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>>114907452This is great
>Unemployed due to corona>have crippling depression due to lack of friends>can't go out to the movies and library to ease my everyday pain of purely existing>been doing nothing productive to better myselfI least I can look forward in a Popeye movie made by Genddy Tartakovasky
>>114907452Was just about to post this. Here's hoping we can actually get a (good) finished product this time around
>>114907452It’s nice to have good news among all the stuff that’s happening, really hoping this comes through Also I wanna ask was it really true that Sony dropped this for the emoji movie?If so how much money did the emoji movie make and what are the chances that Popeye will make more then it?
>>114907452Reminder>Genndy Tartakovsky: Basically, we did a screening, and it was great. Internally, everyone was super happy with it. I think it was also exactly what King Features wanted. We had a great reaction.>But this was also during the culmination of the Sony hack, and I could feel that something was going to happen soon. So after the screening, I didn’t get an answer from them, which was weird because everybody was so positive. Usually, we meet and talk, and get notes. But they had a meeting on their own, and that was it. I just got a phone call afterward telling me how great it was, which always makes me suspicious. If they just call to tell you it’s great, there’s something going on, because they didn’t offer any notes. Later on, I personally went to see Amy Pascal, and said, “Look, I’m a big boy. I can take it. I just need some information.” And she said, “Look Genndy, we love you, but we just don’t like Popeye.”Popeye was literally his dream project since his first animation teacher was a 90 year old Gordon Sheehan who worked on the original Fleischer Popeye shorts. It was his destiny to make the movie and Sony robbed him of it to make the fucking Emoji movie.
>>114907452SingalongIm popeye the sailorman *toot*
>>114907452>king-featuresGive him Defenders of the Earth you fools!
I hate Jeep, please don't but him in this version.
>>114908197Too bad they removed his pipe, so he's probably just going to fart. Why are they afraid of a pipe? I doubt a modern child has ever seen a pipe.
>>114908367Didn't they say he was in fact going to get it at the end of the first movie?
>>114908460Different user, but if that's the case then I'd say its fine
>>114907452Nice.>>114908367This. It's fucking dumb. I watched Popeye as a kid and now i don't smoke.
>>114908479Same. Even the animated series explained he only uses it to toot and that he quit smoking years ago.
Bless Genddy
>>114907452GOD IS REAL
>>114907681at least it's something to look forward to, user
>>114907452Is it that short with a weakass Popeye fighting pirates in a coward way?
>>114907452>inuyashaHoly Hell, that takes me back. Wasn't expecting to be hit with pre-teen
>>114907681that's all yo- no WE need, Holla Forumsmrade
>>114907452Is it the exact same movie or is it retooled?
>>114907905>xkcdPost discarded, not kino
>>114907452fucking BASED and spinage pilled
>>114907905Ok Newfag.
>>114907452HELL YEAH
>>114908164Best ending for best boy. I hope he has the time of his fucking life working on this.I hope Craig can get some of this good fortune sometime as well
>>114907452Hate to be a downer.BUT...Will there be punching? Will he be a one-eyed toothless middle aged sailor, who consistently solves all problems with violence?Will he even have a pipe?In this day and age?Will
>>114907452Is Robin Williams going to reprise his role?
>>114911488honestly I loved the popeye movie for what it wasit was bloated but it nailed the goal of trying to make a cartoon come to life.
>>114907452Based Genndy
after genndy has raked in so much money from hotel transylvania, didnt sony promise him 2 movies where he can do whatever he wants?whatever happened to that
>>114909854>anime switches over to digital production>literally any color is possible now>somehow never match the richness of color in cel productionHOW
>>114907452>it’s not fakeHoly shit! I never would have expected this to be dragged back up. Let’s hope Genndy can see it through to the end this time.also>Cartoon Brew reporting nowhere to be seenWhat a worthless site.
>>114911593They didn't like Popeye
>>114911851>you can do whatever you want, moneybags tartakovsky!>whoa whoa whoa, we know we said anything, but not that
>>114908164>Amy PascalOf COURSE that CUNT was behind it....
>>114907452Isn't this and Hotel Transylvania the reason Genndy stopped pushing for Sym-bionic Titan?
>>114911466Well, it IS GenndySo maybe
>>114907681Unity development platform is free and fun to play around with. At least do a tutorial or two.
>>114908302Based on the old teaser footage, he'll probably show up.There's an art to adapting weak characters and making them funny, I have faith in this crew.
>>114910393Big studio productions pretty much always go through lots of changes right up until release. By now, I'm sure the creatives & execs alike have a different vision than they used to.
>>114911665Because they prioritize quick, cheap production of as many episodes as possible in as short of a timeframe as possible.There's not as much effort put into the rendering of highlights and shadows in modern anime to give the 2D animation a decent amount of color depth like in that mid-80s to late-90s anime golden age.
>>114911665Maybe something to do with color schemes becoming more homogenized over time. Especially in anime, which definitely had more variety of visual styles in the past.Though also since the old stuff was hand-painted, it has a subtle texture that's a bit more interesting to the eye. Like looking at a page painted with blue watercolor instead of a jpeg filled with blue.
>>114909854>>114911665>>114914024>>114914087just LOOK at that spider lilyit's goddamn gorgeous
>King Features>no other associated animated movie studio This movie is dead on arrival. Nobody has mismanaged their IP more than King Features.
>>114911466The Hotel Transylvania films as far as I can tell had cartoony violence in them.
>Popeye’s Island Adventures introduces the spinach-loving sailor man to the younger generation by combining the original squash and stretch animation style with updated characters and storyline. The new Popeye has a youthful appearance and more eco-friendly position, growing spinach on the roof of his dieselpunk-style houseboat and collecting rainwater in barrels. Olive Oyl, the original damsel in distress, is now billed as a beacon of feminist ideals: a strong, independent, and resourceful woman who is at the center of every adventure.oh fuck no
>>114907681Damn, user. That's rough. I'm really sorry. I can't imagine how hard it is being such a fucking faggot.
>>114913649Why arnt all hulk fights like this
>be Genndy>be continually underappreciated despite repeatedly making beautiful, wonderful cartoons>Popeye, your dream project, gets canceled when it finally seemed like it was going to happen>in favor of the fucking Emoji Movie>be reduced to scraping the shit at Sony on the fucking terrible Hotel Transylvania movies>you don't even get to use your cool, preferred design for Dracula because Adam Sandler insists on making Dracula his self-insert>put your head down and do as you're told anyway>years pass>the Hotel Transylvania movies are a big success>they actually save Sony Animation>also get back in touch with Cartoon Network>impress the hell out of Mike Lazzo>get offered the chance to actually finish Samurai Jack>take it>it's beautiful, even if the story choices aren't to everyone's liking>get more opportunities in and around the animation industry, including at Adult Swim>get to make Primal>it's hailed as a masterpiece>and you actually now, for real, get to make your Popeye movie after allHe won, bros.He won. He kept going through all the bad times, and he won in the end.
>CGII'll pass. I'd prefer a high budget 2D film where it actually looks like the old shorts. I bet they wont even have Billy West play Popeye who is literally the only person who does it perfectly.
>>114907452Thank you Jesus.
>>114915266Everything this man touches turns to gold.
If this is possible, maybe someday Lauren Faust will do her animated Medusa film.I can dream...
>>114911488Anon...He's long gone
>>114914326>a beacon of feminist ideals: a strong, independent, and resourceful woman who is at the center of every adventure.STOP IT, TWITTERSTOP IT
>>114907452>Genndy Tartakovsky's Popeye movie.Never in my life have I wanted something so badly and not known it.
>>114910542What the fuck why is he handsome? Everyone I see in animation looks like shit. Why does he look so good?
>>114907452Popeye hasn't been entertaining since the 30's, this is going to be shit
>>114914326>>114914631>>114916329That's from the crappy youtube Popeye shorts.
>>114907452>Meanwhile, King Features has been making moves to bring some of its classic comics brands to new generations of fans with refreshed animated updates — as well as expanding acquired brands into the space. New 2D Popeye cartoons, Popeye’s Island Adventures, were launched on YouTube in 2018 to mark the character’s 90th anniversary.If it's as shit as Island Adventures, then no thank you.
>>114908164Genndy losing out on this project is the strongest argument against the existence of cosmic justice.>>114916260Lung cancer is a terrible way to die.
>>114911466Have you seen the trailer that was released back before the movie was canceled? It doesn't feature punching, but Popeye does beat up a bunch of people with a sink. Unfortunately, that movie was also going to be a prequel; showing how Popeye becomes a one eyed sailor man, so no pipe.
>>114908164I recall reading on Cartoon brew that some new guy was put in charge of animation at Sony, and they speculated before popeye was cancelled that we probably would can it to "make his mark".
Real talk. Can anyone name a more talented western animation director since the golden age than Genndy?>Dexter's Lab>Samurai Jack>Sym-Bionic Titan>Primal>Hotel TransylvaniaAll completely original ip's that he came up.>Powerpuff GirlsHe was one of the most important people on PPG, directing a lot of episodes.>Clone WarsLucas and CN gave him like 2 minutes to work with and he made fucking gold kino.I honestly can't think of another modern western animation director that comes even close to both his level of success and how many original ip's he's done it with.
>>114907452>KINO IS BACK ON THE MENUlemme get uhhhhhhh, a BONELESS PIZZA, wit a 2 litre of coke
>>114916554"Art people" tend to lack self-discipline. Genndy on the other hand has that Chad slavic blood keeping him on the right track.
>>114907452I'm genuinely excited for this. Hopefully it gets finished. We need more action/slapstick in our comedy again.>>114915266He's a good employee. I kinda wish he just flipped Sony the bird and never does another movie for them, but he seems like the type to just roll with the punches and not burn any bridges. Probably the smarter thing to do, but less satisfying.>>114916071Speaking of which, didn't she leave MLP to do this? What's with studios fucking over their animation directors?>>114907681Give yourself little goals user. Accomplishing those inspire you to take on the bigger ones. So just go for a walk or something. Something physical will also help clear your mind and your emotions.>>114917294Craig Mackracken (I'm not bothering to look up how it's spelt) would be up there. Not as good as Genndy, but his output is consistent in quality and popularity, and like Genndy, his name is recognised and respected. Other than those two, I'm having a hard time coming up with names other than people who only have 1 title under their belt.
>>114908367now where could my pipe be?
>>114917294>Matt Groening>Stephen Hillenburg>Seth Macfarlane>Matt Stone and Trey Parker>Mike Judge
>>114917294>>114917628Reminder that Genndy, Craig and Mo are the only Cartoon Cartoons creators who gets consistent projects and are well known for other things than their CN shows. The others have either fallen into obscurity or only works as smaller jobs like storyboard artists.
>>114918770>Matt GroeningDisenchanment was mediocre at best
>>114919030Better than Motel Trannysylvania
>>114908164It's all in the past now. Sony keeps fucking up but Genndy is still getting to make his dream movie.
>>114918770>>Matt GroeningSure, 2 highly popular, quality, long running (eventually into the ground) shows, and a decent new one.>>Stephen HillenburgHe only had one show. It was good, but it doesn't really prove his chops>>Seth MacfarlaneMaybe? I've only ever thought the first season or so of family guy was good, and everything else seems like a rehash of that show tonally and even in set up. His shows are popular and make bank though, I guess that's all that really matter in the end.>>Matt Stone and Trey ParkerCorrect>>Mike JudgeCorrect Again.
has genndy ever released his student film
>>114918861Real talk: Mo doesn't get anywhere NEAR the amount of love on this board that he deserves
>>114919867Excuse me for being retarded, but Mo who? Looking it up only gives me stop motion animation.
>>114914326First off, of course they're saying that.Second, would it really be the end of the world if like, Olive owned Popeye's boat or something? They go on adventures and get caught up in shit.
>>114919908Mo Willems, creator of Sheep in the Big City. He's now a best-selling Children's book
>>114919940he was also the lead writer on Kids Next Doorand did work on Kablam
>>114920058True, what a chad.
>>114907452This sounds great, but I'm hoping it doesn't mean Fixed is cancelled.
>>114913618Sym-Bionic Titan ended before he took on those projects and the ratings were so bad CN didn't commission a second season. I could certainly see it as something he might come back to if Lazzo offered it again unless they did the same thing as Megas and wrote it off as losing money and they can't afford to buy it back off the government.
>>114915266No one, absolutely no one, can keep Genndy down. He will ALWAYS find a way to come out on topWhat did we do to deserve him Holla Forumsmrades?
>>114919940>wrote his play with Mr. Warburtoni had always heard they became great friends at CN, but damn this is 20 years later. good on them
>>114907452>yfw Genndy goes full over the top with Popeye bullshit>Popeye gets spinach and shatters the fourth wall with his punch>Genndy shows up in the background as Popeye is beating the shit out of the bad guy.
>>114919940>>114920058Oh thank you Anons. I am actually a fan of his work, just never put a name to it. It's interesting that he has the same philosophy as Craig Mccracken in keeping simple designs that kids can draw.
>>114917206>It doesn't feature punching, but Popeye does beat up a bunch of people with a sinkHe beats people with some mechanical mumbo jumbo because he is too weak to fight them with his fists. Wimpy could have done the same.
>>114916554no crippling depression
>>114917294I feel it’s remiss to not mention Paul Rudish who has played a big part in many of those>>114920098It got iced because they never figured out merchandizing and no toys=dead
>>114913649next episode WHEN
>>114921334Sometime this FallPlague of Madness was released early for the April Fool's event on adult swim. There is a mega if you haven't seen it already
>>114907803Emoji movie made millions because it was super cheap to make and had product endorsements hp the ass. Any ticket sales were probably free money. The only thing it could harm is brand recognition and parents don't pay attention to that anymore
>>114919060This means HIS Star Wars is bound to get justice at some point.
>>114918861Van Partible became an executive over in Asia markets because Johnny Bravo was so beloved over there.
>>114911875It's Sony user. Almost as bad as cartoon network
>>114917294Paul Rudish. He deserves as much praise as Tartakovsky.Motherfucker got Mickey Mouse, holy fuck.
>>114907452Looks like Primal won him some clout.
so is primal animated at cartoon network studios, or is it done in france? ive heard differing accounts
Happy for
AND swamp thing is coming back, based day.
>>114923245the one they put on that streaming service that got canceled after like a day or is it ANOTHER new swamp thing
>>114907452How does it feel to be putty in the hands of the Party?
>>114916877since Genndy is making it will most likely be far better then Island Adventures, this is much better news to look forward to rather then shitty and fucked up movies like Scoob, it's high time that fthe franchise of scooby-doo to be buried in the ground onnce and for all that shit has beacame boring and stupid.I know a lot of people who have no desire to see scooby-doo anymore.
>>114922989French studio, La Chachette does most of it. Some freelancers do some scenes too
>>114907452>News one month from now: Genddy Tartakovsky has died from Covid-19.
>>114924158Good. One less Minitrue shill in the world.
>>114922989Keyframes are usually done stateside with inbetweens handled elsewhere
>>114924158No he won't, stop scaring the children >:(
>>114911665Flcl came close
>>114924158Professor user, if you mean to suggest that Mr Tartakovsky will die from COVID-19 within the next month, I must warn you you are treading on dangerous ground
>>114919867Probably because he's not really in the industry anymore.
>>114907452Spinach is back on the menu boys...
>>114915266>be reduced to scraping the shit at Sony on the fucking terrible Hotel Transylvania moviesI've only seen the first one and it really isn't all that bad
>>114919940Oh right, he did the Elephant and Piggie books
>>114922036johnny bravo got its own episode exclusively in india due to its popularity if i recall correctly
>>114923116Look at it. The levels of soul are off the scale.
Nice! Hopefully, Tarta will direct a Star Wars Clone Wars reboot after this project!
>We'll never see Medusa because Faust burned that bridge hardOh well, 1 out of 2 isn't bad.
>>114926260Alright I've seen this post too many times now so I'll ask, what happened?
>>114926296Apparently there was a meeting where one of the execs from Sony came in and said something like "Why are we even making a movie with a female protagonist, they don't sell" and Faust basically pulled a "CURRENT YEAR" thing and everyone else in the room clapped. Exec got embarrassed so he told Sony to shelve the project. This is what Faust said happened to it.
>>114926327Any idea who the exec was?
>>114926327>and everyone else in the room clapped
>>114926402This is the one time I don't really doubt it at all, you know how industry people are
For once, I am not disgustipated
>>114926327how does this relate to genndy? was he part of the project too
>>114926543>>114926402Hey, it's what Faust said. Doesn't directly relate to Genndy, it's just the other SPA picture that got canned because they wanted to go all in on the Emoji Movie.
>>114926558>it's what Faust saidNo, she said all the women congratulated her AFTER the meeting.During the meeting the exec just grumbled and dismissed it.
>>114926327>Why are we even making a movie with a female protagonist, they don't sellWas this before or after Frozen?
>>114926558>genndy decides to do his bro craig a solid and get his wife a pitch at spa>she spergs out during the pitch>verbally attacks the executive>the pitch went so badly, not only does she not get greenlit, they also un-greenlight genndy's popeye movie
>>114926284not the guy you replied to, but thanks for the post.when the gyms closed, I lost all motivation for fitness and lifting. just started running again and been itching for some workouts to do as a poorfag.
>>114926588Point still stands that she threw a fit and ruined her chances. It was probably the last straw for Sony.
>>114915266>you don't even get to use your cool, preferred design for Dracula because Adam Sandler insists on making Dracula his self-insertwhat was his preferred design?
I've heard there's some messiness with Primal's airings or ordering or something. I've never seen the show, how should I watch it? In order, or with special episodes in between, or what?
>>114927118Not him and I don't know if he's referring to something in particular but there is a concept sheet>>114927212The order is as presented, 1 2 3 4 and 5, for the first halfPlague of Madness was aired out of sequence as a joke and is believed to be episode 8. Nothing stopping you from watching it now, but there are some reasons not to if you're a purist for continuity
>>114927242ok thanks. Is the out of sequence joke something that makes sense in the show or is it just and [as] fucking around type joke?
>>114927476Prank is probably the better word, them just fucking around as usual but this time it was a surprise early showing OF a Genndy enpisode rather than cucking his fans out of one
>>114915266What was his original dracula design?
>>114918861Strange how Antonucci went from creating the longest running CN show to barely anything since EEnE ended. Only thing he did was that Snotrocket short some years back.
>>114927242Ohhh. This looked real cool.
This is good news but I wish that someday we get a cartoon series more like the comics, where it's not always spinach punching
>>114928106>OL' PAL OF MINE -->Two hamburgersThe delivery was at least 50% of the humor in the strips.
>>114908367Genndy's Popeye is an origin story from when the sailor man was young, he hasn't stopped smoking he just hasn't started. Notice he also doesn't have tattoos in the pitch reel.
>>114926716godspeed. wrist rollers are pretty easy to make so it shouldn't be too hard to get one even with all the gear sold out.i looked on ebay the other day and saw plenty there, however.
>>114929097Will anger people regardless of what actually happens though
>>114918770>Matt Groening>Seth Macfarlane>Matt Stone and Trey Parker>Mike JudgeWhile most of their series are well known and popular, they're all basically just animated sitcoms.>Stephen HillenburgNowhere near Genndy's output.
>>114928177Is there an easy way to read the comic? Like a MEGA or something?
>>114927991short form cartoons (
>>114930407mike judge has done a lot more than king of the hill>>114918770i just went and read mike judge's biography on wiki because of this post, its truly fascinating>moved to america from ecuador at a young age>got a degree in physics from UCSD>hated working in physics>joined a tech startup>hated it>joined a touring blues band>happened to see a collection of animation cels one day>thought it was cool>bought himself a 16mm camera and taught himself how to animate>his early work got picked up by comedy central>the viacom brass really wanted to tap his talent for MTV>beavis and butthead was born
>>114917628>Give yourself little goals user. Accomplishing those inspire you to take on the bigger ones. So just go for a walk or something. Something physical will also help clear your mind and your emotions.So, Holla Forums is still love. Good to know.
>>114930407SpongeBob shits on anything Genndy has ever made
More animated films are going to be greenlit due to the fact the majority of the work can be done remotely, animators can work from home and voice lines can be recorded anywhere the actor is isolated at.
>>114928019So, people back then were willing to wait a whole week for a shitty punch line, huh?Simpler times, I suppose...
remember that abysmal popeye youtube series from a few years ago
>>114931466>joined a tech startup >joined a touring blues band Holy shit. And this doesn't even include Office Space and Idiocracy. Mike Judge is a true inspiration.
>>114931343Best thing we got right now is the Mickey Mouse shorts, although I haven't seen a new one of those in a while either
>>114931617If if that were true it's still only one series.
>>114931466>walk past stack of animation cels>"huh this is pretty neat">go on to make several great works as a resultabsolutely incredible
>>114931849Right? Holla Forums doesn't give Mike Judge enough recognition. He's only ever had one blip in his decades-long career of success.
I'm so happy it's finally happening. Don't just be happy for Genndy, but Henry Yu as well. Dude grew up watching Popeye when he was a kid in China, and he worked hard to get into Calarts and become a storyboard artist against his father's wishes. He worked on Sym-Bionic Titan and Genndy specifically asked him to work at Sony with
>>114931849just think about all the people who spend years in college and never really get itand mike judge just randomly drifted in one day and schooled them all
>>114911665You can fool a computer, but you can't fool the human eye. It knows when a color isn't native to either nature or ink.
>>114932011That's awesome. Thanks for sharing. It looks like he's boarded on all three Hotel Transylvania films, so I hope he joins Genndy on Popeye again.
>>114930421The original run by the creator (from which all the posted comics come from) is collected in nice big editions by Fantagraphics, but those aren't scanned. The comics by later writers/artists are. So you have to look around for old comic scans.
>>114931746I actually don't, but there's been several references to it in the threadtell me more
>>114908367Isn't smoking banned from kids movies?
>>114934182But of course.We wouldn't want kids to pick up bad habits. Now suck on your lollipop.
>>114915266You think he'll ever get a chance to continue Sym-Bionic Titan? Would he even still be interested in that series? I still am.
>>114932342Source on that image?
>>114934354>You think he'll ever get a chance to continue Sym-Bionic Titan?I'm sure adult swim would continue it and air it on Toonami.
>>114926260Damn shame. I just want more shit based on Greek myths.
>>114934354That episode was emotionally manipulative as fuck and goddamn it, shit worked. Octus is a true nigga
>>114934399what the fuck is that thing
>> It houses Henry Yu's comics. The site was written in a couple drawings shown throughout the video that >>114932011 shared.
>>114934485The final form of Medusa's best friend.
>>114927242Bottom right is my favorite Dracula concept
>>114934399>>114934532Kill yourself weebshitter
>>114907452>Genndy's Popeye was originally shelved back in spring 2015 >Steven Universe's two-part Season 1 finale was just premiering God, where did the time go?...
>>114934376Can’t happen. CN wrote the series off. If it does get a continuation, it would have to air somewhere else
>>114934684How do you even write off a series? I never really understood this whole "Sym-Bionic Titan belongs to the government" deal.
No punching, no pipe, no sir, I don't like. If he punches and gets the pipe of the end as an origin story I'll watch.
>>114934728they basically say it's not worth any money and the gubmint gives them a certain amount off company taxes with the condition going forward that they can't monetize it
>>114934767What a baby. You can still achieve some exciting and funny slapstick action without full-on punches. And why are you acting like it's impossible to still keep Popeye's spirit alive without an actual pipe, ESPECIALLY when you understand exactly why it's being censored? Kek, have fun missing out on more Genndy Kino
>>114934824You can summarize Popeye by>Sailor>Pipe>Spinach>Punches50% does not keep spirit alive. Taking away the pipe for the PC reason of keeping kids from knowing a pipe exists is retarded. Most modern kids, unless he literally smoked it, which he rarely did wouldn't even know what the fuck was in his mouth. As for Genndy kino, it's the only hope this movie has. If anyone would fight to get him to punch and have a pipe in the end it is him, sadly he will fail and most likely so will this movie. It will be a one time one note thing because it won't sell to modern kids.
>>114934728>have flop show>sell it’s rights to the government for a tax break>you are now permanently banned from ever making a profit off the franchiseIt’s supposed to be a risk motivator so even if you have a bomb, you can get some of the investment back for trying
>>114934941what if we gave popeye a vape penwith spinach flavored juiceand had a spinach juice product tie-in with juul
I've been fooled before. Not getting excited until I see a trailer.
>>114917294Genndy didn't make Hotel Transylvania. He only directed it.
>>114934995Sadly the anti smoking lobby hates those more than actual smoking now. But no, an apple does not equal an orange, especially when the apple is noted for being classic, badass, and cool and the other for the opposite.
>>114934962>even if you have a bomb Did Cartoon Network sell off Sym-Bionic Titan... BEFORE it even aired on television?