Whenever something gets big in western animation there will always be a bunch of other studios trying to replicate it so how come no one has tried to basically make a western Ghibli film?
Whenever something gets big in western animation there will always be a bunch of other studios trying to replicate it...
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>>114907245In all honesty, the talent is simply not there.
>>114907245There's no need to imitate when you already own the real thing.
define 'ghibli film'
>>114907877This.Can't do it.
>>114907245>Whenever something gets bigThere's you're answer. Ghibli films aren't big for general western audiences, so it doesn't seem profitable to execs to copy it.
>>114907245probably the closest western animators have gotten is probably something like Coraline and the first Toy Story.at least in my mind, looking at it in terms of raw charm, effort and not just being another big gay animated broadway musical.
>>114908002Don't most Ghibli films perform well in the west?
Because "western ghibli films" are widely agreed to just be 2d disney films, as shitty as that is.
>>114908002Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle were both critical and commercial darlings over here
>>114907245>Ghibli Ace Combat movie, never
>>114908002>Ghibli films aren't big for general western audiences, so it doesn't seem profitable to execs to copy it.Ghibli films have been around for decades and in the late 90s to early 00s they were extremely successful in the West, fucking everyone I knew saw Spirited Away. There was clearly enough interest for long enough for someone to have attempted to mimic it.
>>114907245Here in Tacoland they made an animated movie called The Angel in the Clock which tried to be Ghibli with JRPG elements
>>114908947>Don't most Ghibli films perform well in the west?Theyre just ... there, like don bluth films and not the Disney level phenomenon they are in japan
>>114907245Pixar has tried before, they just fail at it. Coco is spirited away in mexico. Up is meant to be Ghibli.
>>114909008>>114908947Howl's moving castle only made about $4 million in the US, and Spirited away only did $10 million.95% of the box office profit was international
>>114909104Brave is also meant to be like Ghibli, they just suck.Cartoon Saloon's Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea are the closest thing to Western Ghibli
>>114909131well shit, you're right. That actually shocks me.
>>114909131forgot pic
In my state, we've got a bakery that apparently is the template for the one in Kiki's Delivery Service. The story goes that Miyazaki and his wife came here on holiday in the '80s and that's what planted the seeds in him, but bizarrely nobody knows if it's actually true or not. Regardless, we used to get heaps of Japanese tourists flooding the place in the '00s.
>>114909131>>114909181The fuck? Did everyone just see these on TV or through renting? I literally don't know a soul who hasn't seen these movies, I know fucking grandparents that have seen them.
Too expensiveNot enough easy braindead marketing with trailer fodder.
>>114909215This, my 65 year old mother watched it for the first time last year and she loved it.
>>114907245Disney (outside TLK) takes it own approachAnd with that made better films the Ghibli in the 90s, let alone their real golden age content
>>114909181this kinda hurts to see
>>114907245Spirited Away was a one-hit wonder in the West. The rest of their catalogue, great as it is, underperformed in theaters.
>>114909205Bakery name? Do the owners claim to have met or seen him?
>>114907245ghibli peaked at spirited away and everything they've made since blends together in my mind.
>>114909181>>114909243Ghibli movies always did better with DVD/VHS rentals than in theaters. That's why everyone and their grandma has seen Spirited Away despite the low box office numbers. Same goes for a lot of earlier Ghibli works in the 90s when they were first released on VHS, Kiki's Delivery Service and My Neighbor Totoro in particular sold like fucking hotcakes.
>>114907245There's literally a western Ghibli film.
>>114909691I remember when a small theater near me did a Spirited Away showing one night. There were people lining up around the block waiting for a ticket
For me, it's Porco Rosso
>>114907245Because normals already think of Ghibli stuff as Japanese Disney/Pixar
>>114909710I've seen The Red Turtle and most Ghibli films and I don't really see the connection. What Ghibli movie would you say it is similar to? The red turtle feels more like something from Studio 4 °C.
>>114910043thisit's the best one by far
>>114907245>Pippi Longstocking>Here Come The LittlesThese things exist but they're not very good.
>>114907245>Whenever something gets big in western animation there will always be a bunch of other studios trying to replicate it so how come no one has tried to basically make a western Ghibli film?Because Pixar does Pixar, and everyone else is either doing comedies or imitating Pixar.
>>114907245>how come no one has tried to basically make a western Ghibli film?Winnie the Pooh movies lol
are the newer ghibli films any good? the last interesting one was howls moving castle.
>>114907245the fuck does western ghibli film mean
>>114907245The Westerners able to appreciate Ghibli films aren't the Westerners who have the ability to produce them.
>>114907245The only studio that I feel comes closest to a western equivalent of Ghibli is Cartoon Saloon. Laika is second.
>>114907245there is no talent to do such a thing and the west just doesnt apreciate animationthey lack taste
>>114912119>>114912924>M-muh Murica has no talentObjectively wrongThere's no studios willing to let loose shekels for creative freedom.Also Disney in the 30s/40s is 10x better then any Ghibli so
>>114909070How was it?
>>114909026That would be by Production I.G. considering they did the cutscenes to Ace combat 3
>>114907245I guess the money just isn't there anymore. Nobody's interested in big, expensive animated 2D films aimed at an older audience than little kids. I'm sure the talent is out there somewhere, but nobody's willing to pay to have it put to good use.
>>114909738Fucking BASED
>>114913631this movie was so low budget and also so boring, please fix your eyes PLEASE
>>114907245The current West doesn't have the talent in all honesty.>>114907877>Saturated but earthy color pallet>Meandering pace, story is less important than atmosphere>Fluid character and mechanical animation>Magical realism
>>114913653It's honestly my top 3Wind Rises, Howl's Moving Castle, Kaguya
>>114911164A ghibli movie about cowboys
>>114913695lmao I'm just baiting with you, those are all great films. I'm just bored and messing around
>>114909215The only time I've seen a Ghibli movie in theaters was a fathom event. As a kid it was either Kiki's Delivery Service playing on the WB network or Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke on Toonami's Month of Miyazaki.
>>114912961Disney in the 30's and 40's literally cannot be beat
>>114910409he means it was literally animated by outsourced Ghibli members, because Miyazaki had a hard-on for the director's work and offered his slaves to help
>>114913722that sounds amazing
>>114907245Because sadly, slave labor isn't legal around here
>>114914602nice joke m8
>>114914602just because slave labor is not legal here does not mean it is not illegal elsewherejust outsource to the multitude of asian countries for pennies and now a perfect animation film is available to the public without any one caring like blood diamonds.
>>114914698>just outsource to the multitude of asian countries for penniesIf outsourcing was really as easy as you're making it out to be, western anime would've become the norm years ago.
>>114914734I thought western “anime” have been animated by koreans
>>114909161I think Hilda did a lot to capture the spirit of ghibli films.