Redpill me on Sr. Pelo (Mr. hair for you gringos) Is he good?
Redpill me on Sr. Pelo (Mr. hair for you gringos) Is he good?
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no? yes?
>has footage of himself in his animationsCringe
>>114905865He was alright when he blew up but he just keeps doing the same thing. It's gotten old.
>>114905865He's about 69% based 31% cringe
Remember when Egoraptor tried to chide him on Twitter and it backfired? Good times
>>114905865>gringotsSpeak American Taco Nigger
>>114906022Chúpame la verga
If you're going to get into his Mokey work start with the first videos he did in the early 10s and once you've seen at least 5 watch the Christmas ones:
>>114905903Pretty much this.He has talent but he needs to stop milking the same shit, his more polished more original work like the Halloween one and the Animator community are better than all the Mokey videos together.
post his gf and her lewd drawings
>>114905865He's a Youtube personality, meaning he's automatically trash.
>>114905865Haha gay
>>114905865>*slaps table*>*yells*yes.
Yes, his undertale videos were actually funny
I remember when he used to be called 123pendejos and made barely animated TF2 videos.
>>114906010Please spoonfeed me, I love this type of drama.
>>114905865no user, los gringo también lo llaman pelo
>>114905865Yeah, he's pretty good.
>>114907278Oney is the fucking man, holy shit.
>>114905865He's a fucking cool
>>114907278What the hell happened to Arin? He used to play games with Oney, now he's a pussy.
>>114905865he alright
>>114907435Suzy.I am 100% sure that if Suzy didn't exist, Arin would've been if not fine at least better than he is right now.
>>114907508This >>114907435 and California.
Would you fuck Ill.
>>114906010>>114907278I saw that video and didn't understand what Egoraptor found so mean-spirited about it.also I liked the way the pink cat says "One time at the Schkoooooo...."
>>114905865He's pretty much the embodies the spirit of amature ng flash animations back in the day
>>114907508>Suzy.Is that his bootleg Bjork waifu?
>>114907856Also known as Code Lyoko
>>114907708>Johnknee fucking anything after what happened on "Looking"
Estan mas chidos sus videos en español la verdad
>>114906175No, YO te chupo la verga.>>114905865¿Quien es este tipo o que?
>>114907508Fucking women, man.
>>114905865I like his art, but I'm tired of his videos.
>>114905865Remember when he did Homestuck stuff?
I like the way characters just kind of rot away from minor injuries
>>114905865>Old stuff before he did UndershitSomewhat cringe, but OK.>During UndershitExcluding Undershit, the best.>After UndershitA few good ones, but sharply declined in quality after about 6 months.
>>114908294Uhhhh you just said that you want to suck that anons dick
>>114909350¿y tu que o que? ¿eh? ¿que te crees que no se lo que dije o que? ¿Que te crees muy muy como para tirarteme a mi? ¿quieres bronca wey? Pero ya en serio ¿Quien es el tipo ese del OP? ¿Que contenido hace en youtube?
>>114905865Good animation, good heart, unfunny jokes
>>114905865I feel really dumb only now learning his name means Mr. Hair. I thought Pelo was an actual given name.
unfunny screaming mexican
>>114909906Same. I never thought to actually google what Pelo meant
>>114907435Arin just loves moral posturing for internet good boy points. He'll cry about shit like this being "mean" and parrot PC bullshit about how the movie american pie is problematic, but he fucking LOVES doing hirarious japanese accents and pedophilia jokes, because no one has called him out on it yet.Meanwhile Game Grumps now has less subscribers than JonTron now, so it's clearly not working out for him.
He could be reading this thread RIGHT NOW
>>114910209Hey Pelo. Do you have a visa to visit the US?
>>114907369He is. I can't wait til he posts a picture of him and Veronica with a shiner cause she didn't make his mash tatoes fast enough
>>114910278i though nobody could move in an out of any country atm.
He's kinda hot
>>114910377not now of course, hopefully later.
He should so a full horror animation, his artstyle would lend amazingly to it imo.
>>114910116Watching Game Grumps crash and burn is beautiful to be honest. The only one I feel even a tad bad for is Dan, and he's gonna be fine as long as he saved some money and keeps getting some crowds for his personal stuff
>>114910368They broke up
>>114905865i liked his "TF2 in a shellnut" series, don't watch him a lot these days.
>>114910814Dan is just along for the rid i bet he thinks it stupid too but he is to nice to get involved
I like that he creates little exploitables and challenges to encourage smaller and newer animators/editors. While I agree that sometimes his loud=funny humor doesn’t always land, I think he’s talented and has been consistent for a very long time. He also seems like a nice person and a hard worker. I’m glad he still makes content even when YouTube doesn’t support animations.
>>114905865no, hes cringe as fuck and haha weird noises XD funny now but i liked his TF2 videos
I haven't found screaming funny since I was a young teenUNTIL NOW!
>>114907508he's been with Suzy for like 15 years, mandon't blame her on this like the incel you are, Arin has changed since he became the leader of a business.
What the fuck is her problem
>>114905865started funny but got old, dumb slapping screaming spic needs new content
>>114909522You know, spamming other languages outside of /int/ considererd as shitposting, Paco
His gf has cute art
>>114912504I'm pretty sure she's into NTR
>>114912314Not my problem yo can't talk more than two languages gringo: english and simp
>>114907508Yoko really did him dirty, now every little thing is problematic unless it makes him look like a gay or a tranny then it's alright.
>>114913136That doesn't make my argument less valid >>>Holla ForumsAlso No onions gringo, niño tarado. ¿Pero a quién carajos le importa, si estamos en un foro anónimo en primer lugar?
>>114907856If you mean hideous and alien-creature-like then yes.
>>114905865His humor is bottom of the barrel funny faces and loud noises with mostly no genuine comedic input or ideas from the author. That being said, I absolutely love it and still laugh at every retarded joke. I enjoy his content and wish him well.
>>114905865He was funny back then and he's still funny now. Even his low effort videos are funny to me. It's the kind of thing that gets funny again if you get sick of it and take a break for a while. They aren't something I would recommend watching more than
>>114907278Reminder that Arin removed the word "nigga" from his old animation he posted on Youtube back in 2010 using the Youtube edit feature. The guy is lost his touch.
>>114910209>he could be you>he could be me>he could be op
>>114914611it could even be