>BIGGER THAN AN AR-15bros.........Sabretooth is crazy................
>BIGGER THAN AN AR-15bros.........Sabretooth is crazy
>>114907629Clearly he's a proud supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
>>114907629>A world full of mutants with powers that make them invulnerable to normal rounds>Not allowing everyone access to bigger guns on demandWhat
>$800wont get you shit
>>114908042Was just about to post this.That's like two handguns or a single decent shotgun.
>>114908042Depends on who you know. There was a CA Senator that could have probably gotten you a good deal. But he was arrested by the FBI for trying to sell them some rocket launchers on behalf of some Islamic terrorists. I think he served his five years already.
>>114907629Gun control doesn't make sense when giant monsters and aliens are invading the Earth every other month.
>>114907730I'm willing to bet some folks have already reversed engineered some criminal tech anyway. I'm surprised Marvel isn't awash with home brewed Shocker gauntlets and Vulture wings. 3D printing could make this childsplay.
>>114908042Got my AR for around $800 when there was a sale going on
>>114908188>I think of some was a probably I mean yeah just be vague about states that you oversaturate with right wing memes about whatever like probably dude vegan trans ISIS and shit
>>114908257He's referring to Senator Leland Yee who was a proponent of gun control in the state of California but was busted for gun trafficking.
>>114908246>got my AR>"LOTS bigger"my point stands
>>114908246>Got my AR for around $800the point was he wanted something bigger than and "ar-15"
>>114908326>>114908345Oh yeah, well that won't get you shit.
>>114907629>5.56 natoPfft, there's plenty of off the shelf 308s or 30-06s.They probably also have that garbage bolt action 50bmg that every LGS has.
>>114907629.. what an ar10?
>>114908326>>114908246>>114908042he probably could've gotten himself a cheapo AK for the price.
>>114908442Nothing worth the cash in my opinion.
>>114908442Isn't that around the same size?
>>114908557>Isn't that around the same size?technically yes, but it shoots bigger bullets.
>>114908042Depends. Some times they’re sales.
>>114907629You think in the Marvel would theyre would be an industry to make "anti-mutant" weapons the same way we make zombie survival gear for mall ninjas? I honestly doubt in the history of marvel that they stated that Mutants are a protected class. So would it be fair game to do this?
>>114908707Except Zombies aren't real. So if someone were to take an anti-mutant mall-ninja katana, and try to murder their neighbor's kid who makes snowflakes the size of volkswagens, and the sword breaks on them, they could sue for false advertising.
>>114908707Well in the "Marvel would," mutants are real.
>>114908679Gun stores don't really have sales in the traditional sense due to low profit margins, mostly they just toss in something extra like a free case or spare mag.
More Marvel civillians should be packing heat. In a world of alien invasions, supervillain incursions, mutant uprisings, it just makes sense.
>>114910250I headcanon that supercrime in Marvel USA is inversely proportional with gun control laws. It's why most supercrime occurs in NYC or LA; anyone with a costume and gimmick can be a supervillain in NYC but you have to be able to shrug off a gunshot if you want to fuck around in New Orleans.
>>114910412Bad example. Isn't New Orleans the territory of the Theives Guild and/or Assassins?
>>114908257A finer point upon it, just for you."March 27, 2014— -- A California state senator busted on arms trafficking and corruption charges in an FBI sweep has a legislative record of fighting for stronger gun control laws.Behind the scenes, Leland Yee, 65, offered to connect an undercover FBI agent with an international arms trafficker -- all in exchange for campaign donations, according to a federal complaint.During the investigation, the undercover agent mentioned his desire to spend as much as $2.5 million on automatic shoulder-fired weapons and missiles, the complaint said.""And missiles". Ahem.
>>114910464They're closer to organized crime with superpowers than supervillainy.
>>114908326>>114908442He's going to need to cough up a few grand for a .50 cal then
>>114907629>Lots bigger
>>114908442AR-10 is .308...
Who wrote this?
>>114910589This was meant to answer "what is AR-10", btw.Spaz fingers me.
>>114910650me on the right
>>114910583A lever action in .45-70 seems pretty fitting for Sabretooth.
>>114907629>When progs write about gunsIt's always fucking hilarious. They treat an AR-15 like a super-gun and think that a fistful of $100 bills is enough money to buy some super-villain level nonsense.
>>114908227yeah because 3D printing is the answer to everythingyou're like the transhuman fags, you can't shut up about your bullshit revolution that's mysteriously still not working out>>114908042>I got all the paper you needare all /k/ommandos autistic? lern2contextual statements bro, all the paper you need doesn't mean he's holding it out in his hand like he's buying his first fucking candy bar
>>114910687Just once I'd like for them to do some research, maybe have Sabertooth get thrown out, and have him go to some hood for some cheap guns given to the cartels by Obama's fast and furious program.
>>114910711>yeah because 3D printing is the answer to everythingThis is the Marvel Universe we're talking about here. A girl can make an Iron Man suit in her dorm room.
>>114910589>>114910650They make hunting loads for 5.56 that are perfectly capable of taking down whitetail.>>114910711>I'm not stupid, you're stupid!
>>114910534so they're superpowered thieves and that invalidates the need for firepower?>>114910412that's bullshit too, back when superheroes in NYC were first a thing NYC was a fucking shithole, the crime rates have only been dropping the past 30 years because of a massive push to put cops in useful positions on the streets and deal with the causes of crimeyour argument is like saying Superman doesn't make any sense because first of all how would a smallholding farm like the Kents even exist in the 1990s and secondly how could they possibly afford to lose their son and farmhand to a job in the city, let alone a job that you can only get by working as an unpaid intern for several years and only then if you know the right people and why exactly would anybody make reporter in the first couple of years and not showbiz consultant aka the guy who reposts shit from Insta, TikTok and Snapchat with clickbait headlines?
>>114908042that's his bribe to walk out without a background check, but still way too small, i think it'd take minimum 5 grand to get someone to commit a felony like that.
>>114907629>biggerbigger bigger
>>114910809no I'm pretty sure it's you that's stupid, he's clearly offering a large off the record bribe of at least $800 dollars and it's implied that he has as much money to spend as the guy is willing to take from him but what do I know I only read at an adult level
>>114910828>>114910828you'd be surprised how little hit jobs generally cost according to court filings then
>>114910853A blowjob and a carton of smokes. Think Toothy there swallows?
>>114910782>cheap guns given to the cartels by Obama's fast and furious program.Things are getting spicy on that front
>>114910503And yet his gun control legacy lives on in California. I hate this fuck. I'm really hoping the magazine size limit and other bills get struck down, even if they have to go to the Supreme Court. I doubt even having actual supervillains would currtail the Dems gun control boner.
>>114911203The mag size limit case is actually looking pretty good right now, with the appeals court taking a skeptical tone towards it.
>>114910250>More Marvel civillians should be packing heat. In a world of alien invasions, supervillain incursions, mutant uprisings, >it just makes sense.>Owning guns make senseFuck off /k/
>>114910963>Things are getting spicy on that front>>114910820>>114910809>>114910503>>114910250>>114908211>Gun>>114910503>A finer point upon it, just for you.>"March 27, 2014— -- A California state senator busted on arms trafficking and corruption charges in an FBI sweep has a legislative record of fighting for stronger gun control laws.>Behind the scenes, Leland Yee, 65, offered to connect an undercover FBI agent with an international arms trafficker -- all in exchange for campaign donations, according to a federal complaint.>During the investigation, the undercover agent mentioned his desire to spend as much as $2.5 million on automatic shoulder-fired weapons and missiles, the complaint said.">"And missiles". Ahem.FUCK OFF Holla Forums
>>114908188$800 won't even get you a fucking RPG-7 in slavic shitholes, and I know for a fact nobody is going to undersell a registered machinegun or sell an unregistered machinegun of any caliber to some dumbfuck wandering in with pocketchange. Just screams "ATF honeypot" to anybody not retarded, and is just a plain bad fucking idea even if you ARE retarded.Its amaizng how little comics or Holla Forums knows about guns.
>>114911820>Sure, HYDRA just blew up half of Brooklyn, but just imagine how much worse it would have been if their victims had guns!
>>114911820Stay mad cuck. The only reason half of the alien invasions don't get shot to shit as soon as they hit the ground is because they all take place in not-New York with its dogshit gun laws.
>>114912029Take that dog whisking bullshit off Holla Forums asshole.
>>114912049I was /k/ and Holla Forums to leave. This is why we laugh at you in the UK.
>>114907629Boy I wonder when this book was written
>>114910941I took a date hunting trip once. It was horrible. We had to leave because she accidentally poop her pants because she wasn’t use to squat pooping in the woods.
>>114910820>useful positions on the streets and deal with the causes of crimeSuch as locking up every black dude with a blunt they found during their stop and search?Actually busting down on the open-air drug and sex trafficking?And driving up the prices to live in the shithole of a city so that only upper-middle-class folks with a semblance of human decency can actually afford to live there?
>>114912097>Boy I wonder when this book was writtenWaaaaaah cry more casualgate Holla Forumstard incel.
>>114912079>UKLol like anybody gives a fuck what you pussies think about anything since you gave up the empire you mega-cuck.I hope you have a loicense for that free speech guv'nor, mind the bobbies don't find you, I hear they can be right vicious they is.
>>114910650That elk looks really happy to be hanging out with her. What a heartwarming scene.
>>114912079>This*gets shot by bikers*>is why*house gets broken into by london police and posted about on the official twitter feed*>we laugh *gets stabbed by a chav*>at you in the UK.*gets run over by a muzzie driving a lorrie*
>>114911940>FUCK OFF Holla Forumsno u
>>114912244>*Daughter gets an acid facial by some "asians"*
>>114912264>>114912184>>114912244>gets shot by bikers*Doesn’t happen. Lying /k/ losers. Guns are outlawed in the UK because we are civilized and white > house gets broken into by london police and posted about on the official twitter feed*Waaaaah you can’t be racist on Holla Forums anymore >gets stabbed by a chav*Bullshit. > gets run over by a muzzie driving a lorrie*Unlike America. UK is free, wealthy, free healthcare and safe.
>>114912388You're not even trying, fuck's sake.
>>114910963That was a Bush program though
>>114912453>That was a Bush program thoughAnd trump immigration policy was obama program.
>>114912388>UK is freeHAHA
I don't even have much of an interest in guns and I know that an AR-15 isn't that big of a gun, comparatively. Who wrote this? Why did they do zero research?
>>114912453Nope. The program under the Bush Administration was Operation Wide Receiver, which had similar goals and a different method of operation that ended in 2008 before Obama took office. Operation Fast and Furious started in October 2009. Both were failures, but F&F has the distinction of copying a strategy that was known not to work, being ineptly carried out, and going against ATF and DOJ internal policies regarding arms trafficking.
>>114912141I dont go onto Holla Forums you faggot
>>114912058How hard do you have to whisk a dog before it becomes dog whipped cream?
>>114912058A genuine question, how was that dog whistling? I know that this will make my question seem less genuine but... I assume you're an idiot.