What stopped this from becoming Frozen for boys like Disney was banking on?
What stopped this from becoming Frozen for boys like Disney was banking on?
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>>114910287A few people have speculated that the obscene amount of excitement, including all the fanart and cosplay, it had before and around release was actually paid for by Disney.
>>114910433Possible, but I think it was just genuine hype that didn't pan out when people saw the finished product. It was just a mediocre movie.
They didn't do jack shit else with it until the cartoon, which was released long after the hype had died?
>>114910287Men just have better taste and women didn't like it enough to drag men along for the ride. Fact. Women most often have poor taste. also fact. Men will go along with women's preference just to be nice or compromise.
It was the third movie in three straight years to do that portal sacrifice climax shit.
>>114910287it sucked dick
>>114910670And the "villain was actually the nice guy all along" thing.
It was kind of redundant since the MCU is basically just Frozen for boys and manchildren anyway.>>114910499The cartoon was specifically done because the movie did well enough to justify keeping the IP alive but not well enough for a sequel film.
most likely disney wanted a new franchise to mirror teen titans/young justice with a group of teen heroes but a majority of marvel team ensembles are adults so they took an obscure team and tried to disney-fy itdidnt work too wellid still eat bat soup out of gogos ass
>>114910287Movie was kind of meh. It kind of waste its unique setting and it had the problem the Kung Fu Panda problem where the supporting cast is wasted in favor of the more interesting protagonist. Also, the main villain is pretty weak.
>>114910287An over-saturated superhero market.That, and this roster is literally the Teen Titans plus a robot plushy. It offers nothing new to the table other than weeb bait with the setting.
Why do Disney Marvel when you can just do Marvel Marvel. Boys have a lot of media to work with, it’s called the entire action genre.
>>114911072I know that Big Hero 6 did well (or at least seemed to) with weaboos and Asian-Americans, but how did it go with actual Japanese?
>>114910632Does this mean Holla Forums is mostly women?
>>114911319I think it got a manga adaptation at least. Apparently, Mini-Max first came from that, not the animated series like I thought.
>>114910287Frozen IS Frozen for boys.
>>114911374that's been a known fact for years now/co/ is the most female-populated board, second only to /cgl/
Once I finish Tangled, is this movie and series (mostly this) good?
>>114911798So does this only include cis women or are there trans women too? Because I have a feeling that this board has a high female population across the cis/trans dichotomy.
>>114911319Baymax is about as popular as Stitch over there, he gets a ton of merchandise.
>>114910287Boys have had their Frozen franchises every 1-2 years for decades. >>114911824The first one's pretty good. If pacing and consistency matter to you, the 2nd one is garbage. I've only seen the movies.
>>114911824It is better than almost all of the Marvel cartoons they put out nowneeds more /m/
>>114910287It didn't gain the shear number of creepy incest shippers frozen got. Maybe shiros brother should have lived.
>>114911854I'm talking about natural women only. Holla Forums has a healthy population. I don't care enough to speculate on the amounts of trans people lurking on each board
>>114911923>It didn't gain the shear number of creepy incest shippers frozen gotWhich is weird considering how fucking hot Aunt Cass is. But I guess that even in cartoons, guys prefer nubile ass.
>>114911824The movie is fine, but the superhero stuff is mostly secondary to Hiro handling grief and his decision on whether to pursue vengeance or healing. The show is fun enough. It has a strong sense of humor and it does more with the superhero conceit and worldbuilding. It also has better villains, both main and comedic. The problem is that it tries to be a little too quirky and lacks some of the movie's sentimentality. Also, it focuses too much on Fred when the episodes are not about Hiro.
It was a very feminine story and design
>>114910287it had too many characters. kinda all over the place. action was lame too. the main character was a total runt, no appeal to him.>>114910670remind me what the others were
>>114910287It's another episode of Disney under-utilizing anything that isn't princess or pixar films
>>114911974I think people just want to see siblings fuck over aunt and nephew.
>>114912151Why does it look like pieces of Vegeta’s face broke off?
That was his mistake
No Songs
>>114911923Despite being a much less popular ship, Hidashi has slightly more porn.
>>114912819The amount of it is insane. Especially the japanese doujins.
>>114910287Marvel. Why actually put effort when you can just buy a pre-existing entity with an already established audience.
>>114912819More than Elsanna? I don’t know about that...
>>114912819I always thought Hidashi was huge. It even seemed like it was so big that it contributed to "cancel culture", since it was the latest normalized "problematic" ship in a kid's cartoon fandom.
>>114910287Needed more incestuous lesbians.
>>114911824Movie is basicIf you like the Tangled show you'll probably like the series. I think it's pretty good. It does more with the world
>>114910433Highly fucking doubt that.
Movie didn't have Mommykase
>>114911072> this roster is literally the Teen Titans plus a robot plushyMost of the similarities between the Teen Titans and BH6's members are superficial at best. BH6 is a bunch of STEM grad students (except Fred, who is a wealthy NEET) who fight crime in their spare time, not as a full-time gig. None of them have superpowers or world-class martial arts ability.Sure, you can simplify their personalities like:Fred = beast boyGogo = ravenWasabi = cyborgHoney Lemon = starfire Hiro = robinBut the actual characters have very little in common outside of a few character traits.
>>114914160Gogo and Raven are both bottom heavy, so that's something.
>>114911854Trannies aren’t people
>>114910287No gay subtext.
>>114914191If they had made the lab-student that Hiro is forced to work with a guy with a crush on Hiro's BH6 superhero identity instead I think they show would have been considered 'daring' and 'woke' and would have made for a lot more pornographic images based on it.
>>114910287The side characters were too one note
>>114910433The can Disney cut me a check and pay me back for all the Aunt Cass porn I commissioned?
>>114912461Wreck-It Ralph in 2012 had Ralph jumping into a portal of sorts attempting to sacrifice himself to save the day, and Big Hero 6 in 2014 had it of course. Frozen and Monsters University both came out in 2013, but I haven't watched either so I'm not sure which one >>114910670 is referring to
>>114910287>twink bitch MC>gay looking fatass robot>painfully obvious token black, and even a token "bro">literally only noted for 3 pieces of r34 bait
>>114910287They put girls in it.
another thing is, something japan knew pretty much from day one. is that little chubsters fucking LOVE robots and spaceships and shit.you don't make the goddamn robot the fat-looking one, you make the kid a spunky little fat bastard who befriends it.
>>114910433It was a good movie. Ski8er chick had a nice ass but the effeminate black guy left a bad taste in my mouth.
>>114910287Weebshit instead of wholesome European fairy tale.
>>114914624Why was he in your mouth?
>>114914601I’d love to know whose idea it was on the marketing team to say “let’s have a robot sidekick, but make it look fucking stupid”
>>114912808I'm paying for my mistake. youtube.com
>>114914646>nonwhite story instead of white story
>>114914089She is good waifu material
>>114910287it wasn't that good. it was ok, and had incredible waifus, but it was fairly forgettablenot that frozen was good by any means. bh6 was better than frozen
>>114914699Pretend I posted the “Yes.” meme image.
>>114910287They ruined such great designs. Too bad nobody cared anyway
>>114914657Cus he was a giant faggot
I'm still pissed this got a world in KH3 and not a better movie like the incredibles or wall-e.
>>114914767>the incredibles or wall-eI don't get why they're not added in KH3
>>114914739Gogo's still got ass tho :c
>>114910287Wasn't that good
>>114914767KH3 got fucking botched despite how long the development time was
>>114911798>Holla Forums is the most female-populated boardThat honestly makes sense
>>114914932nope.it's gays. there are no fucking girls on this site.