I tried starting a comic almost 9 months ago.
P.E.R.S.U.E.R. stands for:
I tried starting a comic almost 9 months ago.
P.E.R.S.U.E.R. stands for:
that's… nice
Are you intentionally trying to copy it, Jesus fuck.
ohhhhh my big dick hurts so bad
You mean "Labeled" right?
Post more.
Haven't made more. I made these during the down time as a tard-wrangler until he stole my tablet and broke it.
I should fire up my Call Of Chernobyl and see what other adventures he gets into…
point taken
comeon man, you can't just tell us that and not give us some more details
also post moar comics
Not anymore: The tard went on a rampage and destroyed the front of my car. He got hauled away some months ago.
That doesn't answer my question; why be one in the first place?
Also, "hauled away" you mean like prison? They throw tards in prison?
How does a tard destroy part of a car?
they throw them in an asylum if they are too violent, which is basically the same thing except with more hard drugs
Is this an epic thread in the making?
It could be if OP would stop being a faggot and holding out
This thread is an artifact.
fucking this.
Get your ass back in here OP
I see someone wished for new stalker material at the wish granter again.
Careful user.
pursue is spelled with a "u" you autist
I think OP might actually be one of those tards he's mentioned in the thread.
or maybe he meant P. E. R. U. S. E. R.
Let me post Hotweels!
Hotwheels is worm food.
Why is it not letting me post bulk text?
i think you need to kill youself
Either make more or fuckoff
You need to make some tards into characters.
Why is Holla Forums being shit today? Can't post anything more than 3 lines
Posting is broken and our friend Codemonkey is on vacation. Look at /sudo/.
What the FUCK are you talking about?!
Is this what it feels like to be a woman being undressed by a guy who constantly asks "May I unbutton your shirt?" "May I touch your left thigh?" ?!
You're retard No2, aren't you? Pick up a book or at least turn on autocorrect, ya blithering idiot.
this is now a dubs thread
Isn't that literally what the manager told you? Are you sure you're not Tard 4?
If you don't protect your computers you deserve it. You don't leave your computers unlocked, especially if you use automatic password filling.
This needs to be your protagonist.
This is all bs and op is underage.
Are you sure it isn't Metro?
All posts are bullshit user-kun.
Gosh darnit OP, if you steal my tablet again you wont get any more tendies.
The actual fuck, are you taking rere meds?
he made another thread on Holla Forums as well.
pretty sure OP himself is the tard he's talking about
I'm onto you, Sam.
i think doctor assisted suicide is justifiable
I came to this thread expecting goofy comics about a retarded marked one and his adventures in the Zone, but after reading the thread I'm not sure if I should be crying of laughter at this ridiculous greentext story or worry about the fact that they let retards in charge of other retards.
Maybe OP hangs around the Monolith a bit too much.
About 5000 hours in ms paint
I can't find the greentext this was based on, but yeah. It's based on a greentext.
do you have a link or something?
is this the kids next door thread?
actually the whole thread is strange. theyre being awfully warm to a blog poster.
is it just because he opened up the thread with s.t.a.l.k.e.r. or is it just that time for the polite anons to show up?
I dunno man, just write it up as an anomaly
my, youre a cheeki one
I just found "Labled one and the peculiarity" hilarious.