What are some shows that would benefit from a gender bender?
What are some shows that would benefit from a gender bender?
>>114912635Any show that has a female as MC
Totally Spies
>>114912635>sokka with big titsi would
>>114912635>femZuko meets femAzula and gets lezdommed
>>114912635Stop making gay threads
>>114912635My life ahaha..
>>114912635>tfw no big titty sokka gf
I want to be sexually teased by shota toph.
>>114914930Need more in my life.
>>114912635Definitely not Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
>>114913788>Azula sees Zuka after years away>Has to try her hardest not to stare at her chest, something that wasn't nearly as present before exile
>>114912635Justice League
>>114912635Any show that has a male as the MC.
>>114912635Big Mouth
>>114916927On one hand, we go from one period-focal episode to three. On the other, more hormone monstress appearances.
>>114912635I agree sokka would have been better as a girl.And best ship could have happened aswell
>>114912635>fem sokkaWaifu of the century tbqh, literally best girl.
>>114916892That's horrifying
>>114917040>best ship could have happened aswellBest ship is always gonna be Zukaang regardless of whether or not one or both had been genderflipped.
I find that rule 63 settings are only fun when only certain characters change.
>>114917340Change Sokka and Zuko, make that Gaang into Aang’s harem
>genderbent Gaang meet Jet>instead of the episode being about Katara being blinded by her crush and Sokka being correctly suspicious it’s now about femSokka being correctly suspicious but banging him anyway
>>114912635>that tophPlease, we all know what the canon Mtoph is like.
>>114917396Why the fuck were they going to make him 35?
>>114917411I have a better question, why didn't they keep Toph 35.World would've been better with her delicious Earthbender tiddies.
>>114917354Change Aang, Katara and Toph, make the Gaang into Aan's reverse harem
>>114913777>>114916875why wouldnt azula also be gender bent?
>>114912635how is sokka so gr8 and a man AND a womanhow can one person have this much raw power
>>114917550im still upset he never got any kidswhat the fuck?
>>114917556he saw the direction Legend of Korra was going in and decided to ollie the fuck outta life and leave no children to suffer in his steadthe man was always wise
>>114917570he couldve nutted in toph or suki easilyinstead he just jerked it to the moon waifu till he diedwtf yo?least zuko got the cute doomer gf
>>114912635Zuko still looks like a boy in this picture.
>>114917579where even WAS suki during Korra? did she also go on a journey of getting as fuck away as possible from that shitshow like Toph did?
>>114917502cus she's perfect the way she is.
>>114912635Why is male Katara so based? Stop messing with my dick user
>>114917579Head canon is that Sokka/Suki’s kids were too smart to get messed up in Korra’s bullshit.Probably chilling on Kyoshi Island until it all blows over
>>114916892I like the idea of Wonderman being from a fantastical version of the Spartans where they grew haughty and isolated themselves magically but were taken down by a slave uprising who then adopted the Spartans way of life with their own improvements. Kind of this mega-freedom super-democracy that would totally fit as seeing America as a sort of surrogate child in their eyes, and it’d make sense they’d see their iconography as an extension of their own
>>114917396I like Zukos Mortal Kombat team
WTF I love Zutara now
>>114917396Those colors just radiates 2000’s cartoon
>>114917423They were leaning into she should appear weak and helpless.
>>114912635Well Damian really should have been a girl it would have made him a way better foil for Bruce
>>114912635Any show/comic that has a long running story and likeable characters. "What-ifs" are fun, and there really should be more outside of superhero comics.>>114917590Dead>>114917661It's a neat idea, and could be an interesting way to show the best of men, and a sort of take-down of women as well (as wonder woman does inversely)
>>114919863Jamie was pretty cute as a guy.
>>114916846>>114913756>>114912635>tfw no big tiddy Sokka gf
Sokka is simply top tier no matter what gender?
>>114919692>Big rivalry with Cass>Everyone teases her about when she's gonna be the new Batgirl, which she abhors>Steph especially loves to do it when she catches her stealing her bras
>>114917579Sokka probably has tons of kids, which he just doesn't know off, with Lin the exception
>>114916892Was gonna post it. Based user
>>114920908i wouldn't even be mad with that lol
>>114917396>>114917411Would guess it was to have an elder mentor for the group. Toph's role was about teaching Aang earth bending and there was a lack of older people to watch over the kids at war. Male Toph would have died in battle with that bland looking design.
I don't know if it would have been better but I would have still watched the shit out of it.
>>114921726He wasn't meant to be an elder mentor, just tall and muscular. There was apparently going to be an initial subplot of Sokka hating him for being a jock chad and Aang hating him for thinking that Katara wanted to fuck him.
>>114912635How could it even work where most of Sokka and Katara's characters are tied down to being a boy and a girl in primitive societies?
>>114921939I guess you would need to flip it a little.Like fem Sokka is a warrior out of necessity, but this makes her a bit insecure because she would rather be a stay at home wife.
>>114921939Sokka’s the chiefs daughter, she can probably do as she pleases.Sokka’s a born opportunist, he was only sexist so long as it was convenient.
>>114917502Oh, he is.
>>114926237Surprised it never was an episode
>>114917502male azula would have ruined the show unironically
>>114927545No, it would be the rougly the same, but Azulafags wouldn't be as autistic. The only thing that would really change is the doll scene.
>>114927592just wrong.
>>114927629Well don't just post that then, tell me why.
>>114927043It was.
>>114912635Toph would be absolutely insufferable as a young boy character. Most of her appeal is in the fact that she's a girl but defies all expectations of how girls were supposed to act.
If you genderbend DCAU Batman, does that mean every male character wants to fuck her?
>>114927874 tophaang would be stronger for it.
>>114927685would just be zhao all over again except not quite as big of a failure this time. nobody would care about his character at all. his relationship with zuko would be less interesting. he wouldn't be weirdly entertaining and charming despite being a hateable character, he would just be more like joffrey.also nobody wants to see a boy hysterically screaming and crying about mommy, holy cringe.
>>114928094Catman, Tal al Ghul, Zatan Zatara, Leo Lane, Wonderman, Cheetah(m)...Who else? Gimme better names if you can think about them.
>>114927874then make male toph a prissy lil princess who can earthbend but detests touching dirt with his bare soles yum
FemSokka would be the undisputed best girl of the entire franchise.
>>114928226I was thinking under a scenario where everyone else stays the same.
>>114928277You mean He-Man?
>>114926237I like
>>114920607RIP boyToph
>>114917040Would prefer it more if Zuko and Sokka were together and both were girls
>>114930085yuri is for fat neckbeardsId rather see a femzuko x male katara or femsokka x male mai
>>114926237What their stands would be?
>>114927874I feel the same way about Azula. Only yaoifags doing fics where he rapes either Zuko, Sokka or Aang would care much about him.
>>114930176Tomb Of The Boom
>>114912635Dexter's Lab with a girl scientist and a stupid jock big brother. Not the jerk version when Dexter wanted a brother, but a different version.
>>114930931So Johnny Test?
>>114930824Yeah. This would be way fucking better but the autist duo took their "lightning in a bottle" and churned out as much shit as possible without considering character gender.
>>114930824Just think about the jammer with countless naked Morties, all suffering so sweetly.
>>114931058I’ve thought about it way too much at this point. Plus the dynamic would be cute to watch.
>>114929533He-Ra and She-Man
>>114920607Literally just Excel from Excel Saga
>>114928218Agreed. m!Azula would be a monumental depreciation in value.Meanwhile, Zuko does gain another layer of comparison to Ursa if genderswapped.
>>114927592>The only thing that would really change is the doll scene.Actually male Azula would never work because then Iroh wouldn't have ignored his existence and azula wouldn't become a villain.
>>114912635Ben 10.
>>114932347Wouldn't be She-Woman?
>>114916892>Batman and Superwoman>Superman and Batwoman.Both of them have so much potential for being a cute romance manga.
>>114932347Ohhh I get.Like Semen
>>114932428>Superman and Batwoman.This was always my favorite way of doing it
>>114932134Don't be decieved. Azula rejected everyone even as a child, just listen to her dialogue, and ,even with Iroh, Zuko still strived for his father's aceptance, It took Zuko having lost all hope to grow as a person, and then having rejected that growth to notice what really mattered.It wouldn't matter if yous saw Azulla getting loved more (remember that even the delusion she had of her mother didn't hate her, she knew she was a monster herself) by Iroh or Ursa, even with that "extra love" Zuko had to sink and then find his way.Don't trivialize Azula's and Zuko's characters by pretending Iroh played favorites or that he was sexist. Iroh stuck to Zuko because he had nothing, and even then it took much more for Zuko to undersand what he wanted and what was right.
>>114933376more like everyone else rejected azula and she was too young to understand
>>114934571Kill yourself Scrapper
>>114934888even if scrapper might agree with me maybe more than one person can come to this conclusion independently because because it is true