Do Nihilism ruined adult cartoons?
Do Nihilism ruined adult cartoons?
Nihilism ruined EVERYTHINGI have been reading fathers and sons and Nihilists were massive faggots back then too
>>114900127>"WAAHHHHHH EVERYTHING IS MEANINGLESS AND THERES NOTHING WHEN WE DIE"Adult cartoons appeal to the lowest common denominator. Anyone who call this "deep" and "intellectual" is a genuine retard
>>114900127It only is when writers use nihilism as an excuse for poor plot development like bojack or drunk swearing scientist show.
>>114900127I thought that Bojack's entire point was that being a nihilist is self-destructive and retarded. All the characters looking for a meaning in their lives end up better and it's only when Bojack feeds into nihilism that he has bad shit happen to him.
I don't really understand the benefit of pursuing this thread of thought to any serious extent. I understand the basic belief behind it but it feels like there's literally no point in mulling over it and trying to justify it to yourself. I don't understand why people who genuinely don't believe life has intrinsic value are looking for some sort of validation for coming to that conclusion. It seems self defeating.
Wait we hate Bojack now?
>>114900287No, but I do hate Rick and MortyHaven't seen bojack but I hear its good when its a season with jokes
The problem with adult animation now is it's all written and produced by LA people and they just make their characters say all these shallow platitudes about life they heard from their therapists.
>>114900287I think that people have an idea of Bojack without having actually watched it. I've seen people claim that the series glorifies depression when it portrays Bojack's depression as by far his most negative trait, and call it nihilist even though characters overcoming nihilism and finding meaning is one of the biggest themes in the series.
>>114900127Pretty much this >>114900221It's Year of Our Lord 2020 and people still think nihilism as high school edgy 'nothing matters so why bother?'. The writers make this guy the main character a self-destructing jerk who mostly hurts people around him. The only character I can think of who might do it justice is S1 Mr. Peanutbutter when he talks about finding endless distractions until you're dead, and you could make an argument for that being existentialism. >tl;dr nihilism doesn't ruin shows, people who write nihilism without understanding philosophy do
>>114900313>The problem with adult animation now is it's all written and produced by LA peopleYou might be on to something. The Simpsons and king of the hell creators were from Pacific Northwest and the south. That’s why they feel far more blue collar than majority of adult cartoons.
>>114900127Nope, bad writting and crowd pandering did.
>>114900591idk in Turgenev the nihlists were a bunch of faggots who wanted everything torn down for the reason that it was flawed but offered nothing in replacement.I kinda like art, romanticism, family values and god. In a world that constantly tries to subvert or destroy those consepts I got to say, fuck nihilism
>>114900383And then there's people like >>114900586 who completely miss the point of the show to begin with
Imagine being so fucking stupid you think Bojack has nothing more to offer than "wahh my mom hates me nhilism is cool"
>>114900261People on Holla Forums are too stupid to actually follow through on themes in a stories. They see the buildup and then take that for all it is rather than paying attention to the follow-through on that buildup.That's why we have so many fucking "HOW COME BOJACK BAD BUT DIANE GOOD???" threads in this hellhole.
>>114900591I always hear supposed "nihilists" spout this whole "it actually really cool to be a nihilists!!!" bullshit, but all they do is sit on their asses playing video games or watching shit on their screens. just admit you're boring and don't have any goals in life.
>>114900127You don't understand what nihilism.
>>114900670This. The nihlists ruined everything fuck your anime graphic.Its not liberating, its empty
>>114900313LA people are awful. I'll never forgive how badly they sanitized MST3k. The only people who weren't from the Midwest in the original runs were Frank Coniff and Bill Corbett, and Frank lived in Minneapolis during the 80's before joining the cast. >>114900670No one says you can't like those things, but you have to be willing to accept the bad with the good, or at least make an effort to use them better. In the last few centuries, and especially the last fifty years, people have abusing those concepts to the point many are deciding they'd be better off without them. >art has become either a money laundering scheme or histrionic endeavors >romanticism is alright, but it's focus on 'good old days' was flawed if not straight uninformed. >unless you actually meant romance, which can be awful>family values are typically justifications for 'accept abuse and wrongdoing because faaaaaaamily', 'you know how they're like, just ignore their emotional issues because they're faaaaaaaamily', 'you're the one causing issues by pointing out these issues, just accept faaaaamily'>God could be used correctly, but the concept has become a moral trump card. 'God says gays are bad!', 'God wants you to donate your money', 'God has decreed [xyz], do not question!'
The problem with nhilists is they need to realize it's simply a coping mechanism that simply isn't gonna work for everybody
>>114900907I don't understand what happened to LA, I know older people from that city and they're all pretty cool but it seems like anybody under 40 from there is a massive faggot.
>everything is pointless, life has no meaning, ablooblooblooThat's only the first half of nihilism. The second half is realising that if life has no meaning, it means you can GIVE it meaning. That you can decide for yourself what that meaning is.
>>114900127No, people with surface level minds ruined adult cartoons.Having philosophic themes or ethnic problems in a story is ok, but their grasp of nihilism and a "i am better attitude" is what gives it a deathspiral.They are like vegetarians. How do you know someone is vegetarian? He will tell you.Same with trending concepts, they dont talk to you or discuss things but want to pad on their back how good they are.
>>114900127the retard speak certainly ruined your question
>>114900789The majority of people in western civilization are constantly on their screens and have almost no goals in life, and most people try to convince others that their Weltanschauung is the best. Also>implying I'm a nihilistI'm just a nigger who wants people to be better.
>>114900989This>>114900985That's existentialism. >>114900957Not him, but I think most people have some degree of faggotry when they're young. What happened in L.A., unlike, say, the Midwest or a little further east, was that the faggotry was tolerated, so it attracted all the other faggots who weren't allowed to be as big of faggots as they wanted to be, which lead to more faggotry in a vicious cycle. >Los Angeles is just one giant Katamari of faggots
>>114901177>Nananananananana katamari faggotry
>>114900127This depends on what you mean by nihilism>edgy teenage/college nihilism where NOTHING REALLY MATTERS BROBAD>adult nihilism of realizing that moral strictures are a framework for SOCIETY to LIVE IN and that there's nothing really stopping you from doing things that are legally allowed but morally questionable like using rathole section 8 housing to become a Slumlord MillionaireGOOD
The idea that nihilism and existentialism is a legitimate belief everyone should have is the epitome of retarded to me Everyone loves to make these impassioned speeches about how "if nothing matters we should make our own meaning" but the reality is that nihilists are lazy, and hypocritical creatures. You're not going to go out and cure cancer or donate to charity. You're not going to build a homeless shelter or adopt a child. You're just going to sit at home and watch TV. Belief gives purpose, it gives initiative. Not because you think God will punish you if don't act but because it makes you want to act.Anyway, to answer your question OP, yes.
>>114900127No. Nihilism is a perfectly natural response to modern society, and cartoons are allowed to reflect that.
Itt: Harry Potter fandom level if completely misinterpretting the plot
I honestly think it's just a natural response to how fucking depressed everyone is now.And honestly Bojack was really good about calling out pretty much every aspect of bullshit that falls in with these groups of people
>>114901414>>114900670ThisNihilism isn't the counter culture anymore, its the culture. And I fucking hate it
>>114900127nobeing an sjw cuck ruined adult cartoons
>>114901494Hope and faith are irrational. Do you have any logical arguments against nihilism?
>>114901566The world they create is bleak and greyThe human conditions of faith an imagination legit make life worth livingFuck the corps and govs trying to stop that. Fuck your drunk scientist who swears.Fuck logic
>>114901566It also denies natureHumans are meant to care for each other, we are pack animals whos whole evolution is based on working togetherNilisms removal of the family is just narcissism and creates the loney world we are in today
>>114901596Believing in fairy tales doesn't make the world a better place. It just makes people resent those who don't believe in fairly tales, or who believe in different fairy tales. We can't progress as a species without dropping the horseshit.
>one of the major points of the shoe is your past and shitty nhilistic ideals are an excuse for being a trash person>Everyone itt thinks the show excuses shitty behaviors because of your shit past and shitty nhilistic ideals
>>114900127The idea that cartoons are for children ruined adult cartoons.Adult cartoons in the west are doomed to coat themselves in comedy or hyper violence/sexualization to be seen as adult.This philosophy will likely not change for at least another 20 to 30 years.
>>114901668Because I have to live life, not just as a statisticWhy do you even believe in the progression of a species? You are just one piece in the chain and might as well break if you are an incelYou faggots like to pick and chose when things matter
>>114900127I doubt you or half of this thread know what nihilism is, or any of it's forms. Even then, taking your interpretation of it, no. It has to do with writing, not any philosophical framework or structure. A character can be a nihilist and be written well, it's just Bojack is written so nothing matters to him and he's ultimately selfish, but he still feels things and certainty (he's really not a nihilist, he's more just edgy), but this has to do alot more with his childhood and young adulthood rather than any framework. He's a complex character, and he doesn't live his life like a nihilist, or really any school of thought.>>114901177>>114900985existentialism is an answer to nihilism but kind of the opposite of it, which is why it's often associated with nihilism. Nihilism puts forward that there's no meaning, or point, at all, and is ultimately destructive of ideas, but existentialism proposes the creation of our own meaning.
>>114901566>>114901668You can surely tip harder than this. Amuse me, faggot.
>>114901761Don't let that bredditer represent nihilism please
>>114901741>he doesn't live his life like a nihilist, or really any school of thought.This is the important part. Bojack isn't miserable because of particular belief or philosophy, he's miserable because of a complete absence of any belief or philosophy>hurrrr dats wut Nihuleezum isNo, it really isn't.
>>114900127Adult cartoon RUINED Nihilism
>>114901707No individual genes matter. Only the advancement of ideas matter.If you have children, you've brought nothing of inherent value into the world.If you have an idea, convey that idea, and that idea takes root, you've made an impact.Did Confucius have offspring? I don't know, because it doesn't fucking matter. His ideas mattered and have stuck around for millenia.
>>114900127bojack the show isn't nihilistic
>>114901839>Kongzi>caring about a philospher who litterally ENTIRELY about family structure as the basis of lifeHoly shit you actually are retardedReddits that way son
>>114900728go back to your prolefeed
>>114900789Sounds like modern cynicism.
>>114901307What are you even talking about? If existentialism exist then you have belief/meaning in your own propositions, which works. Most people do nothing, regardless of belief system, so I don't understand how you feel this can necessarily compel people either way. Humans, as emotional beings, are often propelled by their life experiences, not by what school of thought they follow, how retarded.>>114901494>>114901641But you're wrong, nihilism isn't the culture, not even close. Existentialism or relativism maybe, but we definitely don't live in a nihilistic culture. >>114901707That's literally everyone though. Most things are relativistic, and most people pick and choose their morals, you included. I'm pretty fucking sure if a situation didn't fit you, despite coinciding consistently with you, you wouldn't go along with it. People are too complex to boil them down to any one ideal, we, at best, generally stray in the direction of one or two, but rarely find ourselves fully in one school of thought.
>>114901899whatever helps you cope
>>114900186That's not Nihilism though.
>>114901892>Addiction to material possessions is cynicismPlaying video games and eating Cheetos is not cynicism or any derivation of it.A cynic would sell all his worldly possessions and live in the woods with a bowl for water and a hole for shit. Cynicism preaches that you don't actually need all that much to be happy.
>>114901761You first. What goofy shit do you believe in that has no basis in fact?
>>114900127Maybe it's the same edginess, but constant gore is worse to me. It loses its impact.
>>114902096You obviously have some established ideas about "goofy shit" (lol) so pick anything you like. Go on, put on a show. Dance for me, monkey.
>>114902193Wouldn't make sense to pick one out of the pile at random. I'm talking to (You). What do (You) believe?
>>114901566pascal's wager
>>114901566>nihilism gets called out by science >>114901641and statistics >>114902243Maybe 19th century philosophies were just a meme shitted out by dumbass slavs after all?
>>114902224Why does it have to make sense? Pick one of your favorites, monkey.
>>114901937Whether or not it is it's what every faux-intellectual fuckwit has turned it into, especially in the given examples.
>>114901668This goofy motherfucker probably believes in the half-assed unempirical equation faggotry that's pushed as "science" nowadays while ridiculing the religion of othersTrading one class of priests for another
>>114902243Breaks down any time you're expected to trade material happiness for a nebulous paradise. Should I pay a tithe in the hope it'll get me to heaven, even as it makes me materially poorer? Should I give up earthly delights? Should I waste precious time pondering on it? No, it's not worth the risk.>>114902312No, that would be pointless. Even if I correctly guess which fairy tale is your favourite you'll just pretend you believe in a different one, which you also won't name for fear of criticism.
>>114902380>material happinessHappiness beyond survival comfort is never material dude. That a fucking meme.Being rich means you worry about losing it constantly. The rich ALWAYS have and ALWAYS will want to be just a little bit richerReal happiness comes from family and loved ones. Things Nihilism wants to destroy
>>114902380I mean you basically just forfeited the argument at this point by admitting that you're a hedonistic dopamine drone who only cares about material wealth. How exactly are we supposed to convince the prisoner in the cave that there's more to life than the shadows on the wall?
>>114902411>Being rich means you worry about losing it constantly. The rich ALWAYS have and ALWAYS will want to be just a little bit richerThis is false. Financial security brings opportunities for happiness that the poor will never know. Only crooks fear being separated from ill-gotten gains.
>>114902469the nihilist literally goes to "consooming makes you happy" modeJesus. I think Christianity, Budihism, and Islam actually win this one.l8r senpai I'mma pray for you
>>114902434That's just how Death talks. It's the closest text can get to depicting a voice that sounds like lead slabs dropping on granite, and goes straight to the brain without bothering to pass through the ears.
>>114902498>Islam actually win this oneI doubt the child brides feel the same way.
>>114902534You know a child bride could actually give more happiness than comsooming
>>114902543>exploiting other humans who have no freedom of their own is better than not exploiting themOkay pedo.
>>114902380You didn't disappoint, monkey. It makes me laugh when losers like you put on these airs and then spill spaghetti the second your bluff gets called. You can just about set your watch to it.
>>114901761>>114901899>>114901922>>114902193>>114902260>>114902312>>114902594Why don't you know how to post? Did you just come from reddit?
>>114900127>Do Nihilism ruined adult cartoons?Superheroes? yesAdult cartoons? no, their audience seems to like it
>>114902628drink your bleach
>>114900127no one in this thread knows what nihilism actually is...
>>114902636Why do you keep typing like that? Is it how you space on reddit?
>>114902664Who cares if they know what it means? None of it matters anyway.
Ah, that must be exhausting.
>>114902664Its about being a whiney faggot according to Turgenev
>>114901702THISIt drives me nuts when I see Bone or The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck in the children's sections by default. It gives the impression that they're on the level of Thomas the Tank Engine Learns Lying Is Bad when they're actual jewels of the medium.
>>114902776Hell even fragle rock was kinda for everyone in its philosophy
>>114902776>It drives me nuts when I see Bone or The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck in the children's sections by default."Children's section" means "child-friendly", which they are. A parent should be able to find them without wading through indies and capes.
>>114900287Yeah I kind of do. It got extremely repetitive. Bojack fucks up, he suffers, then ends the season on some depressing 20+ minute rant, rinse and repeat. It is quite literally beating a dead horse. Now some people might say that's the point, and maybe they're right, and maybe that ounce of cleverness is enough for them to appreciate the mess, but for me it was just fucking boring.
>>114902850that's because you only know how to interpret works in terms of their plot.
>>114902850>Now some people might say that's the pointThat's a terrible excuse anyway because it's basically saying "well it's SUPPOSED to be shit"
>>114902788Man, I'm not even talking about just philosophy, I'm talking about the way the writing, characterization, artwork, panel layout and whatnot. Also surprisingly good at this are the MLP comics if you get the Price and Cook collaboration. Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair, Neigh Anything are decent reads. But yeah, Henson does get that mass appeal from being really good ad doing what he does. >>114902829I get what you're saying, but that's like putting The Little Prince next to Goodnight Moon, or Roald Dahl next to The Babysitter's Club. They're both accessible to children, but one's clearly on another level and should be recognized as such.
Nihilism was a philosophy created at a moment in time where science had basically proven that the material world doesn't match up to anything in any religion and the sheer panic of having to create a world view that was missing a multi-millennia long ascept of himan existence. We now know that people are just fine without religion, so nihilism has no real purpose anymore. That's why people keep insisting that existentialism is its "answer".
>>114901276literally just saw this in /fa/, wtf
>>114902763*smug whiney faggot
>>114900670>I kinda like art, romanticism, family values and godRebels rebelling against rebellion are so fucking cringe.
>>114902628seething mass reply
>>114900127Bojack isn’t a nihilist. He desperately wants meaning and can’t find it in anything that’s not destructive. This show isn’t nihilistic. People who are depressed because they can’t find meaning in life still believe in meaning. They’re not nihilists.
>>114900127Bojack wasn't a shitty asshole because of nihilism, he was a shitty asshole because he used nihilism as an excuse to ignore his problems. Same with Rick. What ruins these shows is watching them like you're supposed to root for the main character instead of studying their destructive actions.
>>114903216man, why are people so insufferably stupid?
>>114903116>ditch your God and live in a soulless nightmare like the rest of the herd>you are just holding on your values because you don't want to be miserable like usOK cringe all you want. I'll suit me
>>114902628>fedoranigger gets BTFO>makes up irrelevant non arguments to try to seem smartLike clockwork
>>114902933Okay fine. How about we interpret the show by the quality of its characters? I'll grant you the rest of the cast. Diane, Mr. Peanut Butter, that one cat bitch whose name escapes me; they're fine. They go places. Things happen to them and they experience growth as a result of those things happening. That never actually happens to Bojack. He goes through the motions of character growth without ever actually changing. Now, again, you might say, him never improving is the point, but then you've basically admitted he's not a character, he's a fucking gag character who got old after season fucking one. Making him the titular character isn't clever writing. It's just bad.
>>114903589Again, you're just talking about plot
>>114903216>Same with Rick. What ruins these shows is watching them like you're supposed to root for the main character instead of studying their destructive actions.This is something so many people struggle with. They don't understand that the main character of a story doesn't have to be a hero, they're just the person the story is about. Like in a lot of old European morality tales the central character is someone who is being punished for doing the wrong thing.
>>114902628>mass replies>thinks he knows how to post on a Hungarian basket weaving boardUse a little extra lube next time you saddle up on that Bad Dragon, faggot.
>>114900164No shit
>>114901566>Hope and faith are irrationalRationalism isn't inherently good and irrationality isn't inherently bad.Humans are beings trapped between the moment of their conception and the moment of their deaths. None of which they can't experience or decide. The universe is so big we can't completely grasp it, and the situation we find ourselves in are a lot of times out of our control and the result of a series of situations and actions so complex that we can't grasp or predict them either, they might as well be irrational situations created by a magical omnipotent being.The only difference is that one gives humans hope and the other one can make existence itself look painful.
>>114903016>We now know that people are just fine without religion
>>114901916There is no meaning if you don't believe there is.
>>114903893I don't see why rainbow hair is inherently bad, but otherwise this is a good image.
>> stupid? It's suppose to show via type what Death is suppose to sound like, loud and hollow.
>>114903631Well then explain to me the appeal of Bojack Horsemen from your vantage point. What criteria are you using to interpret the work if not through plot and characters? What is the source of entertainment for you?
>>114903955That's a child who's been chemically castrated by his parents because he decided to wear pink shoes one time.
>>114903712>still reddit spacing
>>114904146>reddit spacingYou might as well have called me a tranny you newfag.
>>114900127>>114900311>>114900383>>114901480>>114901689>>114903711>Normal words but a horse guy.
>>114903893Fuck off Holla Forums fuck off fuck off fuck off!
>>114904247You know Holla Forums, if it's not like 1950s America it's wrong.
>>114904193Calling people trannies is always acceptable because it reminds everyone that they're unwanted disgusting subhuman trash.
>>114903893Why do atheists' e-celebs always have horrible personal hygiene? Look at the fake scientist thunderfoot. Not only he thinks cleaning labs make him a scientist. He so greasy it drips from his hair during his anti-feminist rants. Does he think looking nasty and greasy will win people over to atheism?
>>114904285This. Fuck the 1950s America fuck Holla Forums
>>114904462Fun fact. There far more stable black families with fathers, Black college graduates and doctors during the 1950s than after 60s civil rights movement. Along with African American community lowest drug and alcohol addiction rates. This is without bringing up black on black crime.
>>114903893I guarantee half the people in this identify as Christians
>>114900127Bojack isn't nihilistic. It never dresses itself up as a fair or balanced conversation on life, its worth, or its place in the world, especially when contextualized against past traumas and continuous selfish behavior. It's the same bland, sterile, cookie-cutter "you have to keep living anyway because life is secretly good" propoganda you can find on any poster in your high school counselor's office. It's devoid of any philosophical merit. You can frequently see it bending over backwards trying to justify forced life in light of many of the character's shitty actions. People only enjoy because it affirms their biases and worldviews in a way they feel is "mature" or "honest", when it's neither.
>>114904523>Half of the imagine are atheist and communist e-celebs >Half of them are Christians
>>114904553>>Half of the imagine are atheist and communist e-celebs Go fuck yourself Holla Forums
>>114900127No, poor grammar did.
Isn't Bojack a criticism of Nihilism if anything? Rick and Morty is more look at how great Rick is while openly showing him having terrible views of how everything is terrible and no fun allowed, shit on everyone who isn't you. Bojack, while more a discussion of depression, is nihilistic and is worse off for it. People around him have troubles but they clearly handle it in a more healthy way while Bojack himself has things pretty well off for him but is completely self destructive for various reasons.
>>114904247Excellent rebuttal
>>114904661Shut up incel
>>114900127No gross humour ruined adult cartoons. Along with a lack of nudity.
>>114904685Damn, consider me refuted and blown the fuck out, nothing but pure socratic wisdom coming from these halls of debate
>>114900127Coming from a nihilist yes, nihilism isn't deep or intellectual at all and always comes off as cringey when writers try to make it into some great theme
>>114903589The problem is that the writers want to tell the same jokes over and over so the characters can't change or the jokes won't work. Thus Bojack can't change in any meaningful way and keeps having to make the same mistakes.
>>114903813This post actually seems nihilistic to me.
>>114904500source: your ass
>>114902850>Bojack fucks up, he suffers, then ends the season on some depressing 20+ minute rant, rinse and repeat. I guess this is the premise of the show and its reoccuring habit.I mean Superman will always wear his symbol on his chest and will be the do-gooder who doesnt swear.I think Southpark is a good example. Kenny dying was the reoccuring habit, but at a certain point it became stale or they didnt knew how to pull if of. So they changed the formular.I mean Simpson stil has the couchgag, it just depends on it how good the team can vary it or how long it can be innovative.I for example watch a show that ends the season with a benefits concert. This is likre the signal when you know a season is over and when the main plot is concluded.
>>114903007>I get what you're saying, but that's like putting The Little Prince next to Goodnight Moon, or Roald Dahl next to The Babysitter's Club.The problem is when your shop doesnt break it down into smaller themes.The ones i know will likely break it down into ages, themes or genres in the kids section.
>>114903893Go shun thine neighbour for indulging in the vanity of shiny buttons.
The thing I can't stand about Nihilists is how many times they just have to bring up "There's nothing after life, just blackness" Hell, even fucking Bob's Burger's does this. I'm paranoid about things as is, and I don't need this unpleasant reminder!
>>114903711I agree that old european tales were mostly just a story out of the perspective of the main character. But it were not just stories to punish them, but about reallife happening, tha sometimes bad things happen and you should be carefull and stuff.
>>114905515It is just edgy and false grasp of science.
>>114905515Atheism is not the same as nihilism. I believe there's nothing after life, just like there was nothing before life, that doesn't mean I'm a nihilist.
>>114903972Not everyone's read Pratchett user.
>>114905875they should
>>114905418>I guess this is the premise of the show and its reoccurring habitHere's the thing about the couchgag and Kenny dying. They're gags. Jokes. The short amount of screen time is what makes them tolerable despite being repetitive. It's the same with anti-jokes. The amount of time it demands of the viewer is so short that the payoff is worth it, even if the payoff is that there was no payoff. Bojack Horsemen on the other hand dedicates a considerable amount of time to all his insufferably Californian rambling on how nothing matters. The show dedicates entire episodes to him going through different things like therapy and shit. As a viewer, when I see setup of that magnitude, it communicates to me that there's going to be a payoff, but that never happens. It just keeps going nowhere and in circles, and not in a sitcom way, which would've been acceptable. It was only when Netflix threatened and eventually went through with cancelling Bojack that the writers tried to cope by doing what they should've done the entire time.
>>114905608>I believe there's nothing after life, just like there was nothing before lifeHow is this not the most comforting view of the world? I'd hate for there to be anything but the void. When life is over I WANT it to end.
>>114905400>source: your assProgressivism, drug culture and feminism during the civil rights outright destroyed the black family.
>>114906143>You see, if you just give me money and say the magic words, the guy ho created the universe will let you in his clubhouse where you can frolic in the cloud fields all day!
>>114905608>just like there was nothing before lifeHow do you know that, exactly
>>114906143You sound miserable.
>>114906242Did you even think there was before I mentioned it? And if it did exist, but you can't remember it, how is that any different from their being an afterlife where you can't remember this one? If you can't remember anything from an entire lifetime, and most of your personality is shaped by your memories, and your biology, then how could the "you" in the afterlife really even be you? That's why it's always the spirit/soul that goes to an afterlife or reincarnates, instead of something with a clear, unambiguous definition.
>>114905515>"There's nothing after life, just blackness"That isn't really even how it would work, you wouldn't perceive color or time, you'd basically die one second and then immediately jump forward to whenever physical processes make your consciousness manifest again. Materialism is kinda stupid when you think about it for more than like ten minutes.
>>114906343If you can't remember exactly what you ate for lunch on July 17th, 2009, does that mean you never actually experienced it and it never happened? How would you even be able to falsify a statement like "nothing happens after you die" if you won't even be able to perceive or experience the nothing that's happening?
>>114906418There's a difference between not remembering a trivial event and not remembering anything that ever happened to you as if your brain had been wiped clean to the point you were LITERALLY a baby.
>>114906103Good points.
>>114906497Not really, actually, since both situations refer to completely not recalling somethingOn a certain level it's pointless to argue over because it's only a falsifiable or testable hypothesis if consciousness does continue after death, since if it doesn't there's no way of knowing anyway and there's little difference between you being conscious and someone else being conscious
>>114906311My life is pretty good right now. My GF and I have been getting along in quarantine, I've been collecting salary to not work, and I've been learning to cook in between working on my comic and vidya backlog. My house just sold last week, and I'll have the money from the sale deposited tomorrow. For a middle class millenial I really couldn't imagine it being better.There just isn't a potential afterlife in which I want to spend all eternity. I'm here for a good time, not a long time, and I hope my human lifespan is my entire lifespan. I want to pass out when I'm elderly and just check out entirely.
>>114906542But if you can't prove it, then why bother believing in it?
>>114906618Exactly, yeah, who gives a shit, believing either is basically a matter of faith
>>114906581If there is one and you don't want it, I'm sure you won't get it. Keep on keeping on, user.
>>114906736It takes me a far greater leap of faith to believe in it than to not believe in it. If nobody indoctrinated you to believe it, you'd probably never consider it seriously. Like the Invisible Pink Unicorn.
The chance of there being an afterlife and there not being one are more or less equal with all we understand about our world which is not perfect.I wouldn't be surprised if there was a god or if there wasn't. I won't deny an afterlife would be nice. Just kind of a state of purity free of the ills of the flesh. At the same time, oblivion would be an eternal release. Just the idea of it is terrifying in a way. But then again, I was terrified of living forever in heaven as a child. Strange how things turn out.I just know there's something else to this world, beyond our understanding. An afterlife is more of an after thought. Just know, we are technically the universe experiencing itself.
I eat crans
>>114906933What if there is an afterlife, but you start your life again?The universe is expanding and imploding at the same time, every cycle is exact the same, because the time before it had the same start and exact the same events.
>>114906908I get why you're so hostile towards the idea that your beliefs aren't based solely on rationality and logic, but the truth is that until you're dead you really won't be able to stake your claim against those indoctrinated religitards - unless you're right, in which case no one will, because there won't be anyone to know itPlus, why should you give a single flying fuck what other people think is going to happen to them when they die if you just think everyone gets annihilated? Not like it'll ultimately make a difference anywayProps for using the decades-old "Invisible Pink Unicorn" routine though, with rhetorical skills like that you might even make it in the RationalWiki big leagues
>>114907036I would actually like that. Reliving my time, making different choices, becoming a different me.I suppose the terrifying thing about it would be not knowing about it. I suppose it's out of my hands if it is.
>>114905608Shitty shitty poopoo, lalalallalaalalalalalalaalalallalalalalalalala poopy!!!!
>>114906148It's almost as if some shit went down in the 70s and 80s that completely fucked black and poor communities
>>114907077>I would actually like that. Reliving my time, making different choices, becoming a different me.Jej you can't be serious
>>114902850Honestly a noticed a pattern every season.Every season he's a slightly better person than last season, but end with him hitting an even worse rock bottom than last time.I don't mind this, it kinda feels natural honestly
Seeing all these high school takes is really embarrassing (not saying everyone in the thread has those)I know most of you here primarily watch cartoons, but you should also read some book every now and then
>>114907144Eh, it's kind of a tartarus but it's somewhat better than the alternative, that being oblivion.I would like to exist as a being of energy though. Just free to go wherever.
>>114907179Reminds me of each time I shove crayons up my ass. I go farther and get better, but stumble worse each time.
Entire fucking cringe infested thread>>114900907only post that knows what nihilism is
>>114907194Maybe you should eat my ass every once in awhile, bitchboy.
I think this is the thread that woke me up to how fucking retarded 4chan users are.Like I knew most of you were retarded, but not "I'm so stupid I completely misinterpret Bojack" retarded
>>114907207You're a cringe infested thread
Is it safe to assume in 10 years well boomerang back to talking about how great this show was?
>>114907241Serious question, where was the nihilism in Bojack
>>114907275try a year, people on this site are beyond retarded
>>114907241I'm convinced that most of the people talking about Bojack in this thread haven't actually seen the show. It's brutally anti-nihilism and I think you'd have to be genuinely non-memeingly actually sub-60 IQ retarded to not pick up on that.
>>114907241Fuck you
>>114900907>>romanticism is alrightFar from it. Being a romantic soul nowadays is almost on par with suicide, as many people will use you (primarily women). Whether or not women were in the old days as they are now is debatable, but the point stands that the thoughts of both groups of people (1. those who think that women can be good but are the way they are today because of hypersexualization and sexual liberation 2. those who think that women have always been bad were kept under control) lead to the same conclusion - it's very dangerous to be a romantic guy.>but it's focus on 'good old days' was flawed if not straight uninformedWell said, as there is a certain aspect of nostalgia for the old times which forgets that those times had their share of bad things as well>family values are typically justifications for 'accept abuse and wrongdoing because faaaaaaamily', 'you know how they're like, just ignore their emotional issues because they're faaaaaaaamily', 'you're the one causing issues by pointing out these issues, just accept faaaaamily'I disagree, one of the aspects of families is working out the problems between yourselves, and that aspect is almost non-existent nowadays because of stuff like egoism (which is especially present in this day and age)>but the concept has become a moral trump cardIt's always been used by some people as that kind of trump card
>>114900313The problem with ALL animation is it's written and produced by LA people. Every road trip involves a long ride through the desert, for example. In another instance, there was a DCSHG episode where they say Metropolis public transit sucks, which is wrong if it's supposed to be New York but right if it's LA.
Sorry bitches, this thread was made for those with an IQ below zero.Get out here, logictards
>>114900127If bojack is about anything, it's interpersonal relationships, which are inherently anti-nihilistic
>>114907266no u>fucking got 'im
Bringing up nihilism is a red herring, especially since half the people ITT don't understand what nihilism is. The more appropriate question would be if being dramedies was what killed adult cartoons.
I can't believe this stupid fucking thread is still here even though the OP clearly can't speak english
>>114907517There's been a recent notable uptick in posts being made with subpar English, I think the quarantine stuff has brought out more ESL posters who haven't fully grasped English yet.
>>114907506Not being able to be straight dramas is what killed adult cartoons.
>>114900164It fixed children's cartoons, what the fuck even is this show glamorizing sneakiness?
>>114907579that and the steady decline in quality on the site since 2011. Need to get the fuck out of here and find an actual place to talk about comics and/or cartoons without retards, pedophiles, children and Holla Forumscucks
>>114900127>>114900164>>114900186>>114900728>>114900907>>114901641>>114902243>>114903893How cringe did Holla Forums become??Everyone adult deals at one point with nihilism and finds some form of answer.It´s usually babys first fundamental phylosophical crisis but you come out stronger on the other end.Pewds only hate it cause after you went through it you can discard pretty much all coping mechanisms society teached us, be it your role in society or religious instituitions.Nihilism isnt the problem .It´s a fact everyone gets confronted sooner or later with.And many people are strongly invested NOT to acknowledge it, so this explains the seethe ITT.
>>114907074My point is simply the problem with proving a negative. When there are so many possibilities of what could happen after death, why should any one religion's afterlife be treated any more seriously than an explanation that you could arrive at via logic and rationality?And I am not saying that my beliefs are based solely on rationality and logic, but that's something to strive to.
>>114902262>science and statisticsi know this is bait but have a (You) anyway
>>114907517>>114907579How new are you?Shitposters (especially Australians) intentionally use retarded spelling and poor grammar to irritate whoever they’re trolling.
>>1149078612007 newfagit's a been a trend going for damn near a decade an the whole site is noticeably worse
>>114906418>le epic "YUO CANT KNO!11!!! agnosticism faggotry reddit is down the hall to the left boyo.
>>114907861Yeah no shit, "do nihilism ruined" isn't in that same ballpark though and there's been a pretty clear increase in it even from people sincerely engaging in a conversation
>>114900127nihilism =/= cynicism
>>114907473Thank you sexy
>>114907339>romanticism is alrightI meant the individualistic movement, not being lovey dovey, but there are some problems with it as well. Otherwise I'm inclined to agree with you, but for different reasons. Being a romantic (lovey dovey, not a counter to the Industrial Revolution and Neoclassicism) feels like you're going to have weird expectations throughout your life. >family valuesSee, I like the idea of that, but I'm coming from a background where certain individual's behaviors are always overlooked because 'that's just how they are'. It's not just me, all my siblings have been punished as well for drawing attention to it or refusing to put up with it. I highly suspect it's because status quo is more important to most people than they're willing to admit. They'll put up with Dany's tantrum's, Corey's theatrics and Abby's rampant histrionicism because it's what they've come to expect - just like they've come to expect/demand everyone else go along. This is especially apparent in my mother and her sisters, who are hell-bent on being the Picture Perfect Family™ (which involves NOT admitting that there are problems). >always a moral trump cardYeah, I could buy that, but I'm consistently surprised at how few people who regularly attend some sort of service are decent people. I've seen so many men and women wearing crucifixes start fights and I've seen church elders and volunteers engage in the most passive aggressive maneuvers. Every pastor I've known (and I come from an extremely involved family) is either a control freak with no patience or unwilling to take charge of their congregation. What I'm getting at is that God could (and I would argue should) be used as a moral guide (literally, What Would Jesus Do or even just some idea of some TNG Patrick Stewart deity/Mr. Rogers who loves you and wants you to improve yourself, be happy, and be good to those around you) but instead we see creepy smiles asking God to whisk away all their problems.
>>114901276>tfw no tradgoth gf
>>114908084TL;DRHurrdurr I'm retarded and gay
>>114908120>tfw no gf
>>114907917*Shits in your mouth*
>>114908084>I meant the individualistic movement, not being lovey doveyFair enough, although the former could easily inspire the latterI'm probably biased since I'm not that big on romanticism as a movement although I do like some stuff (Werther is cringe, though)>but I'm coming from a background where certain individual's behaviors are always overlooked because 'that's just how they are'. It's not just me, all my siblings have been punished as well for drawing attention to it or refusing to put up with it.That's pretty harsh, but still, the ideas have been twisted so your example isn't an example of real family values where each family member tries to work out on each other's problems instead of blaming someone>I highly suspect it's because status quo is more important to most people than they're willing to admitI agree. Some people just can't function without certain things that they have been cemented in their lives. >They'll put up with Dany's tantrum's, Corey's theatrics and Abby's rampant histrionicism because it's what they've come to expect - just like they've come to expect/demand everyone else go alongThis approach is bad not just because they're being insincere, but also because they won't try to work out the problems (e.g. see what's up with Dany's tantrums etc).>who are hell-bent on being the Picture Perfect Family™They definitely find value in being the picture perfect family (even though you shouldn't base your worthiness on that) which is why they want to keep up the image.>but instead we see creepy smiles asking God to whisk away all their problemsIt's easier to wait for God to whisk away the problems than to work on solving the problems by yourself. There wouldn't be mass brainwashing if more religious people actually worked on solving their problems instead of expecting God to solve them.cont.
>>114908247>>114908084cont.I think the reason is that if people worked on their own problems they'd develop a level of individuality which is higher than the one adequate for leading the people. Imagine someone being low on money and instead of waiting on God to give him some, he starts working out the problem. Potentially, he could develop some world views dangerous for the society he's in (e.g. if he lives in a capitalist country he might become a communist and maybe even get more people involved or start something, as there's always that possibility). The easiest way to lead the people is to have them just do their basic chores (thus producing stuff for the state and the higher-ups) and pray to God when they have the time. I simplified things too much probably, but I think it makes sense that the group of people who pray for rescue is more homogenous than the group of people in which everyone works on solving their own problems since the interests might clash or create something unexpected.
>>114900383>I think that people have an idea of Bojack without having actually watched it.It's easier to spit memes than watch and make your own opinion.
>>114908247>>114908317Shut up
>>114908327>NORMAL WORDS
>>114908541Wanna kiss?
>>114904735What show
>>114904567Master bait.
>>114908577Could you masterbait me? :)
>>114908558You girl?
>>114908628get ready for the coom train
>>114907837There's a difference between nihilism snd fatalism.Nihilism is just the belief that the things we care about don't have an intrinsic universal quality that makes them important. (Grind down the universe and find me a single particle of justice)Fatalism is the belief that that means they're not important at all. It's a subset of nihilism, but there are many others.
>>114908640Fuck no, girls are icky
>>114900127When has adult animation ever not been Nihilist?
>>114908687How have you cock piss shit? Hm?
>>114908651Fatalism means you attribute everything to fate
>>114907984It’s exactly within that ballpark Look at 90% of the threads on Holla Forums
Adult cartoons have always been nihilist. The modern creation of the "kid's cartoon, but really meant for adults" is probably one of the better advances that has happened to the industry.
>>114900760So much this. Holla Forums is terrible at analysing stories. I suppose I shouldn't expect more from people whose primary form of entertainment is intended for children.
>>114908651sounds more like a conclusion not a subset to me desu
>>114908807I honestly find children's comedies to be hands out the funniest form of enetertain. Maybe adult comedies just try to hard to be "adult" most of the time. But often times children shows just have the best comedy writing.That being said I'm not a retard blindly spouting "NHILISM HORSE BAD"
>>114900127Are you a Christian biblethumping faggot?Then yes. Yes it has. And GOOD!
>>114900287No, only the peter posters
>>114904238I unironically said this when season 1 was going on.
The NORMAL WORDS posters call Bojack shitty Nihilism, even though Bojack constantly looks for purpose and Family Guy since like season 8 has been nothing but cynical nihilism
>>114909407Shut up
>>114907933I mean you can cry about it, but that won't stop making it true. Agnosticism is objectively the stance that any self-respecting person conducting a genuine scientific endeavor should take.
>>114909988He told user to shut up because he spoke the truth
>>114900127Futurama can be interpreted as nihilist but they actually make it fun
Bojack isn't nihilist, it's just repetitive depression porn with furries and overdone tongue twisters.
>>114910084No I told him to shut up just because I felt like saying shut up, logictard
>>114900127>Change is hard! I'd rather just smoke,drink, and get fat instead! the showSimply epic
oh my GOD i want to fuck the shit out of bojack's owl gf from season 2. I want to bust ropes onto her quivering body
>>114910265I want to fuck the shit out of you, user
>>114910301you better be an anthro owl girl or at LEAST a pink cat mommy. im not falling for that shit again
>>114910329I can be whatever you want me to be ;)
>>114910394oh no no no no
>>114910035>"a microscopic, transsexual, alcoholic, chihuahua named greasy pete created the universe 2 seconds ago and gave you false memories! >"ahaha agnosticism bro! you never can really know! so im going to choose to believe it anyway lololoool"
>>114900127Feminism ruined Bojack. I dropped it after yet another "PATRIARCHY BAD! WOMEN OPPRESSED!" episode.Netflix needs to stop hiring Women's Studies majors as their writers.but as for>Nihilismit did kind of ruin things. Shows are trying too hard to pander to the edgy doomer teenager crowd who think they're being deep
>>114910417greasy pete wishes you would stop being like this
>>114910470he's too busy drinking and grooming children to care
>>114910417I wanna sex greasy Pete
>>114910417Yes retard, that literally is what I'm saying. You CAN'T know anything to an absolute certainty. You need to be open to every possibility and regurgitating the "f-fairy tales" or "muh flying spaghetti monster" room temp IQ arguments will not change the nature of scientific analysis.
>>114910561Bitch I told you this place is for people with an IQ BELOW zero. Stupid fucking logictards.
>>114910561well then smartypants, pour me a drink from russell's teapot and then we shall have a merry toast to your dumb ass and your *pfft* "superior intellect". nah, forget it. your'e probably a cheeto with val kilmer's face and anti-gravity powers. after all, you can't know, right?
>>114910892No user, you ARE russell's teapot
>>114910892STFU, logictard
>>114910876Maybe add a little pepper in there, you don't want too much salt. And fuck it, why not add some cumin just to spice it up? Maybe on the sweet little side dish we'll get some cinammon and sugar! Oh user, you're a treat!
>>114910946>>114910154>Using logic makes you a tard
>>114911059Using logic in the face of pure chaotic stupidity makes you a tard.
>>114911059If you expected any better from here, you were the fool.
>>114911059Join us on our carousel of fools, user. It's fun.
Nihilism is retarded. Refute me.
>>114911499What if...we are all retarded?
do ESLs ruin boards?
>>114911499as opposed to what? the retarded thing you believe in?
>>114911872Piss cum? Shit? *does an intro rap about the Tiananmen Square incident*Okay! So first Karl Marx played a game of darts when Obama came out to play. He beat Marx the fuck up and called his mom a slut, and then Hitler came out as gay. Jackie Chan gave a punch, Hitler went crunch, and JoJo Siwa raped Logan Paul. Obama and Jackie knew what to do, they put JoJo in the Cincinnati Zoo, and Harambe came out but not to brawl. Harambe was naughty and warned JoJo about the Illuminati, and got shot in the head. But little did the Illuminati know, Harambe was infused with JFK's soul, so JFK went away instead. Michael Bay saw this happen, while he was crappin', but honestly didn't give a fuck. Usain Bolt then woke with a jolt as JFK had brought a friend. But it wasn't JoJo, oh no oh no oh no, it was Jared Leto. Usain grabbed Leto as he said hi, please I don't want to die. Then the nukes were launched. It was too late. Good night. but some survived
>>114900164This. Nihilist counter revolutionary liberals deserve the bullet
>>114908722It could mean either depending on the context which is why what you described is instead called determinism.