Have you seen the new episode? Any thoughts?
Have you seen the new episode? Any thoughts?
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>>114904552Nice filename pedo
>Lisa wins a trip to Little Saint James
>>114904552>Have you seen the new episode? NoAny thoughts?I think they should stop
>>114904552Actually pretty good. Not quite on the same level as Halloween of Horror, but definitely in the same "They're actually writing Lisa the way she's supposed to be written and it generally feels like a proper Classic Era story" boat.
One joke involved throwing food at Taylor Swift, so it gets a pass.
>>114904552Why do they introduce new one off characters in literally every single episode now?
>>114904930To have celebrities voice them. The whole gimmick of this episode is that the girls are the cast of 'Riverdale'.
>>114904552I haven't seen a new episode since 2002 when Maggy Simpsons did a Brittany Spears dance. That was the last straw for me.
>>114904552>little girls who are basically mini-sized adult hipstersInto the trash it goes.
>>114904552they don't even look like simpson characters anymore
>>114905540On that note, how come every HD episode involves Springfield being some town of neurotic hipsters who have film festivals and wine tasting competitions? Wasn't it supposedly a town of blue collar scuzzbags?
>>114904596that already happened according to Groening
>>114904552Formerly good
>>114905593Right? Lisa's 8. She has wide eyes and a round little body.But any new 8 year old girl she encounters has sex eyes and is lithe.
>>114904552no user, it's 2020
There was a time when Simpsons lolis actually looked like lolis.
It was a piece of shit. Thanks for the recommendation.
>>114905746wait why was it completely ok for classic Simpsons to do this and you guys never complained
>>114904552>it’s a Lisa episode
>>114904552Could be better.
>>114905666The writers can only write what they know.
>>114904552Looks interesting. What was it about?
I love how Lisa is the only one who sounds like a kid.
>>114906299Jessica had such a great character design/personality and Meryl Streep's performance was that good that you overlooked it. What is even remotely interesting about the OP girls? Their designs are also awful.
>>114906621Yeah, but they’re sexy
>>114906455>Lisa is invited to a sleepover birthday party for a new friend she met at the library>Turns out she's super rich>The other girls invited are megabitches who make Lisa miserable>Friend joins in the mockery>She actually invited Lisa to be the object of torment for the other girls so she could finally join the clique>She's excited for the next party because then Lisa can invite her own "Lisa" for them to mock so she can join in as well>Lisa is horrified by this>With Homer and Marge off in a subplot with spotty cell reception, she calls Bart for help and he helps her exact sweet revenge>A chase sequence on horseback ensues>Lisa makes an impassioned plea to her friend, who comes to her senses and turns on the mean girls, allowing Lisa and Bart to escape
>>114906780so the Millhouse in Capital City scene done as a full episode
>>114906746>Yeah, but they’re sexyNo they're not. They're not even cute in a lolicon way, they're just...bad character designs and completely visually unappealing.
>>114906780There's the problem. That social clique stuff isn't something that develops until high school, 8 year olds have no real concept of that. What an utterly retarded plot.
>>114906303>and she's trying to fit in with characters nobody likes
>>114907047>That social clique stuff isn't something that develops until high schoolKids in my little town were cliquey from 1st grade all the way to high school.But again, small town.
>>114907047>>114907100You could do stuff with the idea, like you could have Lisa meet a bratty rich little girl who does stuff like:>"My daddy's rich and yours isn't so pleh" (sticks tongue out at Lisa)Which would actually sound like how an 8 year old might act as opposed to making them look and act like 20-something valley girls in Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County.
>>114906299>>114905593we had this discussion like several times;its to make them look unique because they won't be returning characters, also its easy to make lisa look like nothing, because she has looked that way for 31 years now....................
>>114904552Why did they make them so sexy?
>>114907365>its to make them look unique because they won't be returning charactersThe designs aren't memorable or well executed though, they're not like the above example of Jessica Lovejoy who also wasn't a returning character. They're bland, ugly, and not appealing to look at because Zombie Simpsons is made by complete hacks who are in it for a paycheck.
>>114907047Kids are acting older and older with each year. This episode isn't as fictionally impossible as it was 20 years ago.
>>114904552first episode where i felt sorry for lisa since moaning lisabut i'm irked how they made scared of horsesi don't care much for canon in a 700 episode series but just a dumb thing to make bart scared of. can't make him look to heroic i guess...
>>114906780pretty sure Simpsons has done Dinner for Schmucks like five times now
>>114907446Probably because those characters were voiced by guest celebrities.
>>114907522Wasn't Bart a horse jockey at one point?
>>114907675I am perfectly fine with that episode being ignored, frankly.
>>114907675yeshe also rode a horse in some ep where the family had to flee to a ranch i think to escape homer's flanders songthere was another ep where he watched two horses fuck when he used his magic voodoo powers to get the mare pregnant with a bisexual polyamorous clydesdale
>>114904552I'd bend those lolis over the couch and fuck them assembly line style.
>>114904552Redraw in a not shit style please
>>114909928Does it count if they're really midget 20 year olds?
>>114907047>>114907486And since they're no prominent teenage characters, all teenage plots would be given to Bart and Lisa
>>114904552The part where Sneed came in and said "MONORAIL" made me kek.
>>114904552Imagine the episode Summer of 4ft 2, but really, really, REALLY boring. Remember that the 30th season of the Simpsons last year was the first time ever that an episode got less than two million viewers. Warrin Priests Part 2 had only 1.3M. And if you only care about the 18-49 demographic like most executives would, it's even worse. 0.7M. Ouch.
>>114910501It's probably really a lot less than that since networks get ratings numbers via the Nielsen box system which counts every 2k people as one "viewer". So the real number is probably six or even five digits.
>>114910102Lisa's canon pushing 40
What happened to the opening couch gag? Or have they just stopped doing those now?
>>114910656That is such a bad design and it looks like an adult woman's head on a little girl's body.
>>114910609Shit, man.But yeah, this episode just reminded me a lot of Summer of 4ft 2 with no jokes whatsoever. Lisa being a dork and getting picked on is easy - an episode where she bonds with cool kids on the beach is a neat surprise, and the kids actually set up some pretty funny jokes - remember the rice krispie squares and tang? And the kid who knew where they could get some baguettes? And how they put shells on Homer's car and he freaked out? Not to mention the great antics with Homer like him fuckin with fireworks and blowin up the kitchen and playin Mystery Date with Bart.There's twice as many laughs in these two and a half minutes than the entire new episode.youtube.com
>>114910656they skip it sometimes for longer episodes
31 seasons and Lisa's front view still looks odd.
>>114911077This just gets worse and worse. I can't begin to even describe how bad these character designs are.
That's one tight looking skirt.
whoever decided to make every new character have checkbones should just get killed
Don't you hate it when you sit in one place and the background just rotates around you?
>>114911465What the flying fuck is even happening here
>>114911604sideshow bob genetically engineered himself with a bunch of animal dna so he first used a whale sonar for some reason, then used either grass hopper or frog legs i cant remember which to chase down bart and lisa despite moment earlier saving their lives
>it's a Lisa's feet episode
>>114911465>on a city block>ran a few feet>suddenly on the Hoover Damboy I really hope someone got fired for that
>>114911465Well, zombie simpsons may be unfunny as an ulcer but at least the animation's good, uh?
Inflation.Because why not.
>>114912512this triggered my bluberry ptsd
Simpsons is a show that actively bothers me. Its a show that used to be meaningful and relatable to a somewhat functional albeit chaotic suburb family. Now its just a celebrity coin flip show about nothing but look who is voice who. All the plots around it are just things they already did ripped and reused but without the soul.Alot of shows are bad or became bad but have sparks of what they used to do right on a greater scale. Modern Simpsons is literally some fucking monster running around with skin over its face and its been doing so for like 20 years.
>>114912659I think is more of a social experiment nowadays, to see how much they can get away with
>>114904972Oh, that's the gimmick? I'm surprised a non-CW show would use them.
>"True revenge can only come from the hate in your own heart.">"I know just what to do."It was foolish of me to think that cowgirl attire would involve rope and branding.
>>114911175That has to be intentional, right?
>>114907047Wait until you see what 10 year olds are doing on South Park.
>>114912754Sorry bro your dream of loli butts will never come true.
I keep forgetting that Comic Book guy & Kumiko are a thing.
>>114912884What the fuck is a "Kumiko"?
>>114910609>if we assume nielsen box owners make up most of the viewers instead of being a representative sample of the viewers there's no one watching
>>114912928Comic Book Guy got a qt Japanese waifu to remind the viewers that fictional fat slobs have better lives than they do, as if that wasn't the original concept of the show.
>>114912884After he was fucking Skinner's mom.
>>114907047You've never been around girls have you?I'm 31 now and had a group of girls from 1-8th grade, our leader stole a car and died in a crash, we broke the group after that and found new friends.Girls will always do a pack mentality things. They may rotate to a few different groups while discovering who they want to be in grade school, but usually know their group type by 6th grade. You always want a brains, brawn, flirt, liar and leader. Liar was the power house because they could get the rest out of trouble by being a good kid in class while raising hell on the playground.
I'm watching it right now, OP. I'm bored AF, no joke has made me even smile so far.
>>114904972How the fuck did live-action Archie of all things become popular with normies?
>>114911465>>114912087Prime time tv btw
>>114912884>>114908024The shadowimg looks so much like nu-family guy.
>>114905666Yes but then celebrities moved into Springfield in literal busloads, bringing millions of dollars in wealth which elevated the standard of living for everyone. Even Moe is less miserable now that he has enough money to retire.
>I opened a thread with a Lisamania pic>The pic is just Lisa and Homer talking with the doc hibbert>Lisa wants vacs and so because she will go to the camp thats all>So unless you go to pixiv, you will never know that is a lisamania pic>That means the janitor likes lisamania
You can see where Lisa gets her awkward front view from.
>>114913720>That means the janitor likes lisamaniaNo, that means the janitor KNOWS what Lisamania IS. I know what it is and I don't like it.In fact I downright hate sexualized Simpsons characters, since they barely look human.OK OP, just finished the episode. I found it annoying and laughed 0 times. It was a pointless thing to watch.
>>114904901Boco, I may be a tripfaggot but I will fuck you up.
>>114913399>I'm 31 now and had a group of girls from 1-8th gradeWhat the hell are you doing with little girls, and is there anywhere online where I can watch?
>>114913782this pic is not sexualized, it is impossible to know is from lisamania 1 minute
>>114913763>that set listOh lawd, is Weezer in this episode for some reason?
>>114913798Hm. Thought you were dead.Too bad Taylor Swift's career isn't.
>>114913881Yeah, they guest star as a cruise ship band, then perform a rather pointless cover of the show's theme song before the credits.
>>114913884You can join me in Hell. Once you get over the part where they're ripping out your entrails and force-feeding them down your throat just to rip them out all over again, you'll appreciate that the dominatrixes are dressed like Morrigan.
>>114912928His Japanese wife, famous manga writer who liked Comic Book Guy because he was a scathing asshole to people. She was introduced six years ago and even appeared in the mobile game, but hasn't really done anything since her debut.
>>114913908Yeah, kinda odd.
>>114913910Hell, huh? They must just blast Taylor Swift songs non stop.>>114913939She kinda kickstarted the plot in that episode where Lisa and Marge created a manga.
>>114905722i get it
>>114913908>>114913943Sounds like they just needed a celebrity cameo for that week and Weezer's schedule was clear.
>>114913962Actually, she's made some rather dumb moves in the past few years, so the glamor has kind of died for me. But if you talk shit about Charli XCX, then we're gonna have another problem.
>>114913872Sure, that one isn't, but it was obviously deleted because it's related to Lisamania. The fact that it was recognized as such doesn't mean it was deleted by someone who likes it, it just means it was deleted by someone who knows about it.
>>114904552The Bart and Lisa moments were cute. I hope to see more of them getting along
>>114912754god i love brandingsuch an under rated fetish
>>114912659Yes.Is like those shitty kodomo shows in Japan.Like doraemon and Sazae-san.All animation is dead and soulless.