Picking the 'good option'



ur gay


I always preferred systems involving several conflicting factions and guilds. Typically the player makes actions based more in the their self-interests to further or undermine their specific agendas (and hopefully seeing some palpable change in the game world) rather than appeal to what the developer arbitrary defines as "good" or "bad".

frienhdly reminder that sociopaths sometimes donate to charity to appear good to their friends n family.
i bet many sociopaths did the ice bucket challenge thing for ezpz socio points tbh…


Sounds like crusaderfaggotry.

Only mudslimes and feminazis should be outright purged.


Not crusaderfaggotry, just intrigue and deception in fantasy Yugoslavia.

It isn't hard to make a more simple morality system without any PC shit.

>inb4 akagi


it would be neat if a game didn't outright always tell you whats considered the good or bad karma choices, especially if it varied between which characters you spoke to


Tactics Ogre is a great game.

Video games tend to have about as good of a grasp of morality as they do economics.

You swore loyalty to the king user.


Games dedicated to economics does a pretty good job of it, it's just that the appeal for those types of games is very low.


Bull shit.

Mass Effect 3.

you're kidding right?
Morality systems are for pozzed faggots.

Sounds like Fallout 3/NV/4, unless they got rid of karma as well in 4, I don't know I never played that garbage.

Actually thinking about it, it might just be NV. Killing fiends, ghouls and powder gangers gives you stupid amounts of positive karma. There's at least half a dozen fag characters, and most of them flirt with you if your PC is the rightwrong sex. And it's been a while since I played NV, so I don't remember much about the DJ, I know he talks about your exploits but I don't think he's as much of a pretentious douche if you have negative karma as the nigger DJ from 3.

Sage for self-reply.

Except I do. Call me arrogant.

What even does that mean and why would that shit matter so long as someone contributed to society as a good, productive hard worker?

Bullshit. Morality systems are for influencing how you as a player are received by others and how that influence or actions affects the world around you.

Don't use Bioshit's forced political bias as an excuse to shit on an entire gameplay mechanic that can potentially dynamically change the entire playthrough.

Oh yeah I forgot.

The DJ is a reference to a different fallout, and the fag flirtation is not from Fallout at all. You are right about Fiends and PGs though. I always wondered why killing them gave so much good karma. Is it some failsafe so edgelords can get good karma, but still be edgy or what?

whoa what

Delouse yourself of that materialism boy.

Yes, join us in the bread lines

Communism is the apotheosis of materialism, dunce.

I won't ever have kids because I fucking hate them and can't emotionally have a relationship, but I can still help some place make a profit and make life easier for coworkers while also trying to introduce little bills and vote to slightly improve the community.

In my free time I'll entertain myself in whatever ways while slowly trying to make games people who actually play games would enjoy.

I fail to see any remote problem with this mentality.



What shit is that?

Probably fallout 4

That seems painfully accurate.


Bethesda gets a lot of bullying.

BATMAN is back (in black) AND THIS TIME IT'S PERSONAL, because THIS GUY insulted his 2D WIFE and HE WANTS HIS EYES BACK


maybe video games shouldnt be thought of as anything more than a fun fantasy