It may have cost me more than a pretty penny, but I recently purchased the Ellis, Wood, and Bunn run on Moon Knight.I was originally just tying to purchase the Ellis trade but the price was too damn high just for six issues. Interestingly. I saw a collected set of singles that had the issues I was looking for along with the other two runs. Not sure if I’ll post the other issues; but I do plan on posting Ellis’ issues!
Moon Knight (Ellis) Storytime
>>114909629When did the trade go OoP? I got it from a normal bookstore like only 9 months ago for twenty bucks.
And that was all that's mentioned concerning the prior Bendis run.
>>114909656Not exactly sure, but it's basically tripled in price and that's just for a used
Gotta say, crimefighting with a limo sounds pretty schweet.
God damn this is a good look.
Shalvey is fucking killing it on this series and Bellaire just brings it to the next level. If I remember correctly they are a husband wife team which may explain the insane syngergy (like the Allreds).
Such a gorgeous page.I think may have been a bit burnt out on Spider-Man so I thought i would switch it up. I did start collecting the older Amazing Issues so I'd be willing to post that in the future.
>SHIELDWhy am I not surprised.
Getting some serious Global Frequency vibes.
oh hey I was just thinking about storytiming this, good on you
>>114909974My man.Much preferred to his penthouse.
>You are my son.That's a massive kick in the teeth.I'm glad we're revisiting Khonoshu. He was strangely absent during the Bendis run (at least right up until the end).Also glad to get Jake and Steven back as well. As much as I enjoyed the Superhero alts, they were ultimately flawed caricatures wheras those two are legitimate people.
This story wasn't one of my favorites initially but the more I read it the more I began to appreciate the struggle between Moonie and the Sniper. Also love that throughout the series Moon Knight switches his costume a couple times.
>>114909675how would she have heard this?
>>114910342Probably a search engine to track the appearance of Moon Knight. He wasn't exactly working secretly in LA. Also I'm pretty sure either Echo or Snapdraggon taped Moon Knight conversing with the air so maybe that's how it came out.
>>114909786I like a lot that the artist choose to draw Moon Knight in black and white and with strong contrast. Costume is white, shading is black, no gray area.
That design works exactly like I guessed it would and I absolutely love it.
God do I love this page. They are making just a regular mercenary seem like such a legitimate threat. It's easy to forget that some of the more deadly villains aren't necessarily the most flashy.
>I'm not real.I consider this in the same vein as "The Die is Cast".
>>114910684This page will never not bother me.
Given that he isn't targeting civilians, it's hard to fault the guy or even root against him. If anything I think Khonoshu would encourage the dude.
>The bank always wins.This gives me some serious Wolfram & Hart vibes and I love it.
These backdrops are absolutely incredible.
I love that Flint is fucking ready to throw down in that first panel.
God, Moonie got his ass lit up.
Steve and Jake looked pissed.
Love the idea of Marc in a Khonoshu state sitting in front of a computer and browsing ebay looking for some of the artifacts.
Marc looks ready to fucking rumble.
Little shit.
That's a useful skill.
Fucking hell.
>>114911777>777's for best page
>>114911777>>114911821Oh that's fantastic
I can't imagine what the scripts were like on the previous pages. Trying to imagine what instruction they were given beside the end goal. All I can see is "go nuts" on the script and then the number of needed pages.
If I remember, Ellis has said in interviews that he was influenced by The Raid Redemption when crafting this script and after watching the movie I totally get it. I'm rewatching The Raid: Redemption as I type and it's absolutely baller film. Weird to think that a Welsh director went with an Indonesian setting but he nailed it beautifully. Haven't watched enough of Raid 2 to form an
I also love that the film Dredd shares similar styles with The Raid. Fun fact: Although the film Dredd released much later, both films were apparently filmed around the same time so it was highly unlikely either one strongly influenced the other.
One page in and I'm fucking hyped.
>>114910578I remember a theory that I read for when he's moon knight the coloring is so different because he exists outside of the natural world.
>>114909970That's Ellis at his best, short weird punchy stories. Of course Transmetropolitan is a fucking tour de force, but that's another issue.Sure that page evokes that series the most, but this whole run is Global Frequency and Fell all over again.
>>114910719i just tell myself its some new type of ammo otherwise it gets on my nerve as well
Hell yeah. Thanks OP. This is one of my favorite short runs of any book. I firmly believe this will be looked back on as ahead of its time.
Everything about this page works. The smooth paneling, the choice of shots to create the sense of fast kinetic moves, and the backdrop of detail to accentuate the shear brutality of what is happening on the page. Someone else that I believe would have been ace on a Moon Knight title....Steve Dillon (rest in peace).
>>114912001nice, my favorite issue>Ellis has said in interviews that he was influenced by The Raid Redemption when crafting this scriptit definitely shows
>>114912134>>114912134>Fell all over again.Fell was fucking killer and serves as a prototype for when I'm working on my own comics. He was treating the work as a comic exercise where he could provide fewer pages with more content and his use of the 3x3 grid while simpliciic, absolutely suited the story a nd was thematically appropriate given the dense nature of Snowtown
>>114912154>i just tell myself its some new type of ammoThat was literally the first thing I thought to himself. He has a tricked out rifle, why wouldn't he focus on creating a handgun variant to better suit his skillset.
Transmet made me like Ellis, Fell me love him.
>>114909656Not sure when it went OoP, but prices on eBay didn't jump till around mid-April.
That dude got fucked
>>114912231>>114912300Cheers, anons! Fell was amazing. It was like Raymond Chandler writing comics.
>>114909629Ellis has two ways of writing:1. REALLY good comics2. Shit comics to live out his sex fantasies.
>>114912457>Shit comics to live out his sex fantasies.Like what?
>>114912452I guess that door probably leads to the 70s.
>>114912154>>114912257I can't. It's clearly an emptied out rifle cartridge, complete with casing. It's empty, it was shot with the casing, and it came out of a pistol.
Moon Knight's smile is adorable.
Fucking hell
>>114912672>she's the only thing keeping you aliveThis is so fucking badass, Jesus Christ.
He's making a large assumption this guy is going to survive the night.
Final issue. Hope that everyone enjoyed.
>>114912690>Did they hurt you at all?I imagine that's how he's deciding whether to go home or go all the way back down and kill every last one.
>>114912727>>114912757Just kill him at that point
I admit, this was clever.
I admit, this is probably the route that I would go. Body armored and booby trapped to high hell. Fuck if I'm going to "fight fair". I'd get my ass handed to me if I pulled that. Instead I fight smart, like Shocker throwing bleach in Luke Cage's eyes smart. That's a next level maneuver right there.
>>114913072>OK, reader; now that I got you to feel some sympathy for the guy, let me just take it all away
I know it's basic and played out, but I love this costume. The only issue is that while it's a good costume, it's far from memorable. There are no defining features that make it stand out. At the very least Red Hood had that shiny red helmet.
>>114913132In everything he does, even as a supervillain, Trent's completely unremarkable.
Shalvey and Baillaire would kill it on a Ghost Rider ongoing. Not sure who I'd go with for the writer though. Warren Ellis couldn't sustain an ongoing and Jason Aaron has lost too much good will to bring back. Maybe Peter David?
Say what you will, if Trent was more capable this would have had serious Vash vs Knives - Trigun vibes.
Wrecked. You can either cite his inability maintain spatial awareness with the car bomb. There's also the belief Khonoshu halted the bomb until the precise moment. A bit of an asspull but I like it. Mix of both.
>>114913239Stop talking and start shooting
Did some serious fucking time pass between the start of this fight and now or am I just seeing things?
And that is it. I hope that everyone enjoyed. Have a great rest of your night and a wonderful day tomorrow.Worth 80 Bucks? - Questionable
Good night, user, and thank you.
thanks op
>>114912909>name unknown Come on, his identity is basically public knowledge at this point.
>>114913300thanks my dude
>>114912878Man. This is a damn good page.
>>114913300Thanks user.
>>114913337>>114913485>>114913576You are very welcome. Would people prefer I keep posting Moon Knight (it will probably be the Hurwitz run)? Or should I look at Indie Titles?
How would people feel about Ellis' Wild Storm? Or should I post Wildcats?
>>114913678I also have issues of Stormwatch and The Authority
God damn I love Moon Knight.
>>114912257I'm over 72 and feel great
>>114912757i always assumed he meant when you get to hell
>>114909629it's a great set of 6 issues
>>114909859those bottom three panels are made to be a movie trailer
>>114914387I know the arc as a whole is under contention but it did provide some unique moments. The idea of Moon Knight leaving a party to discuss upcoming gameplans with his imaginary Avengers is gold for me.
>>114914465Part 2. It's beyond obvious Bendis wants to write a crime drama rather than another superhero piece but doesn't quite have the toolbox necessary for this. I think if he was given an arc to warm up on that would have been ideal. That said I think he series improved as it went on which isn't something you can always say.
>>114914506How do you see this suit live action? I feel like this would work but I know just because something looks great on page doesn't mean it translates. Mr. Knight's costume is easy. I'm interested to see how tacti-cool they take Moon Knight's direction.
>>114912345dude before him got fucked even more, snapped ankle and probably a broken spine, followed by a two story fall
>>114910981>how am I supposed to fight them?>jesus fucking christ marc sometimes I wonder why you're my avatar, LOOK IN YOUR BASEMENToh Khonsu