Pick one show to be erased from history
Pick one show to be erased from history
>>114909964StevenI would pick Star but her show gave us Jackie and Hekapoo so begrudgingly she stays
>>114909964>This what cartoons in the 2010s looked likeyikes....
>>114909964ATLA, just to watch the chaos of this post
>>114909964Loud House, hands down. All the other shows have bought me some sense of joy, even if they all disappointed me in some regard. It's only highly regarded because it's the best show on Nickelodeon that's not called Spongebob.
Steven.Or Small Horse Show
>>114909964Adventure Time. But just because I'd want to see what would happen. Without Adventure Time, 2010s cartoons would be real different I think
>>114909964Looney Tunes, just to see what would happen... Warner Bros invented a lot of cartoon slapstick violence, it would be interesting to see how animation would develop without that influence.
>>114909964Loud House has to go, not because I hate it but because I loathe it's fans that much
>>114910072Fucking retard.
>>114909964Star vs
>>114909964So many ultimately ruined waifus from ATEasy choice.
>>114910127>>114910072Fandom kinda creeps me out, like I feel like there’s a whole army of Nick Bates in the waiting
Adventure Time sparked the CN New Wave.Gravity Falls is integral to the Disney New Wave.So those two shows, despite their flaws, must remain. They walk so that others might run.Steven Universe, while less integral, still has some importance in the overall landscape of modern cartoons, not to mention that its existence also paved the way for other shows in the same way that "Adventure Time" led to other cartoons.So it gets to live too.Now for the final two contenders: "The Loud House" and "Star vs. The Forces of Evil".The Loud House is the sole representative of Nickelodeon in this image. For the sake of representation it wins a point there, though it's a point with an asterisk. Otherwise, there isn't much to say about the series that merits it any other points. The girls are cute, but there are cute girls in other series; if the Loud family didn't exist here, they might exist anywhere else. "The Secret" might not exist, though. But that's a discussion for another thread. In any case, I do believe that its episodic slice-of-life format may not work in its favor, as it does not clearly promote any long-term character growth or development unlike a show with a true narrative."Star vs." is another Disney show, so no points there. It's also got cute girls, but again, they could be found elsewhere. It does have a narrative, which wins it a point, but in the case of this series its narrative comes with its own share of criticisms. Thus, it's still a hit-or-miss point.Ultimately I feel that it's a close call, especially since we can't see if either The Loud House or Star vs. has become an influence on other cartoons. But I think that if it came down to the wire, I might have to cut The Loud House simply because I want to fuck Jackie Lynn Thomas.Wait, what about an incest harem? Shit. Give me time to think about this.
What does Lincoln even talk to them about? He's so out of place.
>>114910066If the show is erased, then no one would remember it.
>>114909964Its a tough call, the easy answer is Loud House, mostly cause I never watched it.but if I ignore that, its pretty close, AT, GF and Star vs all had such disgraceful endings, well I guess AT isn't entirely over though so Finn is saved.GF has to go, it was short, its ending was rushed, and I hate how much everyone sucks it dick because its alright but honestly I don't think it holds up all that well, it was just a breath fresh air after a rather long drought in animation. If it aired today people would not be impressed.
>>114909964Star Vs is the worst show here, but Loud House is the least significant. So it should go
>>114910378He’s teaching them about orgies
Flapjack most of today's shit was created by the storyboarders of the shows the storyboarders for Flapjack created
>>114909964adventure time because it started this whole fucking mess
>>114909964Why does that artstyle look so much better than their original artstyle, even though they're similar?
>>114909964Stephen Universe because it would mean no Stephen.
>>114910787because it's an illustrated style that wouldn't work animated
>>114910831Jesus Christ, how do you make low effort racism look tryhard
>>114911029I blame the schools
>>114910423Yeah, and there will be no "anime" cartoons. I want to see a timeline like that
>>114909964Adventure Time. Kill that and all the rest die with it.
>>114911038I can do this easy. Super Jew Steven getting put in the oven with Commander of the /SS/ Lincoln at the controls. Odds are it could be slapped together in paint and would be funnier. This is fucking Cartoons and Comics, how did the user who wrote this thought "WORDS WORDS WORDS" was funny? Who was the retard that saved it, I think this has been the worst post I have ever seen from a tripfag
>>114909964Deleting Adventure Time would have the most interesting outcome.
>>114911200Meh. Seen funnier. Don’t quit your day job.
>>114911105Avatar's success wasn't the cause of the "anime cartoons" it was the popularity of anime itself. Teen Titans was aping anime two years before Avatar came out.
I pick Scooby Doo. Fuck that terrible franchise.
>>114909964All of them
>>114909964The Loud House. Fuck off incest pedos.
>>114911242It's better than the light novel that screenshot was
>>114909964you're gonna get mad, but ITT anyone who picks steven is more mad at the fanbase than the actual showtie between star and loud house because both were actual wastes of timebut I'll default to loud house because it spawned another terrible show with virtually no differences in it
Interesting how Dipper is the only one not smiling in that pic
>>114911433He’s probably got syphillis or something
>>114909964Star vsMost people won’t miss that show. It has no relevance and the finale ruined it.
>>114910511>but Loud House is the least significantLoud House literally saved Nickelodeon.Star Vs is so insignificant that even Disney has forgotten about it.
>>114909964Steven Universe. It's far from the worst, but its negative influence on fans, CN, and shows to come is far more wide reaching. It's a systemic cancer to the grotesque yet benign tumor that was Star Vs.
>>114909964linc a shit
>>114911561Yeah, but if you could prevent Camp Coral and Static Cling, wouldn’t you?
>>114909964The horse show
>Dipper - the smart one>Steven - the kind one>Finn -the strong oneWhat's the other two?
>>114911707Lincoln is the sex machine and Star is the useless chick who’s there
>>114911626>Static Clingguess the tranny really pissed you off, huh? Very snowflake
>>114909964Star. That ending made feel bad for ever being a fan of that show.
>>114909964your favorite
>>114911707Star is the heavy artillery, with her magic.Lincoln is the face of the party, adept at dealing with girl's bullshit.
Erase adventure time. Delete that and all the others end up never being made!!!
>>114911707Or did I get the 3 descriptions correct?
>>114909964family guy.
>>114911846You don’t have to yell
How would the other 4 react to SUF Steven?
>>114911707>Lincoln - the awesome>Star - the bastard>together they are the troll slayers
>>114912166What type of attack methods would each use?
>>114909964You could get rid of Star vs and nothing would change
>>114910011Different time
Star Trek, the original. For curiosity. Butterfly effect in motion.
>>114910011Better than anything you've made.
>>114910378>Finn >Dipper>Star>StevenI just realized that one way or another all of them qualify for the cuck status, so Lincoln is obviously boasting about his relentless incestuous sexual life experiences none of the other were ever close to fulfill.
>>114911707>>114912166I got us our very first arc>>114906932
>>114913538I don’t really see this going so well for the 2010s, Dipper and Lincoln don’t exactly fight and unless Steven is full on hormonal, he won’t have the ferocity, also Finn kinda became a wimp later on
>>114914073>>114913637Lincoln beds both Kim and Jenny until they lose consciousness effectively taking down two members of the opposing team.
>>114909964Steven without fucking hesitation. The world would already be a better place.
>>114910253You know cartoon characters aren't real, right?
colorful horse showor lesbian rock show
>>114913334Let’s see your art nigga
>>114914073Why would Connie fuck Lincoln?
>>114910346>su and AT destroyed the landscape so they must remainkek
>>114909964SUEven if Star Vs was a trainwreck, at least gave us some nice girls
>>114909964Adventure Time, because everything sans Loud House will disappear into the goddamn ether without it and we'll all be the better for it. I will miss Hekapoo and Marceline, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.