The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (+ Switch)
Sonic Mania
Nier Automata
South Park; Fractured But Whole
Tekken 7
Persona 5
Sonic 2017
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0
Shenmue III
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
I am ANGRY about The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. That game held me hostage for weeks, and while being decent-ish it's fucking outrageous how it expects you to beat the same bosses 20 times just to progress to the next phase. If RNG doesn't treat you right, you get no damage items and killing anything, especially bosses, takes fucking forever so you'd rather restart. You can unlock a fuckload of items through grinding but GUESS WHAT FUCKFACE YOU'RE STILL GONNA FIND THE SAME OLD ITEMS EVERYWHERE.
If you want to be a completionist, just fucking shoot yourself because you have to beat every boss on every difficulty on every character and you'll be repeating the same fucking shit 500 times. Shit game, I hate it.
Isn't Ace Combat 7 supposedly coming in 2017? Or am I just having wishful thinking?
Kingdom Hearts Ground Zeroes
Kingdom Hearts 3 I hope
Possibly info on DMC5
Shit list tbh
You listed Bannerlord thrice.
Not until Serious Sam 4
No shit
You were supposed to say, "I like Bannerlord."
What? Preposterous!
What makes you think that?
2017 looks like it could be a good year. I'd bet money it'll get bogged down with delays and jewish business tactics though.
Oh, shit my dude, I'm sorry. I just kinda assumed. Please don't tell the internet police on me, man. I can't go back to cyberprison.
Have you considered gitting gud? but seriously, the only time I've felt that way is with keeper and lilith.
What's fun is that most of this stuff comes out in Spring or even earlier, except for like 2-3 games.
About time
Super Mario Switch
Crackdown 3
Sea of Thieves
Torment Tides
Nu Star Control
The Guild 3
We haven't even seen the Outcast remake though, or is it going to be what they showed when they did the kickstarter?
eh, it may be pretty but it's just a remake, why not play the game that's already been out for 20+ years?
This, I look forward to any good game that did come out this year floating to the top in a few years, cuz I sure ain't looking now.
No, this is something else entirely since they found a publisher.
I just hope they don't fuck it up
2017's looking good to me so far.
Same frogs who publish Sherlock Holmes games.
Also got the Test Drive IP from the kikes at Atari.
Lets see what they do with it.
It looks similar but kind of ugly, I don't get it.
Looks decent enough to me
I remember the kickstarter looking better.
Looks exactly the same as the Kickstarter images.
Yeah, and this is only a short list, there's ton of games I'm excited about that OP didn't list. And there will be plenty more announced in 2017 itself(Like the Switch's launch library) and hopefully released that same year.
Maybe 2017 can finally turn video games around. A lot of passion projects and beloved franchises making a comeback in 2017, here's to hoping
2017 is looking bretty good for me
There's a few differences but it does look better, those low res images are noisy as fuck.
I'm surprised that there are 4 games I'm interested in playing on that list, 3 more than last year.
The one from last year was delayed to 2017 anyway.