ITT: Pilot/early character designs of well known Holla Forums characters
ITT: Pilot/early character designs of well known Holla Forums characters
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>>114910579>Pony tail Gwen
>>114910579Ben looks weird.
>>114910579Why did Ben and Max basically stay the same but Gwen got an overhaul? Did they not think the original design would appeal to pedophiles enough?
>>114910579>Ben 10Kek
danm that gwens even hotter then she already is
They had necks.
>>114910629Probably incorporated the cat motif to match Lucky Girl and the blue to match her magic. Not sure about the hair though.
>>114910579Incog should draw this Gwen
>>114910774Aw, Mabel is so cute
>>114910774Did they still have creepy adult 40 year old voices?
>>114910579Cow and Chicken was intially going to be a down to earth children's book until the creator retooled it into a grossout cartoon when he received a phone call about the What a Cartoon shorts
>>114910579Ben kinda looks like Eren from AoT
>>114911283That's a nice illustration.
Its really heard to go back to Pilot!Pearl now
>>114910774Like Finn?
Jesus I can see why they did not want this Gwen. She already has a lot of porn but can you imagine the amount if they went with this one.
>>114911168They wouldn't be the same without them.
>>114910774The animation itself isn't that great, but some aspects of the art style in Gravity Falls' pilot looked a lot more appealing than what the actual show went with.Though to the show's credit, Grunkle Stan's design was definitely an improvement over the pilot's.
>>114911613The pilot designs made them look like twelve year olds going on thirteen. The show designs needed to copy the proportions at least.
>>114910774if they left out the collage bits this artstyle (with more fluid animation) would have been amazing
>>114910792I like you, Uncle Grandpa. I know a lot of people hate you, but I don't.
>>114910579>Ben 10 pilotDoes anyone have a link to this?
>>114910792the head wrinkles make him look deranged for some reason. glad they fixed him up
>>114911780The concept designs have way too much personality. The final designs tell the truth.
>>114911708>>114911728UG's design got changed because it had The same ugly/dirty look as Browngardt's previous show Secret Mountain Fort Awesome, which was widely panned, so they made his design more cutesy and appealing.
>>114911780>mexican tetsuo and yajirobe got the shaft
>>114911283>Cow and Chicken was intially going to be a down to earth children's book until the creator retooled it into a grossout cartoon to cash in the Ren & Stimpy envyFxd
>>114911283show’s not that gross really, it’s more weird than anything else
MLAATR Pilot designs
>>114912468Their favorite food is pig asses
>>114911013I dont remember this being on that channel
>>114912815Mandy with exposed gums
>>114910708>Hal fags still worried about being outdone by a kid and the stupid Death Battle is the only relevancy Green Lantern has had in a literal decade While Ben10 threads are still a regular thing.Your dedication is impressive but your obsession is pathetic.
>>114910708>Hal JordanPathetic
>>114911780This is insulting
>>114911058Actual weapon?
>>114912992they look so wrong, jesus
>>114912992Didn't they already have a season 0 though.
>>114913086i'm a fan of redheads but hrnnnngh
>>114912587Jenny's show design is overall better, but a part of me does kinda think that maybe they should have kept the lips>>114912815honestly proto-Mandy is a pretty good design, I'd probably borrow it for a Billy/Mandy fankid concept or something>>114912992from what I remember Timmy's hat got changed to Pink because when Butch had to draw up some new doodles for a pitch presentation he only had a pink marker lying around, as for Timmy becoming a brunette instead of a redhead, if I recall correctly that happened because they realized that he and Vicky would look too much like siblings if they both had red hair
>>114912992They look like botlegs.
>>114912876>>114912899>The Absolute State of Zoomers
>>114912992honestly this looks a lot better than whatever the hell butch's art style has turned into nowadays.
>>114913142The OYC shorts was more in-line with the final product compared to this, only difference was Timmy's parents being faceless and Timmy having a different VA
>>114911058Some Men in Black tier weapons they got there.
>>114910774I like this Mabel better
>>114913086Very mediocre design, barely any personality
>>114910579Looks off for some reason
>>114911716It's never been released, but it's supposedly only about a minute long.
>>114910629To avoid animating the movement of the hair.
>>114911780Those designs remind me of Doraemon.
>>114911780Not only did they make them retarded but they made the show compliment it!
>>114911153It's a legacy now my, now my friend. Many Halfags have come and gone. But the mantle must be taken up. It's not the hero Holla Forums deserves, nNeeds... Wants... Or even likes, but it must exist.
>>114910708>>114912899Ignore him.>Was not even worthy of being turned into a skele-cyborg in JL Apokolips.
>>114913700why was barnacle boy named billand in a log
>>114912899Come on, Jess, won't you still be angry about the joke he made about your two moms or will you?
>>114910579Look at proto-Korra. She looks so sassy, I love it.
>>114911402Is Garnet supposed to be Jimmi Hendrix?
>>114913753>why was barnacle boy named
>>114914131fair enough
>>114913842I didn't watch it but that design would have gotten me to
>>114910579Most of them look really unlikable.
>>114914439Seems like the earlier designs wanted to emphasize the "overworked" aspect of her character.
>>114914439No fucking kiddingWas she originally supposed to be a mega bitch or something?Female designs THAT ugly are usually reserved for mean/spiteful characters
>>114914439Boy did we ever get lucky.
Sonic SATAM concept art.
>>114914439the red lips on the white paper make her look like the evil society clown
>>114914559That's kind of badass.
>>114914335It's interesting how the MCs changed very little.
>>114914439The one in blue penciled near the top right is my favorite. Though the angry looking one bottom right is also powerful to me in many ways.
Tim Burton's Horned King designs from the Black Cauldron
>>114914047Dang gon' ol' lil fire prince boy got big ol' dang King of the Hill side head man.
>>114914538>>114914559That looks nothing like EggmanWhat was the deal with that?
Did someone say cursed recess pilot?
>>114912628yeah, but they cook them.
Back when Tangled was a movie about two teenagers transported into a fantasy world.
>>114914753Maybe the artist was never actually shown what the character looked like?
>>114913842WE WAZ
>>114911780>from anime lite to calartsLike clockwork
>>114913685Sandy was also going to be Spongebob's girlfriend too.
>>114913175>maybe they should have kept the lipsNo
>>114911283This has Far Side energy to it.
>>114914794>movie about two teenagers transported into a fantasy worldexplain
>>114914439>top rightJoker...?
>>114914047they look so cute
>>114913175>he and Vicky would look too much like siblings if they both had red hairI feel like that would’ve made their dynamic more interesting