Reveal of Nintendo Switch patents confirm many rumors

Now pretty much all that is left to know about the hardware are it's specs. I'm expecting something in between the XBONE and the PeeAssQuadruple.

For the whole document, search 15/178984

Direct video to youtube because I'm on mobile. Would rather watch a random youtuber than link to NeoGaf to provide a summary analysis of the whole document.

Does it confirm any fucking videogames?

Good one.

The Switch will be the new Virtual Boy.

I am a little kiddy kiddo kid.
I play marioh, he's jumping jumping.
Ha ha! Hee hee!
I don't play grown up's games because i identify as a toddler!
Nintendo da best!

They call it nintendo switch because people will switch sits in the buss when you sit near them :^^)

Dubs thread? Dubs thread.

They call it the Switch because you'll immediately SWITCH the console off :^^^^^)))

It's literally the official patents to the Switch, you mongoloid.

Never change Holla Forums

These are registered patents

what is this

This isn't fucking Reddit. Post the shit in the thread, don't just link it and fuck off.

I don't give a shit. Patents don't mean shit. Just wait till the fucking thing us out to find out what it does, you autistic sperglords.

Whats with all the sonyggers lately anyways?

The switch?
More like
The bitch

Except that's the entire point of patents, shit-for-brains. You just assume the video was about rumors without even watching it.

They're butthurt over the PS4pro being a piece of shit so they're trying to undermine everyone else.

Switches get stitches.


>THere's a patent for a headset you can plug the screen in for fucking VR gaming

Patents do not mean shit. Remember the shitstorm over the oval touchscreen controller? Where did that patent lead to?

kill me fam

Or, it's just the resident underaged redditfags trying way too hard to be funny on an anonymous imageboard. If the thread was about Xbone or PS4 or even PC they'd be doing the same thing.

This shit is dead in the fucking water.

well maybe it doesn't unclock it too badly

Fair enough. But this one seems to be pretty consistent with what was shown thus far for the Switch.

Plus, I wouldn't put them pass them they would release an oval touch screen controller as an optional peripheral at some point in the future. Nintendo has a history of doing gimmicky peripherals.

what did you expect?

I remember the holographic storage patent that was out when the Wii was in development. That was hilarious.

if other rumors are true, it will be mostly to acomodate a lower resolution

Yeah because 2 hours of battery life and being scorching hot making it impossible to actually hold is totally good alternative. Fucking retard.

What's so hard about waiting till the fucking thing is actually out to see what it has? Rumorfaggotry on this board is like sitting in front of a guy's asshole watching him take a shit while arguing over if what's going to come out is shit or a gold brick. It accomplishes nothing.

I expected a suitable single-screen replacement for the 3DS, but instead we're getting the Nintendo Vita – an underpowered smartphone that's being advertised as being on the same level as a home console.

why do you care?


You're going to be disappointed then, It's weaker than both.

I meant about your comment on underclocking when undocked. Of course it would lower performance for portable mode. After the stating that the dock doesn't offer extra power the theory of adding extra cooling+power was obviously the only viable option.

If you want to comment on it's power/specs, then I can't offer anything, since that's still veiled in pure speculation so far.

Possibly. At this point, my interest on the swich relies only in the fact that it has a bearable gimmick (portable) and there are at least 3 games I want for it. I skipped nintendo's last generation entirelly, my last console was a DS and I don't regret it for the most part

Some nasty shit that's been floating around Holla Forums. Don't touch it

what is it?

Filter and move on.

I mean fucking duh, whatd you think was going to happen?

alright then

also what does it 'confirm'?

But where are the videogames?

So it's essentially a vita, but with a Nintendo logo and none of the lewd things I like on it because NoA gets flashbacks to their abusive childhoods due to headpats.
I don't see how this can possibly go wrong.

This is necessary. I wrote a paper on this and the Switch has a few challenges and battery life when unplugged will make or break the console. It's really no different than changing graphics settings in a game while playing on a laptop depending if you're plugged in or not.
Other factors make me wonder more about its execution. Particularly how Switch presents itself for the user or users. Home consoles typically get treated as a family thing and have user accounts and stuff. Portables like the 3DS are more focused on an individual with one account, for example. Part of me thinks Switch isn't going to replace 3DS because of this. No one's going to buy 4 home consoles so everyone can play their copy of Pokemon, unless we're about to see one hell of a bad decision or paradigm shift.

Of course, the other thing that makes or breaks it is if Nintendo gets fucking games on it.

well of course, it's a given. I just hope however that it doesn't underclock it too badly.

They're clearly advertising it to look it it's replacing it with its portability. Playing it on an airplane or a rapevan etc.

advertising and lying are the same thing

t. Metal Gear Solid 5

MGSV didn't really lie, they showed 80% of the game cutscenes on the trailers lol

true enough.



But you're posting a console mascot.

It doesn't have Windows 10 either :^)

Oh wow you're fucking stupid

Nice argument

I wonder what kind of games that could be used for.
I can't wait for the bukkake gang bang VR game that simulates jerking off several men with that configuration.

So a total of 4 different batteries with 3 of them constantly being charged when in use in the normal basic home configuration. I wonder how often you're going to have to replace the batteries in the console and joycons to ensure they hold a charge well when they're constantly being subjected to that. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Also, has anyone noticed that the controllers don't seem to have a button for remotely powering on the console?

I also wonder how the home console vs portable console aspect will work. If they do want to move to everyone having their own for mobile use and sharing a single unit at home then they're going to have to offer some sort of cloud save sharing with your Nintendo account where you can tie multiple devices to a single account. The portability feature really doesn't seem like it was designed with households with multiple children in mind (unless it's normal now days for each kid to have their own separate consoles).

Stephan Molyneaux get out of Holla Forums


That would actually be pretty cool, too bad that won't ever happen.


shill detected

PLEASE WII FIT OH YES! I love doing yoga and exercise and playing fun active healthy games with the qt 3.14 trainer

You wrote a paper on the Switch or thermal dynamics?

good point. interesting.

oh shit, it's ruined. I can't walk to my tv even though I went there to pick up the controller. too fat. Im a fat lazy american. need more lard.

alchoholics anomymous 3?

Samefagging used to be an art

Not really, it wouldn't have mods or even an english release.

how dare I back someone else up, you are probably the same as the shill thats being accused of being a shill.

oh wait you are SAME holy shit this shill doesn't know how ID's work

ID: 5a1be8

why is this thread such cancer? why are pc gamers who don't even play on consoles here?


Advanced Academics 3. Make edutainment great again.


this and this!

the smartest people are the ones who avoid the evil mainstream AAA consoles from shitty sony and microshit who love ubisoft EA and activision and bethesda. avoid avoid avoid.

the smartest people enjoy some good nintendo products for some actually genuinely fun games unlike anything that any competition offers, while keeping aside a small pc for linux gaming. that's the real smart way. avoid all the microshit forever.


Me ready to beat the bongos.

I'll consider the Switch when it's half price and hacked in a decade or less.

Still waiting for the day when I'll have to say "MCDONALDS" to skip ads.

You are fooling noone buddy. It's not like people post from different devices or anything right?

Again, why do you care?


*Tips Mario hat.

Just because there's a patent for it doesn't mean it's actually a thing, just remember that.

I tried to say "RAMEN" to FFXV, but they didn't go away.


wot wot?
wot wot wot?

How new are you?



Out of something half the size, cheaper and with an integrated battery pack? Not going to happen user.
I'm expecting similar performance to the WiiU, maybe a little worse.

I'm hoping for better but I guess we will have to wait. I never buy day 1 on anything.

also, I don't believe this after some serious thought. can you imagine nintendo releasing something the same or weaker than the Wii U? I do not believe that nintendo would make a business decision like that.

considering some of the games we saw in the trailer for the nintendo switch, I think it's going to be more powerful than the Wii U.

I hope they actually do something good with it. like an actually great starwars game with the red faction guerilla physics destruction engine where you can customise all your weapons, lightsaber, character, spaceship, base, and go anywhere you want and do whatever you want. crash landings including.

also not made by

or any other evil shitty bastards.

user, the Xbox One came out four years earlier. Technology hasn't just sat in place, and this uses cutting edge mobile tech. It may indeed be stronger than the Xbone and PS4, especially while docking and overclocked. Don't just assume shit.


calling bullshit. I hate cellphones and their stupid mobile gaming. I enjoy handhelds if the controls are comfortable and the game is good, but I hate cellphones and cellphone gaming.

I mean to say that I like what you said, just making a seperate commend after the greentext.


You're calling bullshit? user do you even know what an Nvidia Tegra chip is? Just because you don't like the tech doesn't mean it can't be strong.

on mobile gaming and cellphone gaming gimmicks


I didn't say I didn't like tech. tech is cool. ever been on /cyber/ ?

does it overheat?

No one said anything about mobile gaming or cellphone gaming gimmicks. I was talking about PORTABLE tech. Switch isn't going to be a cellphone.

Pic related.

Every time they do it makes more than their more powerful console, pic related.

I know IC tech moves fast but not that fast, the only way it's going to beat the XBONE is if it has additional processing power built into the dock.

1) The dock only has a fan for cooling, the system overclocks it's self when it docks
2) Mobile tech divisions are still fresh with plenty of advances to make. The tech has been growing fast. The Tegra P1 they're putting in the switch is still unreleased and the Switch will be one of the first systems with one.

Let's look at some actual specs between the two gpus: We don't know much about the chip but I'd be willing to bet money right now that it will beat the pathetic clock speed of the Xbone's 853mhz gpu. Peak throughpoint on the Xbone's GPU is 1.31 TFLOPS, the high end of the Tegra P1 is so far clocked at 1.5 TFLOPS.

You have to remember that this generation of consoles was built on laughable hardware even for the time. They put in fucking Laptop gpus, and mobile processors like the Tegra line have been gaining ground on those rapidly.

I know, I'm just saying what I like and don't like just in case.

please tell me about this wonderful piece of technology that has no problems what so ever
it's a meme for a reason is it not?

that would be nice

very cool

Good point, I forgot how shit they were even when new.

Yeah, for the reason that someone made a video of one graphics card going on fire and then a bunch of idiots parroted it like every Nvidia GPU bursts in to fire every time you play. Don't be a fucking moron user.

Yep. Mind you it probably won't outclass the new Xbone and PS4, but honestly modern games really aren't doing much with the hardware so this might be the first gen in a while where Nintendo keeps up. It's actually a major swerve from them because usually Nintendo doesn't bother with cutting edge tech to instead focus on some gimmick. This time around they seem to be coming to the table with this system to play. I'll be interested to see how it turns out and if they can unite their portable and console fanbases. If they do that alone they could make some nice bank.

I'm thinking the Switch is a compromise between the bean counters and those that actually like vidya. The beans will be saying mobile makes money so stick to that while those that love vidya will want a console. The Switch comes off as a compromise between these groups and I wouldn't be surprised if handhelds that dock to the TV become the norm for Nintendo.

Yeah, that wouldn't shock me either. More so if this whole "when it docks it overclocks" shit actually works. I'm skeptical about that, but if it does work then they could end up with systems that are actually pretty nice when docked. Plus the potential is there in the tech as mobile GPUs just keep getting better while most games have sort of hit a sort of wall with their graphics.

I'm just saying user, tell me about the technology and why it's so great. don't you want to convince me?

Is it just me or is it already pretty clear this is gonna be a 300+$ console? Considering how much we already know about the system except for price I think they're trying to keep it hidden as to not take away any potential hype. Thing is at that price point it will just be a second WiiU though.


It all comes down to performance, if it's a $300 DS it's doomed but if it's a $300 WiiU that doubles as a DS then it will do alright.

Please read my idea

that's great if you are a person who

if you

this whole thing (300$ wii u based on ZERO 000000000000 information)
is worthless and stupid.

that's why I'm hoping that it's more powerful so that the startwars game could be a reality on it.

I hope they actually do something good with it. like an actually great starwars game with the red faction guerilla physics destruction engine where you can customise all your weapons, lightsaber, character, spaceship, base, and go anywhere you want and do whatever you want. crash landings including.

also not made by

or any other evil shitty bastards.

Uhm not all registered patents see real life applications.

Not at all. That's the fun part about just stating facts: No need to persuade, either the person listens to you or they remain ignorant and either way it's not your problem.

Patents don't confirm shit. They patented scroll wheel shoulder buttons a few months ago and we haven't seen that shit. Nintendo constantly patents tons of shit that they don't use.

At this point I wonder why anyone would buy a $€300+ Nintendo console when it has to compete with the PS4(pro) and Xbox(S).

It looks like porting games is going to be a bitch and 3rd pary support will be Capcom 5 all over again. Just look at it from a non Nintendo fanboy angle.

Don't get me wrong, I'm with you, I wish modern games would do more physics simulation from destruction to water (I've been dreaming of perfect water physics in a game since the Dreamcast). The sad truth is most modern AAA companies with the massive teams required to do such things though just aren't interested because instead they want hollow static set pieces so they can make everything look as "pretty" as possible. I do hope one day game designers will wake up and realize that physics simulation is more impressive than modern day "SUPER GRAPHICS" given those graphics aren't that much better than what even indie guys are doing these days but physics simulation and a more reactive world is always impressive (and can still be done while looking nice).

you haven't proven that anything is a fact other than just stating the opinion that its "cutting edge". that's just a buzzword m9. that's the type of thing that an idiot says on stage to get everyon to buy their shit.

how? HOW?

Maybe you should try reading this post I made. . But it's clear you're just a shitty troll looking to shit on the switch without actually knowing anything about it to shit on.

That's the thing though, you'd imagine if it had a good price they'd already advertise it especially considering how much we know about it already and how close to release the system is. It's a bit suspicious that we already know the right part of the joycon controller has an NFC scanner, but somehow they can't calculate how much the thing will cost less then 4 months from the thing being on store shelves. It's exactly what they did with the WiiU and the only thing I can see them from not making the same mistake twice is how bad the WiiU sold.


please no, that would make gaming very annoying and uncomfortable.


Actually you're saying Nintendo is going to be the weakest again.

Christ everyone went mental over the Witcher 3 downgrade. Imagine the Switch mixed into that.

I did read that but I thought you had better and more specific information on it

what the fuck? I like nintendo, I just want to know more about your Nvideo best shit in the world chip best I have hope that the switch will be good.

I don't think that's really the issue considering people buy nintendo rather than microshit or soshity because their console have no fun games and people actually have fun when playing a nintendo game which is rare for videogames, but getting better.

the cool thing is that each company only has to do it once every few years and then they can use it in multiple videogames.

even the red faction guerilla physics engine is way better than 90% of the shit out right now.

red faction armageddon came out as the sequel, and the physics engine was nerfed and there was far less fun things to destroy. really made me rage.

If you want to know more you'll have to look it up yourself. I didn't design the chip, I'm not on the team, I'm just some guy who likes to look up tech shit occasionally. I'm not here to spoon feed you like a little baby, I came in the thread to correct people who assumed the thing would be weaker than the Wii U (which is pants on head retarded, but given I heard one idiot on youtube say it was going to be just the Wii U tablet as a system I guess anything goes), not to market.
What country are you from?

it's not an excuse, but don't all companies do this? it pisses me off too. but I can't make any assumptions. I hate hype.

Stop liking nintendo games!
I'm really serious.
You have no idea how angry you're making me!
I'm going to tell my youtube followers on you!

kike mods deleted the file anybody got a re-up?

why did you even come to the thread and post anything user? are you hue hue?

Yeah the wiiU was a great success.

who is that? some anti nintendo youtuber cuck that likes EA or something? how disgusting

sarcasm right? what's funny is how people say it didn't do good, but I would still rather get a Wii U than microshit or soshity. what does that say about it's real success?


Does that Aryan looking chap provide a Final Nintendo Solution?

Not really, it may be bad examples but Microsoft and Sony still announce the price of their consoles on E3 a long way before their consoles launch. It's just Nintendo that keeps the price secret until launch day.

even emulators and bluetooth gamepads?


go back and read all your own posts.

4/10 troll.

From what I have seen from his channel, hes just seems like your average run of the mill gaming analyst.

wtf I love him now

Whatever you need to tell yourself.

So does it have a gyro?
That will literally determine if Splatoon will work on it.

Apparently the controllers have motion sensors in them, pretty sure they need a gyro with it. Mind you that's from one of the leaks so could be bs (but probably isn't).

all you need to do is read all your own posts and you will realize you have been a huge jackass.

And I'd say the same to you. I stopped taking you seriously long ago because it's clear you're a fucking idiot. Go spout more memes about Nvidia cards bursting into flames even though it was more the fault of the card maker and not Nvidia (but I doubt you know the difference between the two), totally not what a jackass would do at all bro.

no seriously go back and read all your posts

You first, faggot. And even if you do I won't. Are you retarded? I remember what I posted. Are you a fucking SJW? "YOU WERE MEAN!!!!" You acted lie a cunt I treated you like one. Now stop crying about how I won't spoonfeed you further because you acted like a bitch.



t. nintendrone

Nintendo are the Apple of video gaming. They have too many brain dead loyalists to support them. This is the same demographic that collects DLCs in the form of Happy Meal toys.

You say that like this isn't true for Sonyfags or xbox fags. They are cucked they are willing to give Sony/Microsoft 8$ a month just to play videogames they already own online.

you think I don't remember my posts and why I posted them?

projecting much?

I apologize if I pissed you off so much, you pissed me off too.

user where does it say that the vr addon can only be connected if it's undocked? surely the vr addon can be connected to a docked system because you would play vr infront of your tv

unless they also have plans for a mobile vr game, but where does any normal person find the clear and safe environment to move around with a vr thing covering their veiw of the world around them AND without getting hurt?

I like nintendo and I hate apple. don't be a dumbass and group us together with jackasses like apple zombies.

also, not everyone who likes nintendo likes amiibos. I know amiibos are something stupid that I would never buy, but I like everything else they do (well 80-90%)

and on an internet connection they are already paying for.

The system IS a screen. Nintendo tries to make stuff affordable to undercut the competition. Their affordable answer to VR would be an extra large google cardboard style headset that you physically insert the entire Switch tablet into. If they made a VR device containing its own screen and motion sensors, it'd cost almost as much as the console itself and people would just buy the PS4/PSVR instead, or nothing at all.

wait so if you had a Wii U… it would basically be like taking the Wii U gamepad controller and duct taping it to my head?

also no proof they are doing this. right…?

It's just my theory but I feel pretty confident I'm right. It's the only way to compete.

It would obviously have lenses to make the VR/3D/depth perception work, like google cardboard or the samsung GearVR or etc. You'd remove the controller parts and use them like a wiimote/nunchuck set, so that only the screen is in the headset. We don't know what it weighs yet but it's way thinner and has almost no bezel compared to the Wii U gamepad.


A company in UK is selling pre orders for $250 us equiv but more than that they are price guaranteeing it so they must have some inside information or they are about to lose a fuckload of money.

the 1.5 tflops is marketing because that's half accuracy flops, the Nvidia Tegra p1 has realisticaly .75 tflops, but this still doesn't make much sense considering the confirmed and rumoured ports coming to the Switch, Rime, Dragon Quest XI, Dark Souls 3, but even then there's a good chance it's just a customized Tegra X1 with the GPU running closer to the P1, but even that makes little sense.


I'm a Metroid fan. I'm fucking done with Nintendo.

what do you mean?

pic related

Performance for all computers is limited by heat dissipation and power. It's a fact of physics. If a chip overheats, physical properties of the transistors in the chips literally change and shit stops working. And even if you could strap a monster cooling fan to a handheld device, it would burn through the battery.
Is GOOD news because it confirms that the Switch doesn't use the same, lower than ideal clock for docked and portable. That was a legitimate concern prior to this, that they would go full retard and not let it run at the maximum clock in docked mode because they wanted there to be no difference between docked and portable mode.

Kill yourself dipshit.

>joycon grip might have the option to install the joycons at an angle for a more traditional control layout
>joycon grip might be able to adjust the horizontal and vertical spacing of the joycons for comfort
I say "might" for those last two because they don't seem to be implemented on the version shown in the ad. Might come in a later version.

Post the fucking paper user.


kek. You got proven wrong like a retard and now are trying to save face changing the argument. Go home kid, you lost.

I played and completed the pc, ps2 and gameboy versions. They're all pretty great. PS2 is probably the best if I had to choose one

Do you get QP Dangerous if I download this?

The jews fixed that.

how can you be so dense. forget you know everything about the switch for a moment. now listen to this: compare specs of last 3ds. compare to specs of switch when undocked. a suitable single-screen replacement for the 3ds with updated specs, with the option for even better graphics when pluggid into a tv? fucking ta-dah.

people sometimes…

Fuck, I have no image for this. There are no pictures that can be posted, because it's pgysically impossible to contain the right mix of laughing at autists, not taking retards seriously, and horror that someone wants to be taken seriously THIS badly.
I should call it a something because it's degmerate, but whatever.

Make them sit down? Like for a mech seat or pilot cockpit?
Or alternatively provide even more safety warnings about motion controlling in a confined space that everyone continue to ignore since the Wii era.

Could just be patenting it for their next hardware after the Switch.


So I was wrong, the switch does indeed have an X1 vs the K1 I said it would have

However, I can't stop laughing because they are running the X1 at specs far below what would have been capable with a K1, and they could have just put in a larger battery they could have solved the battery life issue no problem, I have a note 7 that can do 4 hours of hard 3D gameplay no problem


Remember all those threads with inbreds like you claiming that the Switch would be a K1 at best and weaker than the Wii-U and 2 hour battery life and this and that based on completely unsubstantiated rumors?
Yeah, me too.

Honestly, that was one of my big gripes with the system. Probably going to be $60 a stick, and Japan exclusive, so that's going to be great.

are we supposed to know who you are?