out 2 years agoBut the past several years proved something. Ducktales 17 did not catch on the way it was supposed to. They thought it was going to be a ratings mecca with merchandise galore, and it failed to resonate to what was expected in my opinion especially with kids. It's becoming abundantly clear that Caballeros could have performed better in the same scenario, and that there's even talk that Cabs is coming back while DT ends before season 4 is proof of that. I'm saying this as a fan of both, ratings and Phatmojo don't lie>You guys talk about weirdo shippers in the DT fandom, but Cabs has it even worse, from what I've seen.I have not seen a single person doxxed for supporting Donald with Daisy as a couple over Donald and one of his friends
>>114921368That cabaret was a mistake, I meant Caballeros. You can be as angry as you want and hate caballeros, as much as you want, but you will not force us to love what and what not. By the way, caballeros are much more popular in Latin America than in Europe. And as for Ducktales, a pale copy of the original Ducktales and a miserable imitation of comics, although there are some good things there. And just so you know, there are those in Ducktales who are SJWs, so politics gets involved there. By the way, I hate the SJWs, and I am also an opponent of the Zionist-Babylonian union called the EU, which is turning Europe into the Middle East. I hate EU. And that you can't change my mind. I will always consider the Legends of the Three Caballeros superior to Nu-Ducktales. And that Ducktales is coming to an end with the third season soon, just like in your picture. It is your will what you will love, but leave ours alone. Feel free to think that Ducktales reboot is better, your choice, but you can't change my opinion. By the way, how is the fight against Gates and Soros progressing?
>>114921510the boys weren't locked p in a mansiontheir lack of friends is their own damn fault
>>114922269>They thought it was going to be a ratings mecca with merchandise galore, and it failed to resonate to what was expected in my opinion especially with kids.The children themselves know which one is the best. Donald needed more focus in Ducktales, as promised at the beginning, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. They focused more on his nephews. Ducktales would have been successful if they had focused more on Donald and Scrooge, and certainly on the deeds and Donald's relatives, and less on the children, it would have been a complete success. The Caballeros did just right. Great focus on Donald and his company, and the children there were not bored. That is why children will choose those series in which Donald is more than usual, and they like Donald more than Scrooge or HDL.
>>114921368>REEEE EUROPEEvery post of this namefag in a nutshellInb4 hurr ur a yuro tooMaybe,maybe not.Why does it matter,all you do is rub your hateboner all over Donald threads for some drama i dont give a shit about
>>114922306Too bad Scrooge, you lost. Donald won.
>>114922450Focusing on Donald really is the smart idea. I’ve noticed a surge of discussion online of DT17 over this batch of S3 episodes and the ones that generated the most discussion involved Donald. Part of this could be the quarantine has everyone watching cartoons now, but I think the focus on Donald gets more attention. Will this translate to better ratings and streamings for S3? I don’t know. But I’ve seen more discussion over Daisy’s arrival in DT17 than...anything else that happened in DT17, to be honest.
>>114922781I'll be honest. So far, the best episodes in the third season are those with Daisy and Boyd Beaks. Yes, since they first introduced Donald and Daisy, it had an effect. And it's good that it worked. It wasn’t as toxic as it used to be between Donald and Daisy and I liked how they got together and Daisy loves him despite awful singing. Seriously, the communication between the two became a link. Although, again, for Daisy and caballeros to be Donald's only consolation after all, is a bit of a disappointment, considering Donald's treatment in the family. I liked how his treatment has improved, but Daisy can’t be his only consolation. He must also have the support of his family. And Daisy is really divine with her dress, and her features are very pleasant. I like that version of Daisy Duck. I don’t know if it will improve Ducktales ’popularity, given that they released it later, but in part they managed to fix it, just one problem. I guess he'll include Donald less again, as an excuse because he's with Daisy Duck, but well I'm happy when Donald himself got happy.
>>114922515So if I'm the one with the "hateboner," what does that make the persons who keep posting the Drake meme and Rosa's "NOT DUCKTALES" sign? Innocent bystanders?
>>114914854i never even liked the other friend chick shes annoying as all hell
>>114914854They needed to completely murk the triplets. Weeby is the sperg like Dewey. Leena is the evil one, like Louie. She is there to mog Duey and we saw her do just that.
>>114915672I like violetSasuga Holla Forumsmblr
>>114923359Reminder scrooge simps over Donalds life
Apparently to be something of a cushion to the fact that Webby and the other kids (read: the writers) almost completely forget she exists most of the time so people don't assume she's still living underground
>>114923486>still steals the showIF ONLY.
>>114923736in Louies 11 or Quack Pack, was ANYONE talking about the main plot? No all that mattered was what Donald was doing
>>114923197Not me and not you.It's another cunt
>>114922781To be fair, Quack Pack! and Louie's Eleven are far better episodes despite the Donald focus. An AU and a heist are more entertaining concepts than a second undersea adventure, another Funzone fight episode, the obligatory Fenton/Huey episode and the "please like Violet" episode.
>>114923486The only thing is that Donald doesn't have that much focus in Ducktales. Otherwise it should Virgin Ducktales vs Chad Caballeros. Otherwise I agree, Donald is ten times better than Scrooge.>>114923770True, even though they changed his voice in Quack Pack episode, that episode certainly focused on him, although it turned out to be a disaster there, unlike in episode Louie's Eleven, where Donald's treatment improved, finding Daisy Duck.
>>114914854She's a cute little autist so I don't really care.
>>114922269>wasting your breath on a retarded namefagFilter and move on.
>>114914854They needed a female trio to be superior to the male trio. Webby is super competent Duey.Black chick is super competent Huey.Magic chick is super competent Louie.
>>114918296People on Holla Forums maybe but that's probably because of the eurofags shitting up every thread, the shows clearly still popular within other social media circles.
>>114922450Most kids wouldn't give two shits about cabs unless they were under the age of 10 and you know it.
>>114924407Yeah, kids now have smartphones and access to youtube. They watch whatever they want, whenever they want. Tellyvision is boomer, gen x, millennial and older zoomer cohort shit. Younger zoomers and the eldest of gen alpha (who are all like five years old) will play mobages instead, which are interactive stories.
>>114914854you sound jealous user.
>>114914854They wanted three girls to offset the three boys.
>>114914971Lena would make Huey into her bitch
>>114924362True, and most of these threads are DOA unless they have DuckTales to prop them up.
>>114922269Disney never really merches their main shows much. They mostly keep that to their Disney Jr stuff which has massive merch lineups. I was surprised when ducktales toys wee released around the time the show started, since that is pretty rare. But they have not really bothered with much more than that ever since.Even back in the 90s Disney hardly ever merched a Disney afternoon show. I think just Darkwing and Might Ducks got a couple figures but that was about it.
>>114922781The problem here comes from a lot of the people in charge of the show don't like Donald. With people like Frank Angones complaining about how Donald was "too white" and then praising himself for a week about how he made Fenton Latinx. He also had some strong opinions about Scrooge too and obviously never liked him.
>>114924990Although to be fair, two years ago when the lot3c cartoon was released, the first threads after the entire series was released did have some nice amount of fanart. Unfortunately, it made the fans of said show incredibly annoying and insufferable, and now they always latch on to DuckTales threads to try to start a shitty fanbase war, making up bullshit twitter drama in order to have something to talk about, because that's how void their lives are. Calling them out as being pathetic shitty yuropoorians does keep them at bay.
>>114924362>People on Holla Forums maybe but that's probably because of the eurofags shitting up every threadThis brings me great joy, the comics will still be popular long after this show is dead
>>114925157But we're not really gonna talk about the yuropoorian comics a lot, though. Not as much if there's some American animation involving Donald Duck.
>>114914854Why is there a black bird?
>>114925206Why is there a green bird (jungle spic), or a red bird (spic), or a grey bird (American), or a brown bird (spic), or an even blacker bird (nipponjin)?
>>114925206The show wants an excuse to focus even more on Webbie
>>114925243>or an even blacker bird
>>114925157Did you not read the second part of my post? And nice try eurofag because literally no one gives a shit about the comics outside of your continent.
>>114925558Actually mad
>>114925591Nice deflection
>>114925351>>114925206I am surprised there aren't more crows
>>114926025Crows are the best
>>114925195>haha i sure owned those yuropoorians XD right fellow channers?
>>114926025Quackmore Duck and his lovely wife Hortense erected flaming scarecrows in the yard of any crow that tried to make a nest in Duckburg.
>>114925102Or it helps keep DT posts that were previously having trouble getting to 100 replies alive
>>114925351>crow has accurate colors>black heron doesn't
>>114927005>black heron on an assassination mission
So which one of you wrote the fanfiction where Fenton is forced to be in a sex tape for Beaks
>>114926885Then just let the threads die, instead of keeping them artificially alive with forced interseries fanwars. Sheesh, the idea that you must have a general thread to talk about nothing worthwhile is beyond asinine. If a DT2017 episode can only manage that many replies without the Dana Terrace-haterfags (who thankfully fucked off to the owlhouse threads to continue waging their forced persona-drama about nothing) and TLot3C-turds (who are the same two boring unimaginative and uncreative people), then that's fine. It's just a cartoon show involving Donald Duck and his associated family members.
>>114927358 link?
>>114914854>The girl character already has one girl friend. Why add more girl, this is not Girltales
>>114927880Ao3 ID 241390664chan doesn't allow direct links to that site
>>114928068Thanks friend
>>114927005The pumps cover Heron's toes so I guess they figured putting the color on her beak was the compromise?
>Violet's even better at trash talking than HubertLena's got her work cut out for her.
>>114929666I actually feel bad for huey in this episode
>>114929700>I don't understand anything and nothing I say makes any sense>wait am I the Launchpad here?
>>114927760>Sheesh, the idea that you must have a general thread to talk about nothing worthwhile is beyond asinine.Like most of Holla Forums
>>114925351Huey likes what he sees
>>114914854They needed to check black and gay off the list of required character features
>>114927358putting him with graves instead of beaks was a surprise. there needs to be more quality smut of the STEM birds
>>114931100Femdom and black birds?He's thinking of that one back home...
>>114931100Huey's got a type.>>114931192>oneSisters share everything don't they?
>>114915672>a contrast to Hubert who relies mostly on his book which is shown all the time compared to never being shown needing a guidebook, but being a JWC herselfThats a stretch if I ever saw one. In the episode she quotes the book as often as Huey does, and in the end he is shamed for not following the tenants of the books like he normally does. The whole episode was bullshit about how following your principles is more important than winning. Yea thats nice and all but its incredibly irritating to see how important the scouts is to Huey for the entire show only to see him shamed and overshadowed in the only episode about them by some rando who never mentioned it in the first place.
>>114925783>Threads solely about the comics tend to die off super quickUnless they are storytimes, or house storytimes. Duck threads without something in particular to focus on seem to be fairly scattershot.
>>114931100>”c’mon tezuka, step on him!”
>>114927760>who are the same two boring unimaginative and uncreative peopleThis is cope to an unbelievable levelWhatever, I'll keep discussing DT and you can get caught up on conspiracy theories
>>114931176there needs to be more beaks/fenton or beaks/gyro. or all 3 at once
>>114931231>Sisters share everything don't they?They doYou think they ever tag-team to ambush Huey?
>>114931231>Sisters share everything don't they?even braps?
>>114931340>Thats a stretch if I ever saw oneBlame the showrunners. Violet is as you say Huey's jwc equal and we know she's smart from previous episodes. Losing is a part of life and Huey wasn't shamed by anyone. He wasn't even overshadowed as his methods though slapdash were equally effective at getting him to the end. He blew it and nearly died because he gave up trying to do anything by the book literally represented by said book going up in flames. It's not like Huey or Violet was painted as some evil douche, he just learmed a good lesson and gained some introspection.
>>114926274I feel bad for thinking it, but every time I see that fan artist’s artwork, I can’t get over how despairing ugly it looks.
>>114931589Absolutely. It could've happened right after the episode, while Huey stood home at the mansion during Louie's 11 or prior to the Astroboy episode.
>>114931392That's usually why the combined autism of all three worksComics can sometimes get discussion but there's the lack of new content in English that hinders it, Caballeros can get threads to 500 on random topics but it's been 2 years since a new episode, and Ducktales has new episodes but unless it's a hot topic episode it seems to not get much traction anymore outside the initial discussion thread for that new episodeDuck Threads ensure all three get discussed without being bump limited in a hour. People can argue it but it's true
>>114932679>but unless it's a hot topic episode it seems to not get much traction anymore outside the initial discussion thread for that new episodeThe wrestling episode petered out after half a thread from release
Speaking of storytimes, it's technically a mouse comic, but I'm starting translation on "Topolino e le gemelle 'gemelle ma non troppo'", using my swedish copy to help me get a general idea of what the italian version is saying.Interestingly, the coloration is very different between versions.
>>114932410It's the eyes
>>114933336Nice, mouse comic translations are rarer
>>114933336Anyone have a good suggestion for the title?"gemelle ma NON troppo" seems to translate roughly to "Twins but NOT too much".Swedish version is called "Lika som bär"(alike like berries), a swedish version of the term "two peas in a pod".
>Dewey calls Hecka a creepy goth girl>Webby says "pin him" when she puts the wolf in a hold and knocks down the bird
>>114927005yo das wilddoes it cast a shadow so fish don't recognize it as something clearly a predator?
>>114934299>The black heron uses a hunting method called canopy feeding—it uses its wings like an umbrella, creating shade that attracts fish.>The strategy behind canopy feeding entails shading the water with their outstretched wings hoping small fish will seek refuge from the sun and swim into the shade they provide. The heron will hide the reflection of his neck and beak by tucking his head up under one wing and when a fish is in sight he strikes!
>>114934011The girl group was made to rape the nephews
>>114914854I'm disturbed the bird has hair.
>>114932539"That badge isn't the only thing you're going to lose Huey"
>>114934483>Lena has said the act we will perform on you involves taking of your "V-card">but I do not see how cards are relevant to the copulation process
>>114914854I like her and she's good foil for Huey.
>>114934547Between his autism and the fact that he probably got “the talk” from Fenton, Huey is screwed.
>>114935103Not if Boyd comes to his rescue.Also he's probably anatomically correct and has a vibrating function.
>>114935193Definitely. Was that Akita’s idea or Gyro’s or both