Friendly reminder Xenoverse games being confirm canon is looking more and more likely
Dragon ball general
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Just like the movies are canon
Nothing after Namek is canon
Well, some of the movies are canon. Wrath of the Dragon, Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F are definitely canon, Cooler's Revenge might be canon, all of the Broly films are definitely not canon (especially Bio-Broly) and I'm pretty sure Bojack Unbound might be canon.
at this point I think the only two canon Universes are Dragon Ball and Heroes.
all this xenoverse stuff seems like garbage to me.
there was a clear distinction in power levels in the series, in the game everybody has the same power level, like fucking golden frieza and golden Cell make a fusion and its still the same shitty moves and laser beams.
in the anime, a fusion between frieza and cell could destroy the universe by farting if the rest of the anime is anything to go by
Something tells me you haven't bothered with Super. Power levels and titles mean absolutely nothing now. Remember when God mode was a huge deal? Now the super version of it is about as powerful as super saiyan 3… maybe less powerful.
just use the launch wig you dumb fag
Is that why they featured him in the latest episode?
yes, that's why he was the best character in the last episode
I think you missed the point, user. All that stuff is great, but giving even half a fuck about what is and isn't canon is gonna become really stupid once Shuesida starts rolling out more (1) and done spinoffs like the new Yamcha one.
Fucking casual.
My favorite animes are NGE and SEL and I still love the dragon ball series.
expand your taste.
Yamcha showed himself to be the manliest character that episode. Took everything like a champ and won the game for the team despite even the likes of Goku and Vegeta running and hiding.
Yamcha was a human that went against god and op aliens. He still managed to beat them all at baseball even while taking hits that would have murdered any other human.
Yamcha has the best character and drive in the series by far. It just sucks that humans got left behind back in late db and z. Too bad Yamcha and Tien never used the dragon balls to do something like making human potential limitless like the saiyins.
I think everyone in the series has gone to the point of being to destroy planets with their finger tips. The problem is that whoever is writing the shows has no fucking clue on how to show how powerful they really are so they seem like they are just the same as before the buu saga. It's ridiculous now, they're basically Gods with no way of showing that they really are and no signs of improvement over power levels.
In the game ginyu takes over Trunks, I fucking thought I was done since you know, he's actively going for Towa and Mira, but nope my scrawny saiyan with basic attacks and pre SS Goku were able to take him down easily. How he hasn't been killed yet is beyond me and nevermind demon fruit Turles and Slug.
If there are memes of it, that's not deep enough to not call yourself a normalfag.
Well, you can firmly place Bojack Unbound, Wrath of the Dragon, Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F in the timeline. Most of the other movies are dubious at best. Fusion Reborn, especially since a) it can't really happen after Vegeta died because Buu and b) Frieza was a bit surprised seeing Adult Gohan even though he would've seen him before during Fusion Reborn.
I'm..going to judge you on NGE. Sorry bub. Now if you say Getter Robo or Giant Robo, I can forgive you.
Also, are QQ bangs always random or is there way to get what you want out of them?
If you get two pieces from the same set and a rank 5 booster should get you a qq bang with those states.
Thats because Xenoverse 1 protag did all the heavy lifting
People will quite literally decide what is canon for themselves, based on whatever logic guides them. I've seen people act as if Super's anime supersedes the BoG/RoF movies. just cause it came afterward and changed a few things.
Even though dragon ball hasn't been completely consistent with itself, it's still easier to just say "only the manga and the last two movies are canon." That shouldn't nullify the enjoyment you can get out of a watching the older movies, or GT. Though I was completely on board with that theory going around when we first found out about other universes. That some of them could have been the non-canon DBZ stuff.
A universe where the events of Lord Slug happened instead of the Namek arc, huh? Sounds interesting.
That's how retcons work, baby. Newer material covering the same events supersedes what comes before it, provided its canon. If Super is canon, then yes, it's telling of events renders the movies outdated and its own telling becomes the new canon for those events.
Friendly reminder yamcha is being set up to become the strongest Z fighter who isn't a saiyan.
I love that the tears in his pants are the same.
If we see some character development here with Yamcha getting the drive to become much stronger and develop more interesting techniques for both combat and other practical purposes, I'll be hype.
Piccolo has more or less been set as the tacticool Z fighter, so Yamcha training with Piccolo to develop new attacks when?
But it does, since Super is canon those movie aren't anymore.
Anything and everything could kick Trunks ass before Super came along. Hell, I'm sure Cell gave Trunks the win when Cell finally came along in the future. Think about it this way. The Cell we know and love killed a future version of Trunks. Of whom should of been the same strength of basic Cell form if the theory that Trunks was now strong enough to destroy android 17 and 18 in the past is fact. Power Levels have never been consistent and any user who says otherwise is an autistic faggot up there with Chris-chan.
I think the other user is talking about the spin-off story being made.
Who gives a shit?
Xenoverse 2 still doesn't have good gameplay because the japs are too retarded to simply copy paste Tenkaichi 3's combat system
And Super is a joke, nobody gives a shit about it. The animation is shitty and the writing is somehow even worse than it was during GT.
But I'm pretty sure after xenoverse 1 he should have gotten stronger but I guess not.
Also, how the fuck do I get rid of this annoying tip message? trying to get turles armor and the fucking thing takes a good chunk of my screen and google is unreliable and giving me irrelevant searches as always.
One of the most useless characters ever made. Even for a meaningless filler movie he was bad.
I meant the ginyu armor. Shit how I fucked up is beyond me.
I was actually surprised when they got him to be in the story mode. I always thought it just of those non cannon things like Vageta's little brother.
But I do like his battle suit.
Are you kidding? The Ocean Dub had Staind in it… STAIND
that's like, the epitome of 90's background music. That alone makes it a passable movie.
nah, it was still one of, if not THE worst DBZ movies
The face of pure bliss
The Cell that killed Trunks had fed on humans for years and over a long period of time became very powerful. The version that Trunks killed when he shoah'd Gero's creations was considerably weaker.
Should I gather the dragon balls and go back, or keep the look?
I don't recall that detail ever coming up and even if this was the case, Trunks should have known about this Cell since he would (presumably) have been able to sense power levels. The only way this can be reconciled is with Cell staying in stealth mode for all that time with no word of his actions getting out, which would be unlikely considering he leaves clothes everywhere. Also, this is the same Cell that was fairly evenly matched by Piccolo after he fused with Kami, which says even less about the Trunks he killed. And this Trunks was the one who had apparently killed his versions of 17 and 18. Power levels are bullshit mate.
That Trunks didn't kill 17 and 18, he deactivated it with the controller that Bulma created in the past.
In the alternate timeline he went, Krillin didn't fall in love with 18 and deactivated her and 17.
Also, power levers doesn't mean shit if you have your guard down, remember that Krillin threw a rock at SSJ Goku and he still got hurt by it.
I thought the Cell we know had killed Trunks in a sneak attack, then turned into an egg and used the time machine. After hatching, he went on to feed in hiding until he was strong enough to start hunting for 17 and 18.
Trunks just fucking sucks. Even in a universe where he's strong enough to avenge everyone and accomplish his goals, he can still get sucker punched and die in obscurity.
What we know of toei and how they handle super, is enough to say otherwise. Super follows and is a continuation of the anime, and whatever relevant the changes they made. The last two movies are in line with the manga. If you say the anime of super is canon, than you may as well say everything else toei has done on their own is as well.
Since the tournament arc, they've gotten the bullet points of Toriyama's story and they essentially make their own interpretation of it, the difference being that they have a lot more leeway to do what they want as opposed to DB and Z which they were heavily restricted to following the manga. Super basically isn't the end all be all for whats what. It's not to discredit the anime, and anything good they've done. It's just how it is.
Basically, Cell we know is from timeline 3 where Trunks deactivated the androids and didn't train in the HTC. The Future Trunks we know is from timeline 2 where he destroyed the androids and Cell after training in the HTC in the past with Vegeta.
Consdering that people can hide their presence and powerlevel, cell sneaking on him doesn't mean he sucks. I mean after 18 and 17 were gone, why would trunks even be on alert. Cell, even before slurping up many humans, isn't that weak in the first place.
Tarble is canon, though. He got a mention in BotG.
I remember now. They just show him and he just disappears never to be found again. I thought he was non cannon because of it.
You'll just have to be patient.
How the fuck would you figure that out
This, most bad guys are also kinda autistic so they'd snap at literally nothing just because they have the power to.
That's what pedo god from Lightning returns wanted
He just didn't have the capacity to create human souls so everyone would just be emotionless dolls
Reclaim Constantinople
bui here
please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3
my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~
Loomis is an intro to anatomy. Williams is the animation guide.
bui here
please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3
my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~
Literally name one game.
bui here
please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3
my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~
How the fuck is Rance "a bit much"?
It's probably the most vanilla that rape porn can ever get
What a shit game, who even fucking cares.
Between what an awful shit show this game has turned out to be on PC, and the way dragon ball super is heading I can't say I really give a single fuck anymore.
Fuck Bandi.
Fuck Dimps.
Lazy, retarded money grappling spooks.
What kind of stupid fucking company repeatedly lets their game be subverted over and over. One that doesn't fucking care about their buyers.
I won't be buying Xenoverse 3.
Nice job, fucking morons. Twice they've let this slip by, what do they care. They already have the money, fuck the rest.
bui here
please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3
my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~
Shiggy diggy mah niggy
bui here
please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3
my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~
Cool. Not gonna bother then, retard.
TF2 is shit
bui here
please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3
my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~
I really hope they don't release this piece of garbage here. Nintendo just attract the absolute shit side of vidya: Casuals and little girls. Meanwhile, we'll be keeping destroying you in CSGO, gringos.