So, I showed my parents Drive.
The scene where he is in the elevator with the girl and the kid is where they stopped watching it and started to watch The big bang theory
So, I showed my parents Drive.
The scene where he is in the elevator with the girl and the kid is where they stopped watching it and started to watch The big bang theory
Thanks for the laugh.
When it came out, I was on a class trip to Ireland. Two of my friends watched it with their host family and thought it was boring trash.
They're both leftist cucks watching colbert and kvetching about 'man-splaining' now
I'm seeing a pattern here.
Is Drive the ultimate litmus test?
My father watches The Big Bang Theory and I have no idea why. I never even hear him laugh at it. He just watches it and…sits in dead silence.
His suffering should end.
My mom does like the soundtrack,she like driving to it when I play it in the car.
Fuck, mine do the same. They only talk when theres ads, feels really strange,
my dad falls asleep in front of the tv, usually zapping from commercial to commercial.
when you try to take the remote to turn it off, he jumps up like in a horror movie.
nestled at the teat of the talmudic advertising demon, you are witnessing withdrawal symptoms