Why the hell did this Australian cartoon give its dog girls multiple rows of breasts? I can't think of any other cartoon that had the audacity to do that.youtube.com
Why the hell did this Australian cartoon give its dog girls multiple rows of breasts...
It's a jarring design choice.
A visual gag that was funny at the time?
>>114903005Mammals do have these all over their torsos, you know. They're not exactly bunched up together like that tho.>I can't think of any other cartoon that had the audacity to do thatI've seen it in Nu Pogodi and somewhere else too, but can't recall where exactly.youtu.be
Huh, I kind of expected that from, *AHEM*, an old newgrounds cartoon that was known for copying HTF at the time.
Ah crap, this thread reminded me that I still haven't watched that other Aussie toon called The Strange Chores. Seems interesting.
>>114903365>tfw I became a furry because I had this on VHS as a kid
>>114903005Anatomically "correct". Only other time you'll see furry multiboobage is from certain Japanese doujinshi.
>>114903582Case in point: Jyoka
>>114903005>>114903015I's just odd how pointy they are. Sure, that might be realistic but this is a bipedal dog we're talking about.
>>114903582>Anatomically "correct".No, it's not. Nipples are below the stomach on dogs, plus calling ANTHROPOMORPHIC (ie, human transformed) material as anatomically correct can only ever be pick and choose.
humans and monkeys only having 2 tits is weird
>>114903005ha, that's funny.it's tru to lyfe
>>114903752No, it's not "weird" because humans only give birth to one or two young at a time. It is evolutionary appropriate and there can't be any other explanation.
>>114903005Sex doesn't exist before 9pm in Australia.
>>114903734I didn't say actual correct, did you not pay attention to the quotes?
>>114903982You point (if anything at all) isn't exactly "clear".
>>114903015I am okay with it.
>>114903752>>114903826You know what is really wierd? that men have tits too. There is no point to it. It's a weakpoint that serve no purpose.
>>114904311But you can squeeze your fat friends tits as a prank
>>114904336as I said it's a build-in weakness that serve no purpose.
>>114904378Its fun and builds comraderie
>>114903524Well, what are you waiting for?I'm most of the way through the first (and so far only) season. The animation is pretty discount, but I like it. It's very funny and charming.>>114903005I mean, human women are drawn with two boobs. Makes sense to me.
>>114904847I either forget or fail to fit it in my schedule. It reminds me of Penn Zero, a show which I think could go on for at least one whole season longer - the character dynamics are virtually identical.
>>114903005>Someone on God's green earth remembers dog star.
>>114903005Is this the same studio that made Dogstar, about a bunch of kids, their gran and a qt alien monster girl looking for a lost spaceship of dogs?
>>114906077>>114903005Wait this is dogstar.There was a second season of dogstar what the fuck?
>>114903752Humans do have multi-tits huackhtually.They are just undeveloped to the point they just flat out don't show at all or they just look like a mole.If you are fit, draw a straight line from your tit to your crotch area and if there is a mole on that line there's a good chance that it's nipple-tissue.
>>114903365I know a non-furry example is one of the dancers in Jabba's palace.
>>114904311>t. has never discovered the joy of playing with nipples while masturbating or having them played with during sex
>>114908271Not every dude likes having their nipples played with and legit the only time I have ever seen that be a thing is in JAV and doujins and its always the gayest fucking shit
>>114904847>>114903524where can i watch strange chores?mega?
>>114907253is there a way for a female dog to get fat tits without her being pregnant?
>>114908483Yeah, they've done some amazing things with plastic surgery these days.
>>114903005Shit, I was obsessed with first season othis show on CBBC when I was a kid, but I'd stopped watching the channel evebtually. Never realised they made a 2nd season 5 years later.Is it our or up anywhere? The nostalgia is firing up by completionism.
>>114903524Show bible for Strange Chores.dropbox.com
>>114904311>There is no point to it. It's a weakpoint that serve no purpose.It's actually a leftover from the human embryo development where a baby pretty much starts out as "female" very early on before developing it's organs shortly-after since the Y chromosome kicks in much later on compared to X chromosome.
>>114908483im concerned, user
>>114903365>Mammals do have these all over their torsosYeah, even males.
Rad cat tats
So if I gave the dog girls in my sfw vn multiple boobs can I say "irl dogs have multiple boobs" as an excuse? Pic somewhat related.
>>114903005Because it's illegal to have flat chests. Thus, you must have so much breast as determined by total mammary tissue volume.Thus, six tiny breasts. This is how Austrailian law functions.
>>114903015Its cpbecause they never change direction. It makes it look like they are jutting forward like barricade spikes.
>>114903005Mao Mao did it, there was a Mao Mao clan family member who was a sumo wrestler and he had two rows of moobs.
>>114903582I can name three off the top of my head.
>>114909636Yes. There is nothing against it.
>>114909636You can use it as an excuse.
>>114909283this is someone's fetish
I like furry girls, but multi-boobs is quite silly. If they are upright one pair is the ideal. Unless they are supposed to be disgusting creatures like a Skaven, then no, don't bother.
Everyone google female skaven right now.
>>114911920what am i looking for here?
>>114911678go to the multi-breast thread on /d/ right now and tell me there isnt a single image there that gives you a boner
>>114912521wait when did /d/ start allowing western art?i thought they forced it all onto /aco/?
>>114912581the rules arent consistentpeople really only care if its shitty western art
>>114912501he must have personalized resultsgoogle knows he likes multi titties
>>114903005That's pretty based actually