My favorite thread got shoahd by the mods tonight. It's dead and shit, like my waifu Shitsu...

My favorite thread got shoahd by the mods tonight. It's dead and shit, like my waifu Shitsu. I was the favorite avatarfag. I'm gonna shit up the rest of Holla Forums.

You don't have be a Ritsu lover to be an cuck. Anthony Burch is a cuck.

My waifu is a shit. She's back in the trashcan for her sixteenth time. Good luck with that one. Sick of the bullshit. Sick of all this shit. I don't post on other threads anymore, cause I hate every mod, I don't care what they're up to. Four years I wasted, shitting up 4am, getting cucked by fucking Mark. Now I stay at home, like a fucking neet, I'm not gonna take any shit from anyone.

I know what's going on. I got set up. I got jumped. Thank god my shit waifu wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass banned. She would have wound up with a black eye and prolly went into the thrash (that's where she lives anyway). She has a big forehead.

I live to eat shit. I love it. Bring it the fuck on.

Ritsu's a shit motherfuckers.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't come to Holla Forums tomorrow.



Are you a sexy bot?

So play any fun videogames today?

Those girls, user, don't exist.


What are you, a hipster?

Interactive entertainment?

That's because she's with me, fam.
I'm sharing your waifu with the buds tonight.

Art and modern art are seperate things user.

This is why I shit on modern "art".

Much better

more 4AM drama?

Todd Howard is suffering.

Do you think Todd Howard is happy with all of the lies he's conjured up over the years?

Kill yourself already, you fucking shitstain.


Fuck you OP I want you to see this.

You are just as bad as modern artists.

4am thread is still there, what are you shits mad about?

dont disrespect my mod brothers you cunt
i hope mark comes in and personally breaks your fucking neck


OP is mad because he can't have the thread all to himself.

This type of faggotry won't happen under marxism.

Alternate subject:LOL

Man, Quentin really let himself go

I want to say for Holla Forums to fuck off, but even leftypol wouldn't make something this shitty.

I have no cringe image fitting enough for this shit.