Loot from previous threads:
>Full Soundtrack mega.nz
>Portraits mega.nz
Persona General
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Also The Persona 5 official Design works info
Book Content
The art book will be A4 size and contain 512 pages filled with beautiful visuals and never before seen content from the game. It is a gathering of the charming artwork for Persona 5.
It will include full comments from visual and character designer Shigenori Soejima.
The art book will feature:
Full illustrations of those involved with the “Phantom Thieves,” including the main characters and their personas. Additionally, it will have valuable illustrations such as concept art of the characters, rough images, drafts, etc.
In-game illustrations as well as familiar battle cuts such as the eye close-ups in battle and the All-Out Attack artwork.
Artwork of the game’s box, magazine covers, posters, gallery illustrations.
Character commentary from character designer Shigenori Soejima, as well as a long interview about the game. Completely new information about the game.
A storyboard of the opening animation, with highlighted details.
Personal data about the characters that have not been revealed until now
Figures will be released.
Any mega links for the artbook?
What do you think they'll add to the inevitable re-release?
it comes out later this month but I'm getting it so you anons will get scans.
more Goro stuff and more to the conspirators plot lines and maybe just maybe a female protag path.
Damn it man, i can't download the soundtrack because MEGA says i am ''over quota". Should i make an account? Can i just wait a bit and it might resume the download? Or could you maybe upload the soundtrack in parts?
Marie is in the game though.
These games have god-tier OSTs, almost as good as Nier.
On a scale of good-meme how badly is the "localisation" going to be?
I'm sure it'll be okay, but those trailers indicate some lines were just translated blunt force trauma, so I expect a stilted line here and there. There's also some pronunciation issues, which is just bizarre.
I would take that rather than memes. ive been looking forward to this for 3 years now.
Have you tried JDownloader?
Whats that?
Still, I think at some point in the last year Altus' localization team changed in some way. It's the only explanation I have for how those mistakes, and the blatant miscast of Tae Takemi, got past the same team who dubbed P3, P4, Catherine, and the Devil Survivor 1&2 remakes.
Make an account with a 10 minute email, user
Im just going to go on the hopes that p5 wont be butchered mainly because the actual translation part of dungeon travelers 2 was good. shame about the 3 altered images
What's he say in Jap?
So this is my persona!
I need a picture of a fish because that describes the smell of this post.
I used a exclamation point by mistake in the Japanese ver he says so this is my persona after…. having it wake up when he sees the mc and the cat getting their shit kicked in.
No, his post checks out.
"Kore wa, (im guessing some form of "I") no persona…"
Okay then, it's an understandable localization. Theyre trying to get his delinquent character through.
Personally i would translate it to
"Alright, my own persona!"
But thats just me.
Could be worse
Too airy.
was the dual audio worth the wait?
Well user we have to wait and see.
A program that is very useful for downloading multiple files off places like MEGA.
I use it for convenience and hasn't made MEGA throw a bitchfit for being overquota
Huh, Barbie works surprisingly well for her. Y'know, I expect her and Anne to have the higher pitched voices, and Makoto and Haru to have lower pitches, but they did the opposite. Hope it still works.
Meant for
what is a more realistic approach?
I feel like its the former.
The former implies the webs understand jap outside of a few trope words and the latter two situations have nothing to do with each other.
Thinl about it, lefties are salty enough to blame russia on the election, why wouldnt they insert their politics where they dont belong?
You're talking about delaying a game, that was already delayed multiple times, ruining all the planned Valentines "Take you Heart" marketing, scheduling and recording VA, coding it into placed spending all that money and resources… to insert political nonsense in random places just because Trump won. Far fetched doesn't begin to describe that lunacy. I find it likely they just realized ADR guy fucked up in places, and since P5 is one of Atlus highest anticipated games EVER, they want to undo those fuck ups.
I'm more with this but with how nuts people have been lately who can tell.
All we can do is wait.
It would be easier to swallow if AtlusUSA EVER showed an inkling of that kind of behavior, which they haven't to my knowledge. And if they had, I'm sure I'd know because Holla Forums would've been blasting it and doomsaying way before this. Without a even a hint of it, I can't comprehend the leap of logic you want me to follow.
Only better.
What triggers the spot pass in Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker?
Is that how one gets the Durarara bonus characters?
If she didn't have pigtails in meido, she'd be the best cake.
Is her link mostly Maid or mostly teacher?
a mix of both
In a series full of mediocre waifus, how does it feel to know you have the worst one?
I need Goro in a GET SMOKED hat.
Get fucking smoked Holla Forums!
This isn't vidya.
Discardment is now at maximum level.
Triggered are we?
Needs more Cake
It's pretty much entirely maid visits in your room. I think there are 2 or maybe 3 ranks are different, can't quite remember since I only did one playthrough so far and that was back during launch week.
That's in-game, you mong.
It would be so simple.
Muh dick.
I'll be disappointed when I get the game and it dawns on me that it's turn-based. Way everything looks so fluid in these moments, makes it look like a ARPG.
At any rate, already looking forward to the inevitable P5A.
Damn, I really do like her teacher portrait more than the maid one.
I wonder if he'll give us coffee trivia. Is that in the Jap?
Like I said before, not bad, exactly, but miscast. She sounds like the chick you send photos to in Beyond Good and Evil. Also
Kozuka has a magic touch that's almost scary. He takes two of the greatest tracks from 20 years ago and mixes them together into something just as amazing.
Dude's a genius. Having heard his works for SMTIV and more, I find it hard to believe he's been with Atlus for only a decade, 'cause his skill is definitely 90s-tier. That's a lot more than I can say for any other Atlus employee of his generation.
His music makes the game and link to the ost if any user wants to import it amazon.co.jp
I'm cautiously optimistic for MegaTen's 30th anniversary.
Knowing Yamai's bad judgment, though, he might screw things up.
Fingers crossed for a PC game.
On the bright side, at least they're not going full retard and trying to dodge an M rating like they did for FE. That said, all the unnecessary renaming worries me, though the Japanese audio ought to fix most of it.
What did they rename?
Anne's spelling is changed to Ann.
Baton Touch is renamed to Baton Pass.
Navi is renamed to Oracle (though this one I understand, 'cause the name "Navi" carries a stigma in western gaming).
Let me know if I'm forgetting something.
What about Palace? They use that as a proper noun to refer to the other world, so I was wondering how they would translate that. "Are we going to Palace today?" seems a bit weird.
I wonder if they changed the name of the smartphone app too then. It was Isekai (other world) Navi in the Japanese version.
Baton Pass sounds better in English than Baton Touch. I agree about Anne to Ann, but wasn't there weeks of speculation about whether it was Anne or Ann before we saw it written in English on her Jap trailer?
Is that because if LoZ or the Megaman Battle Network games?
Not the biggest deal, its still pronounced the same
Much better than baton touch
Kinda indifferent
I'll buy it christmas 2017 when it's 10$ instead of 80$
I personally prefer Ann over Anne, and Baton Pass over Baton Touch. The latter can even be considered a dutiful linguistic improvement. But that's beside the point.
The changes may seem to be very few, harmless, and even agreeable so far, but that's how they get you. We've seen how this can go with localizers time and again. You give them an inch, they take a mile. I hope I'm wrong, but there are probably more changes to come. The fact that Hiraoka endorses "culturalisations" is especially worrisome.
Ehh I the Anne to Ann thing is like why?
I completely hate "localisations" but there are some things i think can be better in english. Baton touch makes no sense in english, you pass the baton, you dont touch them.
That one stumps me too. It seems utterly pointless.
My only guess is that Jews got triggered, but even that's a stretch.
True enough.
You do realize what a localizers job is, correct? It's not to do a one for one translation of the Japanese, because that just doesn't sound right in english. A localization isn't supposed to translate exact words. It can in some cases and it can work out well, but the main job is to translate the tone and meaning. To be faithful to the source material while sounding natural in another language.
I won't deny that some localizers certainly take excessive liberties, but I'm not about to use the fault of some to blame others, especially when they have no prior history of doing so. I can say this because I know if there were any, Holla Forums would've been blasting that shit and shitposting it in every vaguely Altus related thread. AltusUSA hasn't let me down or given me reason to believe they will. XSeed is another example of a good localization team.
A culturalization would be the Pokémon anime or even Phoenix Wright, and AltusUSA has never shown signs of straying that far. I have faith. But if they betray it, then P5 will be my last Altus game.
I don't preemptively blame anyone either. I'm just expressing my worries. Atlus USA do have a good track record, but when a franchise is breaking sales records and the localizer directly responds to it, it raises an eyebrow. It does me no harm to err on the side of caution.
hey listen
That's retarded.
To make up bullshit.
Everything said here falls under the purview of 'translation.' Stop using newspeak to justify and rationalize horseshit that has nothing to do with actual translation.
There is no such thing as 'localization'. It's code for "censorship and bullshit."
Why did they push this shit back? I've been going through the backlog with the intention of having p5 in February. I can still cancel my pre-order if there are reasonable suspicions of shit being bad.
They are bringing dual audio over. Thats why they they delayed it.
Translating/localising discussion always makes me think of an old poem (Roman Republic) by Ovid; it was to his lover, and was love poetry. Except, when you translated it to english it was… very very flat. And dull. And boring.
The textbook I was working from showed a 'localised' version and it got almost the exact same meaning over (in text and 'spirit') but was much better. And far less accurate as a translation.
In an ideal world that's what a localiser does; like the 'Baton Pass' thing mentioned above, that is a good example of localisation. It takes something would 'work' in english grammatically but makes it actually 'fit' without changing the meaning. In reality we have pissant nobodies completely changing lines and even characters for no obvious reason other than 'I can'.
You mean vampire?
But those are ROMs.
Do people actually believe this garbage?
Wow you're right, now that you put it that way it's completely ridiculous and obviously untrue. I'm gonna go buy a woman an expensive dinner right now!
Basically a modern Playboy the mansion game
Yukari gave up Sentai and dyed her hair.
Marie grew her hair out and plays Shogi.
i dont like that she's yukari
Now that I've thought about it, I prefer thinking of her as Katherine instead of Yukari. Plus I'll admit I just like Michelle Ruff.
Looking from all the videos, it seems relatively safe.
It may be retarded, but it's true.
Is Dante going to be in this game.
Of course he will, this game is about giving the finger to a restrictive society, and there's no one who can better deliver that message than Dante.
God damn it, print crew, you had one fucking jeb.
They're Japs, I don't know what you expected.
Yeah, I mean I wish there was something called internet where you could've checked how you write it correctly.
They're JAPS. Japs who's tenuous grasp of the English language is appreciated. That calendar was made for Japanese who think English looks cool. Have you seen shirts they sell there? I don't know what you expected.
I've heard that the delay for localization changes came from AtlusJP because they didn't like some script changes. Anyone know anything about where exactly the order and reason for it came from?
Best way to play Persona 1/2?
PSP versions. If you can read Jap, get PSP version of EP.
So, Atlus is going to livestream some news on the 23rd, specifically about their new IP.
Now mind you, as interesting as that is, and as much as I love new IPs, I do hope they'll have a little MegaTen tease on the side. It is the season of giving, after all.
I second this.
Anyone else concerned that this game will be censored?
No, you're the only one.
You fucking idiot, the whole game's cell shaded. Its just an extra shader they throw on top when the models freeze. It happens in menus and everything what the fuck is wrong with you?
I guess the original protagonist's voice actor wasn't available to take part in this thing. That's too bad. Judging by some of the Japanese Persona gameplay videos I've watched, he was great.
Anything is possible, but so far there seems to be no censorship in P5. The enemies still show that bleeding effect after an All-Out Attack and shit.
Pretty much this. I was quite hyped until I saw they put the same retard team in charge of the waifusonas in this ip. Such a waste. Now we know it will have a bland, anime plot, with shitty characters and probably some kind of game mechanic related to waifus or some shit like that.
But to be fair, I still didn't played 5, maybe they finally learned from their mistakes and did something good. So, what's the word? Is the plot as good as 2 or it's as bad as 3 and 4? How are are the characters and such?
Hmm a new Ip
It would appear Hashino at least stopped going full retard for the time being, judging by some good features coming back for P5 (gun equipment, negotiations, sacrifices).
I don't know about the characters and story, though.
In any case, I'd rather not have him on the new IP (unless it pulls him away from Persona, but that'll never happen).
Quads of death, now I'm even more worried for the new IP.
Atlus making medieval high fantasy RPG
Hashino (Persona 3/4/5) directing, but wants to keep it separate from MegaTen.
Says he wants to make an RPG that shakes people up.
Soejima is the main artist.
Well let's hope its good.
Huh. Sounds generic. What games outside of the Megaten style aside from Catherine have Altus produced? Is this a JRPG or and action game?
Not sure yet but who knows it could be good or could be shit personally I'd like a Persona where the MC is a adult and all the themes are based on adult problems that would be something fresh.
Generic doesn't necessarily mean bad, just that it's gonna need a lot of effort to be good.
We might just see that effort though.
I don't see the appeal. What makes it good?
For the new IP or wanting a Persona with adults?
IP I'm kinda eh on.
Cake confirmed for best girl.
The fact that it's not high school bullshit. Also being able to be around more mature characters like Dojima.
Is it safe to talk about Idol's Bizarre Adventure: FAIYA EMBERUM here, or am I the only one who's playing it?
Think of a PI who is near is late 20s and dealing with adult issues and struggling with a PI's pay grade so much could be done.
Tell me about it. A few of my friends wanted it to be even with your everyday salaryman in an office as he and his coworkers discover some shit going down and get Persona/Stands/Demons as a result. Closest we've got to either of those is Raidou and TMS, respectively, and only Raidou is actually worth recommending.
So… it just has older characters? Except instead of school clubs and classes they're worried about careers and paying bills? Meh. Where do the Personae fit in? Wouldn't adult characters be more restricted in what they can do as they lack the freedom and time of movement that high schoolers have?
True. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Do you honestly not grasp the idea that you can write a character more interesting than an emotional, irrational teenager? Seriously, imagine a cast of Dojima, Adachi, Ikutski, and others, but everyone is on that level of maturity and thought. Pretty smart, pretty rational, way more time to get out of the angst phase, not heavily focused on "gotta get the girl/I AIN'T GAY", no longer focused on school, and can address some darker issues that Persona skips over. Like what if someone survived their Shadow attacking them and they still denied it so it was scattered and they become a husk? Or needing to deal with sacrifice more openly than just the ending of Persona 3. Or even returning to the eldritch horror levels of demons invading rather than "spoopy monster mystery that only we can solve, us kids amirite xd". Not to mention were it a Detective Agency based game, you can deal with so many more mysteries in general.
Personally, I want a rumor system from P2 again but with a shitload of ways to influence what rumors are spread and dealing with someone that would spread rumors that would hinder you.
I never said that. And did you really just use Adachi as an example of a mature adult?
You mean like what happened to Mitsuo?
What do you mean? As in the sacrifice of other important things, or showing the consequences post sacrifice, or choosing the sacrifice ourself?
That doesn't require adult characters. Nothing you mentioned here really sells me on the interest of adult characters, especially since you could still do quite a bit of it with teens.
Ah, nice to see the scans are out. Sooner than I expected. Thanks for the heads-up.
The illustrations so far are pointing at a generic fantasy setting, but I highly doubt they'll play it straight.
I'm more curious about the gameplay. How exactly do they intend to "innovate" and shit? I swear it better not be one of those online co-op gimmicks.
Coming-of-age stories are popular because they're an easy demographic appeal. They tend to feel relatable to kids and nostalgic to adults. Personally, I think they're overrated, and Atlus' time would be better spent on other things for the most part.
Adachi more of an evil for the sake of evil theme that's usually not present in games.
Yes, now follow him to later in life. What happens to him? Does he ever recover?
All of those things. Do you sacrifice yourself in scenarios, or do you choose your friend to take your place? Would you give up your memories to make the world a better place? Would you give up your power to save someone else? They've been done here and there but they're still a decent theme.
It does when the fun police come around and tell all the kids to go home. Imagine Devil Survivor but actually making sense that the protagonist party is the most level-headed while the adults run around screaming.
Like, imagine a Persona game that has the Catherine characters. They're all just a bit older, wiser, or bitter with different interactions.
I suppose if you don't see a value in it, I doubt I can present a reason to convince you. It's not like I'm opposed to the high school settings but having a change would be nice.
It's not to say I wouldn't be into it if they tried it, I just don't really see the value of one approach over the other. It could be interesting to see, maybe I'm just missing something.
The adults are either taking advantage, dead, or keeping things under control. Most teens are panicking in shelters with their families. That JPs agents can't defeat Septentriones while the party can is odd, but your party has a good mix of adults and teens in my opinion.
Maybe it'll be action based but with how fluid the persona team made turn based game it most likely will have turn based.
Just when I thought 2016 had nothing left to surprise me.
He was pro Trump and one liked Nu Male's sky What the living fuck is 2016 and in a way I'm going to miss this year for how insane it truly was
Look on the bright side, at least it was just the music guy.
Indeed. While I love Meguro's works, he has no role in gameplay, and now I finally understand why.
His Music is still god tier tho
I can see.
Sounds ok
Any new info on the new IP and I will be providing scans of the art book.
Merry Christmas anons!
Do they ever fuse?
Called it.
They have one of the hardest boss fights in Persona they will utterly smash you with their loli powers.
Now when you say that do you mean Elizabeth in P3 hard structured, or actually hard?
actually hard they can one shot your party if you aren't careful they me their bitch when I fought them.
Sad. Good thing this farce isn't taking any of Yamai's time away from MegaTen.
I waited till the stream was over to watch it and good thing I did cause it was lackluster.
I'm impressed. Those guys know their fans better than I thought.
Can I shit in it? Also, is there anything for Jack Frost or Igor?
Futabas gonna end up in a wheelchair if they went full localization.
What kind of stigma would the most played of all Megaman games have?
They were called Net Navis, and I never knew the reception of the series. I've heard negative opinions, but I only played Blue Moon, which I liked.
Like all Megaman series (except Legends since it wasn't allowed to get far) it was made to be milked to a certain point wherein Capcom would take over and try to push it further wherein it always turns to crap before becoming good too late (about a game or two later). When it comes to the NT series, people loved the show and the game (though the way you fight isn't every ones cup of tea and was the reason I never tried it) but there hasn't been any sort of hate towards it even by the other Megaman fans that would lead to Net Navis being a stigma. People loved the idea of them and would love to have real Net Navis.
Only Megamen with stigma are Boxart, Legends, and the new cartoon one.
If you liked Blue Moon that's actually a good thing, because BN4 is regarded as the second worst in the series after BN1 (to be fair, it was the first.) If you try the other BN games you've got nowhere to go but up.
A belated (was unable to post for a few days, likely collateral damage on the spam bot purge) x-mas gift to the collectors among you, courtesy of the Wikia.
Jojo part 5 looks good, but I don't know why they changed everyone to jewel thieves in this adaption.
Nintendo memesters were a mistake.
Anyone here use the P4G save editor? I wondered if someone might give me a hand with something.
I've played P4G before, though it was the Japanese version. I felt like playing the English version, but obviously I can't use my Japanese save. So I wanted to use the editor to at least get all the important Personas that I'd already obtained. I followed the instructions from this video youtube.com
So I tried this method reddit.com
Any further details on where and when the original voice acting can be installed?
That was mostly Laura Bailey's fault. She picked dosh over Rise. The casting of Burch wasn't good, but there weren't really any good choices and they'd worked with her before.
I think Atlus wanted someone cheaper. I hope that's the case, and that it's not that there was anyone star struck by a YouTube A-lister like Ashly Burch.
No, Laura Bailey did VA and mo-cap work for Halo 5 and Gears 4 instead of DAN. She specifically said on twitter this is why she wasn't Rise in that game.
So? The effect is almost indistinguishable from drawn art. That's damned good on it's own.
I think I'd enjoy No man's Sky too if I have so much money that $60 looks like 60 cents.
It's really THAT bad, huh? He must have fucked somebody's wife hard.
my copy of the art book is coming tomorrow anons expect scans soon
Yo Holla Forums
Any sphinx mom or demon Sae?
yep give me a few to take pics
Thank you. You are a scholar and a gentleman.
Make Nippon great again.
Can you marry the cake?
She is the same as the other romance options.
There's tons of waifus in P4…and you pick the shittiest one of them all? Are you well, user?
Man, I wish for an Atlus all-stars fighting game with MVC3's gameplay formula.
I would do anything for that shit.
Atlus, if you're reading this, please make it happen.
I don't know Japanese, so feel free to correct me, but basically he seems to have thrown a compliment to oldschool MegaTen, and Okada and Kaneko's combination of talents in particular.
If this is legit, my respect for Suda is going way up.
She's also a maid that comes over.
[CURRENT YEAR +2] is going to be the year of cake.
can someone translate this
Good to see best girl getting so much love.
I'm sorry Glasses just turn me off now.
But Futaba actually needs them.
Meant for
Even if the SJW shit didn't happen. I'd still be turned off, since most of my female family members wears glasses.
The rims are far too thin and the design is nowhere near ugly as sin to be Problem Glasses.
I know just glasses never really do it for me.
From the cooperators, she definitely gets the most, followed by Goth Cake M.D. and Secretly-a-Turboslut Prosecutor. Still not much though and, judging by Pixiv, it looks like the interest already wore off. Now it's mostly the main characters with a lot of fujoshi shenanigans.
At least it's just the glasses.
But I hear you. [CURRENT YEAR] made some things I kinda liked into turn-off red flags.
Of fucking course
Her Dad is very unconformable if you date her.
Who gives a fuck.
She's asking for a furious dicking
They're not even related. He's probably just jealous.
Some artbook stuff scavenged from tumblr in case anyone's interested.
Most of the older Oya designs are better than what they went with. Sae and Kawakami's final designs are better.
That Sae looks like she came out of MGS.
this game looks great
I hope they will not fuck up the translation
Let's just hope only Junpei like references happen instead of hamfisted memes.
No offense but is it your first day on the internet? How can you not find it? Do you think things can only be acquired through webpages?
Clear look at some final Personae.
How come Nanako's biggest dream is going to a Walmart? Shits pretty sad so far.
Just look how happy she is.
I think its more equivalent to a mall. And to be with her dad.
this girl is gonna have serious issues when she grows up
Hey, small towns tend to revolve around a Walmart.
pc version confirmed never
That's what they usually say to get people to double-dip. Not to say a PC version is likely, but if it was in the works they probably would try to hide it for as long as possible.
If that were true, I would be playing a PC port of Persona 4 and Yakuza 4 and 5.
Persona 1's ending was spoiled for me do I still have any reason to play it?
So anons any thoughts on this?
Only if you don't want to play the best Persona. Also, it has more than one ending.
I was never expecting it, but if Hardin denies it, it just might happen.
I'm just tired of people whining about PS4 having no games, and then it getting games only for faggots whining about ports.
did anyone ever find a source for this?
were people seriously expecting a pc port? I mean it is possible but it was always quite unlikely
Yea it was in the stream they did in English
Does Persona 4 get better after shadow Mitsuo? Right now I'm getting annoyed at that boss, I've died like 3 times not because it feels hard but because it just takes forever. I'm playing on hard, do I need to level grind or get better gear or Personas?
that is what I have heard but I can't find the particular video of it.
for gameplay? it basicly reached how far it will go by then.. storywise there is a lull after Mitsuo and then it really picks up.
I don't know what is wrong but I think you do reduced damage on hard so yeah everything is going to take longer than it is supposed to. Persona levels are more important than your actual level so I would try getting better personas if your struggling.
Thats disappointing that the game basically runs out of steam in turns of gameplay. I didnt think that Hard mode would just make the game take longer to play since I was expecting it'd give me a bit more of a challenge like DeSu1 did. My characters are around level 40 with decent gear and Personas, and its not like the first form is a pain to takedown, but the babby form along with it slowly rebuilding it overtime is some of the most annoying shit since even when you do 70 damage its like you're slowly chipping away at its health bar. Then theres the fear spells it casts along with it taking two turns each.
A lot of RPGs don't actually make the enemies smarter, they just become sponges. There's almost no reason to play on anything above the easiest difficulty on Persona 3 and 4, especially since I don't think the tactics actually change. Persona Q changes damage, amount of XP earned and enemy tactics so at least it's a reasonable change.
So? Anyone can tell if Persona's 5 story and cast are at least near as good as Persona 2 (tsumi or batsu) or they're trash generic anime shit like 3 and 4?
Kinda glad I'm not the only one who prefers to play on the easiest difficulty.
Even I don't go that easy.
I go easier. If I'm extra lazy, I download someone else's save to NG+ from, get OP Personae and then pick Very Easy. If anyone has proof that the game actually makes you use tactics and shit on higher difficulties rather than making things take longer than they should, I'd be interested.
mini-boss/boss battles require some skill, since they require knowledge of weaknesses and when to block.
Mobs can be pretty difficult when you got enemies who arent weak to certain things, or heal their partners.
but other than that, yeah, its grind2win. EASY is the best balance for minimum grind, but moderate strategy
I played a ng+ on hard with exp and money set to normal, and no compendium personas. It was actually more fun than normal difficulty.
Nice trips. What made it more fun? Did the enemy groupings become more varied? Just hit harder but it's not obnoxious to grind in because normal exp?
Yeah, that's basically my experience. I did try to play Persona Q on Hard but it's just a chore to grind in so I said fuck it and moved down to Normal. Glad I didn't lock myself into Risky.
I'll be her dad.
After a certain point the enemies stop being a threat, but the bosses are alot more fun. More strategy and threat of dieing.
the best
I don't know how accurate this is, but on the tvtropes page it says Kawakami dumps the MC at the end of the game because of the taboo of their relationship and says they should wait until he graduates…basically just making this Trails of Cold Steel again.
I kind of hope this isn't true. If it is, then Futaba is locked in.
Fuck that.
Got a problem?
Yeah she probably smells like doritos and piss.
Makoto's links are boring
Don't slander the name of piss by using it to refer to Mountain Dew.
She says something like that in one of her coop events (forget which one), but you can convince her otherwise. No worries.
Wikia just added some good quality (if a bit small) concept art.
I miss Kaneko but Soejima does make a lot of really cool shit.
Looking at these more attentively, I'd rather have the FG adaptation be about playing as the Personae and Demons than the main characters.
If you're not lying, gif related.
Full artbook: imgur.com
Page order seems to be completely messed up.
The Cake is saved…
Did she get her cunt removed?