>Star Wars The Last Jedi>the final season of Game of Thrones>The Last of Us 2What are some Holla Forums examples of creators poorly attempting to subvert audience expectations just for the sake of it?
>Star Wars The Last Jedi>the final season of Game of Thrones>The Last of Us 2What are some Holla Forums examples of...
GOT wasn't a subversion attempt, d&d are just hacks who ran out of superior material to adapt and fan-fictioned they way into shit
>>114913552Korra being a lesbian.So "Subeverted" they had to explain it in a tweet.
>>114913552>What are some Holla Forums examples of creators poorly attempting to subvert audience expectations just for the sake of it?
>>114913584This. Though I am fairly certain that them having Arya kill The Night King WAS specifically decided just to subvert expectations. Though considering how much Aryawank went on in those last few seasons, I wouldn't be surprised if they genuinely believed she was the best candidate to kill him.
>>114913584it so jarring because benioff wrote one of my favorite books city of thieves
>>114913614That had fucking jackshit to do with subversion you dumbass
I'm going to have to dedicate a lot of mental power into resisting saying "TLJ wasn't as bad as TLoU2" on this website in the next few months.
Was the FF7 remake actually not even being a remake at all but a reboot/pseudo-sequel with timetravel and multiverse shenanigans count?
>>114913552>the final season of Game of Thronesexcept if people were actually paying attention instead of being swept up with all the yas queen, they would've seen the darker side to dany constantly building since literally the first season when she ate a horse heart then watched her brother get molten gold poured on his head by her husbando.then she went on to crucify people and burn families who refused to bendy knee.
>>114913826You think that's the only problem that the last season had?
>>114913826It had shit-tier build up. I figure they might go there in the books, but as the show stands it make no sense with her character...massacring innocents
>>114913764As someone on the third level of understanding, I understand if folks don't like it, but seeing as the general reception to the game as a whole is positive I wouldn't include it.
>>114913742last of us 2 isn't even out yet. i'm almost tempted to defend it just because of all the straight up lies Holla Forumstards are spreading about abby being trans. all their bullshitting actually makes me wanna see it succeed even tho from the leaks i hate the story aspect.
>>114913979That's incredibly petty
>>114913738>this mad
>>114913852not all the masters she crucified were bad too. they made a point of showing how she killed someone who was against slavery but was voted down by having her son come and beg her to take his body off the cross and bury him.she wasn't evil but impulsive and vengeful and that was shown consistently. dany hated cersei and wanted kings landing to pay for it.
>>114914020Yes I'm fucking mad, get angry at OMD for all the shit that it actually fucked up, not whatever bullshit you think it's about.
Is Abby actually trans? Surely even the kinds of people who use Twitter would find the idea of a roided-up transwoman beating two actual women, one of whom is pregnant, to death somewhat objectionable.
>>114914037die mad
>>114914049I'll die mad about many things
>>114914044Probably not if Bailey is the VA, I wouldn't expect that voice coming from an actual trans char. The really buff part is a bit offputting though.
>>114913979Yeah those retards are seriously telling on themselves by going "a muscular woman beating up a man? WHY ARE THEY SHOVING TRANNIES INTO MY GAME?!" but what has leaked about the way the story plays out still sounds extremely bad.
>>114914044It's 100% Holla Forums headcanon. They saw a muscular woman and immediately assumed it was a trans person because they're completely obsessed with trans people.
>resetera is saying that Abby is trans to defend the game>Holla Forums is saying that Abby is trans to attack the gameHorseshoe theory in motion
>>114914044literally zero evidence suggesting that.and common sense would tell you if they're putting a tranny in the game they're not gonna make it look like a man. it'll be some fictionalized tranny indistinguishable from a 10/10 biological female.Holla Forums is literally making shit up.
why the fuck is Holla Forums spilling over
Why does anyone take Holla Forums seriously? The only people who do are Holla Forumstards who I guarantee will get pissy about this post because they’ve dedicated a huge chunk of their lives to a Mongolian sweatshop forum
>>114913552I will never understand why so many only got mad at TLJ when TFA started the whole mess by basically resetting the universe, making the OT, PT and everything else all for nothing.
>>114914095resetera has to be a deepfake to make libs and lefites look as obnoxious and unlikable as possible, right? RIGHT?
>>114914105Because it isn't enough for Holla Forums to shitpost on Holla Forums and Holla Forums, the autistic brigade wants to shitpost everywhere.
>>114913552Monarch's identity in Armageddons 2001
>>114913552Powerpuff girls but it subverted our lowest possible expectations
>>114913662I'm still stunned by how GOT fucked up so badly, the show that people were obsessed with the past decade just ended up being a fucking joke. I'm still pissed that Jaime's entire arc was just pointless.
>>114913552I really want to know why people are so angry about tlou2 but at the same time I want to experience it for myself first hand after waiting years its a conundrum
>>114913552I can think of some /a/ properties but not really Holla Forums. Maybe I just read stories that tend to play straight or pull off their twists. Closest I can think of is Cerebus. It subverted expectations tons of times to mixed effect. Sometimes it really, really worked, other times it fell flat.
>>114913902Most people are normalfags but I saw plenty of people, even normalfag people I know, who were really pissed off with the ending.>>114914044No and the person they used as her model looks perfectly feminine as do the models for Ellie and Dina. Naughty Dog is intentionally uglying up the characters compared to their models to make them appeal to trannies hence you get shit like Senator Abbystrong.
>>114913742It's just depressing how so many writers think they're so brilliant by just shitting on the heroes people have come to love.Hell, TLJ doesn't even just shit on Luke. Every male is turned into a joke in that film. Finn was practically Homer Simpson with one track he is in that film. The fact that Rian Johnson took such a shit on Finn, who was the character who had the most potential in the new trilogy is just unforgivable for me.
>>114914189if you read the leaks it's because abby kills joel then you're immediately forced to play as abby and hunt down ellie, who you then beat to near deathif you're a Holla Forumstard then omg look at that big woman it must be a tranny which means them libs are shoving their agenda down my throat #gamergate #boycott
>>114914218The only one I'll agree on was Finn. Finn got done dirty by TLJ (but somehow, even worse by TRoS). Everybody else was fine, the theme of the movie was failure, everybody screwed up and learned from it.
>>114914241>muh failure themeGo back to Resetera or wherever you same from
>>114914214>intentionally uglying up the characters compared to their models to make them appeal to trannieswhat the fuck.and here i thought it was because they spent decades in a post apocalyptic wasteland
>>114913826Ok...so why did they give Cersi a sympathetic death?
>>114914238>you are forced to kill and maim the two main characters of the previous gameWho the hell thought this was a good idea? What the fuck
>>114913613That's not what it means. Korra and Asami developing feelings for each other was built up. It wasn't just Korra flirting with some rando only to end up with Asami at the last moment. It was a bad romantic arc, but A:TLA had them as well.
>>114913552There is literally no better/worse example of this than the entirety of homestuck post act 5.
>>114914022Thing is, they kind of show that the whole society of Game of Thrones was fucked. Sean Bean chopped off that guy's head for leaving the wall to tell him about the zombies. That was just their culture, and it's weird that Danny was told to be the worst when mostly everyone was doing that.
Speaking of resetera, why is it with every controversy they side with the corporation? I mean, whenever someone calls out a corporation for scummy shit on there they call it “victim blaming” and ban them.How is calling a company out on being shitty and sometimes even lying to their customers “victim blaming”. I don’t get it
>>114914261Sorry you can't just downvote me for disagreeing with you, I'm sure it's what you're used to.
>>114914274they blur the lines a lot between good and evil. she wasn't entirely bad.but she still deserved to die. but it's nothing to celebrate like with ramsay or joffrey.
>>114914286Wish I didn't read that but now I want to play it more
>>114914286I agree it was retarded. even worse is the way it's played out. they wait to humanize Abby with a backstory until AFTER the scen with Joel and you take control of her for the 2nd half of the game.if they wanted you to like her they should've started with her. it's structured really poorly.
>>114914286a Jew
>>114914126Personally, TLJ was an eh film. Some good moments, some really stupid moments, but I can't stand the jackasses who say it's the best Star Wars movie because it aligns with their politics.Oh wow, the Canto Bight sequence shows Capitalism is bad. Too bad the film offers no fucking solutions to that problem because liberals just like to shit on Capitalism but have no fucking idea what form of society they would replace it with! They'd probably think we'll invent robots to do all our jobs so they can binge watch Friends and the Office for the rest of their lives!
>>114913764>>114913902Speaking of vidya twists: What did you guys thought about Eternal confirming the Doom Slayer is the same Doomguy from the original Doom?>>114914049>>114914055>dying angry>not being too angry to die
>>114914358>because liberals just like to shit on CapitalismYou're thinking of leftists. Liberals love capitalism, but pretend to be WOKE by doing the bare minimum.
>>114914306what made dany different was that she'd already won. they were ringing the bells after surrendering when she decided she just wanted to make them suffer.
>we can't even have buff women now without both conservatards and wokeshits both saying it's a trannyI fucking hate this timeline.
>>114914189Prototype 2If you know what I mean, you can put the pieces together.
>tfw hate all of the subversion shit>hate TLJ and think the story of TLOU2 sounds like complete garbage>But I actually agree with some of the politics as I am center left>can’t say anything bad about it in left leaning communities >feel alienated by all the Holla Forums shit in the places negative about themHaha...
>>114914378pretending to be woke while promoting your patreon is peak capitalism
>>114913552Joss Whedon in Avenger's 2. He thought killing quicksilver would surprise anyone and he thought he was making it seem like Hawkeye was going to die.No one noticed, no one was fooled, no one cared.
>>114914392So a good game but people hate it because you are going against the protag of the first one?
>>114914331>she wasn't entirely bad.Shut the fuck up
>>114913552>tough and stern, but fair mentor reluctantly bonds with the heroes>thinks the heroes are criminals due to them being framed>seemingly unaware his boss is actually evil and framed the heroes>chases the heroes because he's a law-abiding cop>imply he'll find out the truth and turn on his boss to stand up for the heroes >PSYCHE! He knew the truth all long and has been manipulating both sides for his own endsWhat a waste of Keith David.
>>114914358>Show things like war profiteering and child slavery and that the world is more complex than EMPIRE BAD and there's more than just two sides>The heroes proceed to do a meaningless show of rebellion that changes nothing and they even pat themselves on the back for their meaningless show of rebellion, they don't even take the little kids with them.>The movie goes back to the little kids and shows THEY'RE STILL BEING ENSLAVED AND ABUSED.I have to say it's actually a pretty fucking great representation of liberal politics.
>>114914241But that's the thing. The characters just casually don't care about how many people they get killed. Poe's actions got thousands killed, and yet in the end, they all follow him and even have Leia jokingly say "Why you looking at me? Follow him!"Poe should have been exiled. Just flat out kicked out of the Resistance and have his fate left a mystery until the next film where he'd have to earn a redemption. Not just go "Oh well, I'll learn not to be so hot headed!" and then we don't get a scenario to show he learned his lesson. The fucking ending of TLJ where everyone is happy on the Falcon is just irritating to me! They lost so many people, and they just laugh off their deaths with "Oh, they didn't matter!" That's fucked up! Why do I want to support the heroes if they see most of their men as canon fodder?!
>>114914402i used to be a Holla Forumstard but became liberal on basically everything except the 2nd amendmenti can't stand woke shit but it seems most leftists are now taking the piss out of woke culture just as much while the conservatards are suddenly getting offended by literally everything and reverting back to their soccermom/boomer roots complete with their protestant religion.
>>114914402I can't think of a single leftist I've talked to that doesn't hate TLoU2 right down to its core because of Naughty Dog's crunch.
>>114914411Honestly, the only thing I felt during that scene was>This guy even makes a quip while he's FUCKING DYING? Fuck this movie. Fuck this fucking movie! Ultron is such a weird aberration in the Avengers movies.
wait the guy who was the director of TLOU2 was the director or a higher up for the last star wars movie?
>>114914044So far there hasn't been anything saying she is a dude besides her huge shoulders. I think it's the opposite, Druckman wanted a strong guy to whoop Ellie and them but they changed it to a linebacker of a woman because its sexist to have a man beating a woman to death where a woman beating a woman to death is acceptable.
>>114914458A lot of actual leftists, as in the people who give a fuck about classism, despise wokeshit. Wokeshit is almost entirely the realm of the wealthy/well educated. Someone slaving away for shit wages just to survive doesn't have time to write tl;dr posts about how vital intersectionality is on the internet.
>>114914436there's a difference between being legit evil and having a temper with the means to wipe out a city in minutes via dragon fire combined with poor impulse control.
>>114914411Black Widow's death is also a really lame subversion. I don't even understand the point of it, too, since she has a movie coming out and ScarJo is one of the MCU veterans that is interested in doing more.
Why am I seeing so much about TLOU2 today? I thought the leak was weeks ago.
>>114914510Black Widow is a prequel
>>114914493i really doubt he changed it considering abby is in the very first teaser.
>>114914359Wait that was a twist? I just assumed it was the case in 2016.
>>114914314Because they fell for the trap that "Company cares about my progressive values". They probably wouldn't actually read independent works when they got Carol Danvers being a fake woke mouthpiece.
>>114914456I don't disagree about that. I like the movie, but that's mostly because of Luke, Rey and Ren. The Resistance side has...problems. It's very clunky and the themes are all running into each other (Poe's arc is that he has to learn to be a more reserved leader and not just rush in to die, Finn's arc is that he has to learn to fight for the right cause even if that means sacrificing everything and these two arc COMPLETELY clash with one another at the end of the movie) and the characters just don't. Function right. Doesn't help that they split Finn and Poe away from Rey and then immediately split Finn away from Poe. We get it Disney, you don't want the homos in your movie.
>>114914441To be fair, he was a big gang leader before the whole security guard thing. Also I imagine putting up with Weasley and the terrific trio for a while sends you into some dark places.
>>114914359 >What did you guys thought about Eternal confirming the Doom Slayer is the same Doomguy from the original Doom? Cool, I can live with it, but I do think it makes the whole premise of it and Doom 2016 being a reboot kinda redundant. Now to understand the story and what's happening, new players will have to go back and either read up on or play the old games rather than just enjoy what's there in the new games. It also doesn't help that with that confirmation, it throws around a bunch of issues in how the functionality of the Doom multiverse works considering how different each of the games are in tone, style and lore, like, is John Romero's severed head controlling the original Icon of Sin still canon? Seems like an odd move to make when they were putting more effort into the story for a sequel and now have to deal with all this extra continuity baggage. It just seems like there really was nothing to be lost if Doom Slayer was just some dude from medieval europe who went to hell, got picked up by some aliens and learnt to punch good instead of being the original doom guy.
>>114914314Are you serious? Please tell me that when the Naughty Dog crunch story came out, that that place sided with fucking Naughty Dog. I will laugh myself into the grave.
>>114914402Just become a centrist. I lean left, but I still can't stand a lot of the bullshit the left pulls. But then again, I absolutely hate the Trump side of retardation. You just gotta choose your own path. It's lonely, but you'll find your crowd.
>>114914441I never got the sense he was warming up to the Flex Fighters. The most he could say is that they did an "acceptable" job. Also, it was foreshadowed a couple of times. Just because it was subtle doesn't mean it wasn't there. >>114914574Also, this.
>>114914589I'm serious, all of the biggest gaming controversies in the last decade they sided with the company. People told me I was "victim blaming" when I called out Gamefreak for lying about SWSH's development and content (or rather the reasons they had for cutting content).
>>114914446For fuck's sakes, the stuff in the Last Jedi that liberals love to praise just keeps pointing out the parts of liberalism that I can't stand. Just the hallow gestures and the "well, as long as I'm okay, I'm happy" attitudes!
>>1149145472016 hints at it, but Eternal outright says it and bridges the gap between the original and the reboot.>>114914585It's not like new players need to know the entire lore to understand the game, it's still a mostly contained story.Also, you say that new players will need to go back and play the old games like this is a bad thing.
>>114914495You just reminded me of that article where the woman goes "I don't have enough money to buy all these comics with minority/female leads, but that shouldn't mean they should stop producing them for people who want to look up to them"
>>114914458>>114914495Wokeshit in the sense of "hey you should generally care about and uplift disadvantaged and disenfranchised people" is generally a good thing but it's reached a point where for so many people and companies it's so fucking cynical and performative most of the time that it's genuinely disgusting. Also there's shit like resetera which. I just have no fucking clue what they think they're doing. >>114914095
>>114914695I'm not sure what's supposed to be so outrageous about wanting there to be more things for other people than what is personally purchased by one person.
>>114914573I feel like we're on the same wavelength.Just everything with the Resistance Plot just made me hate them.
>>114914700That place is something else.Holla Forums has its fair share of total retards as well, granted, but I guess you could excuse it on the basis that most of its posterbase are just dumb 15-17 year olds, while average ResetERA poster is something like 32.
>>114914658It's a lot like Black Panther in that it actually comes pretty close to actually saying something and then it COMPLETELY pusses out at the end. T'Challa confronting the literal representation of the effects of his country's isolationist nature, seeming to have a genuine change of heart and going "Ah yes, putting this community center in Oakland will solve the problem!" is fucking legitimately hilarious in the worst way. Thanks for looking out for us, Disney.
>>114914144Jesus Christ you guys are just as bad as they areThey have the left menace You have the Holla Forums menaceAnd I have the phantom menace
>>114914128>Implying a lot lefties aren't that depraved
>>114914456I disagree. The movie had Leia, Holdo, everyone in leadership making decisions that killed tons of people. I think they were trying to explain to Poe, who they saw the potential of leadership, that commands will invetiably kill people and that there isn't always the correct choice in war. I also think that message gets screwed up because Rian is an idiot.Obviously Kylo's whole speech extended to the Cantoo people funding both sides as they are part of this repeating cycle of wars between the Jedi and Sith.
>>114914763You're definitely the worst off of all of us.
>>114914732That's kind of the problem with the MCU. By all accounts, it should be a technological advancement with aliens, all the Stark tech, Wakandan tech, and whatever else shows up. But because they want it to be "the world outside your window", they have to bullshit why the world is still similar to ours. Buildings in NYC were demolished in the first Avengers film, and yet NYC rebuilt those buildings the exact same way and didn't bother making some newer tech buildings or anything like that.Like, the world experienced 5 years of half the population dead, and yet Europe seems to be operating just fine enough to have school trips over there. Just is so lazy
>>114914359Except everyone was expecting/wanting that and theories were even thrown around at the time.
>>114914771That's not an invalid read, but it's not something that the movie gets across well. This is the main issue with that side of the movie, it has some decent ideas but it just doesn't convey them very well and the characters wind up acting in ways that rub the audience the wrong way as a result.My personal read is that Holdo was inexperienced, Poe was inexperienced, if they were both working under Leia, they'd coexist just fine but because there's no Leia, they clash against each other and they're both kinda screw-ups. In the end, Poe learns from Holdo that you gotta use discretion sometimes and Holdo learns from Poe that you gotta just blow shit up sometimes.
>>114914790Why would Europe be notably more affected than someplace else?
>>114913552The last season of small horse show. The season builds up Grogar as the strongest villain to date with an actually somewhat intelligent plan to have team up like the mane 6 do. But then it just turns out he was actually just Discord in disguise trying to teach them friendship or something.
>>114914771I didn't get that at all from the film. Leia and Holdo were telling Poe "Retreating is a viable action", and if they didn't attack the Destroyer, they'd have more bombers, and if they stuck with Holdo's plan, they all would have escaped safely. Poe fucked it up both times and got many, many people killed, and yet immediately after his second fuck up, he's super excited over seeing BB-8 again.Like, it would have made a much stronger point if they blew up the Destroyer at the start of the film, only for another one to appear immediately after it was blown up, showing that Poe just wasted so many lives on a pointless action. But again, Poe getting all the escape ships blown up to the point that they could fit the entire Resistance in the Falcon just shows that the leaders view their people as expendable.
>>114914724Holy shit that person's a mod. I forget mods = fags in most situations, not just on 4chan.
>>114914790At the start of Endgame, a character mentions how bad he misses the Mets, which implies the world is still so fucked up, even 5 years later, that professional baseball has not returned. And when Ant-Man is walking down the street, things look like, genuinely post-apocalyptic. But then in Far From Home, the tone is completely changed and everything is just back to normal after everybody comes back. Granted, that's more of, I guess a tonal clash because Far From Home is a different movie and has no interest in carrying on Endgame's bleak-ass tone. Even though realistically, it'd be a long fucking time for the world to recover from the reversal of the Snap.
>>114914510Especially since Clint had a wife and three kids. That means she was jumping off a cliff hoping that maybe being in someone's top 5 still counts.Of course they also could have argued that Natasha has no actual feelings of love that qualify for the stone as she is an assassin and a communist roastie.
>>114914867Clint's wife and kids were all dead at the time, I think Nat was on that particular podium alone.
>>114914865Far From Home was a lot of missed potential for shortcuts. Like, why was Peter so obsessed with MJ when he spent the first film not seeming to like her? Wouldn't it make more sense to have Peter depressed over Tony which leads to him being stuck with MJ, bonding with her, and growing a natural attraction that way? Because that would be a hell of a lot more interesting than a love triangle and Peter repeating the same arc he did in the last film.
>>114914214The only people who hated the Remake ending are the ones who treat FF7 as a sacred cow.
>>114914446You want them to stop the movie and recite their manifesto?
>>114914858He's an admin now. He's a gay black furry tranny who's housebound and ADDICTED to painkillers