I know in Avatar the fire nation is Asian, and casting this guy (for a YouTube short) seems good. But why is it that Asians almost always animate themselves with pale af skin and just looking kinda white? More people would actually acknowledge Zuko as asian if he looked it. In season 1 he has the skin color of a northern Englishman. Video: youtube.com
Do Asians Have an Identity Issue With Animation?
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>>114913600East Asians can very easily have pale skin, especially if they’re from more northern areas/don’t get much sun; the stigma against dark skin is a class thing since you’d get more tan the more time you spent outside and the tannest people were the ones who worked outside, namely poor ass farmers. From there it turned into tan = poor and no one wants to be seen as poor.
>>114913600i prefer to think of the characters as white so i do.
Another example
>>114913600Dark skin is the color of the working class. It's not being white, it's being pale. Paleness as a sign of status and beauty has been around since well before any contact from the west. It's been deeply ingrained into their mindset that it's almost natural.
>>114913673/a/ will whine lol
>>114913744I know but even they don't look that pale
>>114913778because animated characters don't have blood vessels and don't have their skin reflect light in various ways. We're talking actual elite members of society sort of pale, obviously everyone's bound to get some sun in their daily routine.
>>114913679avatar characters look more mixed than european. i could see someone selena gomez like playing a character like azula
>>114913743wheres her nose
>>114913905I actually kind of think of the Fire Nation as either Mediterranean or Latino like you said
>>114914103She’s Asian so her nose is flat lol
>>114914281That's not what reddit told me.
>>114913755I tried visiting /a/ for the first time in my life to discuss attack on titan and they are the biggest cunts on this site, second only to LGBT
>>114913600They’re all imitating the guy who made Astro boy who made Astro boy to imitate rubberhose cartoons/Mickey mouse which is an American cartoon.Why do they imitate each other instead of being original? Only god knows the answer.
>>114913600You can't tell me Ursa doesn't look like a typical englishwoman, long face, pointy nose, brunette, pale, etc
>>114914578ursa kind of reminds me of anne hathway
>>114913600You need to go into caricature mode to really showcase the differences between races because drawing subtle features that differentiate races is difficult when you have the budget of a children’s cartoon. It’s why most black cartoon characters are just caucasians with black skin.
The avatar people were obviously asian. white people just feel uncomfortable identifying with non-white characters so they try to claim they are white. You see this exact same shit with Dragonball
>>114913600There are asains IRL who look more white than white people FYI.
>>114914736Oh yeah its white people that are the ones always crying about how they don't feel comfortable identifying with fictional characters who aren't the same race as themsilly me, i almost remembered it being the exact opposite in reality.
>>114914736Fuck i remember a shirt that had goku in Klan hoodie
>>114913600*ahem*Fuck chinks
>>114914745Anon just the other week we had an user have a meltdown that there wasnt media that was had a marysue White male MC
>>114914736Nope. They’re drawn with Caucasian eyes.
>>114914768Thats a lovely little anecdote you've got there sweaty.
>>114913600>>114913673Idk man, Asia's a big place. I'm that's a huge chuffing continent, so idk how i or you can make a judgment call for all of it yknow? can you even name ten south/southeast asian countries without googling? i mean your "kinda white" classification changes over time and has never had a stable definition and lighter skin asians were only designated as yellow because of "muh dirty orientals" despite the chinese buildin a lot of the transcontinental railroad most of the profits which were not claimed by then and then were promptly kicked out of the country
>>114914773>reminding non white people that they don't look like white people is racistbut why?
>>114914789VietnamLaosThailandSri LankaIndiaSingaporeIndonesiaThe PhilippinesPapa New Guinea1 short. Damn.
>>114914809Idk. I always liked exaggerating race features in cartoons. Made things unique.
my favorite thing is tumblr tour buses of avatards who shill on Holla Forums acting like they're some kind of victimized underdogs in an ongoing cartoon race war and ignore the fact that 99% of white people agree with them that the cast should be asian if they even care at all.
>>114914774>Star FireStar Fire is an alien. The others were human in origin even if this country treated them like dirt from the get go. I know you give 0 shits about them but it would make no difference if a asian, white, black, etc played an orange alien character.
>>114914898That's funny because I remember nonwhite people being really really upset about that robot movie scarlet johannson was in
>>114914906Not sure what you're talking about but I'll tell you now idiots and complainers come in all colors. Social media just makes you keenly aware of that.
>>114914318So Asians see themselves with white skin, thin lips and narrow features?
>>114914355What did your shitty website say
>>114914975yes put your fingers in your ears and pretend years worth of narcissitc POC whining about not being in enough movies never happened, or that it hasn't become the "politically correct" stance to agree with this whining while also never daring to complain when white characters get blackwashed.
>>114915034That asians look the exact same as europeans
>>114915034yes that is very possible for asians to have those featuresthe characters designed in cartoons are usually featureless because its easier to drawthem being otherwise featureless give them easier faces to project onto this is what a character designed to look white looks like
>>114915163>european features are "featureless"
>>114915174Why do asians have such a sensitive complex when it comes to facial features?
>>114915174>I can't read or look at pictures
>>114915174europeans have various features dude. stopped being cuckedwhen you want to illustrate that someone is clearly european you don't just give them white skin and thin lips. what seperates whites from chinks is that our features are defined. you can give whites defined chins or chins lacking any definition, clef chins, big (but not hooked) noses, big ears, faces in all shapeswhat i'm saying is whites are varied. you're just been psy-oped by globalists
>>114913600>>114913600/pol/ faggotry.And all white people are a bunch of racemixing mutts.You only think superior of yourself by propaganda.But all the people in the world are race- mixing mutts.They are not aryan people.Retard faggot.
>>114915210i dont know. they act like in the vast majority of all cases it's not very easy to tell the difference between a white persons face and an asian persons. >>114915233You're acting like non-white racial features are like sprinkles on top of a blank slate that just so happens to look exactly like a fucking white person.
>>114915258are you ok? did you take your meds and tendies? did you dilate today?
>>114915257Yes it is possible to draw characters more detailed than others when you want to specify what race they actually are rather than just the generic european looking cartoon sameface.
>people trying to create a broad statement for millions of artists
so long as it fits in the artstyle. Not where one person is drawn like a pixar caricature, and then you draw all the white like batman, only adding caricature distortions to non whites. I like pic related style as a good example or caricature. If a character look attractive, you just keep the porportions simpler like how they are in real life.
>>114913600Zuko wasn't Asian, he was from the Fire Nation.
>>114915338other work by same artist
>>114915163lmao by that stupid logic then nobody in avatar is asian because this is what characters designed to look asian look like
>>114915307how is what's ultimately just a smiley face a european face?
>>114915358why does that "smiley face" always have large round eyes a small nose a pointed chin and thinner lips? because it's african?
>>114915350Depends on your Asian and a lot of people in Avatar are pretty ambiguous racially apart from their culture. Most of them look like honkies
>>114915377>Depends on your White and a lot of people in white countries are pretty ambiguous racially apart from their culture. Most of them look like mutts.
>>114914774ginger = nigger
>>114915372what person actually has eyes are circles? since when are european noses small?why would a smiley face give lip definition?are you a retard?
>>114915385Not an argument and you'd be remiss to call a Slav similar to a North European. Quit having a complex. Are you a HAPA by chance?
>>114915405because we're not actually talking about smiley faces and you or the other guy were retarded for even calling them that.
>>114915405i can show you a white person that looks like what's on the left, but never whats on the right
>>114915350when a character is given simplistic features that are made to be easily projectable, its artist intention that's left to determine what race a character isfrankly artist intention is all that mattersotherwise the simpsosn aren't white people
>>114915438Do we really need to go in this tedious fucking circle again. I'm not typing out the exact same reply to the exact same point you've already made. >>114915307
>>114915270So its a picture of an older white guy and a young white boy?
>>114915454>>114915454line noses are done because its easier to draw than an actual noseline lips are done because its easier to drawwhat white person has a pointed chin?absolutely no one has big anime eyes are anything that looks similar. they're done cause its easier to convay expression
>>114915405smiley faces dont have noses. that's like trying to assign race to this
all artists are different
>>114915542yeah they do :-)
>>114915541I'm going to need to push them both into a pool before I dare to pick either.
>>114915570patrician taste m8
>>114915570Thats so crazy how she just turns her face into a smiley face like that.
>>114914774Where's Nick Fury? Did y'all legit forget he used to be white then turned into 70 year old Sam Jackson? This post is hypocritical as fuck. If y'all going to be offended by fictional characters being a race other than "default" white then be mad about Sam Jackson now being Fury.
>>114915595>if you don't list every example of blackwashing in your graphic that shows many examples of blackwashing then you are a hypocriteyou're too dumb to live
Op here, the threads derailed a lot. It was just supposed to be about avatar and how maybe people wouldn’t think fire nation was white if they were actually drawn with east Asia features
>>114915622we're still having that conversation actually. its just devolved into people denying that Zuko isn't drawn with asian features. It's about to devolve into race denialism territory if it goes on much longer, i don't know what you expected with this thread though.
>>114915542That cat is clearly a fucking nigger.
>>114915210Taiwanese girl is cute.
maybe it's just a western animey style?
>>114915570Asians practice taoist sorcery to disguise themselves
>>114913743wow, they look exactly the same.
>>114913743show me the white woman who looks like azula
>>114915709Kiernan Shipka
>>114915709Azula kind of looks like Kim Jong Un's sister but I think that's just bias from that edit I saw
>>114915737lmao retard
>>114915783it's a perfect match.
>>114915737>not enough lips
>>114915797eyebrow to thinklips to thinchin not pointy enoughcheeks to fateyes need to be slanted up
>>114915570>>114915587>>114915688I mean it's a 3/10 chink using some asian technology and trying to look like a 8/10 chink with makeup. you know it doesn't mean a 8/10 chink doesn't exist, right? that's too naive
>>114915816lol and what about this shit?>>114913743eyes too narroweyebrows look penciled onnose too flatnose too widejaw too squarechin too flatskin too dark
>>114915832you're the one who claimed she looks white i'm the one claiming anime people exist in a realm where they look like no race, they just look simplified enough that anyone could project their own biases onto them
>>114915709>>114915810a younger ana de armas as well though she's also latina but clearly at least a le 56%er.
>>114915847Avatar faces are not that simplified.
>>114915853>butt chinlol
>>114915864they're hot on a cute girl.
>>114915871good way to make a girl look like a man
>>114914809Because non-whites’ entire identity is seething that they’re not as good as white people, yet constantly denying it.
>>114915861What a handsome smiley face
>>114914975Follow it to it’s natural conclusion.
>>114914774>triss>game photoLmao at your life
>>114915911Lets just both pretend nobody has ever whined about the Prince of Persia video game to movie adaptation or called it racist.That way you can pretend you have a point.
>>114913600>But why is it that Asians almost always animate themselves with pale af skinPale skin is traditionally seen as beautiful because it implies that person is wealthy (being tanned equals working under the glare of the sun like the peasantry).OP you're an ignorant, a retard, a brainlet and, more than probably, a burger (which explains all the prior). This exact same view of beauty due to implied wealth is not endemic to Asia. But since your country nowadays pivots around race wars, you can't see beyond it to grasp that maybe human history doesn't revolve around your cultural obsessions and insecurities.
>want to hear another joke about empire class fire nation battle ships user?
>>114914809American obsession with race. No one else cares about this.
>>114913600Only niggers and spics care. It’s fucking annoying.
>>114915024no retard, asians draw like that because it will appeal to a broader public
>>114914736>You see this exact same shit with DragonballNo, you see this shit when black people want Piccolo to be black you revisionist retard
>>114915810who's this?
>>114916118the girl from the descendants. I just screencap yt vid for face to practice drawing sometimes
>>114916078>Only Americans care.FTFY.
>>114913600Asians see themselves in animationyoutube.com
>>114913600Zuko and Azula both look perfect. It's Katara that was miscast. Why did they get an East Indian girl to play an Inuit? Having someone who is Native American or even Hispanic probably would have fit the roll better.
>>114916246this girl look more like aang than azula ngl
>>114916282I thought we were just posting cute girls.
>it's a butthurt /a/utist tries to claim anime characters are actually white threadwe've been over this a thousand times, if anime characters were white then weebs would not be into asian womenThe Avatar movie already proved that non-Asian characters playing the Avatar characters looked weird as fuck
>>114914773White people squint outside too. You're probably doing it on your vacation photos.
>>114916315lol no those were just shitty actors in a shitty movie. don't get ahead of yourself.
Pictured is a Japanese woman who desperately wants to be a European, centuries before they have seen one
>>114916344ah yes because everyone knows the paints worn by geisha look just like white people.pick another strawman
>>114914773Actual asian here. Fuck this bitch, the right is exactly what our eyes are like. And our skin is more yellow because we have more beta carotene in it, it isn't a bad thing. Stop getting fucking upset that you're being depicted in a realistic manner, it isn't racist you sensitive ass cunt. This is why I hate other Asian Americans.
>>114916391she has a white boyfriend too only a white person could let a woman be so stupid
>>114916419Not even an excuse, my wife is white, and she's joked about not being able to tell if my eyes are open or not. She's even taken pictures and we've laughed about it.
>>114916391Some Asians have squinty eyes. Others don't. Some white people have squinty eyes, too. The look of the asian eye has more to do with the shape of the upper eyelid, not how open the eye is.
>>114913600>Yoshi SudarsoDamn I went to high school with this guy and his brother Peter
>>114916490some shades of purple can be mistaken for blue, some shades of blue can be mistaken for purple, yet the colors purple and blue still both exist, and you can still identify which is which.
>>114916522whats the color in the middle
>>114916539that's what we call a hapa.
>>114916490I know what asian eyes look like, bud. In case you missed the first three words of that post, I've been seeing asian eyes for decades. And the point isn't whether or not some asians have wider eyes, the point is that these sensitive asians (especially ones from California, which looks like where she's from) get upset that asians are drawn with squinty eyes and try to find some underlying racist meaning behind it. "You should question why you depict us with yellow skin and 'racist' eyes." Because that's what we look like you dumb broad. Jesus, she's near LA, go to fucking Chinatown.
>>114916574an artist shouldn't draw one race looking like one way drawing asians in multiple ways from the one on the left and the one on the right and everything in between is finehowever sometimes animation and design is expensive and time consuming. if you need to make those sacrifices and draw asians in the one way that might look related to how previous racist caricatures looked like
>>114916522What the fuck are you talking about? I believe the topic we were discussing was the stipulation that these stylized icons could only possibly represent white people eyes, and that it's delusional to think they belong to asians.
>>114913600Literally everyone in Avatar looks asian. It's such a poor argument to bring up.
>>114913600Watching this made me realize the characters in Avatar actually are white
>>114916391>Actual asian here. Fuck this bitch, the right is exactly what our eyes are like.Speak for yourself you monolid gook. Monolids are only predominant among northern chinks, gookreans, mongols, siberians etc. basically steppenigger asians
>>114913600>But why is it that Asians almost always animate themselves with pale af skin and just looking kinda white?Many Asians are naturally pale, you double nigger. In any case, pale skin is their beauty standard, in women at least. Ever seen a geisha? There's an old Japanese saying which goes "White skin hide many faults" (色の白いは七難隠す). In the past, pale(r) skin tones were seen as desirable all over the world, because the elites (especially dainty ladies) stayed indoors while peasants burned in the sun, and whatever the rich and famous looked like was always the hotness. White people adhered to this beauty standard as well, until Coco Chanel returned from her fancy tropical vacation with a tan and unwittingly started a new trend.
>>114915861I’ve never seen an Asian person with these facial features lol
>>114917430wh*toids cant have ozai's magnificent cheekbones, that's a fact
>>114914774>Wally/wallaceNot the same character.>annieIt's a "that story, but with black people" That's a rather common thing, you shouldn't account for.
the fire nation look just like straight up crackers
>>114917444nice tripsHis big forehead flat nose tan skin kind of reminds me of a filipino
>>114913600Does my nigga look dark to you?
>>114917444Are you retarded, or only pretending to be?
>>114917620You must be retarded if you think anime characters look white
>>114917636the ones in avatar do.
>>114917636I didn't say anything about anime. user is retarded for claiming that white people can't have chiseled cheekbones like some asian actor, when in reality it's east asians who tend to have flat faces.
>>114917636That's a common opinion
>>114913600Looks white to me
>>114913600Why does pic related look Asian to me but not Zuko?
>>114913600It’s called the Default Human Being phenomenon; in the absence of “othering” features, a cartoon representation of a person is assumed to be the default of whatever culture the viewer is from.
>>114917930Unless your black, or aboriginal, or islander, or part of the 70% of Alain’s who don’t look like that.
>>114913600OP. White people dont look like anime either. It's stylized art.
Anyone else think hanzo could pass as a Persian?
>>114917985What’s even the point you’re trying to make, bud? You’ve been given very clear reasons as to why the ATLA characters don’t “look white” yet you stubbornly refuse to accept them.
>>114918016You said the ATLA characters use the default human phenotype but they don’t because different races have different default phenotypes. That’s my point. Bud.
>>114918035>>114918016Also, you’re right that some Asian’s can look like the characters in ATLA, but most don’t. The sensible thing to do would have been to use a default phenotype most suitable for Asian’s, not one that can sort of look Asian’s but more closely resembles Europeans.
>>114914774haha, is funny because if you switch the positions of the first g and the n in ginger you get nigger, haha
>>114915570Honestly, wonky teeth, aside she's not too bad looking even without the makeup.
>>114913600>I know in Avatar the fire nation is AsianEveryone in Avatar is a fucking Asian you dumb mutt.
>>114919160are you fucking blind?
>>114919160are you kidding?
>>114917911He's actually made to look asian
>>114913600>e? More people would actually acknowledge Zuko as asian if he looked it. In season 1 he has the skin color of a northern Englishman.>European>distinctly yellow skinnedMaybe if he had sever jaundice>>114916315It's always animefags that have this issue. It's like they're so obviously desperate to project onto anime characters and for them to be "like me" so they attach characteristics that don't even exist. Even in anime itself, they draw foreigners differently from normal characters unless they are cute girls or boys. They're drawn with beady eyes, a long nose and really big heads/faces.
>>114919506>>114919522>>114919533And to this end, people in cartoons or caricatures like nothing like they do in real life. When people see the need to attach similarity between reality and cartoons, it's just dumb, childish, and reeks of IRL issues because they desperately try to mix reality and fantasy together.Comic/cartoon artists draw with a certain style. In fantasy, it tends to be a generic style of the character designer and they will stick to that for most, if not all, of their designs. They do not look genuinely human and are firmly on the other side of the uncanny valley, so which race they are does not matter unless stated. If a person is trying to find race and identity in something that is pure fantasy, they have other deep rooted issues and should see a shrink
>Holla Forums has a violent fear and hatred of asians because of 1 (ONE) island nation.Jesus.
>>114919657Naw, it's just the standard roastie being threatened by asian women
>>114919657>>Holla Forums has a violent fear and hatred of asianswut
>>114913600Wow damn this all looks really damn goo->fight starts
>>114916522>and you can still identify which is which.But you just said you can get mistaken.
>>114919657Sina delenda est
>>114919879China ain’t an island.
>>114915845>filipino Zuko
>>114920036The second coolest Asian actor after Ken Watanabe
>>114920184That's not how you spell Jackie ChanWell before he was held hostage by the CCP of course
>>114920194They're brothers.
>>114920379Oh shit this dude looks almost exactly like my cousin
>>114913600light skin is considered desirable in many cultures, likely due to it's association with easy indoor living, indicative of wealth. Whitey just lucked into low key albinism so they by default look like they've never seen the sun
>>114913600Kinda i suppose
>>114919832Are you retarded or something?
>>114913600>In season 1 he has the skin color of a northern Englishman.Nobody cares.
>>114913905>>114914132You're a fucking idiot.
>>114913600>>114913743you're lying to yourself if you say either of these casting choices are aesthetically good you're also lying to yourself if you say that you've always seen two little slanty eyed east asian kids when you looked at Zuko and Azula. I can understand if you are asian yourself and saw them that way but all these white people who say they see em as chinese are just lying to themselves to impress their internet friends
>>114913600>>114913743>carries your shitty anime wannabe show
>>114921836seethe harder user
>>114923383I love how pissed these people get at white people who say they see themselves in the avatar characters designs, right before they're about to lecture you on how asians see all their animu characters as asian because they are asian so its natural and not racist.
>>114923412most of the whites who can pass as these characters probably have asiatic ancestry so i dont get what that user was mad about
>>114913600>>114913743lol, why are westernoids so retarded? Is this why all your work involves mannish ugly women and hyperrealistic borning looking people?
>>114914768>>114914975And they should, because there isn't any. Seeing the Little Mermaid casting is a disgrace. I knew you westernoids love ugliness but jesus christ. It's like you don't want to accept that you are repulsive. People want to watch entertainment to be ENTERTAINED and escapism. Why would they want to be reminded of you? Do you know how many people have to suffer living in inner city schools and may even have PTSD because of your race? Why don't you show a little sympathy?
>>114913600Asia doesn't give a shit about your retarded twitter communist whinging shit. Not even the literal, actual communists!Get the fuck out.
>>114923383>>114915709Someone with Ariana Grande's coloring / body would be the IDEAL Azula and nobody in this thread can deny it
>>114913600Both the Fire Nation and Earth Nation are based on East Asian nation with rather pale skin. Same with the Air Nation. Aang did meet that caricature of an Indian guy implying a lot more racial diversity in the world than what we saw.
>>114923720>>114923749She’s tanned her skin pretty dark from her days at Nickelodeon. I’d rather get someone with natural dark skin if you want to cast someone like that.
>>114923788>implying fire nation people wouldn't have tans
Growing up, I always felt like avatar characters looked like asians. But the asians are mixed. People like hispanics with more native and white ancestry, people from vietnam, thailand, filipino, hawaiians, native americans. those type of asiatics. just with lighter skin, basically ryan higa looking types. With the occasional character that looks more on the nose east asian, like mai.youtube.com
>>114917873drawn by white people
>>114924574so was the avatar cast
>>114917730Are you retarded? Asians have the most pronounced zygos (cheekbones) of any race
>>114913600In Avatar everyone is asian with the exception of the Water Tribes.
>>114913600Whitoids are inferior
>>114925132brilliant contribution retard
>>114923720You know she's naturally the whitest chick on the planet, right? That spray tan is to make her look like a Mestizoid for those Latinbux.
>>114926108I know, and i'm fine with it. ariana is the hottest woman alive.
>>114916344retards would say this is a white person
>>114925168All it took her was 50+ facial surgeries.
>>114917335lmfao I know right?everyone will realize what they've done when they find themselves watching a cast full of people that don't fit their charaters at ALL and only got the role because they're not white.
These threads are so tiresome. Identitarians should commit mass suicide.
>>114913600It's really only Zuko and Azula that people dispute from what I have seen. Aang looks white but most people agree he's asian and his eyes only look like that because he is a child. katara and sokka are obvious. Toph reads like she is probably chinese.
>>114913600There are no white people in AvatarWhenever anime and manga have white people, they're most often blonde Nordic/Slavic typesFuck off racebaiter
>>114920006The funny thing is this kid could be a PERFECT zuko if his skin was lighter
Reminder that this is what americans look in anime.
>>114920006Zuko is already voiced by one
>>114927050Americans look like gay magicians from northern Italy in Japan?
>>114927081Yes. Americans being flamboyant and louder is a plot point (given that the series is about rock).
They could have cast paler Asians but this is just fanmade and those are all off emulating K-pop or something.Japan and China have no shortage of very pale actors/actresses.
I'm vietnamese and I don't have any representation issues that big. Maybe I want more AMBF couples represented in media but that's just me.The only people who actually have identity issues are r/hapas and those weirdo white kids who think they're asian
>>114926677I honestly don't understand how Zuko doesn't look Asian to some people
>>114927388He looks like a generic white boy to me.
>>114926167she's faking trying to be mexican but she is italian.
>>114914486You should browse Holla Forums sometimes. What absolute cesspit of negativity
>>114927724my family is Italian/Sicilian too like her and since the quarantine started I've been sitting out in my backyard every day and have gone from sickly pale to a few shades lighter than Ariana. My little sister tans freakishly dark and never sunburns because she's got that heavy Mediterranean phenotype. Ari might not even be fake tanning, she's probably using a tanning bed. if it's just her own biology then she isn't faking anything.
>>114915210Giv Finnish
>>114927387>AM/BFHoly based
>>114927081Aren't Siegfried and Roy American?
>>114927865Yeah she definitely just looks like a south italian thot. Americans are just confused because it doesn't fall into black/white/yellow cathegories.
mulan is clearly chinese looking
>>114927865She's definitely making herself darker than she normally would be, she was super pale in her Nick days and also hotter
>>114928842Mulan is African you fucking racist.
>>114928849I certainly see the appeal of cat valentine era Ari, however modern day Ari is a total smoke show, perfect for a fire princess.
>>114928988She looks malnourished and she also burns coal
>>114929215so standard American in the 21st century
>>114928988The way she fashions herself is somewhere between pornstar and jailbait... I'm not going to deny it speaks to my dick but you're not going to convince moralfags.
>>114927990i dont think ive ever seen such a thing irl
>>114914745Black and brown people have been consuming comics and cartoons for a few generations now, we like representation when we get it but we're fine. It's white bitches who complain about this shit, we know you honkies better than to complain about this. We know it comes to nothing.
>>114915350>japanese face>chinese clothes and complexiondoes not compute
>>114930249That character is supposed to be Chinese. I supposed Morris was influenced in prtraying Asian faces that way by war propaganda (Lucky Luke started out in the late 40s).For more info on how Lucky Luke came to be (and storytimes), >>114762675
ty lee imo
>>114929215>Princesses should be fatget out of here landwhale.
>>114927818You think that's bad check out Holla Forums place will make u wanna kill ur self
>>114932569>bumping a racebait thread
>>114932822That's cool and all but Holla Forums is the worst objectively.
>>114934590How does that even make sense as a response to that post
>>114934599Because he's upset faggot crying about a fictional characters skin color
>>114934669He's clearly upset about the mistreatment of non black students in inner city public schools.
>>114934714It sounds like he should realize black kids also get mistreated by other black kids as well.
>>114914728>It’s why most black cartoon characters are just caucasians with black skinDon't forget the lips and nappy shaved head/dreadlocks/nappy hair