What happened?

What happened?

"nerd culture" got popularized

I wish it was just a fad but i dont see where else they could go. unless they all committed them selves to todays hottest HBO shows. Seriously, I hope most of them "grow out of it".

Wait, its an anime using pixel shit art?

mind blown

It's a phase for most, it's always been a phase, those who do not grow out of it grow to become autistic manchildren.

that is us of course



liberals used "nerd" culture as a soapbox and our hobby never recovered.

2007 happened.


Same thing that always happens, Pinky.

user what the fuck.


Sri Lanka


I just like this webm don't really care about the thread thanks


Why does it had to be the year 2007 where everything when to shit? How the fuck did all of that bad shit happened in the first place?

It's like a fucking movie plot, "The Year the World Went to Hell"

And the hero got fucking killed at the end or some shit but the story ends on a bittersweet note in that the villain won't get what he wants.

Because fuck this. Everyone says it in their head, fuck this deal. That motherfucker has to deal with us now, and by god he's gonna get his fucking ass killed for this shit, if someone started all this.

I like Codemonkeys

Yeah, that sociopathic ginger was the best next to the fucking cowboy boss.

I still think the Cockgoblin was the best joke on the show

It really had it's moments.

It had some funny parts but looking back it's embarassing




Okay and? Code Monkeys was good.

You guys are trying way too hard to boogeyman an entire year when there were years leading up to 2007 that didn't help shit.

Can you really blame G4 when nobody watched it? It wasn't even part of basic cable or satellite packages for the most part.


You do know that if it wasn't for G4, Adam Sessler won't exist.

Did Code Monkey shoot up office after rejected by solid 7 secretary?

wasn't he on tech TV?

Originally, yes

Code monkey get fired, code monkey get replaced by woman, woman get put in charge of hiring, now all code monkeys friends also out of work

Fuck off

i liked code monkeys, it has heart unlike big bang theory. a bunch of the joke really are just stuff for people were nerdy/geeky whatever back then, unlike big bang theory which is a bunch of jokes based off of what people think of nerdy/geeky people. and it was funny


Is this what hell feels like?

Do you know the anime?

Always found how it had to abide by copyright laws because it was on a network really killed it. I think if it were a web series, it would have been great.

Wow it's almost like someone could put "code monkey amv" into any search engine and find that out for themselves

Black Heaven, but seriously get your shit together dude.

It's like poetry I tell you.

Was it on that service or something? I remember it being decent at a time with a good collection of obscure and slightly above average games. Also much trash.

I don't understand. I've never watched a full episode of the show. Do the people ITT hate it or like it?

>implying I've been browsing the internet actively from 2007 or after
Let me tell ya about nerds, user. Nerds have existed ever since some beta male from a tribe decided to stop trying to fuck women and invent useful shit; not so he could get accepted and get women, but so he could feel good about himself.
The Nerd is an egotistical creature, disgusting by nature anti-social and extremely prejudistic against everyone that isn't part of his intimate group. Women cannot be nerds for the reason of the Nerd being an anti-social creature by nature, while women are the epitome of human society.

The idealization of the Nerd in 2007 happened when the social creature (common human male and female) started introducing themselves (forcefully) inside the Nerd's territory (internet).
This is what we know as a "Geek", the Geek is not a Nerd, the Geek wants to be the Nerd but fails misserably; for this, the Geek grows with rescent to nerd culture and wants to destroy it to create another more culturally enriched Nerd culture on the Geek's image that the Geek can enjoy. That's where sjw come from.

I'd argue that in a society where muscle and brawn has lost much of it's value and the brain and culture would bring you advantages even on social competition, the Nerd would see and improvement in apreciation. He is now the ideal every wants to aspire to.

That is a problem however, seeing how the Nerd is egotistical by nature and does things for his sake, so what society and everyone else idolizes instead is the concept of someone that gets shit done, like it always has, only now you do it with your brain.

The Geek is then the result of a Chad with the body of a Nerd. He pursues the idea of superior hobbies and interests to place him above the usual knuckledragger as well as placing value on higher academic subjects like science and politics.
But he isn't really interested in any of those things, only in what they bring him so he will always have misinformed opinions and do incredibly average things at best because the results are not what matters, what he gets out of them is.

I'll still maintain that the Nerd is egotistical but rather because he has passion for his interests and fully devotes himself to them. He will gladly share them with anyone interested as well but he won't sacrifice them for the sake of someone else.

Thankfully the Chads are pretty easy to suss out.