Could they stop Star Butterfly?
Could they stop Star Butterfly?
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holy shit that art was made 2014? damn i remember those threads. where does time go
>jake longhate this dumb cunt. would kill him if possible
>>114906932cursed image
>>114906932>>114906973literally all of them could do it. here is a better question, how would a orgy between them play out?
>>114906932>They all job to Star>Ron ends up having to bail them out, but even he has trouble with Narwhal Blasts>Rufus ends up breaking Star's wand and saves the day
Isn't Star a
>2 Nickelodeon>2 Disney>1 Cartoon Network
I see they finally got a team together to stop star.
>>114907021Trust me, he gets A LOT better in Season 2
>>114907228>1 Cartoon Networkwho could take the other 4 no problem
>>114907092Very good question
>>114907545Now that's just shilling
>>114906932>Ben 10Pathetic.
>>114907901Not wrong. Ben’s pretty strong.
>>114907927You're too slow
>>114907930It depends on the alien and each one has it's weaknesses
>>114908001Just go Atomix or NRG, easy win
>>114908031Both of them can be beaten, they aren't that tough, even more so with NRG
>>114908226Atomix wiped the floor with the guy who took out an army of Vaxasaurians, none of the others even compare, there is nothing they can do to him or Ben
>>114908226>Both of them can be beatenThe only one in the OP who stands a chance against either is Danny, and he's way less durable than either of them. Not to mention that NRG is literally living energy, and I don't think Danny can possess that.
>>114908266>>114908309Jake and Kim IDK but Danny and Jenny can beat him and they don't even have to use all of there powers to do it
>>114908355Danny and Jenny can’t. Neither are tough enough, Jenny can be countered by Lodestar, Upchuck or Upgrade while Ben can actually remove Danny’s powers by purifying his DNA
>>114906932Kim needs to shave her fucking mustache.
>>114908389>Danny and Jenny can’t. Neither are tough enough, Jenny can be countered by Lodestar, Upchuck or Upgrade Or a dozen other aliens. Ben has a lot of options and I doubt Jenny's stronger than his heavy hitters>while Ben can actually remove Danny’s powers by purifying his DNANo need to go into the bullshit omnitrix feats, Danny's lost fights to way weaker opponents than ben
>>114908389>Danny and Jenny can’t. Neither are tough enough,Yes they are>Jenny can be countered by Lodestar, Upchuck or UpgradeJenny is equipped with the technology to counteract all three and even upgrade is shown to not be effective against robots that can resist it>while Ben can actually remove Danny’s powers by purifying his DNAIt doesn't work like that, Danny's DNA is already pure, it's hard to explain the exact science of the situation but let's just say that his DNA just has an extra layer of ghost DNA
>>114907021Do you mean kill him Kim Possible?
>>114907228Teams larger than 5 are to large, user. Ben also has more fire power than the others so it balances out.
>>114908560Really, none of them have the feats, Jenny can literally just be digested in Upchuck’s stomach dimension, Jenny’s been wrecked by less, and Upgrade has gotten stronger and Danny’s DNA can be purified as it was in Phantom Planet, the ghost shit was removed from his human DNA
>>114908482>Or a dozen other aliens. Ben has a lot of options and I doubt Jenny's stronger than his heavy hittersJenny canonically kicks the ass of monsters that are just as if not more big than Way Big>No need to go into the bullshit omnitrix feats, Danny's lost fights to way weaker opponents than benHe managed to beat all of them
>>114907927>>114907980Could Hal beat Peak Star?
>>114908604>Really, none of them have the feats,Do you even watch the shows>Jenny can literally just be digested in Upchuck’s stomach dimension,She can survive it>Jenny’s been wrecked by less,She hasn't>and Upgrade has gotten strongerStill shown to have a hard time with machines that can resist>Danny’s DNA can be purified as it was in Phantom Planet, the ghost shit was removed from his human DNAThat's not how it works, it got removed by the machine that gave it to him in the first place and like i said the DNA is already pure, the ghost stuff isn't like an infection, it straight up fuses with his DNA
>>114908580Have you even been reading this thread
>>114908711Reality warperVsA normal teenage girl, a jobber dragon, a ghost, and a robotHow is this not a stomp?
>>114908697Danny is at best city block level, he doesn’t pack much of a punch, even that Wail of his isn’t anywhere near what Ben has fought. Jenny’s best feat is destroying meteors and surviving crashing into a planet, something even Diamondhead can do with no sweat. Jenny ends up shredded, as she has no defense against hacking, Ben will purify his DNA pretty damn easily, back to basic bitch human.
>>114908560I'm pretty sure Danny and Jenny are nowhere near Alien X's power. Closest thing to him for Danny would be Freakshow with the Reality Gauntlet, the only way he beat him was through his ghost envy and sucking him into the Fenton Thermos. ben wouldn't have that weakness, he would just seperate Danny's ghost half and erase it from existence. Jenny would have an even worse chance. Nora Wakeman is good, but I doubt she made Jenny with the tech to counteract a reality warping alien god.
>>114906932Why would they? Only Jake will die anyways. Nobody cares about that chink.
>>114908769There was an episode where he talked shit about his Principal on his blog and all the magical creatures in New York immediately assumed he put a hit on him
>>114908768No need to go straight to Alien X, that's just hax that can beat anything. It's not sporting. Ben could beat either of those two using a dozen different aliens solo. If you're letting him use more than one alien, it'll be a cinch
>>114908769Yeah not even Kuro is bringing him in 5YL
>>114906932Yes, haha
>>114907496That is the season 2 design in OP, genius
>>114908971No I meant that Jake Long starts off in Season 1 as an annoying wannabe black Hapa but that aspect gets toned down and he actually becomes a lot more bearable and likable in Season 2Most people stopped watching after the artstyle change so they don't get to experience that and instead remember Jake for his Season 1 bullshit
>>114908001I mean, most of bens aliens have fought people who can blow up mountains and shit (Some like Diamond and 4 arms have fought plane level threats). I don’t feel the majority of aliens would lose to anyone else on the team desu
>>114908755Seriously, anything is better than that horrible mustache.
>>114906932They should be using the original show's Ben instead, the one who hasn't been power-creeped to total absurdity.
>>114907619so its ben duping himself and gangbanging the rest?Nice.
>>114909204Without OV Ben, they don’t really tans a chance, the Wand is super strong
>>114909315That just makes it more interesting to watch.
>>114906932Fuck this cross over shit. It killed dtoons. I miss dougie.
>>114907092>Danny and Kim start fucking>Since Jenny doesn't have anything down there, Ben goes upgrade and takes her over. >He stimulates whatever it is that gives her feelings of pleasure>at the same time using Upgrade's bullshit tech manipulation powers to fuck Kim, too>Jake just sits in a corner and watches because nobody likes him
>>114908735>>114908768>>114908751>>114908889You people are giving Ben and Alien X too much credit, Alien X has it's weaknesses too, every alien does
>>114910108He does, just none the others have any access to. Alien X survived the destruction of his universe and can do just about anything, way beyond the pay grade of any of the other guys
>>114910108No, it doesn’t, the other two personalities gave Ben complete control. It no longer has any weaknesses.
>>114910108Like? The only time we've ever seen a celestialsapien lose was against another celestialsapien - and they were casually destroying entire planets throughout the fight. What do any of the others have that can take that on?
>>114910162>>114910203>>114910215I'm not even gonna read this bullshit, i hope you all get banned
>>114907619Dumb episode
>>114911066So, top-tier for UA
>>114906932Unironically they need Steven to be strong enough to defeat Star.
>>114912042ben could do it if he had alien X
>>114912042By fucking her?
>>114906932Kim could do it on her own, after all, shes the goddamn Kimpossible, and all she needs is preptime, and she can use her kim glider, her Kim Claw, her kimmobile and her kim utility belt, she is the goddamn kimpossible
>>114912099Ben could do it with Terraspin, he's immune to magic
coomers not even onceand no they cannot defeat her because they fucking suck as a group
I don't think there's really any question that Ben could defeat any of them 1 on 1. Ben's entire design philosophy is 'guy who has an alien for every occasion.' It's literally his job to be the swiss army knife of the group; able to adapt to every situation. Hell, as someone mentioned above, he even has an alien that's immune to magic.But Ben's weakness has always been one of two things. Either he realizes that he's running out of time in a fight and needs to end it before he turns back into a weak little human, or he's fighting a group and can only counter one member at a time. (And I guess, occasionally in the original series, it was struggling to find which one of the ten aliens works best for the problem, but that's not an issue anymore.) Maybe if he's clever he can turn into an alien that counters two of them, but four unique, skilled individuals working together could beat his ass.
>>114906932star couldn't beat the antagonist of her respective series with out having to resort to genocide so yes. ben ten alone could easily take her if he got the right alien
>>114912420>Either he realizes that he's running out of time in a fight and needs to end it before he turns back into a weak little humanPretty well addressed at this point. Ben's more or less got as much time as an alien as he wants, though occasionally it will still time out for comedic affect. He's not useless as a human, either - he's had to go without aliens on multiple occasions, and he does just fine. >he's fighting a group and can only counter one member at a time. Ben's had quick change since Alien force. If he needs to, he can swap aliens multiple times in a fight to meet the situationThat being said,>four unique, skilled individuals working together could beat his assis absolutely correct. But they'd need a hell of a plan and some serious team coordination.
>>114911056>Gets btfo>I-I hope you get bannedCope.
>>114906932How would Star destroying magic in her dimension affect Jake? Magic always has wonky rules.
>>114913293She apparently did it for every dimension since the portals are forever closed off
Replace Kim with Aang or something, she can't compete here.
>>114913570She'd be like the batman of the group. Way smarter and more resourceful than the others. Plus if she gets to keep that suit she's probably stronger physically than Jake
>>114913713If all else fails, throw Ron into the disaster and stand clear.
>>114913728Oh gosh, can you imagine how much shit Ron would get from Ben and Danny?
>>114906932>basically just comes down to danny phantom and ben10>jenny might be able to get by on durability>kim might be able to fill a batman type role of prepping
what would make these 2 fight on the team?
>>114914551Because it's the right thing to do and it makes them look cool.